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Jaylen Falco

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About Jaylen Falco

  • Birthday 08/20/1977

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  • Location
    Terre Haute, IN
  1. "I don't remember having that for dinner."
  2. Personal Thoughts: You ever have one of those days where it seems like everything is going you're way, but then out of no where life seems to deal you a bad hand? Well that seemed to be my day today. I had just finished downloading the copies of the orbital weapons platforms into the engineering database. Everything was running so smoothly in engineering that I decided to take a break. Grabbing a hot cup of Raktajino, I decided to go check the repairs on the medical database. When I arrived in the medbay, I spotted the two crewmen, Jamie and Adam, working on a gutted computer console. They were supposedly the best computer specialists on the station, but they had an odd way of working on things. While I was there though, I had the opportunity to meet our new Chief Medical Officer, Dr. McKinny. It was great to finally meet her. The interesting part was she laughed at my humor. I thought Chief Zhu was the only one who actually laughed at my witty remarks, but it made my day. Thats about the point when everything started to change. I got a call from Captain Ayers. He assigned me to some away mission. Apparently some statue/ship thing appeared outside the station and decided to play with our computer systems. Our job was to board the object and find out what was going on. Ok that didn't seem so bad right? I mean everyone wants to get off the station and explore sometimes. It's why most of us signed up with Starfleet. Something went wrong however. Our team had beamed over to the ship, but for some reason the entire security team that was assigned to us didn't make it over during transport. So it was just Commander Quark, Dr. Pavilion, and myself left standing in the middle of the strange object. Ironically, the first thing that popped into my mind at that moment was: "I wish I was back on the station."
  3. Jaylen was sitting at his workbench in his quarters. He had been struggling to come up with a design for the orbital defenses that Captain Ayers had asked to be built. Unfortunately after a couple hours, Jaylen was no where close to having a plan. After a while, Jaylen decided to rest for a while. As he lay in his bed, his mind began wandering. He started thinking about his time on Earth. Falco remembered the house his mother lived in, while he was in the academy. It was a peaceful place out in the country. Mother even had a garden. There were many herbs and vegetables, but mother loved flowers the most. She always enjoyed when butterflys and hummingbirds would flutter around. She even liked watching the bees as they moved from flower to flower. Hmm...bees...bees. Jaylen quickly sat up. "That's it...Bees!" He jumped out of bed and rushed to the workbench. Jaylen's mind was racing as his fingers were trying to keep up with feeding the info to the computer. An hour or so later, Jaylen was done. He transfered the data to a PADD, and was out the door to relay it to the Captain and Muon.
  4. :P ::Sniffles:: Aw you don't wanna come visit me in Terre Haute? You know the Wabash gives off this wonderful fragrance during this time of year, and at night there's a nice glow. ::shrugs:: Oh well you guys are missing out let me tell ya.
  5. It was quiet now...too quiet. Most of the conduits have stopped buzzing and sparking, which made the area darker than ever. Then there was Jack. Poor Jack Wilson. Jaylen truely wished there was something he could have done to keep him alive, but Jack couldn't have been reached. There was a large chunk of bulkhead that sparated Jaylen from him. The only thing he could do was squeeze his arm through and grabs Jack's hand to try to comfort him in his last moments. Now Jaylen was alone. He was beginning to feel weaker and light headed. It was unclear as to why. Perhaps it was a concusion and he was going into shock. Maybe it was a lack of oxygen in the room. Or it could have just been that he was tired. Whatever the reason, Jaylen was drifting off. The only thing he could think of before he finally went to sleep was "where was that damned rescue team?" For a moment though, he thought he might have heard someone's voice, but Jaylen was at the point of no return and soon fell asleep.
  6. "Core meltdown in 2 minutes 30 seconds," said the computer as Jaylen stood at the core controls. "Computer, reroute power to the primary containment field." Suddenly everything went dark, and the holodeck deactivated itself. "What's going on?" I asked myself. Then the red alert came. Before I could react, a large explosion erupted around me, and the ceiling from the room collapsed. I ducked down best I could as debris and parts of the bulkhead fell around me. Then I blacked out. Minutes later I awoke only to see almost complete darkness, save for a few sparks that went off every few seconds. I realized I was lucky enough to not have any large chunks of debris or bulkhead to hit me, but as I tried to stand a sharp pain shot through me ankle. I quickly sat back down and began examining it with my hands. "Must haves sprained it when I fell." Jaylen then reached for his communicator and activated it. "Falco to Zhu. Chief can you hear me?" No response. "Falco to Sickbay. Falco to Control Tower. Falco to anybody?" The comm must have been dead, or worse. Maybe everyone else was dead. No that can't be it. Why would he be the only one to survive? There must be some explanation for it, but for now Jaylen would just have to sit there, and hope that someone was coming to help.
  7. Falco stepped into cargo bay 3. It was just as he left it the last time. Transporter parts were still scattered across the floor. Falco looked around the room for the Chief, who had told him to meet here. He checked the chornometer. "Hmm...I must be early. Better go ahead and get to work." He carefully moved along the floor to the spot where he had been working before. Jaylen then grabbed a tool and some parts, and quickly went back to work, rebuilding the various transporter systems he'd previously disassembled.
  8. Falco stepped into the Cargo Bay and looked at the parts from the transporter's pattern buffer. Last time he was here, he got sent to Sickbay from an energy discharge while working on the buffer. Jaylen could still feel a little tingle in his arm when he thought about it. As he approached he looked down at the device. "Ok I don't like you, and I know you don't like me, but I have to get this done. So if you'd just cooperate, it would be better for the both of us." Falco paused and laughed for a moment. "Yeah right, like talking to you is actually going to help." he chuckled. He rolled up his sleeves, pulled out his tools and got to work. Sometime later the floor was completely littered with parts. Falco didn't just have the pattern buffer apart, but almost the entire transporter system itself was in pieces. There were so many parts everywhere that you couldn't even tell there was a floor. Finally after awhile Falco checked the chronometer. He was a little shocked. He had been at it for nearly eight hours. It had seemed only like two. It was then that the lack of sleep began creeping upon Jaylen. "Well I guess I can work more on you later. Not like you are goin no where." Falco carefully got up from his spot on the floor and looked around. "Wow I made more of a mess than what I thought." Carefully, Falco began making his way to the exit. He made sure he didn't step on anything on the way. Finally he was out of the bay and heading for his quarters for a good night's sleep.
  9. Falco sits down at his workstation. "Computer begin log." Engineering Log Stardate 0504.22 Ensign Falco reporting. Busy. That's the word that describes my job right now. Since my assignment to Aegis there have been a wide array of problems for me to fix. From station critical systems like the docking clamps and computer core, to the simple everyday things like replicators and environmental controls. It seems like everytime myself or one of the other engineers fix something, more is added to the list. We've been so busy that I haven't really noticed much that has gone on outside lately. Chief got called away on an emergency assignment. One of the Cardassian mining colonies was under attack. He and some other officers from Aegis were sent to assist, so the rest of us in engineering have been trying to keep things intact while he is gone. I also understand we have guests on board the station right now. I've not heard much about these Rixians, but most of the officers are currently in a formal banquet to meet them. Fortunately for myself, I've been too busy in engineering to attend. Personally I don't care for formal events anyway. Speaking of busy, one of the cargo transporters is on the fritz. It'll probably take me the better portion of a day to get it back up and running. Not that I don't mind it though. I was born for this job. "Computer end log." I then get up from the workstation, grab my toolkit, and quickly leave Main Engineering.
  10. Falco sits at his desk in his newly assigned quarters. Most of his personal belongings still unpacked. A cup of hot chocolate sits in front of him, steam rising from the top. “Computer begin duty log Stardate 0502.04.” Today was my first day aboard Sky Harbor Aegis. One of my first stops was the station’s sickbay for a routine check up. The Chief Medical Officer wasn’t present so my exam was conducted by Dr. Pilot. During the exam the station went under red alert. As soon as the exam was over with, I immediately went to Main Engineering to report in. The Acting Chief Engineer put me to work right away, assisting Midshipman Mauren (Mav) with Docking Port 2’s clamp. Apparently a ship tried to leave while under lock down and damaged the system. The clamp needed to be depressurized or else we’d lose the entire clamp. Mauren managed to shut down the power to the system and depressurize it. Next comes the task of actually repairing the clamp itself which could take some time. On a personal note I think I’m going to enjoy working in engineering. My comrades are very competent in their work and I know I’m going to learn a lot from them. “Computer end duty log and begin personal.” I had an interesting run in with the Chief Executive Officer today. I don’t think I made a first good impression, cause as soon as I stepped into sickbay she started yelling at me. I stayed away from her as ordered, but she kept eyeing me suspiciously. After she left I was told she has been suffering from some sort of telepathic flu. So maybe she was just trying to protect me from it, since we both appear to be part Betazed, only time will tell. But till then I’ll do my best to please her. “Computer end log.”
  11. Well sticking to the main topic my favorite is the Defiant. After that I'd have to go with Sovereign, Akira, and Intrepid. I'm also a big fan of the Delta Flyer.