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Next Trek Movie

Which series should the next Trek movie be centred around?   5 members have voted

  1. 1. Which series should the next Trek movie be centred around?

    • The Next Generation
    • Deep Space Nine
    • Voyager

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Frankly, I have mixed feelings about Nemesis. It left me confused and unfulfilled, almost anticlimactic. It was like Season Three of Enterprise, I never really fell into synch with it, but I know that if I could have I would have enjoyed it more.


But then again, we're running out of time. It's been five years since DS9 ended, which is a pretty long gap. Are we ready to move on? After all, DS9 was left rather abruptly, with Sisko's fate still unresolved. He said he'd return someday . . .


Then again, what about Voyager? Don't we deserve to know what happens next? Voyager was my favourite series, and I'd love to see the cast back together in a movie sometime before the real 24th century.


Of course, I don't want to leave DS9 out of the loop. It was a great series too, and it does have more potential than Voyager now that Voyager is over. See how confused Nemesis has left me?


And another TNG movie . . . well, Data is gone now. And to bring him back would hardly be credible, it would sort of ruin the importance of his death. Maybe B4 has something of Data left in him, but to become another Data would be just what Data didn't want.


So we'll see.

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Well for one thing, we've all heard that the next Trek film is going to be a prequel. If it's based off of Enterprise we may not know. I for one still think they need to take a breather after the disaster known as Nemesis came about.


If Enterprise hits the chopping block before the Earth-Romulan War, I wouldn't mind if they made the film revolving around the war, but that would be the only exception on my part.


Now of the the three choices. The one most likely to appear on the silver screen, if one had to chosen, would, more than likely, be DS9.


Voyager is done and over with, they got home so they get a pat on the back. Let it stay in the depths of syndication, where it belongs.


The Next Generation cast has actually been quoted as saying they really don't want to make another film, after the disappointing box office numbers from Nemesis. They all wanted it to the be the last film for them, and it will probably be the one.


So, by process of elimination, I came to DS9. Now could a film be made based off of DS9?? Probably, but I doubt it; but the BB Twins wouldn't care, and if they had the chance to make a DS9 film they would.


I really wish you could have put an option on the poll, like "Star Trek needs to take a haitus for a few years", that is what I would lean towards the most, but then again that's just me. ;)


::Runs out of change, so tosses some lint into the jar::

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I'm starting to like the hiatus idea as well. I think that they should put off making a movie, but if they decide to do a DS9 one then they should do it within the next five years. Otherwise, I'd love to see an Enterprise movie in another few years.


I was hoping that if Enterprise got cancelled then Star Trek would plan for a new series but still take a hiatus for at least a year. Now that Enterprise is renewed, something I'm happy about, we don't need a movie anytime soon.

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I didn't vote, souly for the fact that you didn't make a None option.


I agree with Veg on the TNG bit. Data is dead, Riker and Troy are off on another ship, and Worf is where ever the hell he is.


I was annoyed with the fact that they always found an odd way to bring him to the movie. I think TNG is offically dead. Six feet under, and such.


Voyager ended such away that there would be no real purpose for a movie. Their home, Janeway is apperently and admiral. No doubt, ever one is just taking some R&R. If the series had ended with them still in the delta quadrent, that would make for a good movie, but you know.


And for DS9, it kinda falls under the same category as Voyager. Sure, we dont know what happened to Sisko, but I hold true to the fact that DS9 would have ended earlyer if it wasnt for the war. They had just sort of ran out of plot ideas.


Thats the reason the TOS and TNG movies were easyer to make. Their entire series went around exploring the galaxy. No giant war, or getting home.


Thats why most of the Movies could easyly have been done as part of a large story arc during the series itself.


I think that ST movies should take a break for a while. Theres no real reason to make a movie from the older series, and Enterprise is WAY off from having any reason to make a movie.


So, just let sleeping dogs lay for now I guess.


::Tosses two cents::

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Personally, I was a big fan of Voyager. I'd love to see a movie based on that series. They've already had several TNG movies. And, DS9 was good, but not really movie material IMHO. Maybe a final confrontation between Janeway, 7 of 9 and the Borg. I'd also maybe like to see an Enterprise movie. Kinda the birth of the Federation thing, how it all began.



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I don't know. The Borg were sort of heavily involved in a movie already, and in the Voyager series finale. I would like Voyager to do something different.


I've always wanted to see Q pitted against the Borg Queen. It would be a very interesting episode, albeit probably not one that'll happen anytime soon. It would have been nice though.


If they did have a Voyager movie, I would definitely want the Borg to be involved somehow, but not as the main villain. But if it came down to trivializing the Borg by giving them a second-rate role in the movie, casting them as the villains, or leaving them out, I would have to leave them out.


But then again:


We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile


We will star in the next Voyager movie. Resistance is futile.

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Hey there,


I have to laugh at how old topics are resurrected year after year. ;)


Alrighty, what should Star Trek XI be...well let me go thru my views of the options.

  • The Original Series: Regretfully, I believe they've taken their final bow. It would have been best to leave them with their farewell with Star Trek VI, however you know Berman couldn't let that happen. Would I love to see some resolution to correct what transpired in Star Trek: Generations? Yeah...but I doubt it would happen. Though, you have to know if they ever managed to get Shatner and Nimoy together in a Trek film again it'd have killer ratings.
  • The Next Generation: Unlike many, I loved Star Trek: Nemesis. To this day I don't see what people found wrong with it. There are a few plot issues I have, but the movie honestly seemed to me like a mixture between Star Trek II and Star Trek VI. One thing I don't like was the post-production hack job with editing. The fact the trailer practically gave away the entire plot didn't help either. As for another movie with this cast...is it possible? Well, Sulu was present in VI and he wasn't on the Enterprise. I do believe it is possible to do it, in part because the scenes showing the scripted departure of Crusher and Geordi were not filmed/present. Do I think it'll happen? Eh, I'm not holding my breath. In a way this is a shame as I fear this incarnation which brought Trek back to the small screen will never have the same closure Kirk's crew was given.
  • Deep Space Nine: Do I feel we will see this group again? Of all the shows, minus the current incarnation, I think you'd have to agree this would be the one show that honestly has some serious unfinished business. The writers in the final season tried so hard to wrap up everything, but it just couldn't be accomplished. For content alone, this would be the series I would say should have a movie. The potential plot is enough to make me want to see it. Yet, do I think it'll happen? Realistically, doubtful. However, I do think Paramount could easily do a mini-series movie event that would probably do quite well.
  • Voyager: Well, everyone knows my feelings here. Seriously though, outside of perhaps seeing a movie where Starfleet figures out how this destroyer was able to do with a fleet of forty Federation starships couldn't at Wolf 359, what would your plot be? They're home, they're not going to get lost again...so what? We see Kim giving a lecture tour at the Academy? The Doctor leading a holographic revolt on a deuterium mining station? I think the final episode should have continued on for another thirty minutes, explaining what happened after they entered Earth orbit. However, I don't think there's enough to justify a feature film. And no, think maturely here, Jeri Ryan's cat suit isn't enough either.
  • Enterprise: Along with DS9, I think this is one of the incarnations that actually has material for a movie. Even if Star Trek: Enterprise runs a full seven years like every other modern version, it will end no later than a year or so into the Earth-Romulan War. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the launch of that conflict is the series finale. This would leave four years of conflict and a year after peace the charter of the UFP. Easily, and I do mean easily, I think you'd find material for....geesh....four movies? Create a war triology, fourth is the founding of UFP and maybe even another dealing with the early days of Starfleet after the formation.

I think we'll probably see the current series make it to the big screen in the next movie. The worst thing they could do would be to have another movie with the Borg as the major villian. The Romulans would fit...as the Klingons fit as the major enemy for six movies.


With Berman and Braga both now indicating they're going to be backing away from Trek, I'm slightly more hopeful that when a new film is done, it will be done properly. Oh for the days of Bennett and Piller...

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I agree for the most part..the existing genres are ...played out. The birth of the Federation would be interesting to see...even though Enterprise has aligned Archer with it.


I say ditch them all...except maybe for Spock....and develop on the Unification episode from TNG.


In any event...more Rihanssu...less Nemesis (the movie..na the Monkey)

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I would have to agree with Fred here. (right down to desparately missing the Bennet/Piller days). Of all the series I would so love to see DS9 tie up ALL the loose ends the end of the series brought about. I'd also like to see the Federation/Romulan war done big screen style. But, I don't see either of these things happening anytime soon.

My vote does remain with DS9 though if for no other reason than I really miss that one.



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I just rewatched Nemesis and it isn't a bad movie. It just didn't sit right with me when you plug it into the entire Star Trek formula. Standing alone, however, I loved the music and the Enterprise ramming scene.

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::goes digging for old posts::





Aha, here it is....The Previous Poll of the Same Name ::smirks::



The result of my findings were that STSF by a large margin still wasn't over Nemesis and felt that it should be left alone for a while...I haven't changed my opinion on that since... ;)

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