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How long have I waited...

Ki'rok followed Kania through the daunting station. Though he would never acknowledge it, he could sense the tension on the station. The appearance of his two comrades had put the entire station on edge. He knew it was unlikely that Kania's plan would succeed. But he would not be the one to tell the XO that.


The two Republicans met up with Lt. Commander Trepp outside of Medical. After a brief conversation, Kania sent Ki'rok and Trepp back to Drankums to wait on the other teams arrival while she tried to talk their crewman out of trouble. Ki'rok wished her luck and turned to head back to the drinking establishment.


Trepp was an unlikely confidant. However, Ki'rok found him most easy to talk with. And needing to talk, he availed himself of the opportunity. He had spent most of his life trying to deny or suppress that part of him that longed for feeling. It was illogical, but he had considered finding a way to go back in time to prevent the union of his grandparents. A Vulcan should have had better sense than to have joined with a Betazoid. It was, afterall, an illogical union. But joined they had, and now here he sat...longing to belong. Not necessarily for emotional reasons. He could not be effective or efficient in this current condition. But if he was honest with himself..and Vulcans cannot lie...he wanted to belong because try as he might...he had never belonged back on Vulcan. He had hoped to find some sense of purpose...of oneness with this crew. Yet, upon his entrance, people ceased conversations, looked away, or...his personal favorite..left the room.


Ki'rok talked with Trepp at length until the others returned without Hans or Apollo. As they sat, as sense of foreboding and dread fell over Ki'rok. He felt as if Admiral Blu was lost and they would never complete their mission..damning the Federation to a most unpleasant future. His thoughts returned to the firefight on the planet..and the young woman he had killed. He had trained all his life seemingly, for a situation like that. He had performed adequately in the push to the Guardian, even helping the Admiral...against her wishes. But he had no time to process his feelings regarding the young marines death...there had been no time...oddly enough. Fate was not without a sense of irony...standing at the Guardian of Forever, he had no time to mourn her loss.


A hooded figure entered the establishment and looked their way. Though in civilian attire, Ki'rok believed him to be Starfleet..something in the way he walked. He appeared to communicate with Kania but Ki'rok could not be sure.


Ki'rok did not like the way he...no use denying it...felt. He was tired of this station. He was tired of waiting. How long had they been waiting...how long had HE been waiting...it seemed like ages.

Edited by Ki'rok

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