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T'Aniz Jozef

Bring back Kirk?

"The universe hangs in the balance.

           "One man, thought to be dead, is the only one

                           "who can save it.

"The time has come to turn death into a fighting chance to LIVE!

                   "And a legend ... will return!"

                         Bring Back Kirk.com

                        The Official Website


No, I'm not affiliated with the website.  But it holds a lot for me.  Personally, I was a Star Trek fan before the First Movie. :)    Watched it on UHF TV, an old black & white, antenna TV without a remote.  (Kinda close to the stone age. :dead: )  So my first and best hero is Captain Kirk.


 Right now, there is a new movement afoot, like in those old days, to bring back Kirk.  Remember, fan out cry helped relaunch Star Trek.  There are those who believe it can be done again.  It seems that David Gerrord, the writer of the Trouble with Tribbles episode, might be willing to write this.  Remember, in the Star Trek world, "There are always possibilities."  


It's rumored Rick Berman is considering this because the last movie did not make the big bucks Paramont wanted. :)    And ENT is continuing to drop in the ratings.  :)   Berman might see this as a shot in the arm for the franchise.  :cool:


I guess you all have figuered out how I feel about this.   :wink: My question is:   :)


How do you feel about this?  :rolleyes:   How do you feel about this?  :D  How do you feel about this?  :D

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first) don't give berman any more stupid ideas...yeah have you seen enterprise?


second) shatner is a bit old, and having anyone else play him, or realy any ogf the TOS Charcters, is sacralige


third) if the folks at paramount (Berman and Bragga) really want to re-energize the franchise they should look into a new series that appeals to the old trekies (AKA people who hate enterpise) you know the trekies who watched TOS TNG DS9 and VOY for the Sci-Fi and not those who watch ENT to see T'Pol in cat suite (not that I am complainig about the latter  :rolleyes: ) Perhaps a series with Will Riker and USS Titan or even the 'Final Frontier' series  (which is what i am really pushing for)

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Stop giving Enterprise such a hard time. The truth is no matter what they do no series will do well because fans of older series don't give newer ones a chance it happened with DS9 and VOY just the way things are :rolleyes:

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first) don't give berman any more stupid ideas...yeah have you seen enterprise?


second) shatner is a bit old, and having anyone else play him, or realy any ogf the TOS Charcters, is sacralige


third) if the folks at paramount (Berman and Bragga) really want to re-energize the franchise they should look into a new series that appeals to the old trekies (AKA people who hate enterpise) you know the trekies who watched TOS TNG DS9 and VOY for the Sci-Fi and not those who watch ENT to see T'Pol in cat suite (not that I am complainig about the latter  :rolleyes: ) Perhaps a series with Will Riker and USS Titan or even the 'Final Frontier' series  (which is what i am really pushing for)

1. Enterprise isn't as terrible as it's made out to be.  

2. Certainly true.  Shatner should not reappear on Trek again.

3.  The fact is, Enterprise isan attempt to re-energinze the older fan base.  This was the reason Berman decided on a prequel.  They wanted a series that re-energized old fans while bringing some new ones on board.  


What Trek needs, after Enterprise, is a long respite. :D

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In the words of Bones, "He's dead Jim"  :rolleyes:

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In the words of Bones, "He's dead Jim"  :rolleyes:

I believe the correct phrase is " Its worse then that he's dead Jim" :-P

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Now I've been a trek fan for a while. And to rebuild my intrest in trek, please do the following.


1)Stop selling the broadcast rights to private cable chanels. I have yet to see Enterprise, so I refuse to comment on it.

2)If you're going to make a new show after Enterprise, Berman please step down and Hire Peter David to run the show. It's nothing personal, but after the greater sleeper show of Voyager, and going to the lowest common deminator to get viewers, you need to hit the road. Gene Roddenberry was on his death bed, and had to correct Star Trek: TNG because you screwwed things up. The people who've watched the show have said this long enought, please hear us, and respect our wishs. Pack your bags, and mess up another franchise for all we care.

3)Concerning the fate of James Tiberus Kirk. I say make a quick show following his first triogoly that brought him back, and leave the fans happy. If Paramount wants him dead, make it for a good cause. Like unasimilating the borg, when they asimilate him into the collective. Better yet, have him killed kicking Janeway out of Star Fleet.

4)As a long term fan of The New Frontier series, spend a few bucks, make the books into a mini-series, and see if the fans will watch it for a new show. Who knows maybe Peter David deserves some serous $$$ for all the fans he's kept with the show after the trash presently on Star Trek.

5)For the next movie, (if there is one) please make Star Trek: TNG Book Q2 into the film. It'll take some modifications, but it can work. Such an excellent book screams screen play!


We now return you to your regular Lyon.8-)

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Amen to everything that Whiskers said...


first off prequals are almost always bad.


next point--Enterprise is that bad, it is the following:

a) a raping of the timeline

b)enough to turn me against trek (yeah did you see Aquazition?)



and as for nem earlier comments aboutnot giving it a chance, okay let be frank her, the first few seasons of DS9 were pretty bad, if i had to listen to kira whine about the prophets one more time...anyway there is a method to my rant here...the first few seasons of DS9 always seemed to me to be a step away from what Trek is about...Sci-Fi, it just seemed to me that the first few (unpopular) season were trying really hard to be fanatasy with an over reaching story arc (think Babylon 5)


which leads me to my basic  hate for ENT--THEY ARE DOING THE SAME THING...only cheesier i mean come on the Temporal Cold War??


sorry but untill they return to what trek is supposed to be I won' be watching ENT or any other Trek series run by Berman and Cohorts.

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In the words of Bones, "He's dead Jim"  :rolleyes:

I believe the correct phrase is " Its worse then that he's dead Jim" :-P

not really, he said "he's dead jim" over and over again throughout the original series, there's a soundfile somewhere on the web with all of them put together

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