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Captain Huff


::thumbs up::

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yep bunch of blonde blue eyed dudes playing guys from Greece...just love that attention to detail... :ph34r:

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I was planning on seeing it today by plans screwed up. Does it follow the Illiad well? You know with Brad Pitt's gay lover and so on?

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Brad Pitt in a homosexual role? That's going to draw in not only the female population (because it is Brad Pitt) but the entire homosexual population as well! I would expect this movie to break the box office records!


Seriously though...how was the movie? I've seen the previews, will probably rent the video, but it really didn't strike me as something I need to see in the theater.


Though personally I do not like Brad Pitt as an actor (though the roles he play in movies like 12 Monkeys or Fight Club is perfect for him)...as a serious hero character, I just don't see that in him. I think I would be comparing this movie to Gladiator, in which Russell Crowe made what I believe was his best performance - he was made for that role. Overall, I think, based on the previews, this movie would be a disappointment.


In any case...where's the leading-star role for the Helen character?

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Mehh...I'll prolly catch the DVD...Like Vex said....not one of my "Gotta see in a Theater" picks.


::Waiting for the return of Riddick and Alien vs Predator::

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Well, my date summed it up well. He said it was like Two Towers, without Frodo, lol.


The movie was fun. There was much artistic liscence from the Iliad. I liked it on the big screen for all the eye candy. No, I don't mean a lot of mostly naked men for three hours, but (also) the gigantic battle scenes (and those really were very reminiscent of the LOTR). I thought Pitt did a good job, and since I don't usually like pretty-boys, this is sincere. Okay, the clothes and jewelery were great too, lol. I don't recall the actor who played Helen, but she did an okay job in a rather unremarkable role. The music was... well like almost all movie music with the exception of blatently stealing themes from just about everything ever done. (I heard TOS fight music, Wrath of Kahn "tense" music, Carmina Burona opera, and LOTR themes, among the incohesive collection).


So, all in all, I found it entertaining, if not deeply moving. Worth seeing on the big screen.

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So, all in all, I found it entertaining, if not deeply moving. Worth seeing on the big screen.

::pondering the Great Walls comments::


Hmmm..epic fight scenes vs. 3 hours of nekkid sweaty....guys...........



Naaaaaa...gonna catch it on the big screen......at my house :ph34r:

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typical war scene i want to watch it but nahh no time for movies, more time to waste :ph34r:

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Can't say I've seen this one yet, don't know if I will though. As I said on the other string, my title as film geek is starting to recede thanks to school ;).


How much I miss my free time....


Oh well. I might just give it chance, the battle scene does look neat and Return of the Kingish as I like say. :)


I've always been a pretty big fan of Wolfgang Petersen (Das Boot, The Neverending Story), so just for him I might give it a whirl...If I get the time :ph34r:

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Haven't seen it yet, so....

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So, all in all, I found it entertaining, if not deeply moving. Worth seeing on the big screen.

It was a fun movie. Entertaining, pretty good detail to period costuming and weaponry, even though mass produced. I think LOTR spoiled costuming for me, as they handmade all their weapons and costumes.


Fight scenes were enjoyable, used similar software to LOTR, "Massive" I believe. for the large group scenes, but again....LOTR spoiled me. Big army fight scenes = good, but army did not have a feel of malevolence to it like LOTR, which I liked::evil grin::.


But, the family liked it, as well as the approval of the carload of teenaged girls that I had with me, that were all there to see Orlando Bloom (spoiler: He's not so heroic in this one). Gotta love folding chairs and good weather....$20/carload at the drive-in. Pack them in the back, bring the folding chairs in on the roof, and a cooler of drinks. You gotta figure, $20 for 8 people at a movie, ain't bad. So, even if it had been bad, for the price, couldn't complain. Fortunate, the movie was enjoyable. So...go see it, but if you're a total LOTR addict, you'll still feel a bit empty....as I don't believe they'll ever top that.


::has bruised shoulder from calling Orlando a sissy several times during the movie::


Sorry Huff, would have called ya to join us, but the car was full, and didn't think you'd want to hear 6 teenagers squealing. Bad enough I put my husband through it. LOL.

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Why Troy and films like it annoy me


Grrrrrrrrrr i hate computer graphics when it is not needed. In Lotr it was really really needed. Why couldn't they just make an army like in those old classics or even like braveheart. Films like this lack any emotion. The good actors get shoved with small roles like sean bean and the pretty boys get the big parts. Whatever happened to plot? whatever happened to character development. where is my michael caine from zulu? All we have is "mock-drama" with people saying cliche or simply terribly obvious lines...



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Well. I enjoyed the movie. Great work on msot of the stuff. ::thumbs up::



HOWEVER, being the anal person I am about Historical Movies....I was peeved at times. Read the Illiad and yeah they messed some things up (I suppose I can forgive them)


1) Achillies was a lot less 'human' in the poem (seriously he was crying way to much)


2) (Spoiler) HECTORS WIFE AND CHILD DID NOT ESCAPE WITH ANEAUS....noooooo little Hector was thrown from the Tower of Troy and THEN given back to his enslaved mother. (See "The Women of Troy" by Euripidies)


3) Paris was a big sissy and HE DIDN'T LIVE (see definition of Greek Tragedy)




5) They made the ten year war happen in what seemed like three days


6) Agamemnon was killed by the little acolyte girl BUT not untill after she had been carted of to Greece



THAT said...if you don't care if they messed the Illiad up, its a great movie, if you do, well then its still pretty good (Not as good as the LOTR). :ph34r:

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