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Everything posted by WxMurray

  1. “Ah crud.” Murray was inside a Jeffries tube outside the deck five turbolift to the bridge. After they had lost contact with the bridge, he had decided to go up to the bridge to see what was going on. He couldn’t even get into the turbolift; those had been cut off, too. And so had main engineering, and Kairi was trapped inside. Hoping to “back door” his way in, he had climbed into the Jeffries tube. Minutes later, though, he had a really bad feeling; pulling out his tricorder, he confirmed his fears. Something bad was happening. He objurgated himself for leaving Kairi behind. He knew that it wasn’t his fault, but he couldn’t help feeling a little guilty over putting her in this situation. Still, though, it couldn’t be helped at this point. He just hoped she could hold out. He had started to make his way for engineering to see if he could either get himself in or get the engineers out. He was stopped by his tricorder beeping; it was picking up transporter signatures and lifesigns: Romulans. It was then that he made the split-second decision. He wasn’t going to engineering, not straight away, anyway. He just hoped that he could make it to the armory and back to the Jeffries tube without being noticed. One way to find out…
  2. Murray stood along the lakeside gazing out across the water. It was a beautiful day; the sun was out, and the temperature was 26°. It was the exact conditions his mother had reported from home. Murray, Dickinson, Williams, and Brady were in a holodeck on Starbase 621. Murray was trying to teach his friends to canoe. They had shown some interest back when they were on Pax Primus; Murray had been telling stories of canoeing with his cousin, and this was the perfect time to teach them. He got into a canoe and paddled his way across the lake. “Row!” Dickinson shouted back. “We are rowing!” “Then row harder!” And as Murray began to pull up alongside the other three, Williams lost his balance and fell over, taking the canoe and his shipmates with him. Murray smacked a hand to his forehead. He couldn’t help but to laugh. He remembered back to his first time on the river; he ended up in the water several times, although he was proud to say he hadn’t actually capsized the boat. As his friends swam about trying to get back in their canoe, Murray laughed. It was going to be a long (but fun) afternoon, but whether or not his canoeing trainees would actually enjoy their time was to be seen. He knew he would have a blast, though.
  3. “How are you doing, sweetie?” “Oh, you know, same old thing. Staring down the Breen, hacking into an alien computer, and driving my superiors crazy with my ideas. Nothing unusual. How are you?” “Uh, well, we haven’t had anything quite as exciting, but doing well nonetheless. The cat bit your father’s ankle last night.” Murray smiled. The Agincourt had just pulled into Starbase for shore leave, so he had taken the opportunity to contact his parents on Earth. “Let me guess. Either the cat was in a playful mood or Dad was late with his supper.” Mrs. Murray smiled. “You know that cat doesn’t actually attack if he doesn’t get his food.” “I don’t know, Ma. I’ve seen Caitans get rather, uh, ‘frustrated’, for lack of a better word, when the waiters are too slow with their orders. Almost had a guy get eaten by one. Not pretty.” “Yeah, I’m sure they do,” Mrs. Murray responded, not really believing him. “How’s the weather?” “Very nice. Temperatures are in the low seventies; there are a few clouds and a light breeze. I believe this is what you and your cousin call ‘perfect canoeing weather’. “Wait, really?” Murray’s eyes lit up noticeably at this. “Yes, really. Why? Are you going to have your ship make a sidetrip home so you can go canoeing?” she asked jokingly. “No…but I didn’t really have anything planned for shore leave. Thanks, Ma. Gotta go.”
  4. Hmm...I've got midterms this week and next, but maybe afterwards I'll see if I can do one for you. ;)
  5. Is just ME cut off, or the entirety of deck 5? Because I was under the impression that the entirety of deck five was cut off. As for the Romulans initiating MVAM from ME: it would depend on a few things. If ME is cut off, then I would think that the bridge would sever all remaining connections (if any - power connections, specifically) and transfer everything to one of the other two engineerings. If the bridge crew is slacking off, though, the Romulans could hack into the computer, get the ship's command codes, and cut the bridge off from ME, and subsequently have control of the entire ship.
  6. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "Q-vector". :o May you die well. :lol:
  7. I'd say one thread for each plotline. :lol:
  8. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret phrase is "convective available potential energy ". :o May you die well. :lol:
  9. Hmm...you're going to have to explain that one to me. It's been a while since I've seen that movie, and I don't really remember much about it. :lol: I'll take your word for it, though. ;) Ooh, me! I'll play Klinger and wear the dresses! :D :o
  10. Ooo...call it "Chalupa". ^_^
  11. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "cin". :) May you die well. ^_^
  12. A chihuahua? ^_^ Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Call it Chewie the Chihuahua. :P Or better yet, how about Lunch? ::sets loose a lion:: :)
  13. Go Penguins! ^_^ ...or not. :P
  14. One year ago that it was decided that the ship looked like a "whacked-out garden shovel". One year ago that we went boldly with our (un)stable captain. And I have been a part of it from the start. ^_^ Here is to another prosperous year. :P
  15. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :P !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "Kelvin-Helmholtz instability". :) May you die well. ^_^
  16. A comment from the people at STARTREK.com on their message boards: The split of Viacom seems to be bringing about the end of Paramount Digital Entertainment, the arm the has put out Paramount DVDs and has run STARTREK.com. Will the site close? I doubt it. I suspect that once the split is complete and CBS takes control of Star Trek we will see a CBS Digital Entertainment that will handle things. I am not worried about this. Just optimistic.
  17. UPDATE 1 March 2006: It never fails. I always get promoted right after I update my bio. B)
  18. If you are nice enough (read: really large and generous bribe) I can do that for you. And for just a small extra fee I'll do it so that you go to bed when it's 80° and you wake up and it's 30°. :lol:
  19. I will be taking requests (read: bribes) for your favorite weather for this event. B)
  20. “Right. So what now?” “I want to work on a plan to get the shuttles back on the ship without making us too vulnerable.” Dickinson turned and gave Murray a quizzical look. “You sure like coming up with plans, don’t you?” Murray shrugged and smiled. “Meh. It keeps me busy.” Dickinson moved to a seat across from Murray at the pool table and sat down. “What about your transport plan using the ship’s three independent power systems.” Murray nodded. “It’s a good idea, but I’d like to refine it more.” “More?” Dickinson raised an eyebrow. “It sounded pretty good to me. What’s wrong with it?” “Well, even though that plan minimizes the exposed surface area to just Secondary, a hit there could be disastrous. The Secondary warp core is the ship’s main warp engine. While we would have two others to use, a hit to Secondary could eliminate our ability to go into MVAM.” Dickinson nodded absently, wishing he’d just tell her what he had in mind. “So I was thinking, how could we get the absolute minimum exposed surface area?” Murray paused, awaiting a response. Dickinson sighed and humored him. “How?” “Well, if we could create a form an area of the shields into sort of a conoid then we could place it such that the shuttle could enter the bay. In another situation we could set it up to isolate the transporter emitters to beam people up or down. The nice thing is that we can set this up anywhere on the ship for use for anything.” Dickinson nodded. “Sounds good. What sort of work is involved?” “Well, we’ll need to do some calculations for the dimensions of the cone. We’ll also need to do the calculations to get the shield generators to form it properly. We should have Crewman Snyder come up here to give us a hand with that.” Dickinson shook her head. “Snyder is in sickbay, remember. She has an amyl-something-or-other.” “Amyloidosis” Dickinson looked quizzically at her superior. “Uh…” Murray smiled. “Amyloidosis. It’s a disorder where a waxy, almost transparent protein deposit, the amyloid, builds up due to the degeneration of tissue.” He rolled up his sleeve to reveal his arm and the slight scarring that remained. “I had amyloidosis after my arm was nearly severed on an away mission aboard the USS Susquehanna runabout.” Dickinson nodded, not really interested in the details. “So…what do we do then.” Murray smiled and tossed her a blank padd. “I hope you remember your shield mechanics and forcefield geometry.” Dickinson groaned as she took the padd. “Lucky me.”
  21. Yes, it is also known as Shrove Tuesday. I am used to today being Fastnacht Day. (Ah, yes, the Pennsylvania Dutch blood in me B)).
  22. Hmm... ::makes mental note to read some Opus over spring break:: B)
  23. Hmm...I wonder where the control center is. I heard over in the Earth-Engineering Sciences Building. B)
  24. Heh. A braindead cat and a buoyant, flightless water fowl. B)
  25. :lol: I'm waiting for someone who actually knows what some of these words mean. B)