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Johnny Unitas

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Everything posted by Johnny Unitas

  1. Wait.....he's a dude? Gosh....I got to sit down for this, its too shocking for me. I really didn't know that.
  2. Johnny: (Garb-age Pick-er-up-per) Unitas: (Can-a-da)
  3. Here's my Christmas story..... 12/20 Stupid Positron (Snowboarding movie) was stolen off mail trucks. 12/22 I shatter my radial head front-boarding the whale tail box. 12/23 X-rays confirm a shattered elbow. 12/24 I call 18 orthopedic surgeons.....none work for the next three days. 12/25 My bro backflips and I wasn't there to watch. 12/27 The orthopedic says that surgery will necessary.....that's on thursday. Swimming coach called......and now I'm going to miss State Championships. And now my computer is getting these dang pop-ups! That's my story......
  4. I viewed National Treasure, and I will have to say that if you put your mind off for two and a half hours.....you'll be good watching this show. Other then that, it was pretty good.
  5. Kes....ALL THE WAY!
  6. Everyones seems to love Star Trek, and I understand why. First, you have a big living room, you practically live in a giant living room with a huge chair in the center. And everyone knows why the Klingons keep dropping in.....because you have a big screen TV . So....you just sit there, flying in space, watching your big screen TV .
  7. Actually, for Halloween I pimped out my car similiar to that.
  8. I thought of Mantufloss, but I won't go there.
  9. Yeah, but the Enterprise has got to be like 124" :P
  10. Sorry for starting this A9......I just having a bit of fun. :P
  11. Ah.....I got a LOTR fest tomorrow, I'm so excited.
  12. Um.....yes, yes I did spell it wrong on purpose...... Thanks for your compassion Travis :P
  13. Thanks everyone..... :P
  14. Ah......new lifestyles, new sayings. The geek shall inherit the Earth
  15. Thanks.
  16. You're freakin....me out.
  17. Oh......you like it then? I was hoping someone would notice it. :P
  18. I actually got a shirt that says that, but I haven't even seen the commercial.
  19. Wait!!! I didn't even get to say hello. :D
  20. I always things that end in -tane or -ane for medical supplies.
  21. I always use Ex-Atris-Scientia. Its very good.
  22. There are some who, the only way to fix something is hit it constantly. Might I suggest that.
  23. Well......that probably is it, but I'm going to guess: Celot and Stardust.
  24. I don't know why a lot of people don't want it longer. Duh, bigger is better.
  25. Yeah yeah....I waited longer, but that's just how long I waited then....