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Johnny Unitas

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Everything posted by Johnny Unitas

  1. Birth is a wonderful and yet terrible thing. Have fun with it.
  2. One other word....ocho. Hee hee, oh gosh I love that show.
  3. Gosh....angry angry. Just take it slow, don't freak out on us and you'll be fine.
  4. Geez, Romulans do not know how to use their money properly. That's probably why they have such small main view screens.
  5. That welcome mat has got to be beat up by now.
  6. Well, I took one look at those shirts and I got one. I like the STARFLEET SECURITY sweat-shirt. :D Whoa, I just relized I had gotten this whole "red shirt" thing wrong. I thought that red shirts refferred to Captain as they have red shirts, you know, red shirts, captains shirts.....whoa!
  7. Well, usually when I'm talking to someone I know who's a trekkie on my cell, I always answer the phone: "Captain, reporting in" or when I'm calling it's "Captain to first officer....". But you know, that's not the same.
  8. I wanta phasner.
  9. Well....come.
  10. Hmmm.....I wonder why mine's at 99%. Oh wait, now I remember.... hee hee.
  11. Well, I like to pose an interesting issue. You see, everytime I get on the forum, I swear someone has graduated. So, I think --this is just opinuendo--, but I think that the GM's are getting a little soft. I mean, it took me 54 sims (that might have just been that I....well, wasn't very good and kept getting in trouble), but I have seen people here graduate in 10. It just seems that something strange is going on.
  12. Whoa whoa whoa..... Every single topic seems to get off-hand. Strange.
  13. Well, it might be the sucking up that going on.....hmm, I wonder who's teaching them that?
  14. I did give up....but you know, I'm a push-over when its Blu that's the CO.
  15. You never know how much power he has. You just got to watch out, he's everywhere and he'll report you and....stuff.
  16. I've been screwed since I joined pal.
  17. Welcome, Only thing to remember is don't get in trouble with the following people. Atragon, Sovak, LoAmi, Blu, and....Tovan. As long as you remember that, you will be fine.
  18. Dang it. I'm in enough trouble as it is. I swear I saw "she" somewhere, seriously. No offense, but I think I really did.
  19. Then get that new stupid game that advertises: "Blow things up, blow them up some more!" You know.....um,....Merchants, Mercenties.....Mercenaries, that's it!
  20. Well, some of us (probably just me) want to blow up eventually.
  21. Well.
  22. I was just saying that if I were to pronounce that last name as it is spelled..... ;)
  23. Hey, what can you do?
  24. Hmmm.....I wonder how you say your last name. ;)
  25. I am partial to the Norway class. Its neato.