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Under the Looking Glass

Under the Looking Glass

By El'Riov Mailliw tr'Rike and erie'Riov Morgana t'Ksa


Rike and Ksa stood quietly in the Operating theatre as they awaited the arrival of the corpse of tr'Bahdi. The instruments lye glistening on the cart, the room was sterilized and ready. The onlookers made their way into their seats in the gallery above the room, only the forcefield separated them from the Maenaken below. Shifting his glance from the door to the gallery Mailliw felt like he was to teach a class in first year forensics. More often than na Medical was a place that was feared and avoided but now it was a place of great interest and curiosity. Mailliw doubted most of those seated above him even knew that this room existed short of Lerks, Koln, and of course Saar who knew every space on the Talon as if they were parts of her person. After a suiren he looked to Ksa and spoke quietly enough that the observers could na hear.


"I have asked au to assist because au are the Bio Hazard specialist onboard and I have found traces of a biotoxin in the system of the deceased. There are also signs of trauma to the head possibly caused by the fall." He paused as another onlooker caught his eye moving to their seat he smiled politely as he looked into the gallery.


"Notice how they resemble medical students as they look down here and speak among themselves." He chuckled to himself.


Just then the anti grav gurney with the med techs and security escort arrived like a funeral procession. The gurney was guided next to the autopsy table as the security personnel hovered close by. The body was transferred to the table and the med techs turned and guided the gurney out of the room. As he moved around to the other side of the table Mailliw nearly tripped over io of the security detachment. He looked curiously at the guard.


"Hann'yyo for bringing us the body...we can handle this from here. Au may go now." The guard only stepped back but did na leave ."I do na believe he is going to get up and leave. If au would please wait outside. My assistant and I would appreciate it. Hann'yyo."


With that the guard nodded to the others and they exited the theatre and the maenken proceeded with the task at hand. With the tap of a button on the console to his left the area over the body lit up quite brightly while the rest of the room seemed dark. It was if he and Morgana were players on a stage under the spotlights. As he spoke he was sure to do it loud enough so that those in the gallery could hear. He did na want to have to answer questions from the gallery as he a Morgana worked.


"Etrehh Open Medical log under heading autopsy. Patient name Erein tr'Bahdi. Note time of arrival and scan body for any life signs." The Maenaken knew the man was dead but procedure was procedure and with all the onlookers all the t's would be crossed and the i's dotted just as he liked it.


Mailliw and Morgana worked as fast as possible so as not to have any of the traces of evidence disappear but not so fast as to overlook any possibilities. Mailliw scanned the area of the skull where the fractures were found.


"Scans of the cranial area show fracturing severe enough to cause death but until results of the fluid scans are complete Cause of death can na be accurately determined but we can however determine the time of death." He paused and then looked to Morgana for confirmation before he continued. Morgana nodded in agreement.


"Time of death was re hours ago."

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Another vintage log!! Hann'yyo for sending tKsa!!

The old history is fascinating!!



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