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Laughing in the face of Danger

Trichon lay on the floor of the brig still clutching his ribs. Jacob had tried to help him before his field kit had been taken from him. He realized that he probably had a broken rib possibly more. He had tried to allow Hans and Merri a chance to escape by dueling with another Romulan but it seemed as if he failed as they had both been captured as well.




A young Romulan Errien, tr’Vel, walked into the brig looking for the officer in question. He spotted Trichon and started to make his way over to him.




Trichon rolled over as the Romulan entered the brig, "Ah so room service is here finally."




"Silence. Au lead one of the teams?"




“That depends on who's asking,” Trichon said.




Tr’Vel pointed a disruptor at Trichon. “Au will tell me or else.”




"Well I guess Mr. Disruptor is asking. Yes I was leading a team what does that have to do with anything."




The young errien lowered the field and came towards Trichon. "Au are coming with me...do na try anything...as you say funny.” tr’Vel said grabbing Trichon up by the shoulder.




"Easy there big guy."




“Walk!” tr’Vel said jamming the disruptor in Trichon’s back.




Trichon limped along trying not to show the pain or the fact he was injured. The Romulan led Trichon down the corridor to a small dark room with a solitary light and a lone chair in the room. The Engineer looked around at his surroundings.




“You have to be kidding me,” he said scoffing, “This is so cliché.”




Tr’Vel slapped Trichon down into the chair. “Au will speak only when spoken to...are we clear?”




He winced in pain for a moment, "So let me guess, your going to torture me with showtoons now huh?"




Tr’Vel put his fists together and smacked Trichon across the mouth.




Trichon tasted blood in his mouth, "What no foreplay?" He turned his head and spit some blood on the floor, "And on the first date too."




"Humans...” tr’Vel said as if the word let a bad taste in his mouth. “What is au name?”




Trichon looked up at the Romulan and grinned, "Jack Daniels"




Tr’Vel was infuriated by the smugness of the prisoner and back handed him into next week and gave Trichon a moment or two to think. “Shall we try this again? What is au name?”






"Lt Trichon Light serial number SC 587-215."




The Romulan almost smiled and tapped something into his PADD. “What is the name of Au ship?”




“My name is Lt Trichon Light serial number SC 587-215."




“Let me make this simple for au simple human. If au cooperates, au might see au ship again, if not au yy’a”




"As a prisoner I shall not divulge any information that might be used against me or Starfleet. So you can take your PADD there and well use your imagination."




“Au broke au treaty, au has no rights,” the Romulan said has he punched Trichon hard enough to knock the chair over.




"That’s like the pot calling the kettle blackie. You were just as guilty as we were."




“I am not here to argue!” he said as he kicked Trichon in the ribs.




Trichon hears something crack under the last blow his breathing becoming even harder.








"USS Bite Me!"




The now infuriated Romulan almost instantly kicked Trichon in the ribs again, harder this time. Trichon rolled around on the ground trying to shield his ribs the best he could. He bit his lip hard to stop from screaming.




“Pathetic,” tr’Vel said dismissingly. “If au cooperate, au maybe return to au ship. If au doesn’t au will rot in a Rihan brig.




Trichon worked his way up to one knee. He manages to look up at the Romulan "Who you caling Pathetic?"




Tr’Vel backhanded Trichon back to the ground. "Fine I'll Tell you."




Trichon made it to both feet and looked over at the Romulan. "Just step a little closer I am having some problems breathing." His voice lowered as he tries to breath in.




The Romulan listened, smiling to himself “Nice try. AU will tell me know"




Trichon stumbles forward towards the Romulan. "Okay listen close because I am only going to tell you once."




He stepped close enough and head butted the Romulan as hard as he could. "Go to hell."




The Romulan backed off as Trichon fell to the floor. “Au will pay dearly for that!”




Tr’Vel kicked Trichon in the ribs again and reached for his Kaleh. Then he took his Kaleh in one hand and pulled Trichon’s arm out and stabbed the Kaleh through his hand and into the deck plate hard enough to stick the Kaleh into the deck plate.




Trichon screamed out in pain.




"Au will stay here till au time is up"




Trichon reached his other hand and tried to pull the knife out but failed, "You sick you know that."




The Romulan laughed evilly as he started to walk out of the room. “And au are stupid. Perhaps after a while in this room au will be ready to tell me au ships name.”




Trichon grinned through the pain, "You'd have better luck just killing me."




“That is still an option...” tr’Vel trailed of as he locked the door behind him.




It was at the moment when the door shut that Trichon realized that he might be in some trouble.




>End Log<

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