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Through the looking glass...

Time seemed to stand still for Ki'rok. They had not passed through just yet..so Ki'rok sat...like a man sentenced to Ruhra Penta'. The waiting was truly the worst. Logic told him, he should simply accept the hand that fate had dealt him. Besides, he did not want to live with killing the MACO on his conscience, anyway. Above all...his future had a dying Federation...and yet...he wanted to live.


He wanted to live...reagardless of the consequences. He thought the humans would have had a hard time dealing with this...but not..a vulcan.


And suddenly...the moment was upon him. The ship lurched...obviously they had encountered the freighter. Suddenly, a peace came over Ki'rok. A peace that transcended any emotion he had ever tried to suppress. He knew they had succeeded. He knew his time was at an end. The last thought to pass through that logical mind was that this could mean he would see his mother again. And with that thought...the image of a smiling Vulcan slowly faded in the depths of the Republic...

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