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RES Talon Simlog 51302.07

RES Talon Misson Briefing 51302.07 - The Talon has arrived at Othan Prime and has been given codes to the orbiting station facility and offered aid and supplies by Deihu tr'Tronius. Whispered rumors circulating the ship claim that their missing Enarrain has been located. A meeting has been called to discuss the facts of their current situation. All department heads and select crewmen (that’s all of you) have been ordered to report to the briefing room on the bridge.


KhreRiovtRex -> (hee hee, the art of the long MB is rubbing off! Ain't she awesome! I love my XO's on my ships!)

Laehval tTemarr -> Questions?

M_K_tKsa -> No questions here


Laehval tTemarr -> BEGIN SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> BEGIN SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> BEGIN SIM


Laehval tTemarr -> (( ::thwaps Ksa:: ))

M_K_tKsa -> ((::rubs head:: Ow))

tAehjae -> ::heading into the briefing room per orders::

M_K_tKsa -> (q)You going to tell her I can have my job back soon, ie?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::already standing in the briefing room, anxious to see to the state of his charge::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Heads to the briefing room ::

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)Na. ::smuggly, letting t'Ksa go ahead of him to enter the conference room::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval stood near one of the windows in the briefing room, waiting for everyone to file in. As usual, she wore a mask of neutrality that kept them guessing just how dire the situation was going to be.::

KhreRiovtRex -> (geez Koga, your connection looks worse than mine, and you're at least geographically attached!)

Koga S'Bien -> ::on the Oira driving the ship::

NDak -> ::Enters the conference room quietly and takes a seat::

M_K_tKsa -> (q)Why na! ::although it's still a quiet muttering it's still a little louder than she intended::

KhreRiovtRex -> (realizes our other semi-Canadian is also missing!)

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters the conference room ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::enters as well::

tAehjae -> :: finds a seat::

Koga S'Bien -> ( ya. Not good signal)

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)'Cause it makes au mad. And au turn a lovely shade of green when au are mad. ::smirks, taking his seat::

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::glances over at the Maenaks' having a whispered disagreement, wondering if the former Daise had been permanently damaged hrrau the head::

NDak -> (( Survey says... ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (ding.... 80)

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sits at any random seat ::

tAehjae -> :: smiles hearing the two arguing softly glad Ksa is back to herself::

M_K_tKsa -> ::muttering to herself as she takes her seat if only to keep from blushing further or grinning::

tAehjae -> ::then looses the smile again before someone sees her::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Waits until everyone is settled and then takes her seat.:: Looks as though we are all here, except S'Bien, who is presumably initiating docking procedures with the station. ::She leaned back.:: I have menkha news. For once, the rumors on the ship are true. Our Enarrain has been located.

NDak -> ::Issaha lifted a brow -- handy -- he thought, but said nothing and quickly hid his expression::

tr'Shalor> ::takes a seat next to Pexil::

tAehjae -> :: keeps herself from jumping for joy:: That is wonderful news rekkhai Where will we pick her up?

M_K_tKsa -> Excellent. ::although excited, trying na also to roll her eyes as she knows her task will be to keep her alive.......again::

tAehjae -> ::looks to Shalor::

Kheinsa Maec -> ;:is truly neutral since he'd heard the news prior to the briefing::

Laehval tTemarr -> They have her on Othan Prime and are currently treating the injuries she incurred during her captivity. This is, of course, extremely fortunate for us to have been contacted by Deihu tr'Tronius, who just happened to have captured those that held her. None of the Othan Fleet, including tr'Tronius are to be trusted. ::She glanced at t'Aehjae.:: As soon as we are docked, we will be meeting tr'Tronius on the station and presumably collect her then.

NDak -> ::Manages to somehow not choke, but instead coughed loudly::

tr'Shalor> ::remaining silent and letting t'Temarr lead the meeting, refraining from showing how much he wished to head down immediately to na only retrieve her, but to get some answers::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sees tr'Shalor next to him, did not notice before ::

tAehjae -> ::nods:: I will have my best tesm ready to go

Laehval tTemarr -> I brought all of au here because this is a somewhat delicate situation. While we might have our suspicions that the Deihu was involved in her abduction, we cannot make such claims or even infer them while on the station. tr'Tronius is too well connected.

NDak -> Forgive me rehkkai, but I do na think I speak too far out of turn when I ask, just who is supposed to believe that io?

tr'Shalor> ::turns and looks at N'Dak:: Remembering his brother's and sister's part in this, wonders how close his own father Deihu, might be in league with Tr'Tronius

NDak -> (( cancel that ))

NDak -> (( enter is not back space! ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (Rofl)

M_K_tKsa -> ::frowning, wishing that indeed the chair would swallow her at this point::

NDak -> ::Rolls his eyes at the bit about the worm tr'Tronious::

Laehval tTemarr -> Daise'Dheno, we will need a modest contingent to accompany us to the station, though do na overdo the escort. We do not wish to seem hostile. A

NDak -> ::Unlike his elder brother, or perhaps too much like him, Issaha had never completely learned to mask his emotions when they were at their strongest, and at the moment, the mixture of annoyance, frustration and disbelief were a little more than he could contain::

tAehjae -> Ie rekhhai]

Kheinsa Maec -> In fact, I would go so far as to na tell the escorts au's suspensions so that they would na give anything away.

Kheinsa Maec -> ((suspicious))

tAehjae -> :: looks to Meac and back to Laeh::

Laehval tTemarr -> Wise advice, Kheinsa. ::She nodded and then glanced to Pexil.:: Daise'Engineer, they have offered us assistance for our repairs. Make use of them, but do na allow any of their crew to board this ship. I expect dhenos to be posted at the docking port to make certain this does na happen.

tAehjae -> ::nods again to Laeh:: Ie rekhhai

Lerak trPexil -> Understood... our 'classified' components.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded and looked to Issaha.:: Science will be tasked with sensor monitoring. Everything. If something looks out of place, I want to know about it. I want records of the warp trails we were following and proof that they came here.

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie, of course.

M_K_tKsa -> ::glancing up for a moment:: I'll have io or re maenak prepared to escort au if au wish. Unless au need my assistance. ::please say na, please say na, please say na::

tr’Shalor-> tr'Tronius is currently io of the strongest Deihu in the Senate, mainly due to the funds he and his fellow lesser Deihu in the outer colonies, have been supplementing the Empire's coffers of late, that....makes them both powerful, and dangerous. They are very well connected, and just word of your suspicions, be they true or false, may have distinct ramifications upon na only au, au families and this ship...

Kheinsa Maec -> ::glancing at t'Ksa with an eyebrow raised::

tr'Shalor> ::nods in approval at tTemarr's restriction on the Othan engineers entering the ship, unsure if it was her engineering background and na wanting to let others touch 'her ship' or if it was just a wise move by a commander. Regardless, it was the right move in his opinion::

NDak -> False? ::What was that about N'Dak's never knowing exactly when to shut up:: Does anyone rhae this room, rhae this ship think that... that veruul tr'Tronius isn't behind this? And not just this, not just the kidnapping, but elements the entire mess we've been through for months now. And, if I might be so bold, are were really expected to take this... this affront to our honor so lightly?

KhreRiovtRex -> (looks like we lost Koga for good that time, he was trying to sim from the pub....deciding if he dropped his phone into his beer, or in the pocket of the pool table)

NDak -> Not only do we know have to play along with this whole charade, but we have to stand idly by and let him take all the credit for rescuing her? Elements...

Laehval tTemarr -> A valid point. ::To tr'Tronius. Her attention swung to t'Ksa.:: Au will be prepping the medical bay for her arrival. Au can send your assistants with the dheno escort, though I think the Kheinsa should go as well.

tAehjae -> Right now we want to get her back ... Im for allowing the higher ups take other action or tell us when to take that action.

tr'Shalor> At this time, we have na proof either way, other than the word of the 'nobel Deihu', and au of all people, should know how well they are to be 'trusted'....::looks directly at Issasha::

M_K_tKsa -> ::slightly startled at the idea of Maec walking into a potential trap, nods a bit::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers as she listened to their reservations.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Mentally going through the preparations for engineering ::

NDak -> ::Issaha frowned:: I have never portended to like or enjoy, or for that matter, be much at hand at the game of politics that the rest of my clan so ... so passionately indulges, I will grant au that. What I am saying, or what I am asking, is are we going to simply allow him to get away with this?

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)We'll keep it quiet that we have recovered au if that is what au are worried about. ::nudges t'Ksa::

KhreRiovtRex -> (Keep in mind, Othan Prime is the main planet of this entire sector, and basically the capital for most of the outer colonies. Large planet, growing larger population, not far behind that of ch'Havran for populace. The base we are docking with, is an orbital repair facility, just off a bit from their newer shipbuilding facility)

NDak -> I know we can na do anything h'nah. I am not that naive, it's just... ::He sighed::

Kheinsa Maec -> It is na that we intend to let him get away with anything, if he is indeed guilty. It's that we need na over play our hand until we have our crew safely on board.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She stared at Issaha.:: It's just that au will do as I say and keep your mouth firmly shut and your righteous indignation to yourself.

tr'Shalor> Having worked so closely with the Daise'Khre'Riov all these years, and observing how he deals with these....people...I think that's exactly what we're going to 'have to do', until the day more proof can be garnered, or if the Khre'Riov is able to tell us anything new.

NDak -> ::He nodded respectfully to Laehval:: As au order, rehkkai.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Looked at t'Temarr then Issaha ::

Laehval tTemarr -> Do au honestly think that tr'Vatrix will suffer anyone to live that he thinks might be involved in his mate's abduction? Na, the Deihu will pay for his part in all of this, but we must handle things gingerly for the time being.

Kheinsa Maec -> There is a time for diplomacy and there's a time for action. Right now, diplomacy and discretion is needed.

tr'Shalor> ::nods in agreement with t'Temarr::

tAehjae -> When do we move out rehkkai

Laehval tTemarr -> As soon as this meeting is finished. ::She glanced about the room.:: Are there any other points or questions?

NDak -> ::He leaned back in his chair. tr'Vatrix's honor would be assuaged, of that he had no doubt. It was his own, and that of his house that concerned him now, though he would na say it to anyone in the room, knowing that they could care less.::

M_K_tKsa -> (q)I still do na like it. I can envision several scenarios in which this could end badly.

tr'Shalor> That...and the fact that they have the entire outer colony frontier fleet at their command....basically, at tr'Tronius's command. We threaten him, what do au think is going to happen to this 'io' ship? It's as the Khre'Riov said before she left to try and rescue t'Ksa. She had been ordered to 'give herself up' as a way to infiltrate, and possibly find proof of who was behind this........

tAehjae -> ::to Ksa:: we do na have much choice rehhkai if we want to get herback and we are this close. I do na like it either but I will do what I have to to bring her home.

tr'Shalor> think about it, there are others back home, that want her, and this ship out of the way. What better way than to put us in a bad situation if it came to that......We could easily be made to....disappear?

NDak -> As I said, I understand the... gravity of our immediate situation. It does na mean I have to like it. Forgive me, rehkkais for having spoke out of turn. ::Regaining a semblance of control over his emotions::

tr'Shalor> Who's to say who back home, may have been involved in this as well....we can only listen and learn for now, and hope she can tell us more once she's conscious again

M_K_tKsa -> Let's just get the Khre'Riov back, then we can blow them up from afar after everyone's safe.

tr'Shalor> ::nods at him, having been recently told the same thing by t'Temarr to get his own outburst under control::

Laehval tTemarr -> I value your opinion, so long as it is kept to this room. ::To Issaha.:: Very well, if there is nothing else, then au all have preparations to make. ::She rose from her chair in clear indication that the meeting was finished.::

tr'Shalor> I do na think the maenak is aware of the scope of the situation, it would be like attempting an attack on the homeworld, albeit a bit smaller

tAehjae -> :: stands and nods to Laeh::

NDak -> I do na like where this is going at all. ::He said, standing::

M_K_tKsa -> Oh shut up. I was only expressing the need to get on with this mission all ready. ::standing::

tAehjae -> :: turns to exit heading for the door::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::thinking Ooooookay::

tAehjae -> :: exit moving to the dheno station on the Oira:

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil rose up from his seat. Looked Laehval in the eye, nodded then headed for the door ::

tr'Shalor> ::stood and inclined his head to tTemarr::: She was truly gaining control of this crew, and was grasping the elements of command, better than he had expected. Especially after what she had earlier done, and that she'd managed to get the crew to believe her and follow her...many ships, would have just been done with her by now, these......

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)C'mon lhhei. ::taking her elbow, before she bites tr'Shalor's head off:: We've got work to do.

tAehjae -> :: contacts her alpha team having them gurad the docking areas giving them orders na to allow anio na of this vessel to board:

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ksa, a moment please, if au will stay.

tr'Shalor> ::makes note to speak with Laehval about tKsa, and if it would be ...::pauses hearing Laeh call to tKsa

NDak -> ::Issaha took a very long, very deep breath and ran his hands over his hair, smoothing it, and them smoothing his uniform before continuing on towards the door. He was not particularly prone to the outbursts his brother had become rather infamous for, but in his weaker moments, he could be just as voltile::

M_K_tKsa -> ::scowls at Maec, then nods towards t'Temarr:: As au wish, lhhei.

tr'Shalor> ::remains by the door waiting to see if he is wanted to remain or na::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::hoping that neither woman is armed, wisely exits the room::

Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Shalor, au have the Oira.

tAehjae -> :: calls her best crew and has them come to the oira::

tr'Shalor> Ie Llhei::: turns and exits the room::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Heads out and runs to catch up with t'Aehjae :: A moment please.

NDak -> ::Exits calmly onto the Oira and heads for the science console::

M_K_tKsa -> ::having na jol lost on tr'Shalor, her eyes follow him to make sure the verrul actually did what he was told::

tr'Shalor> ::heads onto the oira and takes the center seat::: Status report... ::to Koga and the random Ops officer::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Waits for the others to leave the room before turning to Ksa.:: Are au crazy?

tAehjae -> :: nods to trShalor as he exits: Rehhkai Dheno are on their way to the docking areas with orders na to allow non Talon personnel on the vessel under no circumstances. My best team are on their way here

M_K_tKsa -> Perhaps a touch. At least the Kheinsa seems to think so.

KhreRiovtRex -> (she's just mad that he had picked her up and carried her, not that you'd see her little Maec do that.....I think she sorta liked it, and thats why she dislikes him now, for making her kheinsa seem, so like a kheinsa!)

M_K_tKsa -> Otherwise, he'd give me my job back.

NDak -> ::Refrains from making a comment about the 'crack' D'heno squad::

Lerak trPexil -> t

Laehval tTemarr -> Noted. Are au sane enough to resume your duties as Daise'Maenak? Your reappointment is na his decision. It is mine. I will, of course, take his opinion into consideration, but I'm asking au... are au ready?

tr'Shalor> ::: looks to t'Aejhae:: Why to the oira?

tAehjae -> I wish to remain on the oira before we go.

NDak -> ::Wasn't it going to get a little crowded up here::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Walks from the conference room to the oria lift ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters :: Engineering...

NDak -> ::He kept his mouth shut and began working on the report that Laehval had directed him to complete, as well as modifying the sensors to scan the station, more discretely::

tr'Shalor> We have a ship to run fahd, and do na know when the Othan will 'invite' us to come down to the planet to see about her retrieval, if they will let more than a small party along as well. If you need to have a breifing for au staff, I'd suggest the breifing room once it's cleared, but we have work to do up here,

M_K_tKsa -> ::sighs softly, trying to get over her irked attitude with tr'Shalor, she glances up at t'Temarr to give the woman her full attention:: In all honesty, I think I am. I want to feel useful and.....well.......I *like* my job. I miss it.

tAehjae -> ::nods:: Ie rehkkai as au wish::

Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift moves briskly as Pexil does his best to relax ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift stops and takes on two more passengers, both nod. It continues ::

tr'Shalor> :: stands and turns to t'Aehjae:: I know au wish to retrieve her almost as much as I do, but au must remember....this is the outer Capital, and we're dealing with its leadership. Au and au staff, must give them all the respect that they 'deserve', even if we feel that they do na

Kheinsa Maec -> ::returning to medical to retrieve a couple of maenakenn and his medkit:





Laehval tTemarr -> ::Considering for a moment, she nodded.:: Ie, I would agree. Though I know that this situation is difficult for au, but I think that au are ready to lead your department once again. I will speak with the Kheinsa as soon as he returns from fetching the Enarrain.


(( Last chance to say it... ))

NDak -> ::For the briefest of moments he felt some sort of weird kinship with tr'Shalor, before pushing it out of his mind::

tr'Shalor> ::turns to NDak:: And I understand that these may be some of those that were behind au brother's attack, though ...:: keeping his sisters involvement to himself so the rest of the oira did not hear it::

M_K_tKsa -> ::nods again before departing the conference room::

tr'Shalor> But we must ask au, to hold au thoughts to auself for now as well.....

KhreRiovtRex -> (lol....but for that io fleeting siuren...lol)

NDak -> ::Issaha nodded solemnly:: I will do my duty.


Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM


tAehjae -> ::paused::

KhreRiovtRex -> Menakha everyone!

KhreRiovtRex -> I know we were a little short tonight without our Canadian contingent, but we got along ok.

M_K_tKsa -> ::throwing visual daggers at tr'Shalor::

KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo Laeh for the briefing this evening..

Laehval tTemarr -> Good job, folks. Next week we will be traveling onto the station and will -gasp- collect t'Rexan / Vatrix.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Now now tKsa, what have I ever done to you, other than pick you up when we were dealing with the rescue attempt!?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Still thinks she's nuts

Laehval tTemarr -> Throws voice> "It's a trap!"

KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :::still in foggy sleepy land::

NDak -> I will be more than a little disappointed

NDak -> If its not.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::puts a hand over t'Ksa's mouth to keep her from responding::

NDak -> I am hoping they reprogramed her as a cyborg assassin.

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, it's now 5am here, I need to get a little sleep

Lerak trPexil -> Or get up...

KhreRiovtRex -> That is in an hour or two

tAehjae -> glad you made it tRex

KhreRiovtRex -> no more cyborg!

KhreRiovtRex -> Thanks, me too...thanks for coming all.....ya'll are great!

NDak -> But we already have the eyeball!

KhreRiovtRex -> Hush you!

Kheinsa Maec -> I gotta go guys. Night y'all!

KhreRiovtRex -> maybe...it would be ironic...if an Ndak had to wear it!

KhreRiovtRex -> or...a tksa

NDak -> lol

Lerak trPexil -> Night all :)

Laehval tTemarr -> Alright, I'm going to scoot. Night all. See you next week.

tAehjae -> :;doesnt say a word:: night

RES Talon Misson Briefing 51302.07 - The Talon has arrived at Othan Prime and has been given codes to the orbiting station facility and offered aid and supplies by Deihu tr'Tronius. Whispered rumors circulating the ship claim that their missing Enarrain has been located. A meeting has been called to discuss the facts of their current situation. All department heads and select crewmen (that’s all of you) have been ordered to report to the briefing room on the bridge.


KhreRiovtRex -> (hee hee, the art of the long MB is rubbing off! Ain't she awesome! I love my XO's on my ships!)

Laehval tTemarr -> Questions?

M_K_tKsa -> No questions here


Laehval tTemarr -> BEGIN SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> BEGIN SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> BEGIN SIM


Laehval tTemarr -> (( ::thwaps Ksa:: ))

M_K_tKsa -> ((::rubs head:: Ow))

tAehjae -> ::heading into the briefing room per orders::

M_K_tKsa -> (q)You going to tell her I can have my job back soon, ie?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::already standing in the briefing room, anxious to see to the state of his charge::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Heads to the briefing room ::

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)Na. ::smuggly, letting t'Ksa go ahead of him to enter the conference room::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval stood near one of the windows in the briefing room, waiting for everyone to file in. As usual, she wore a mask of neutrality that kept them guessing just how dire the situation was going to be.::

KhreRiovtRex -> (geez Koga, your connection looks worse than mine, and you're at least geographically attached!)

Koga S'Bien -> ::on the Oira driving the ship::

NDak -> ::Enters the conference room quietly and takes a seat::

M_K_tKsa -> (q)Why na! ::although it's still a quiet muttering it's still a little louder than she intended::

KhreRiovtRex -> (realizes our other semi-Canadian is also missing!)

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters the conference room ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::enters as well::

tAehjae -> :: finds a seat::

Koga S'Bien -> ( ya. Not good signal)

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)'Cause it makes au mad. And au turn a lovely shade of green when au are mad. ::smirks, taking his seat::

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::glances over at the Maenaks' having a whispered disagreement, wondering if the former Daise had been permanently damaged hrrau the head::

NDak -> (( Survey says... ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (ding.... 80)

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sits at any random seat ::

tAehjae -> :: smiles hearing the two arguing softly glad Ksa is back to herself::

M_K_tKsa -> ::muttering to herself as she takes her seat if only to keep from blushing further or grinning::

tAehjae -> ::then looses the smile again before someone sees her::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Waits until everyone is settled and then takes her seat.:: Looks as though we are all here, except S'Bien, who is presumably initiating docking procedures with the station. ::She leaned back.:: I have menkha news. For once, the rumors on the ship are true. Our Enarrain has been located.

NDak -> ::Issaha lifted a brow -- handy -- he thought, but said nothing and quickly hid his expression::

tr'Shalor> ::takes a seat next to Pexil::

tAehjae -> :: keeps herself from jumping for joy:: That is wonderful news rekkhai Where will we pick her up?

M_K_tKsa -> Excellent. ::although excited, trying na also to roll her eyes as she knows her task will be to keep her alive.......again::

tAehjae -> ::looks to Shalor::

Kheinsa Maec -> ;:is truly neutral since he'd heard the news prior to the briefing::

Laehval tTemarr -> They have her on Othan Prime and are currently treating the injuries she incurred during her captivity. This is, of course, extremely fortunate for us to have been contacted by Deihu tr'Tronius, who just happened to have captured those that held her. None of the Othan Fleet, including tr'Tronius are to be trusted. ::She glanced at t'Aehjae.:: As soon as we are docked, we will be meeting tr'Tronius on the station and presumably collect her then.

NDak -> ::Manages to somehow not choke, but instead coughed loudly::

tr'Shalor> ::remaining silent and letting t'Temarr lead the meeting, refraining from showing how much he wished to head down immediately to na only retrieve her, but to get some answers::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sees tr'Shalor next to him, did not notice before ::

tAehjae -> ::nods:: I will have my best tesm ready to go

Laehval tTemarr -> I brought all of au here because this is a somewhat delicate situation. While we might have our suspicions that the Deihu was involved in her abduction, we cannot make such claims or even infer them while on the station. tr'Tronius is too well connected.

NDak -> Forgive me rehkkai, but I do na think I speak too far out of turn when I ask, just who is supposed to believe that io?

tr'Shalor> ::turns and looks at N'Dak:: Remembering his brother's and sister's part in this, wonders how close his own father Deihu, might be in league with Tr'Tronius

NDak -> (( cancel that ))

NDak -> (( enter is not back space! ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (Rofl)

M_K_tKsa -> ::frowning, wishing that indeed the chair would swallow her at this point::

NDak -> ::Rolls his eyes at the bit about the worm tr'Tronious::

Laehval tTemarr -> Daise'Dheno, we will need a modest contingent to accompany us to the station, though do na overdo the escort. We do not wish to seem hostile. A

NDak -> ::Unlike his elder brother, or perhaps too much like him, Issaha had never completely learned to mask his emotions when they were at their strongest, and at the moment, the mixture of annoyance, frustration and disbelief were a little more than he could contain::

tAehjae -> Ie rekhhai]

Kheinsa Maec -> In fact, I would go so far as to na tell the escorts au's suspensions so that they would na give anything away.

Kheinsa Maec -> ((suspicious))

tAehjae -> :: looks to Meac and back to Laeh::

Laehval tTemarr -> Wise advice, Kheinsa. ::She nodded and then glanced to Pexil.:: Daise'Engineer, they have offered us assistance for our repairs. Make use of them, but do na allow any of their crew to board this ship. I expect dhenos to be posted at the docking port to make certain this does na happen.

tAehjae -> ::nods again to Laeh:: Ie rekhhai

Lerak trPexil -> Understood... our 'classified' components.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded and looked to Issaha.:: Science will be tasked with sensor monitoring. Everything. If something looks out of place, I want to know about it. I want records of the warp trails we were following and proof that they came here.

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie, of course.

M_K_tKsa -> ::glancing up for a moment:: I'll have io or re maenak prepared to escort au if au wish. Unless au need my assistance. ::please say na, please say na, please say na::

tr’Shalor-> tr'Tronius is currently io of the strongest Deihu in the Senate, mainly due to the funds he and his fellow lesser Deihu in the outer colonies, have been supplementing the Empire's coffers of late, that....makes them both powerful, and dangerous. They are very well connected, and just word of your suspicions, be they true or false, may have distinct ramifications upon na only au, au families and this ship...

Kheinsa Maec -> ::glancing at t'Ksa with an eyebrow raised::

tr'Shalor> ::nods in approval at tTemarr's restriction on the Othan engineers entering the ship, unsure if it was her engineering background and na wanting to let others touch 'her ship' or if it was just a wise move by a commander. Regardless, it was the right move in his opinion::

NDak -> False? ::What was that about N'Dak's never knowing exactly when to shut up:: Does anyone rhae this room, rhae this ship think that... that veruul tr'Tronius isn't behind this? And not just this, not just the kidnapping, but elements the entire mess we've been through for months now. And, if I might be so bold, are were really expected to take this... this affront to our honor so lightly?

KhreRiovtRex -> (looks like we lost Koga for good that time, he was trying to sim from the pub....deciding if he dropped his phone into his beer, or in the pocket of the pool table)

NDak -> Not only do we know have to play along with this whole charade, but we have to stand idly by and let him take all the credit for rescuing her? Elements...

Laehval tTemarr -> A valid point. ::To tr'Tronius. Her attention swung to t'Ksa.:: Au will be prepping the medical bay for her arrival. Au can send your assistants with the dheno escort, though I think the Kheinsa should go as well.

tAehjae -> Right now we want to get her back ... Im for allowing the higher ups take other action or tell us when to take that action.

tr'Shalor> At this time, we have na proof either way, other than the word of the 'nobel Deihu', and au of all people, should know how well they are to be 'trusted'....::looks directly at Issasha::

M_K_tKsa -> ::slightly startled at the idea of Maec walking into a potential trap, nods a bit::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers as she listened to their reservations.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Mentally going through the preparations for engineering ::

NDak -> ::Issaha frowned:: I have never portended to like or enjoy, or for that matter, be much at hand at the game of politics that the rest of my clan so ... so passionately indulges, I will grant au that. What I am saying, or what I am asking, is are we going to simply allow him to get away with this?

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)We'll keep it quiet that we have recovered au if that is what au are worried about. ::nudges t'Ksa::

KhreRiovtRex -> (Keep in mind, Othan Prime is the main planet of this entire sector, and basically the capital for most of the outer colonies. Large planet, growing larger population, not far behind that of ch'Havran for populace. The base we are docking with, is an orbital repair facility, just off a bit from their newer shipbuilding facility)

NDak -> I know we can na do anything h'nah. I am not that naive, it's just... ::He sighed::

Kheinsa Maec -> It is na that we intend to let him get away with anything, if he is indeed guilty. It's that we need na over play our hand until we have our crew safely on board.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She stared at Issaha.:: It's just that au will do as I say and keep your mouth firmly shut and your righteous indignation to yourself.

tr'Shalor> Having worked so closely with the Daise'Khre'Riov all these years, and observing how he deals with these....people...I think that's exactly what we're going to 'have to do', until the day more proof can be garnered, or if the Khre'Riov is able to tell us anything new.

NDak -> ::He nodded respectfully to Laehval:: As au order, rehkkai.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Looked at t'Temarr then Issaha ::

Laehval tTemarr -> Do au honestly think that tr'Vatrix will suffer anyone to live that he thinks might be involved in his mate's abduction? Na, the Deihu will pay for his part in all of this, but we must handle things gingerly for the time being.

Kheinsa Maec -> There is a time for diplomacy and there's a time for action. Right now, diplomacy and discretion is needed.

tr'Shalor> ::nods in agreement with t'Temarr::

tAehjae -> When do we move out rehkkai

Laehval tTemarr -> As soon as this meeting is finished. ::She glanced about the room.:: Are there any other points or questions?

NDak -> ::He leaned back in his chair. tr'Vatrix's honor would be assuaged, of that he had no doubt. It was his own, and that of his house that concerned him now, though he would na say it to anyone in the room, knowing that they could care less.::

M_K_tKsa -> (q)I still do na like it. I can envision several scenarios in which this could end badly.

tr'Shalor> That...and the fact that they have the entire outer colony frontier fleet at their command....basically, at tr'Tronius's command. We threaten him, what do au think is going to happen to this 'io' ship? It's as the Khre'Riov said before she left to try and rescue t'Ksa. She had been ordered to 'give herself up' as a way to infiltrate, and possibly find proof of who was behind this........

tAehjae -> ::to Ksa:: we do na have much choice rehhkai if we want to get herback and we are this close. I do na like it either but I will do what I have to to bring her home.

tr'Shalor> think about it, there are others back home, that want her, and this ship out of the way. What better way than to put us in a bad situation if it came to that......We could easily be made to....disappear?

NDak -> As I said, I understand the... gravity of our immediate situation. It does na mean I have to like it. Forgive me, rehkkais for having spoke out of turn. ::Regaining a semblance of control over his emotions::

tr'Shalor> Who's to say who back home, may have been involved in this as well....we can only listen and learn for now, and hope she can tell us more once she's conscious again

M_K_tKsa -> Let's just get the Khre'Riov back, then we can blow them up from afar after everyone's safe.

tr'Shalor> ::nods at him, having been recently told the same thing by t'Temarr to get his own outburst under control::

Laehval tTemarr -> I value your opinion, so long as it is kept to this room. ::To Issaha.:: Very well, if there is nothing else, then au all have preparations to make. ::She rose from her chair in clear indication that the meeting was finished.::

tr'Shalor> I do na think the maenak is aware of the scope of the situation, it would be like attempting an attack on the homeworld, albeit a bit smaller

tAehjae -> :: stands and nods to Laeh::

NDak -> I do na like where this is going at all. ::He said, standing::

M_K_tKsa -> Oh shut up. I was only expressing the need to get on with this mission all ready. ::standing::

tAehjae -> :: turns to exit heading for the door::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::thinking Ooooookay::

tAehjae -> :: exit moving to the dheno station on the Oira:

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil rose up from his seat. Looked Laehval in the eye, nodded then headed for the door ::

tr'Shalor> ::stood and inclined his head to tTemarr::: She was truly gaining control of this crew, and was grasping the elements of command, better than he had expected. Especially after what she had earlier done, and that she'd managed to get the crew to believe her and follow her...many ships, would have just been done with her by now, these......

Kheinsa Maec -> (q)C'mon lhhei. ::taking her elbow, before she bites tr'Shalor's head off:: We've got work to do.

tAehjae -> :: contacts her alpha team having them gurad the docking areas giving them orders na to allow anio na of this vessel to board:

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ksa, a moment please, if au will stay.

tr'Shalor> ::makes note to speak with Laehval about tKsa, and if it would be ...::pauses hearing Laeh call to tKsa

NDak -> ::Issaha took a very long, very deep breath and ran his hands over his hair, smoothing it, and them smoothing his uniform before continuing on towards the door. He was not particularly prone to the outbursts his brother had become rather infamous for, but in his weaker moments, he could be just as voltile::

M_K_tKsa -> ::scowls at Maec, then nods towards t'Temarr:: As au wish, lhhei.

tr'Shalor> ::remains by the door waiting to see if he is wanted to remain or na::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::hoping that neither woman is armed, wisely exits the room::

Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Shalor, au have the Oira.

tAehjae -> :: calls her best crew and has them come to the oira::

tr'Shalor> Ie Llhei::: turns and exits the room::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Heads out and runs to catch up with t'Aehjae :: A moment please.

NDak -> ::Exits calmly onto the Oira and heads for the science console::

M_K_tKsa -> ::having na jol lost on tr'Shalor, her eyes follow him to make sure the verrul actually did what he was told::

tr'Shalor> ::heads onto the oira and takes the center seat::: Status report... ::to Koga and the random Ops officer::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Waits for the others to leave the room before turning to Ksa.:: Are au crazy?

tAehjae -> :: nods to trShalor as he exits: Rehhkai Dheno are on their way to the docking areas with orders na to allow non Talon personnel on the vessel under no circumstances. My best team are on their way here

M_K_tKsa -> Perhaps a touch. At least the Kheinsa seems to think so.

KhreRiovtRex -> (she's just mad that he had picked her up and carried her, not that you'd see her little Maec do that.....I think she sorta liked it, and thats why she dislikes him now, for making her kheinsa seem, so like a kheinsa!)

M_K_tKsa -> Otherwise, he'd give me my job back.

NDak -> ::Refrains from making a comment about the 'crack' D'heno squad::

Lerak trPexil -> t

Laehval tTemarr -> Noted. Are au sane enough to resume your duties as Daise'Maenak? Your reappointment is na his decision. It is mine. I will, of course, take his opinion into consideration, but I'm asking au... are au ready?

tr'Shalor> ::: looks to t'Aejhae:: Why to the oira?

tAehjae -> I wish to remain on the oira before we go.

NDak -> ::Wasn't it going to get a little crowded up here::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Walks from the conference room to the oria lift ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters :: Engineering...

NDak -> ::He kept his mouth shut and began working on the report that Laehval had directed him to complete, as well as modifying the sensors to scan the station, more discretely::

tr'Shalor> We have a ship to run fahd, and do na know when the Othan will 'invite' us to come down to the planet to see about her retrieval, if they will let more than a small party along as well. If you need to have a breifing for au staff, I'd suggest the breifing room once it's cleared, but we have work to do up here,

M_K_tKsa -> ::sighs softly, trying to get over her irked attitude with tr'Shalor, she glances up at t'Temarr to give the woman her full attention:: In all honesty, I think I am. I want to feel useful and.....well.......I *like* my job. I miss it.

tAehjae -> ::nods:: Ie rehkkai as au wish::

Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift moves briskly as Pexil does his best to relax ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift stops and takes on two more passengers, both nod. It continues ::

tr'Shalor> :: stands and turns to t'Aehjae:: I know au wish to retrieve her almost as much as I do, but au must remember....this is the outer Capital, and we're dealing with its leadership. Au and au staff, must give them all the respect that they 'deserve', even if we feel that they do na

Kheinsa Maec -> ::returning to medical to retrieve a couple of maenakenn and his medkit:





Laehval tTemarr -> ::Considering for a moment, she nodded.:: Ie, I would agree. Though I know that this situation is difficult for au, but I think that au are ready to lead your department once again. I will speak with the Kheinsa as soon as he returns from fetching the Enarrain.


(( Last chance to say it... ))

NDak -> ::For the briefest of moments he felt some sort of weird kinship with tr'Shalor, before pushing it out of his mind::

tr'Shalor> ::turns to NDak:: And I understand that these may be some of those that were behind au brother's attack, though ...:: keeping his sisters involvement to himself so the rest of the oira did not hear it::

M_K_tKsa -> ::nods again before departing the conference room::

tr'Shalor> But we must ask au, to hold au thoughts to auself for now as well.....

KhreRiovtRex -> (lol....but for that io fleeting siuren...lol)

NDak -> ::Issaha nodded solemnly:: I will do my duty.


Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM

Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM


tAehjae -> ::paused::

KhreRiovtRex -> Menakha everyone!

KhreRiovtRex -> I know we were a little short tonight without our Canadian contingent, but we got along ok.

M_K_tKsa -> ::throwing visual daggers at tr'Shalor::

KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo Laeh for the briefing this evening..

Laehval tTemarr -> Good job, folks. Next week we will be traveling onto the station and will -gasp- collect t'Rexan / Vatrix.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Now now tKsa, what have I ever done to you, other than pick you up when we were dealing with the rescue attempt!?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Still thinks she's nuts

Laehval tTemarr -> Throws voice> "It's a trap!"

KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :::still in foggy sleepy land::

NDak -> I will be more than a little disappointed

NDak -> If its not.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::puts a hand over t'Ksa's mouth to keep her from responding::

NDak -> I am hoping they reprogramed her as a cyborg assassin.

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, it's now 5am here, I need to get a little sleep

Lerak trPexil -> Or get up...

KhreRiovtRex -> That is in an hour or two

tAehjae -> glad you made it tRex

KhreRiovtRex -> no more cyborg!

KhreRiovtRex -> Thanks, me too...thanks for coming all.....ya'll are great!

NDak -> But we already have the eyeball!

KhreRiovtRex -> Hush you!

Kheinsa Maec -> I gotta go guys. Night y'all!

KhreRiovtRex -> maybe...it would be ironic...if an Ndak had to wear it!

KhreRiovtRex -> or...a tksa

NDak -> lol

Lerak trPexil -> Night all :)

Laehval tTemarr -> Alright, I'm going to scoot. Night all. See you next week.

tAehjae -> :;doesnt say a word:: night

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