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Personal Log, Cadet Ki'rok

::enters room, sits on bed:: Computer, Begin recording


-Personal Log...Stardate 040401.9


Today has been an extremely trying...This human tradition of lying on the first day of every April is most troubling. Several times today, while trying to render assistance in some manner, the other party would laugh and yell "April Fools." Most peculiar.


Unlike the other Academy sims I have attended, tonight I did the unthinkable. Under the advice of a former cadet (who shall here remain nameless), I allowed myself to not only feel..but react to and with emotion. This was done in the hopes of better understanding various positions and situations that my logical mind would never pursue. Case in point...


Tonights simulation had us aboard the Intrepid class vessel, Dracous. The premise of the sim was a search and (possible) rescue of the Endeavor crew. Before the simulation began, I had prepared myself to function as a "human" cadet. So when the GM asked for post preferences...I told them I would take whatever would help the plot. This is known as "sucking up" among humans. Logically, I should have chosen a post I had not played in order to gain more experience and possibly expedite my graduation date. However, as I stated, I had been told to act more "human."


The start was less than stellar. I was ASEC. Worse than that, I was not even a bridge officer. This would severely limit my "face-time" with the CO and hinder any attempts at more "sucking up." Things did not improve as I was sent on menial errands while other cadets were busy "sucking up" to the Dept heads and Captain. I found myself alone, in a cargo bay, with nothing to do. My experience as a "human" up to this point had been dismal.


Suddenly, the shipped rocked violently. I heard alarms buzzing throughout the ship. Then I heard something no starfleet officer wants to hear...warp core breach imminent. So, I did what any human would do...I prepped the Excalibur..(a shuttle nearby) and left the ship. Now, before I go any further, I must say..this action was not without logic...I had no fear of court martial, since there was no guarantee that the Captain or anyone else would survive. However, exiting the ship put me in a rather unique position. I had time/room for two transports. I believe the rest should be obvious...I beamed my dept head as well as the CO on board before the Dracous exploded. Who was getting serious face time, NOW!

I had the CO and CSEC almost in the clear when the force wave from the Dracous sent the Excalibur spiraling toward the planet. I was able to steady her with the help of Chief Lyons. I not only saved the Captain but I managed to land in one piece. My "human" persona did a little "in your face, cadets" happy dance, inside.


The only give away was when I hit my head during the crash and green blood trickled down my forehead. In all the commotion, I do not believe anyone noticed. I must say, it felt very...liberating...being able to laugh, joke....feel....


<Ahem,> However, I am unsure as to how safe it will be to continue in this persona. If I begin to experience any ill effects, I will notify medical immediately. I do not believe my father would approve of this course of action. Perhaps, he would be..satisfied...with my performance overall, this evening.


<long pause> Computer, delete all after Most Peculiar..time reference 1074.2


<Majels voice> Entry deleted...


::lays back on bed:: Computer...Reduce lighting by 90%...

Edited by Ki'rok

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Thanks..you too....Todays was one of the best Ive had..cept for my Blu period...


Im soo darn witty.... :rolleyes:

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LOL...oh man...when you graduate, provided there's a position, come on over to Excal. I love the way you write :rolleyes:

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So you ditched your ship at the first sign of trouble?




Great log though!




LOL...oh man...when you graduate, provided there's a position, come on over to Excal. I love the way you write


And if the ship's full Kirok we'll be happy to kick Krax out and make some room :rolleyes:

Edited by Vex Xiang

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And if the ship's full Kirok we'll be happy to kick Krax out and make some room :lol:



See if I give you any more mackrel....


::breaks out the tartar sauce::


Or we could make room another way. Here fishy fishy fishy.... :rolleyes:

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lol! yeah, the guys in shuttle bay were ready for the abandon ship call when the ship first started to shake!


Hehe, the bridge officers barely made it out! Thanks for beaming us off eh? lol

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So you ditched your ship at the first sign of trouble?




Great log though!






And if the ship's full Kirok we'll be happy to kick Krax out and make some room :rolleyes:

Well, Vex...In my defense.. ^_^ ...the Captain did give the "all hands abandon ship" order...I was just in a better position to make an expiditious exit...Sitting in the Excalibur! And I also thought about my chief and my CO...(Good thing for Andrew the XO was on Vacation.. B) )


Glad you guys enjoyed the post!


Thanks for making me feel @ home...


I love you guys.......... :lol:



And dont ditch Krax, theres already enough ferengi floating around space...lol

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See if I give you any more mackrel....


::breaks out the tartar sauce::


Or we could make room another way. Here fishy fishy fishy.... :rolleyes:

I noticed that since they stopped catching dolphins in the tuna nets... Well, tuna just doesn't taste as good. :lol:


Of course I never understood that whole tuna/dolphin controversy. We caught maybe 1 or 2 dolphins for every 100,000 tuna. So-called "animal lovers" focused on the dolphins, and not one of them lifted a finger to do anything about the tuna!

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I noticed that since they stopped catching dolphins in the tuna nets... Well, tuna just doesn't taste as good. :lol:


Of course I never understood that whole tuna/dolphin controversy. We caught maybe 1 or 2 dolphins for every 100,000 tuna. So-called "animal lovers" focused on the dolphins, and not one of them lifted a finger to do anything about the tuna!

Just goes to show you...........


the tuna need better PR people.. :rolleyes:


::starts to understand why he hasnt seen Vex on the same ship with Blu...::

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Really well written log there man. You definately do have potential. Though it might be a little hard to write a log after you've been vapourised to a billion atoms after your ship explodes at the end of an academy, eh? :rolleyes:

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Really well written log there man. You definately do have potential. Though it might be a little hard to write a log after you've been vapourised to a billion atoms after your ship explodes at the end of an academy, eh? :rolleyes:

Oh, ssssuure...blame the new guy........You blow up ONE little starship and everyones all critical.............. ^_^


And Im not so sure that wasnt a Kobyoshi Maru sim, anyway.... :lol:


Thanks, I'm really starting to feel at ease, here...

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Just goes to show you...........


the tuna need better PR people.. :rolleyes:


Either that, or cats have better lobbiests.


P.S. Good job Ki'rok

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Either that, or cats have better lobbiests.


:rolleyes: :lol: ^_^ B)

Now, THATS funny!


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

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