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Saek tr'Vosh

3 Strange days

The fight started abruptly as Vosh planted his heel in the chest of the nearest Kll'inghannsu..sending the smelly beast flying backwards. The second warrior swung a meaty fist at Voshes head. Vosh easily stepped back, avoiding the blow...and as the warriors momentum carried him forward, Vosh paid him for his kindness with a Kaleh buried in the back of his skull.


Vosh grinned an evil grin. Nothing brought greater pleasure than killing Kl'linghannsu...even holographic io's. He glanced over at t'Vixen. For all her blustering, she had na fought very hard. She was already down. A fact that did na go unnoticed by the others around him. He paid for the distraction as io of the warriors brought a boot to the side of his head. Colors flashed before his crossed eyes as he went sprawling. Before Vosh hit the floor another warrior was rushing at him. Out of pure reflex, Vosh put his boot in the oncoming warriors chest, sending him bounding over head and crashing upside down into the rearwall. Vosh rolled over and rose to io knee. He was about to stand and continue the fight when someone slammed a Kaleh through his right calf. The smell of blood must have frenzied them because before he knew it, they were swarming him and consciousness as well as the fight was lost.


When he came to, he and Vixen were tied to a spit being carried along. Without warning, the group vanished...sending Vosh and Vixen crashing to the ground. As if part of some sadistic program, some humanoid alien appeared in the midst of some tropical paradise..implying that Vosh would...mate, and remain with Vixen. This thought drove Vosh over the edge. He had remained relatively stable throughout the past few days. But now, all semblance of control vanished with the Kll'inhannsu. He tackled the humanoid and began to throttle the life out of him. As if somehow connected to the humanoid, the program ended..leaving a battered Vixen and bleeding Vosh...alone.


After a brief arguement, Vixen collapsed, convincing Vosh of her weakness. He slung her limp body over his shoulder, and limped off or Maenek. He had been Daise Dheno less than twenty minutes and someio had already tried to yy'a him. He would na rest until he found out who...and why.

Edited by Saek tr'Vosh

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