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Everything posted by Sam_SemaJ

  1. One.....more..........yeeeeear. congratulations!
  2. Boss: Death, why weren't you in yesterday? Death: Um....I was learning *this* trick! ::types with his scythe:: Cool huh?! ::smiles weakly::
  3. Purely technical question on nacelle looks. The nacelle is simply a big coil housing used to create a warp bubble. The nacelle's here have a big glow on the back, making them look more like a futuristic turbine engine. Poor/ignorant representation of trek canon technology? Just making it look cool without really thinking about what it does (same as the first option)? Is there an actual explanation for why the nacelles look like this.
  4. Hi All, Just inviting you to offer some kind words for our buddy James T. Eagle (TAC on Arcadia). He is LOA and it seems to be some unpleasant RL circumstances. We miss you Eagle, hope to have you back in the sims and on the mend as soon as possible! -Sam
  5. Happy Birthday old timer.
  6. My two cents are probably pointless. All of my esteemed colleagues have really covered it. But my bio style kind of relates to the "SIM Websites" topic in the "Community and Trek Discussion" forum, in terms of content. I started it very small (actually based on tips from moose, doesn't he say somethign about not killing your parents in your bio so you can kill them later?). Just my personal traits and a brief explanation of how I ended up in Starfleet. Now it's HUGE, and I haven't even been here as long as some. I just keep up with the content, as plots happen I go back through the logs and Plot Summaries on my sim's website and then write what happened ot myself in my "personal history". So this becomes a narrative of my character's life and development during his SF career, but there's NO WAY I could have written all this starting out, I could have maybe tried and come up with this much material, but it wouldn't have been real (well, sim real). So let your experience *playing* your character become the story. That's how you get a big impressive bio and experience great character development. (from my perspective).
  7. I'm sure space is a problem also. Lo'Ami happened to have a spare hard drive laying around to serve his website from, All of my personal websites have their content stored with a web developer I am very good friends with. But not everyone is able to find space for free, so starting up something on the web can be costly if you don't find those "right place right time" avenues for all the hosting overhead. Speaking of, how does STSF pay for the hosting of such a massive forum and chatroom?
  8. I'm really anxious to see the set look like a brilliant combination between "This is a useful technological space" and "this is a funny TV set from the 70's with chunky shapes and colors that do absolutely nothing"
  9. Unfortunately, all of the muppets fell over on their bikes after this shot on account of no metal rods being attached to any of them.
  10. What do you mean before they were gorgeous? Most of the women in TOS are pretty attractive, plus they always get a softened lens so they look even cuter, even if it is a shameless camera trick. Above is an example of how this new trek probably won't be baring anything new, unless there is *actual* nudity. Kansas you are right on all counts :P
  11. Yay! Happiest of Birthdays!
  12. You're right on most counts (I don't think 2001 and TMP can be compared that way). All I mean is I don't want this movie to be full of pointless hollywood explosions. The kind of crap where all the lines really suck but cars explode everytime they crash into buildings.
  13. I totally agree Images. In fact, that aspect of the trailer is what gives me the fear that this will be a shameless sci fi action flick, emphasis on the ACTION!
  14. not a bad idea, but as someone (kallah maybe?) pointed out, the flashy website about the sim is a big part of recruiting for some people. I suppose your idea could work purely for information. But still that puts a lot on the creator to maintain information updates. A lot of rosters are often out of date because personnel change so often. Arcadia's website is a wiki, which is really nice, there is a LOT of content there, races the crew has encountered and even detailed summeries of the past and current plots, but it's also contributed to by the crew because of it's wiki-nature. This helps a lot with such large scale content. I'm not sure but something like a wiki might be easier to set up as a template than a website from scratch. You'd have to ask STSF Lo'Ami, who created the Arcadia site.
  15. Yes, the new trailer is quite awesome. In watching it I'm kind of more convinced toward this view of the new enterprise, updated 21st century sets and what not: This is what the enterprise has always looked like, the filming/design technology of the era simply couldn't capture it. So this takes the enterprise as more of a concept than a literal iconic image. But supposing technology has advanced to the point of prolonged interstellar travel, it would likely look and feel much more pristine and "new agey" (maybe?) than 70s trek was able to recreate. I might be wrong, I'm just throwing it out there. I did really like the Enterprise (show) set, kind of a meld between the more mechanical construction of the new technology, and the refined futuristic look it would later take on. It also reminds me of Undiscovered Country era trek where the military side of things was much more extensively explored, the enlisted ranks shown, etc. I like that kind of melding of worlds. It seems like the new trek movie will now be simply look like the Enterprise set with a bunch of decades of design advancement. Again, I'm just kinda throwing stuff out there. What I am now worried about (based on the trailer) is that this will turn into a shameless action thriller with lots of cool flashy camera things and explosions of shiney sets and props and whatnot, without the foundation of trek-ideal content that actual Trekkies value. It will all come down to story telling and if it jives with what "real trek" should be.
  16. Hi Peeps, I was just randomly remembering that the boards used to be dark grey with white writing, which looked very much more sci fi. I think the change came when evil virusses attacked the boards (ahem, IE sucks) and we had to update the forum software whatsuch etc etc. So I'm just wondering what people's opinion on the blue-ish aesthetic might be. -Sam S
  17. OMG you're right. We should start a thread specifically about how many times IE has screwed us in our web development projects. So annoying.
  18. is "envisage" British for "envision"?
  19. getting a domain is easy, and can be fairly inexpensive. I would love to play around with designing websites for stsf or other people (if not for the crux dedailed below). Just like Kent I have html and css experience and have gotten better and better at it just by playing and asking for tips from experienced friends. For my three websites, I bought the domains without any management, hosted all the files on a friend's webspace and wrote all the code myself. This is a very satisfying experience, the problem is it takes up an extremely large amount of time!!!!! And for someone not doing it professionally and pro bono, it's really hard to squeeze in. Like Grom said, you can somewhat easly find cheap/free software to help you. So I guess my post is really just echoing what Grom said, "It depends" I wonder how webbie would feel about helping GM teams develop sites for their sims
  20. Thank you for explaining :P I support the troops with gratitude, and think everyone should, REGARDLESS of any political view.
  21. Wow, so many replies to this topic! Just a couple things. On the ship itself: I can maybe see that this is the ship that 'existed' in TOS, now not limited by graphics technology, but then again, the proportions aren't really the same. I think that particularly the non-lit, plain deflector shield, then becoming the lit deflector array with particle emitter in later trek was a really nice tehnology point. What I like in the area of 'updating' is "Trials and Tribble-ations" Where they show the ship somewhat as is, but make an attempt - by showing people working in panels and dax talking about period styles - to make it looks like it was a functional starship, not just a bunch of colorful shapes on a set. I liked this convincing, content-based aproach to updating. The new ship DOES look nice, but It's a far stretch to say that it's NCC-1701, orig, refit, or A. AND it's a far cry then to say that Excelscior Class (the NON ugly mercedes of the fleet in my opinion) was the next fancy new design. So yeah. On the ST:TMP Enterprise Reveal: I am not as old as some. I started watching voyager in middle school and expanded my trek from there. I did not get around to seeing TMP till this summer. I think one of the most marked changes in film is pacing. Each generation watches things at faster and faster paces. Go back and watch the original "Ocean's 11" or "Gone in 60 seconds", you (or maybe just me and my generation) cannot get over how SLOOOOWWW the pace is. This is how I felt about most of TMP and particularly the reveal of the beautiful ship. (I do really like the looks of connie refit). It just felt like it was never going to end. I realize it was iconic, but it was also super long. I'm hoping this does not happen in the new movie. And if people want to respond to the following in detail, save the people in this thread and start a new one. I did not really like TMP, it was slow (as said) and the plot ended up being kind of ridiculous. Anyway, the real point I want to make is that I'm going to be judging the movie more based on content than design. So if it's absolutely necessary for the sets costumes and props to look like 21st century movie making, it better be a damn good representation of trek.
  22. Yes, that is just insane, that breeders would treat dogs as commodities. As for the hair cutting, this technique does NOT yeild the same positive results for our Bichon Frise that it does for a Shih Tzu or Lhaso. Because our dog had been staying in a barn with her litter before we got her, and there was saw dust on the ground to keep them from the cold congcrete they were all matted and dirty with saw dust dread locks. So the breeder shaved her before giving her to us. None of our family believed us that we had gotten a cute dog. Observe the Ugly/Cute contrast. On the First Family topic, I think that they have the resources to get, maintain and train a big beautiful purebread (Husky as I voted) but agree that the Pit Bull would be a poor choice.
  23. aw Images, we don't make fun of wheelchair bound celebrities from YOUR country. Just kidding, that was hilarious. :P
  24. "The employees of the local bike repair shop enjoyed a cold one together that morning, celebrating a job well done in their secret, spray paint plot to bring in business."
  25. So I was about to vote Corgi, cause I think they're really cute and want one for my next doggy (see my cute bichon in "stay off topic"), but then I saw husky and HAD to vote because huskies are the prettiest dogs ever. I almost impulse adopted a german shepherd/husky mix, most beautiful dog I ever saw. As for alergies, if the dog lives with the family long term, she should get used to it. My sister has horrible pet dander allergies but she's fine with animals she's been around for a bit.