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RES Talon Simlog 51210.04

RES Talon Mission Briefing 51210.04 The Talon has resumed course towards the Par’tellis System in the Iridian Belt; in search of the Khre’Riov and t’Ksa’s previous abductors. Security has cleared t’Rahk’s ship and now are awaiting their orders for once the ship reaches the Par’tellis System. Koga has the oira and continues to scan for our quarry with the assistance of science. Engineering has been tasked to make sure that our cloak remains intact and undetected, while Morgana continues to struggle with coming to terms with the events of the last several weeks. The command staff is still meeting to discuss the information brought by t’Rahk’s and anything that t’Mahren, who’s not been liberated from the br’tehh, may have to add. We should reach the outer reaches of our destination in approximately 30 siuren.


KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM


KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::hrrau the conference room::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters the cloak control room ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::hrrau the oira scanning::

DervtRahks -> ::hrrau the conference room::

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> ::in the conference room::

M_K_tKsa -> ::in her quarters, having a hard time sitting still::

NDak -> ::Running the scans in the background on the Oira::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Checking and double checking the cloak status ::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::watching t'Ksa fidget:: What's wrong now?

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Leaning back in her chair in the conference room, she glanced from t'Mahren to t'Rahks, contemplating the latest bit of information.::

M_K_tKsa -> Nothing. Nothing at all ::twitch::

DervtRahks -> How did he survive. I saw that ship explode! I know I got off, but I didn't pick up another vessel, except for.....well, au. This ship, interfering and chasing me


Koga S'Bien -> ::hears a peculiar beep on his console:: It looks like one or two ships are leaving the area and are headed in different vectors.

NDak -> ::In another window he was querying a less than public database about the Arrain from the RAC, cross referencing known Othan associates with those of known Tal'Shiar agents, so far he had found several but none matching the description.::

DervtRahks -> ::turns to t'Mahren:: And he had your Maenak? Have au asked her about what he wanted?

DervtRahks -> She might have some clue as to where they were heading....

Kheinsa Maec -> Uh huh ::as if he believes her, sits on the chair next to her::

tr'Shalor> She did na say anything of the sort, she's been...rather frantic.....

Lerak trPexil -> +S’Bien+ The cloak is operating well within specifications. Are there any needs for sensors or processing?

DervtRahks -> I wouldn't blame her.

M_K_tKsa -> I want something to do. This.....::motions to her quarters::.....is driving me insane.

Koga S'Bien -> I should begin to track these vessels. And also...::sends a message to Laeh regarding the outgoing vessels he had detected that are now headed in differing vectors and that he had begun tracking them::

DervtRahks -> ::turns to t'Temarr:: Llhei, au said something about explosives. Have you made scans of the residues?

Laehval tTemarr -> I do na want to involve t'Ksa unless it is absolutely necessary. ::Firmly.:: She has been through enough already.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::smiles in good humor:: Au can na return to active duty. Au are na ready.

Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ Not from what I can see here. The cloaking device seems to be operating within normal parameters.

DervtRahks -> Even if it would save au Khre'Riov?

tr'Shalor> That's enough Be'Luh, she said na, and that's her answer.

t'Mahren> ::simply sitting back and watching the interplay::


M_K_tKsa -> So say au, Kheinsa. ::dark look:: I just can't sit around here all day, every day.

DervtRahks -> Fine, au be the one to tell tr'Vatrix, that 'sorry, we could na help au bondmate, to protect the fragile maenak......:: sarcastically::

NDak -> ::He frowned at the result of his latest and brought back up the image of the Arrain:: Just who are au little Arrain...

Kheinsa Maec -> Au don't have to. Au can go to the gym, the HIC, the mess...

Laehval tTemarr -> I owe her more than you could ever imagine, and I intend to rescue her by any means necessary. But we have other avenues available to us that do not require the assistance of a traumatized maenak. ::Swiveling a fraction in her chair, she inclined her head toward t'Rahks and gave the woman a hard stare.:: Engineering found a particular mineral residue in the explosives themselves that pointed us toward our current destination.

tr'Shalor> Au are na helping matters t'Rahks. Do au na think we want to find her as well. Au only do this for tr'Vatrix, we at least knew the woman.

DervtRahks -> I knew her too, veruul, long ago....::shakes head::

M_K_tKsa -> I want to work. :: angrily, standing up:: I want a distraction. Something to do.

t'Mahren> I think you underestimate t'Ksa.

M_K_tKsa -> I'm tired of being up in here. ::waves her hands up near her head::

tr'Shalor> ::turns back to t'Mahren, having almost forgotten her during the heated conversation:::

tr'Shalor> And au have something to add to this?

Laehval tTemarr -> I do na underestimate her. I respect her. She will return to duty when she is ready and na before. ::To t'Mahren.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits the cloak room, heads to the nearest lift :: Oria :: as he enters, the lift moves ::

DervtRahks -> ::turns and leans closer to t'Temarr:: Can I see the readouts of these scans? Have they broken down the components

t'Mahren> ::arches a brow::

t'Mahren> ::purses her lips, considering her words::


NDak -> ::He frowned as the image began clearing slightly, as he used a new filtering technique on it. He wore the insignia of both the Othan and the Tal'Shiar. It was possible, he considered, that someio working for either had cleaned the databases of the Galae of certain people involved with the operation.::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::soft sigh:: I can na authorize au return to work. Na yet. And perhaps if au would talk about what's in here... ::gently pats her head:: ..perhaps au would na be in such a state of twitchiness.

M_K_tKsa -> Twitchy? Au think I'm twitchy?

Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift arrives on the oria, tr'Pexil steps out and beelines for the engineering station ::

t'Mahren> Whether or not t'Rahks or I know t'Rex is irrelevant. We owe service and respect to tr'Vatrix and, by extension, his bondmate; we also share responsibility for the capture of tr'Gilas, as it is not the first time he has escaped...what is it the humans call it? Karma?

Lerak trPexil -> :: Logs in and a tiny side-view of the Talon appears... all status' good, for now ::

DervtRahks -> ::turns to tr'Shalor:: Can au pull up that report for me, and a map of the Par'tellis system?

Kheinsa Maec -> ::puts his hands on her shoulders:: Ie. I do. ::can't help but smirk::

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> t'Ksa will not crumble as a week old loaf. It will take time for her to recover, but she will want justice as well.

Koga S'Bien -> ::Monitoring the vessels, covertly tracking their moments and teying to get more info about them::

tr'Shalor>::turns to t'Temarr, awaiting her reponse first::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Gazes at N'Dak working on some scan, image.. Pexil was not sure. ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval tapped a few quick keystrokes into the conference table's terminal in front of her seat and a map of the Par'tellis system appeared along with a detailed three-dimensional view of the explosive that was used, all of the components, and an analysis of the mineral residue that was found. She was an engineer. She liked pressing buttons.::


NDak -> ::With the cleaned up image he began working on running it through the same database queries.::

M_K_tKsa -> ::wishing she had a pointy stabby thing right now::

DervtRahks -> OH now.....isn’t' that interesting........

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She glanced back to t'Mahren while t'Rahks reviewed the file.:: We previously discussed au attempting to use your Tal Shiar access to identify certain pieces of the investigation. Are you still willing to aid us in that fashion?

NDak -> ::He hadn't noticed Pexil staring at him::

DervtRahks -> Tri-nesium Nitrate based, triple covalent bonding.....

Lerak trPexil -> :: Looked all over the oira, then back to his status ::

DervtRahks -> Ie...... ie, I do believe the veruuls have made their mistake hrrau na actually exploding that device upon au beaming onto the ship......That...gives me a few places to work with...

Kheinsa Maec -> Sit. Talk. ::release her to sit in his own chair::

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> Provided my accesses are still in place, ie. I am not, however, sure of my cover at the moment.

tr'Shalor> Au have seen this before then? I'm fairly knowledgeable about explosives, but have had na experience with this compound

NDak -> ::He smiled and looked at the results:: tr'Gilas...

M_K_tKsa -> I don't want to sit. ::scowling, after she says the words she realizes that she sounds like a child but she's too proud to admit it right now::

DervtRahks -> it's a fairly new combination....but do na worry, I'm sure we'll have plenty experience with it soon enough. The bases that they mine the components and make this stuff with, are pretty heavily guarded and ....boobytrapped.....I would na be surprised if au lose a few of au away teams from..

Lerak trPexil -> :: Looking at the processing logs.. sees NDak taxing it a bit, tries to draw in a secondary processor only being lightly used ::

Kheinsa Maec -> Then don't sit. But at least talk.

NDak -> << edit: not tr'Gillas >>


Koga S'Bien -> ::looking at his monitor and increases sensor power::

Laehval tTemarr -> What do au need in order to access this information and test your clearance? ::Still speaking to t'Mahren.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching his department.. not seeing t'Ditsy for a while ::

NDak -> Hmm... Arrain Raenk tr'Khalev.

DervtRahks -> ::reaches over and expands the starmap:: Here...... here... maybe here.... that's an old facility, and ie....this one, but that one, is heavily fortified. he might go there for safety, but with more people, come more eyes. I doubt he's going to want people talking that he has taken a KhreRiov for a th'ann.....

t'Mahren> A terminal and subspace access.

M_K_tKsa -> ::starts pacing:: I don't even know where to start.

DervtRahks -> I would make a guess that we may possibly find something to aid au search either at this io, or this io...::pointing to the maps for t'Temarr, and highlighting it::

tr'Shalor> ::looks at t'Temarr:: How do au wish to proceed Llhei?

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods to t'Mahren.:: I will make certain that au have both when the time is needed. ::Glancing to the maps, she turned to get a better look at the areas t'Rahks outlined.:: We will have Engineering scan the area for the mineral they found and start with the area that has the highest concentration.

M_K_tKsa -> I really rather be doing *something* au know.

Demi t'Shia -> ::finishes dheno checks around the ship, like rounds, and ends up exiting the TL onto the Oira::

DervtRahks -> Well, I can tell au now, that would be the large heavily fortified base and mine then.....you're going to have io elements of a hard time infiltrating that location


t'Mahren> ::nods once, listening::

Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to those on the Oira that she makes eye contact with, then stops at the open Dheno station, and logs in checking for orders or updates from her Daise::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sees t'Shia enter.. gets slightly uneasy ::

Kheinsa Maec -> I could bring au files to update.

tr'Shalor> Perhaps we should start with the nearest one first, or that io she said was possibly abandoned? It would draw little attention....::looks at t'Temarr

M_K_tKsa -> ::casts a glance over her shoulder as she passes Maec by that clear says she's unhappy with *that* option:: Au can do better than that.

Demi t'Shia -> ::listens to the conversations on the Oira, in hopes to get updated and see if there's anything else she needs to do or know about::

DervtRahks -> She may have a point too, if he feel threatened, he may run for the guarded location, he's a coward like that. She's right though, au Engineering should start scanning, as they may pick up na only the substance, but recent ship ion trails as well

Laehval tTemarr -> Fine. Start there. ::She leaned back in her chair again.:: +Koga+ S'Bien, how long until we reach the Par’tellis System?

Kheinsa Maec -> I could, but I am na going to. ::leans back in his chair:: Especially when au want to use work to avoid au's problems.

NDak -> ::He put the name into a report::

Koga S'Bien -> +Laeh+ We are now reaching the edge of the Partellis System

tr'Shalor> +t'Shia+ I want Dheno to start preparing for incursion teams. We will be making an attack, or at least a reconnaissance mission to possible several locations in this system. Some may be heavily fortified and heavily armed.

Laehval tTemarr -> +Koga+ Good. I am sending au the coordinates to an abandoned base on the fringes where we will start our search. Please inform me when we enter orbit.


M_K_tKsa -> ::mad, flops down in the seat next to him:: Au know, I took the same psychology classes au did. In fact, I beat au's scores in at least re of them. Don't lecture me on avoidance. ::scowling in his face:: I need *something* to do.

Koga S'Bien -> +Laeh+ Aye sir...

NDak -> ::Leaning back he considered for a moment how to best use the information.::

Demi t'Shia -> +tr'Shalor+ Ie, Rekkhai. ::excitement building, with the mentino of attack and heavily armed:: How many Dheno officers do au wish, Rekkhai?

Demi t'Shia -> ::while waiting for the response, checks the console for who is available, checks with her Daise for her orders in this, and rifles through the weapon inventory to see what "big guns" she can pull out and have fun with::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::uneasy, sits back away from her:: Morgana, au are na ready. Trust me.

KhreRiovtRex -> +t'Shia+ That will be determined once the recon team tells us what we're up against. I'd say na more than five to start with. but if we have to attack the larger bases, we'll need at least 2 full squadrons

KhreRiovtRex -> +t'Shia+ Be mindful, the recon mission we want things kept...quiet. Na shooting unless absolutely necessary.

Demi t'Shia -> +tr'Shalor+ ::excitement even present in voice now:: Ie Rekkhai! Who is leading the ... ::then hears the second phrase, and feels semi-crushed, but continues her response:: leading the initial recon mission, rekkhai?

tr'shalor> +Koga+ Keep the ship under cloak.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She glanced at the others.:: If there is nothing else, then we should start taking strides to further our investigation. We have a plan, but it all hinges upon what we find in the Par’tellis System.

M_K_tKsa -> Part time then, fhaen. I just want to feel....

Koga S'Bien -> +Shalor+ Ie rekkhai

NDak -> ::Report finished, he sent it off to Laehval and tr'Shalor::

Kheinsa Maec -> What? ::trying na to do something un-Kheinsa like::

M_K_tKsa -> Useful.


tr'Shalor> ::sighs hearing the over excitable Rihan from dheno, seeing his talk with her had little effect:: That is to yet be determined. however, if au can na contain auself, I need to know that before I make the assignments. Just start putting together the mission packs and get the crew ready for action. tr'Shalor ta'khoi

Demi t'Shia -> :;leaves the bridge to go down and prepare weapons for the "quiet" recon, but in her mind thinking through what will also be ready for the better mission to follow that::

DervtRahks -> ::nods: Llhei, as au order.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Glanced at t'Shia as she left ::

DervtRahks -> ::turns to tr'Shalor:: Might I be afforded some quarters in the meantime, so that I might freshen up and grab a few hours of rest?

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Noting the report from Issaha, she reviewed his findings on her ISD for a moment and glanced back to t'Mahren, waving the device at her.:: We have a name, at least. With luck, we will be able to find something on him with your contacts.

Kheinsa Maec -> Useful?

tr'shalor> I will have quarters assigned to au....and to t'Mahren as well ::turns to t'Temarr for approval of the last?

tr'Shalor> If that is alright with au Llhei?

Demi t'Shia -> ::in the turbolift, hearing tr'Shalor's response, feeling a bit crushed, but doing everything possible not to show that in her voice inflections:: +tr'Shalor+ I am in control, Rekkhai. I am happy to serve au. There is nothing more that I would rather do than follow aus orders to the letter. I am your best person for this mission, quiet and respectful to aur very letter.

M_K_tKsa -> Ie, useful. I'm just....taking up space here if I am na doing work of some sort. I'm just....here.

t'Mahren> If all proves still intact. Chances are good, however... t'Prin was quite occupied.

Koga S'Bien -> ::watching their course position and heading::

Demi t'Shia -> ::exits the TL onto Dheno's deck, goes to her Daise to receive orders of who is going on the smaller quiet mission, and readies the minimal weapon accompaniment that they will carry, heads to the docking bay for further orders of who is leading the mission and who she will report to, along with the other Dheno officers that were assigned for this::


Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded to tr'Shalor.:: I trust au to make the arrangements.

tr'Shalor:: Stands and nods to tTemarr:: I'll see to our guests and will join au rhae the oira.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Thinking back to his mission on the mining world, wonder if this latest will be somewhat similar... or will Pexil remain on the Talon ::

tr'Shalor> If au would both follow me

NDak -> ::Frowning, Issaha began scanning the planet, and the area around it.::

Koga S'Bien -> ::inputs in the co-ordinates he received and changes course to the nearest location::

tr'Shalor> ::presses a few commands on his ISD before exiting the room, sending the map of locations to Koga, Pexi, NDak and t'Shia to look over the 4 locations t'Rahks had given them to start with

Kheinsa Maec -> I see. :;watching her talk:: Tell me more.

tr'Shalor> ::this way::

NDak -> ::Recieves the note from tr'Shalor and begins a second scan with the locations given to him.::

Koga S'Bien -> ::watches the map, and heads to the first position::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets up and walks toward helm ::

tr'Shalor> ::shows the two women to adjoining rooms in the guest wing::

Demi t'Shia -> ::preparing weapons and gear with the others in the docking bay until they receive orders and their leader for this quiet mission::

tr'Shalor> Here are au rooms, we'll apply the appropriate access to the computers and replicators for au. Fhaen return to the oira when I call for au ina short while.


tr'Shalor> ::nods to them both and heads back towards the Oira::

t'Mahren> ::arching a brow, but saying nothing::

t'Mahren> ::...as tr'Shalor departs::

Lerak trPexil -> Koga, really watch the cloak.. It’s testy as always





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