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Ensign Vorans Duty Log

::recorded from the only working console in cargo bay 1::


::Computer Begin Recording::

well i began my duty shift working in main engineering when i decided to put on a bio suit so my nice ironed uniform wouldnt get too dirty after i had finished that lt.maclean wanted a report on deck three where the explosion from the romulan probe occured i couldnt give him one due to the fact that internal sensors were knocked offline due to the explosion so we decided to head down to deck three tools and all. we managed our way to deck three via the jeffries tubes. when we exited the tubes and stepped on the deck of deck three we found a big surprise waiting for us.. THE WHOLE DECK lay in ruins. we managed to find the doors to cargobay 1. i had to use the magnetic clamps to get those doors open because they wouldnt budge thank god i brought some along.when maclean and i entered the cargo bay we were "stunned" and i jumped ten feet in the air almost hitting my head on the roof. the whole floor was a force field you could see into the deck below. and thats where we decided to assess our situation and decided what was our main priority to get repaired.....


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