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Enterprise, Kirk

26 posts in this topic

Well...I hope that Kirk is not still in the Nexus...cause then the whole point of the movie was flawed as Sowran was trying to get BACK to it.


As for Kirk...::looks around:: I think the last episode of TNG summed it up nicely..


All good things must come to an end...I have seen enough of Kirk ::ducks::


A Rihannsu plot for Enterprise would be nice..although not much about them could be known...since in TOS they knew next to nothing of the past hundred years or so of their development.


But why bother with sticking to the original story...dont all these temporal incursions alter all future history, anyway? That would/could explain every continuity glitch ever found.


Or maybe...we just have entirely too much time on our hands... ;)


Im thankful Gene created the show...with the exception of DS9 I have loved every incarnation of it...but it is, was, and always will be... for entertainment, so enjoy.

Edited by Ki'rok

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