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Lerak trPexil

Letter to L'haiy

From: Acting Daise Engineer El'Riov Lerak tr'Pexil

To: Khre'Riov L'haiy ira-Kalen t'Rexan-t'Vatrix

Subject: Engineering Report and a request


I can only imagine the abundance of communications au have gotten from the RES Talon over the course of our mission. Rest assured I am na writing this from an escape pod. The ship took some scraps and bruises assuredly, but repairs will be done shortly. My complements to those involved in getting the latest round of upgrades. Damage would be more sever without them.


After what I would describe as a rough start, the engineering staff has finally warmed up to my method of leadership. Au can imagine I am no Laehval, but my team has managed to get the work done. Same goes for the rest of the crew in response to N'Dak's command style. I've personally had no trouble with him now or in the past. If I'm doing my job correctly he should na know we are here.


Even with the knowledge of the Talon running well under N'Dak's leadership there have still been issues. I myself got a taste of the difficulties au faced from a certain science officer. It's the first and seemingly last long conversation with her. In my engineering travels I have na seen or nor have any of my team. Perhaps she's being held in a very private location. Seems she's quite out of my hair and possibly yours.


As I think of it I am sorry I did na do anything to stop her from ruining aur announcement those months ago. Hindsight is perfect some say. May I relay my congratulations on your new life together. The elements know I have attempted to find my own bondmate for many a year. I managed to cast it to ruins through no fault of my own. So here to au finding that very rare element in the universe.


If au are able, I have one request. Au might na be able to answer, but I have na where else to turn. It regards the whereabouts of Laehval t'Temarr. N'Dak was quite upset when I asked and my feelers on the homeworld came up empty. As au may have guessed she is my recent failure. I'm sure she would hate me for admitting this, but I've reached the end of my tether. Any information on her activities would be appreciated. If au are bound by the same limitations for an answer I reluctantly understand.


I don't want to keep au, so I raise my glass to aus continued success.


Jolan tru,


Acting Daise'Engineer Lerak tr'Pexil



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