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Cats vs. Dogs

42 posts in this topic

I thought I should start up a new topic since there hasn't been any activity going on today. So which animal do you perfer? A dog, cat, or neither?


I myself am a dog person. Cats are just plain old evil (No offenses to you Caitians :) ) and what do they do besides lay around and sleep???


Dogs are very loyal, and my dog is very protective of me and my sister. He goes balistic if he thinks someone is harming us (He's a Border Collie). He's also very smart and very clever. He has learned how to open the doors, so if he has to stay in a room we have to lock it :(.


I still love him though. So which animal do you perfer??? And why??? :)

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The bad thing about cats is all they do is lie around and sleep.


The good thing about cats is all they do is lie around and sleep.

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Cats are better, paws down.


As far as intelligence is concerned, there's no question that cats are far superior to dogs. The fact that cats are unwilling to learn the things we try to teach them is all the evidence I need. Cats have attitude, they know how to work the system and they are far cleaner than dogs.


Besides, cats purr...what more can you ask for? :(

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Well...considering that all my dog tends to do is lie around and sleep...


Or get into the cat box when I'm visiting my fiance for the weekend :(


That said, I will probably never own a cat for the simple reason that half the cats I've known in my life have been evil, psychotic creatures. Chasse, my mini-schnauzer, may be a terror and the most neurotic dog you'll ever meet, but at least she doesn't start randomly digging her claws into your thigh ^.^


My vote is for dogs.

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As far as intelligence is concerned, there's no question that cats are far superior to dogs.  The fact that cats are unwilling to learn the things we try to teach them is all the evidence I need.  Cats have attitude, they know how to work the system and they are far cleaner than dogs. 

I doubt that you could call that intellegence Grom. It's more like arrogance. Cat's just always think they are better than everyone. They are just so vendictive and never listen to anyone. They just do whatever the heck they want, whenever they want.


I also should have added that I'm both a cat and a dog owner, and I hate my cat. He is such a brat. To imagine that we adopted him and fed him and all he ever does is destroy everything. Also for some reason he loves to attack my feet, while I'm sleeping, in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.


Like I said....They are just plain evil. :(

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As a dog owner my whole life, I offcourse gotta go with dogs. No offense to the Caitians, but dogs I find can be very intellegent and extremely loyal. Dogs offer their owners unconditional love and loyalty, and are very protective of their owners. There have even been documented cases of dogs actually saving their owners lives. How many cats do you know that ever did that? Dogs are also more playful and alot more entertaining than cats. So yeah.. defeintly gonna side with the doggies. :(

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I think the fact they are capable of arrogance proves they are smarter :(


I like dogs and cats, but cats make me sneezze and my eye sweel shut, that why i have hypo-allgenic one thats furless ::wonders if he can talk Blu into going furless to help his alergies:: :)

Edited by Ern_Ndak

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I've had a pet cat, and he was tough and cool. I'm also terrified of most dogs, foul evil creatures! I was biten once and nearly biten 2 other times so I like to keep my distence from most other then my golden retriever.

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In my life I have owned / lived with 5 dogs, 2 cats, 1 hamster, 2 lizzards, 1 snake, 2 lovebirds, 1 African Grey parrot, 1 Macaw parrot, 1 pigeon, 2 doves, 1 parakeet, a handful of goldfish and about 200 guppies (originally started with 2).


The one I liked the most was my old roommate's pit bull who was the friendliest animal you could ever meet. I think the breed gets a bad rap.

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Cats 100% for me.


Dogs smell. They lick you all the time. They drool and slobber all over the place. They jump on you and annoy you. They have to go outside to go to the bathroom. They need to be walked every day. And most of them are too big to lay on your lap while you watch TV.

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Cats are the sophisticated man's animal. Dogs are...well...not. :(

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::sigh:: I'm not a cat person... I've had more than one bad experience. :(


I'm a dog person.



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LOL, Moose! I *know* I will be my cat in my next life. It's my reason for living this one. :D


I share a bond with my siamese. What does he do other than eat and sleep? I'm SO glad you asked!


1. Hunts. He dredged up ten mice from my basement last year. And this was not easy. It often takes three days of all-night work to catch one.


2. Plays. Our games include "tag" (his invention, not ours) where you tag the other and run until you are tagged, and so on. "Bag" begins with a fresh grocery bag which gets a hole eaten through it so you can shove your leg through to trap and drag whatever is outside of the bag into the bag. A second hole gives you two feet for twice the leverage. "Laundry" is similar to "bag" where you drag socks from outside an overturned laundry basket into the basket. Other games include "chase the thing," "bite the wooly mammoth," and "foot fishing."


Oh, we have also perfected "which hand?" and were doing "fetch" for a while, but I got bored with that one and stopped.


3. Keeps my head warm at night. That's right, he sleeps on my head like a siamese turban. Very useful in the winter


4. Talks. Ever had a siamese?


5. Looks beautiful. ::sigh::


Now don't get me wrong, I loved my farting greyhound rug, and the schnauser was wonderful too, but don't be dissing my cat! :)

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Looks like your cat has you trained pretty good. :(

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Cats 100% for me.


1)Dogs smell. 2)They lick you all the time. 3)They drool and slobber all over the place. 4)They jump on you and annoy you. 5)They have to go outside to go to the bathroom. 6)They need to be walked every day. 7)And most of them are too big to lay on your lap while you watch TV.

1) Not if you bathe them regularly

2) Strangely enough, my dog doesn't lick at all. Sniff you excessively, but not lick

3) Umm...I think only a few breeds have drool/slobber problems

4) Yes

5) Also yes, but it's not as annoying if you just tie them up, go back to your TV while they do their business, then bring them back in when they're done

6) Eh...depends on the breed. My dog, for example, gets plenty of exercise running up and down the stairs, in circles around the coffee table, jumping on and off my bed, and playing tug with one of my socks. Bigger breed wouldn't be able to get enough exercise that way, and my place would be a freakin' mess with all the running around and jumping and stealing of socks.

7) You know how may toy/miniature/terrier breeds there are out there? And even the medium sized breeds, labradors and such, can rest fairly well on a lap without too much trouble for the owner. Wouldn't want to try that with a Great Dane or a St. Bernard, but still....there are plenty of lap dogs out there :(

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1) Not if you bathe them regularly

2) Strangely enough, my dog doesn't lick at all. Sniff you excessively, but not lick

3) Umm...I think only a few breeds have drool/slobber problems

4) Yes

5) Also yes, but it's not as annoying if you just tie them up, go back to your TV while they do their business, then bring them back in when they're done

6) Eh...depends on the breed. My dog, for example, gets plenty of exercise running up and down the stairs, in circles around the coffee table, jumping on and off my bed, and playing tug with one of my socks. Bigger breed wouldn't be able to get enough exercise that way, and my place would be a freakin' mess with all the running around and jumping and stealing of socks.

7) You know how may toy/miniature/terrier breeds there are out there? And even the medium sized breeds, labradors and such, can rest fairly well on a lap without too much trouble for the owner. Wouldn't want to try that with a Great Dane or a St. Bernard, but still....there are plenty of lap dogs out there :)

Yea! You said it Marris! :)


Dogs aren't all that bad. I personally don't care how smelly my dog is, even though I give him regular showers every week, he's still the same. Not to mention that even though he sometimes tries to lay on my lap, like when he was puppy, he normally just plops his head on my lap. Not like he lays himself right over me.


My father has a toy breed, and it's cute but annoyingly cute. She is really tiny and likes to attack the cat who has as bad an attitude as my cat. I still don't know why both cats (Even though one's mine and the other belongs to dad) have such evil glares.


So yea; dogs rule, and cats drool. :(

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Yay! Hooray for the ankle biters!

:( :) :) :)

Punting dogs...







Disclaimer: That's not me, and I don't own a dog. :)


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Punting dogs...







Disclaimer: That's not me, and I don't own a dog. :(



OMG, that is the funniest thing ever!


Okay, maybe not *the* funniest thing ever. That website with the girl getting beaned by a textbook is the funniest thing ever. But that dog is pretty dang funny :)

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:( Funny pic, Grom. It's also good to see Vex veering towards us. Basically except for my samoyed, all the dogs I've owned are malteses. Though they do tend to be yappers, I find them to be very intellegent and they do learn tricks quickly. They don't even lick you either.. I remember my maltese Sandy, she barked at everything that moved, never played fetch, and didn't require a lot of walking, but she was very protective of us, and even took on a rotweiller puppy. Plus at only 7lbs, they make good lap dogs. :)

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I've been watching animal planet lately.


A lot of the dogs seem nice. I'd like to have some of the breeds.


One show featured a small trailer with 80 dogs in it! Needless to say it was gross. :(

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OMG Grom. That picture is so evil. But it is sooo funny. :(


When I was younger that's what my evil older brother would do to our old cat.

Edited by John_Anderson

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I really didn't have anything to contribute to this discussion untill now when I just recieved this in an e-mail by complete chance. Enjoy. :(



Dogs are better than people.


The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.



Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.

-Ann Landers


If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.

-Will Rogers


There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.

-Ben Williams


A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

-Josh Billings


The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.

-Andy Rooney


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam


Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.

-Sigmund Freud


I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.

-Rita Rudner


A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.

-Robert Benchley


Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of late-breaking dog news items, which, if they are especially urgent, are often continued in the next yard.

-Dave Barry


Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.

-Franklin P. Jones


If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.

-James Thurber


If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise.



My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.

-Joe Weinstein


Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul -- chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!

-Anne Tyler


Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

-Robert A. Heinlein


Speak softly and own a big, mean Doberman.

-Dave Miliman


If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

-Mark Twain


You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'

- Dave Barry


Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

-Roger Caras


If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them.

-Phil Pastoret


My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am.


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