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Which (Ancient, Middle Aged or Modern) Empire is the Greatest of All time?   16 members have voted

  1. 1. Which (Ancient, Middle Aged or Modern) Empire is the Greatest of All time?

    • Rome (A)
    • Egypt (A)
    • Brittan (MA)
    • Spain (MA)
    • Ottoman (MA)
    • Prussian (MA)
    • French (MA)
    • Persian (A)
    • Russian (MA)
    • Japaneese (M)
    • United States (M)
    • China (A)

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46 posts in this topic

yes, yes I know the United States isn't a real Empire...i thought it would be interesting to include them.


To Clarify (A)= Ancient (2000 BC- 1000 AD)

(MA)= Middle Aged (1000 AD-1800 AD)

(M)= Modern (1800 AD- Modern Times)

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Where may I ask is the Canadian Empire?


Well anywho I must say the Roman Empire because those guys dominated most of the map and influenced our culture so much as did the greeks but the Romans had not only togas but that cool warrior fashion.

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I'll have to go with the Roman Empire as well. The Roman Emprire extended from Britian right to the Middle East. They also constructed roads, aqueducts, and various other inventions still used in some form or another to this very day. Not to mention, those cool chariots, centurion uniforms and gladiator fights. Based on movies such as Ben Hur and Gladiator, Roman achetecture was simlpy amazing and well ahead of it time.

Edited by Seiben

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I'm sure Mr. Images would agree...The sun never sets on the British empire.



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I'm sure Mr. Images would agree...The sun never sets on the British empire.



Well it may not set on the Brittish Empire, but now that Hong Kong is part of China it does get mighty dim at certain places.


As for empires, the most influential would have to be the Romans. I mean let's face it, they ruled over most of Europe and had extended their influence into Africa, the Middle East and large parts of Asia. Although their methods were violent they were a civilizing force across most of the known world. Their efforts also lead to a certain degree of civilization with their adversaries (Visigoths, Ostrigoths, Huns, Germanic tribes) who were forced into advancing to counter the Roman threat.


When the empire folded most of the civilized world went into the Dark Ages and never really bounced back until the Renaissance and the discovery of the New World. Although several countries have taken large parts of the world, the Romans were the last to completely dominate a continent until Napoleon following the French Revolution.

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I'm sure Mr. Images would agree...The sun never sets on the British empire.



Ahh, who can forget the British Empire? Certainly not us Canadians, as Canada still is a member of the British Commonwealth. Queen Elizebeth II is still our head of state.(figurehead). Canada probably owes its existance to the British Empire, helping prevent the Americans from invading Canada in 1812. However, I still do prefer the Roman Empire. As I said before, the Romans had a big role in improving society, by the construction of roads, aqueducts, boats, and especially Roman laws (which forms one of two major legal systems in the Western World)


Edit: Also since Hong Kong is now part of China, wouldn't Images vote for the Chinese Empire? B)

Edited by Seiben

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Ahh, who can forget the British Empire?  Certainly not us Canadians, as Canada still is a member of the British Commonwealth.  Queen Elizebeth II is still our head of state.(figurehead).  Canada probably owes its existance to the British Empire, helping prevent the Americans from invading Canada in 1812.  However, I still do prefer the Roman Empire.  As I said before, the Romans had a big role in improving society, by the construction of roads, aqueducts, boats, and especially Roman laws (which forms one of two major magal systems in the Western World)


Ahem we are no longer part of the Commonwealth, to be a member of the Commonwealth we would need to share our actual wealth with British to actual be a member of the commonwealth. We cut off all finacial ties in the 80's.

Edited by NEMESIS

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When the empire folded most of the civilized world went into the Dark Ages and never really bounced back until the Renaissance and the discovery of the New World. Although several countries have taken large parts of the world, the Romans were the last to completely dominate a continent until Napoleon following the French Revolution.

Without those so called "dark ages" democracy might not have had the same effect on the world as it has over the past three-hundred years. America, Canada, Britain and others might look a lot different today. B)

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Without those so called "dark ages" democracy might not have had the same effect on the world as it has over the past three-hundred years. America, Canada, Britain and others might look a lot different today. B)

Ya I might look like a hippie.... That would be fun.

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We burned down the White House nanana na na. Ahem we are no longer part of the Commonwealth, to be a member of the Commonwealth we would need to share our actual wealth with British to actual be a member of the commonwealth. We cut off all finacial ties in the 80's.

Oh.. right. I forgot about that. In 1982, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (sp?) signed the papers with Queen Elizebeth to officially cut off financial ties with Britian in Ottawa, thus making the British Empire's shine a little more dim. Sure wish the Tories hadn't cut back Ontario's education budget while I was in highscool. B)


Without those so called "dark ages" democracy might not have had the same effect on the world as it has over the past three-hundred years. America, Canada, Britain and others might look a lot different today.


Getting back on topic, yeah Grommie. I think we have Roman laws to thank for that. (it's been so long since I took Roman History classes in High School :D)

Edited by Seiben

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The Tories are ::sniff:: gone now, no more of my dreams of Joe Clark taking his rightful place on the throne of the house ::thinks:: nevermind thats the speaker of the house not the prime minister but you get me drift. Don't worry everyone I'll do my best reinstate the tories to their rightful power.


Romans had lots of cool stuff like funtioning plumbing. I like plumbing although theirs made them suffer pre-mature death due to lead poisoning, but you win some and you loose some.

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::thwaps Nem back to the topic at hand::


The romans, btw, weren't the first people to have functional plumbing. At anyrate the Romans were indeed a mighty and impressive Culture but I don't know if we should over look the British or the Chinesse either.

Edited by Ern_Ndak

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::thwaps Nem back to the topic at hand::


The romans, btw, weren't the first people to have functional plumbing. At anyrate the Romans were indeed a mighty and impressive Cultre but I don;t knw if we should over look the British or the Chinesse either.

Yeah, good point, N'Dak. The Chinese invented things like gun powder, paper, and fireworks, among many other things I can't think of at the moment. Just think of how dull Canada Day or Independance Day would be if it weren't for the Chinese.

Edited by Seiben

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I just had to go with the Egyptians. I would have gone for the Romans, but everyone was going with them. So I wanted to be the odd ball. B)


The egyptians ancient cities were magnicficant to behold (As they say :)). Not to mention they had one of the marvels of the ancient world, The Lighthouse at Alexandria, and one of the marvels of the modern world, The Pyramids of Giza. Once of the few civilizations to have a spot on both. :blink:


The egyptians beliefs of the afterlife were fascinating. Not to mention they had really cool gods :D. Their civilization still amazes me to this very day.


So much to discuss but so little time :lol:

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The reason without Rome is, because we wouldn't have the basics we have today.

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Yeam for sure. Didn't think about this before but Latin, the language spoken by the Romans, was the basis of French, Italian, Spanish,and portugese. English was also strongly influenced by Latin as well. (even though Latin was one of the Indo-European languages).

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Getting back on topic, yeah Grommie. I think we have Roman laws to thank for that. (it's been so long since I took Roman History classes in High School B))

While we got many things from the Romans including some philsophies, much of what we know as democracy comes from the English Common Law tradition, the most important documents being the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, Abolition of the Star Chambers, English Bill of Rights, etc. The Romans did not embrace democracy as we do. They were heavily influenced by the Greeks who believed that service to the state and what was expedient was more important than individual rights. Read Cicero's De Officiis and Plato's Republic if you want an idea of the Roman and Greek views on democracy.

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We burned down the White House nanana na na.

Nothing a little paint didn't fix. B)

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We burned down the White House nanana na na.

Hey there,


Completely correct. But then again, we did save that same country from being controlled by Germany...twice was it? We were the lead deterant against an attack by the USSR? Yes, be very lucky most folks within the United States don't hold a grudge...for too long. B)

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Read Cicero's De Officiis and Plato's Republic if you want an idea of the Roman and Greek views on democracy.

Gah! Noooooo! Don't listen to him! Cicero is a long-winded @#$@!!! I should know. I just translated about 30 lines of De Officiis, and I've been unfortunate enough to translate all of the Orations Against Verres (abridged), a couple letters, parts of De Amicitia...


Then again, most of y'all won't be reading it in Latin, so...

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If you want a more modern philosopher type try reading F. A. Hayek. He won't say anything in one word when ten will do just fine.

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::thwaps the Vulcan back to topic::


once again I point out we are overlooking the Chinesse..Taoism and Confuious as well as Sun Tzu!

Edited by Ern_Ndak

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::thwaps the Vulcan back to topic::


once again I point out we are overlooking the Chinesse..Taoism and Confuious as well as Sun Tzu!

War is a matter of vital importnace to the State; the province of life or death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied. - Sun Tsu

Edited by Dumbass

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