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Everything posted by KhreRiovtRex

  1. Captive Audience of the Setting Sun - A log written by Khre’Riov L’haiy Ira-Rexan t’Vatrix and S’anra (played by Enarrain Laehval t’Temarr) A dim light shone through the slatted window across the room as she opened her heavily lidded eyes, na just yet ready to fully awaken. Her head heavy with the strong sedative she had been given, and as she tried to sit up, she found herself disoriented and unsure. L’haiy finally was able to press herself upright, while she tried to determine just where this place was and why she was here. She looked down at the plain brown robes she had been wearing, na seeing either the familiar Galae uniform, nor the casual robes she had lately favored wearing about the S’Vatrix compound. Slowly coming back to her thoughts were the remainder of her crew, those that had tried to hide themselves in these common clothes to help avoid detection, and yet, had failed to do so. All she remembered was t’Mahren pressing the hypospray to her neck before she could protest that she was na ready to go through that again. She had thought the woman only intended to bind her hands, but na this! Panic set into her as the sedative had taken hold, and yet she had been powerless to do anything about it. As it were, she had just regained her memories from her time of capture at the hands of Deihu tr’Tronius’s nephew tr’Gilis. Sadistic little monster that he was, he had outright tortured and violated her to the point that her mind had retreated into her past, to a time when she was strong and had no encumbrances and could fend for herself. Not even her own friend and maenak t’Ksa, nor the kheinsa tr’Aieme had been able to bring her fully back. It had taken being smuggled back to the homeworld, ever so briefly, to help her find enough of herself to regain her current memories and rejoin her ship. Having had to face telling Var’lon and telling him all that had occurred had been her greatest fear, a fear that he’d hold it against her for na being stronger and fighting back better, especially as she had known she would be flying into a trap. She should have known better, and felt his pent up rage, and anger that he had na been able to help her once again. She had spent much of her short time with him, weeping upon his shoulder and just being held, feeling his tears on her face as well. The urge to remain there with her bondmate and son had been so strong, but once things had been thoroughly discussed, he then divulged some of the information he had collected during her time away, and some of his own fears and suspicions about Proconsul tr’Mrek. Mainly that tr’Mrek had been the one to suggest that she be sent away, the one that gave the Preator the catastrophic plan and along with Tal Shiar head tr’Vren, they had whispered lies and falsehoods to the Preator about Var’lon’s loyalty. Some of this he had found out from the Preator himself, during an evening meeting after she had disappeared over drinks while discussing troop deployments. It had been io of tr'Mrek's younger sons that had help lead the thwarted mutiny aboard the Talon about a year ago. Both she and Var'lon had past history with House S'Mrek, and none of it menkha. However; they had both known in their hearts that it would held against them, damaging careers and their family standing if she were to stay and if any knew she had been here. Besides, she had an obligation to see her crew through this mess and returned home. At the very least, to Laehval, who had taken command of Talon and rescued her from her captors. As she regained more of her wits, she looked around the small austere room, noting that its sole use was as a functional space for sleeping or keeping someone confined in what was at least a small step up from the standard br’tehh cell, and even had a tiny ‘fresher room just to the side. She was indeed th’ann, but at least it seemed that she had been given guest right, due to her rank. But where were the others? She noted the slatted windows again, that there was the slight shimmer of a force field around the frame, and she was certain that she was hearing a similar vibration coming from the area where the door was. Na doubt, if she made to open that door, she would find out the difficult way to leave it be. By the bed there was a small metal cup of water, and a small plate that held a few pieces of fruit and cheese. First instincts were na to try any of it, but then realizing if whoever her captors were, they could have drugged or poisoned her as she slept. There was na reason to let her wake and then dose her through the drink or food. She thought about trying some for a siuren, but only a siuren, as the whole idea had left her stomach unsettled, barely able to tamp down the fear of being unable to defend herself yet again while drugged. Just at the thought of it, she felt as if she needed to retch and stood, taking a few staggering steps over to the ‘fresher and in no time, had emptied the contents of her stomach into the wash basin, along with a few empty attempts to wretch further, only yielding the bitter taste of bile and making her throat sore. She knew part of it was due to fear, but the heavy dose of sedative in her system had also reacted upon the stomach nerves, and though she felt miserable, she felt all the better for having emptied her stomach. She rinsed the bowl out, and then splashed fresh cold water on her face and neck trying to help clear her head so that she would be ready for whatever was to become of her today. She had na much choice of what else to do. There was the bed, the small side table with the glass and plate, and the ‘fresher unit. Na much here to try to fashion a weapon out of, but she would keep in mind her options as she picked up the glass and took a sip of the tepid water, but decided against trying to eat for the moment, as she had been sure she would na be able to keep it down just yet. She just hoped that t’Mahren had been able to fool those that had come for them, or that Laehval had been at least able to escape and get some of the crew out as well. L’haiy walked back over to the bed and took a seat on the edge and watched out the window as the sun dipped down towards the mountains in the distance as night slowly approached. The orange light slowly dimming as dusk took hold. As the Sun’s light was extinguished, she was certain that her own, would surely follow close behind. A short while after sunset, the forcefield at the front door deactivated long enough to allow a young woman access. She entered the room alone carrying a covered tray and dressed in dark, worn clothing. She paused as she passed the refresher, wrinkling her nose at the smell of sick. Frowning, she turned toward L’haiy and offered a shallow bow. “I am sorry that those sedatives made you ill, lhhei. I see that au have na eaten. Do au have a headache? Still feeling sick to your stomach?” Taking a wary look at the woman as she entered, and hearing the field go back up behind her as she had entered, L’haiy quietly assessed her a moment before speaking, na sure if this was a test, a way to ferret information from her or just a young servant being polite. “Ie, I am na at my best. Being drugged usually does that to me. Something that has been happening all too often of late. Who are au? And what do au want?” “I am S'anra, maenak’s dishern in service to tr’Gralik. I have brought au something to counteract the sedative and help settle your stomach, as well as food that might sit better with au.” She placed the tray on the table next to the bed, scooting over the food already there. “Why would he care if I felt well or na? Am I na his th’ann?” still a bit suspicious of the woman, but eyeing the tray she had brought, her now empty stomach starting to protest. “He does na, but I do,” she replied. “And fortunately for me, he insists that au remain alive so that he can interrogate au. Interrogations go poorly if the subject is na in their right mind or weak from illness.” She grimaced. “A hard fact to hear, but it is true.” Removing the cover from the tray, she set it aside to reveal a bowl of soup, freshly baked bread, and a subdermal injector. She lifted the injector and primed it for the correct dosage, but looked to t’Vatrix before dosing her. “Will au allow me to administer this? I could have the guards hold au down and force it upon au, but I would rather au cooperate, for your own safety.” “As I had earlier assessed about the food and drink, had au wished to poison or drug me, au could have easily done so while I was passed out. Besides, what choice do I really have. I either let au do it, or au will force me to. I’d rather na be manhandled by au dheno. Do what au must,” trying to put a brave face, but again, inwardly terrified that this was all going to go badly very fast. She stiffened as he woman approached with the device, forcing herself to keep her eyes open, and convincing herself na to try to grab it from her either. It would surely bring the dheno as well. “Get on with it, before …..,” and leaves the words unsaid. “A wise choice.” She took a step forward and pressed the device to her neck. It hissed as it injected the medication, but didn’t hurt. She tucked the injector into her pocket and moved back, waving a hand at the soup bowl nearby. “I’ve been told to wait while au eat to ensure that au do.” The medicine didn’t take long to work. It began to counteract the headache and slight queasiness in her stomach almost immediately. S’anra took a seat at the only chair in the room, resting her hands in her lap. “So I presume that I’ll be seeing au after each of my interrogations then, getting me back up for another round of needless torture? I can tell au qiuu of what I know of right now. I know nothing. I’ve left my bondmate’s work and secrets to him; while I was home, I purposely distanced myself from it to quell the rumors that I had been unduly influencing him, and the fact that I’ve been away for months per the Preator’s direct orders, searching first for my Daise Maenak, and then off captured myself. I’ve na been privy to my bondmate’s work or information. So they can ask and push me to my endurance, but they will know no more than I can tell them of what I do know, which would mainly consist of how many diapers a day I had been using before I was forced into this farce of a mission,” she looked back defiantly at the woman. S’anra shook her head. “Perhaps it sounds harsh, but I do na care what au do or do na know. I am na the one keeping au prisoner. I am here because I must be. Certainly na because I wish to be.” She threw a disgusted look at the door, though it was closed and there was no sign of the guards outside. “I was acquired by tr’Gralik to serve him and his agents, provide medical care to the injured or wounded, and to keep his prisoners alive. I do what I must to ensure that he does na decide he na longer needs my services. I am here to watch au eat, na to get information on the location of your bondmate. Or your child.” That got her attention back to the woman. This S’anra obviously knew who she was then, or else she would na have added that last bit. “What do au know of them, that au casually toss out that threat? For that matter, if au are here just to keep the th’ann alive, how would au know who I am?” One shoulder lifted in a half shrug. “I have the freedom of the estate. I am na a prisoner, nor one of their inner circle, but something else entirely. Men like tr’Gralik often overlook servants, so long as they do their jobs efficiently. I know who au are because I hear things. I know what they want from au. It does na matter to them that au claim to know nothing. They will still ask the questions.” “So it seems au have enough medical training that au were sought out to work for them, so au must have been trusted and working at a level of enough importance to be chosen to oversee my care. Whom did au serve before coming into his service?” Starting to eye the soup, but also knowing if she were to finish it too fast, this interview would soon be over. “I worked in the government center in the maenak’s office and have for several years. This is my village. I was born and raised in this area.” She didn’t seem to be rushing her to eat. Perhaps she wanted to prolong the conversation as well. “What have au heard of the others that I had been taken with? Have they been brought here as well? My executive officer, Laehval t’Temarr was amongst them, have au seen her?” This woman had to have worked for Laehval’s father, though perhaps na directly, but still in the organizational chart; and she could tell that she had been stalling. Perhaps she would find out more from her before she finished her soup, as she picked up the bowl and absently swirled the contents with her spoon. “They are na being held here. That much I know. They did mention prisoners that were held in the detention level of the center, but I can na tell au if they are your crew members.” One eyebrow quirked. “Temarr is a name I know well. tr’Temarr is our city magistrate, but I did na know he had a relative in Galae. Is she related?” She noted that the woman spoke of the di’ranov, and na the wretched excuse of a woman that was the ri’anov. Perhaps she too held no jol for that io as well. “Ie, she is his daughter, a woman I have come to greatly respect.” This did na please her that she had been separated from the others, as it would make it difficult to find them if she were able to escape, or have them try to find her if they happened to get free. “His daughter?” S’anra seemed truly surprised. “I know that he has other children, mostly off world, but na a daughter in Galae.” She looked thoughtful and then smiled. “That must drive his bondmate crazy. That woman loathes all things Galae and has been io of the Tal’Shiar’s biggest supporters since they took over the village. I have heard that she’s informed them of many Galae sympathizers in the area and has been personally responsible for the imprisonment of her own bondmate and his aides. Luckily, I have na Galae ties to incriminate me.” L’haiy almost dropped the spoon with which she had been pushing the broth around with, at mention of the elder t’Temarr woman, but also that the woman had just let her know that there were Galae sympathizers hrrau the area, information that could be of great use. “Hold a siuren, are au telling me that she had her own bondmate arrested, because,” she trailed off a siuren. “I knew she was a spiteful excuse for taking up valuable breathing space, but her own bondmate?” L’haiy could na get over the fact that this woman had so fully turned against her own, while similarly feeling guilt upon herself, as she had been the one that had angered the woman so in her own home, added insult by having witnessed her bondmate deliver a well deserved slap to the woman’s shocked self, and had the temerity to suggest that Laehval’s di’ranov even visit with the nearly yy’a woman while she was in the hospital. Let alone having promoted Laehval to the rank of Ennarain. S’anra scowled. “Ie, she did, and with little reason. Magistrate t’Temarr was well liked in the village by most everyone, but he was outspoken against the Tal’Shiar and insisted that the Galae had nothing to do with the attempt on the Praetor’s life. He and everyone that favored the Galae were rounded up for interrogation and imprisonment. They have been searching for the location of hidden Galae factions and ranking officers ever since the chaos began. Apparently, there was some sort of disagreement between them, a rift in House Temarr, and she used his views as an excuse to rid herself of him.” “Why that miserable fvai!!! If Laehval does na get to her first, I surely will. She may have cost a great many loyal Rihans their lives, and all for what? A misguided sense of purpose and unfounded hatred. Hatred that is truly misplaced and used to hide her own guilt. But wait, you mentioned an attempt on the Praetor’s life? Can au tell me more? What has happened? Is he still alive? And why is Galae implicated in this?” Half-wishing if it had been someone in Galae, that she herself had been wanting to go to beat the veruul of a Fvillah herself for having sent her away from her family in the first place. S’anra shook her head. “Unfortunately na. Na io knows if he is alive. The Tal’Shiar are na sharing. I have gotten the feeling that they may na know themselves… at least the ios here do na. I did hear that a Galae officer, io very high up… a Daise’Khre’Riov?... that he was implicated in an assassination attempt on the Praetor and they are currently searching for him. Many deihu are dead or wounded. There are rumors of a biological agent unleashed on the Praetorial compound.” This time she almost dropped the entire bowl and its contents to the floor and had to reach a shaking hand to set it down on the tray before she ended up wearing it. She had known her bondmate had been furious that the man had torn her away from their home and their son to send her on a suicide mission, but there was na way, that after going along with the veruulish plan in the first place, that he would have ever endangered their son over the futher insult to her person. Var’lon was much too smart to make any type of stupid move against the Praetor, even though the man was a veruul, and relied too much upon other veruuls for his information, namely tr’Vren and tr’Mrek. If Var’lon had been the one to do this, he would have made sure that both Val’ron and herself had been safely away first. Though, na sooner had she been sent back to Talon, had the Teronix torn away at maximum warp in response to a priority message and headed back towards the homeworld. She had known immediately something had been wrong when they had so suddenly left, but na to this magnitude. Oh Elements, what if the things she had told him had set him off, set him off so angrily that he was looking for retribution for what had been done to her. Elements say it was na so! “The Daise’Khre’Riov au say?” as she tried desperately to keep her voice neutral and swallowing hard so as na give up her fear to the woman, “ Was he na io of the Praetor’s top advisors? And who in their right mind would release a biological agent in the capitol? What of the Deihu? ” Her mind raced with the new information, having more questions to ask and na receiving any answers just yet. It could na have been Var’lon, could it? It made no sense, if he wanted to yy’a the Praetor, he could have just pulled an ie’yakk and done so months ago before she had been deployed; the man’s own guard only half reported to him anyway, being loyal to tr’Vatrix whom was much more popular with the people anyway. Na, he had been biding his time, if she could take it, so could he. He’d never throw away an advantage to do something like this? He was too much of a strategist to do so. They were interrupted by someone banging on the door. S’anra jerked and glared in its direction. She shook her head as she looked back. “Unfortunately, I can na say more. I must go. Eat a few bites so that I can say you have eaten without being a liar. If I linger any longer, we will both be punished.” Quickly picking up the bowl so as na to lose this new source of information, she quickly drank most of the cooled broth from the bowl and handed it back to the woman. “Hann’yyo for the medication, it was…..most helpful.” She nodded and took the bowl and tray, but left her with the fruit, cheese, and bread. “Eat more if au can. Au will need your strength for the trails ahead.” Sighing, she collected her things and turned toward the door, obviously conflicted about her duties. “If I am able, I will see au again. Perhaps with more information about what’s going on outside these walls. Menkha luck. Au will undoubtedly need it.” “Hann’yyo S’anra for au kindness, and the food,” and left unsaid, also the chilling information that she had just been given. She knew now, that she must find some way to slip free of her captors and make her way home to make sure her family was safe from harm. She watched dejectedly as the dheno gave her a sour look and re-secured the door.
  2. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51506.04 – Season 20 – No Easy Way Out Laehval continues to lead the crew and other th’ann, which included her father; through the secret labyrinth of tunnels towards what she hopes will be a feasible escape route for them. At least long enough to get away from where they were being held, and hopefully be able to find someone sympathetic to their cause or some other way of avoiding recapture. Still stinging from Koga’s betrayal, they all look at each other, a bit more warily, and yet also wonder what has become of the Khre’Riov?
  3. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51505.28 - Season 20 - Minus Another.... The crew had managed to na only escape from their holding cell, but had been able to drop the force fields on the rest of the cells, releasing na only the rest of the crew, but several other th'ann that had been held hrrau the old br'tehh. However...now their number was another fewer. First had been t'Vatrix, her whereabouts unknown, but hopefully in the care of t'Mahren. But this last, was another heavy unexpected blow. Koga..... Koga had betrayed them, and now they must run. Taking the secret passageway that Laehval indicated, they narrowly escaped the guards, but now they had lost any element of surprise, they would be hunted. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM (at the sim ended last week.... ACTION> The southern corridor ended abruptly at another locked door. Laehval pushed her way through the crowd to reach the front to open the control panel) tAehjae -> :: following behind everyoi as they make their way through the secret passage and away from Koga and his new friends:: M_K_tKsa -> ::fuming, has her own versions of weapons with her...the trays and a few of the forgotten shoveling thingies the group uses:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Lerak held his metal shiv :: KhreRiovtRex -> @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> :: nods as Koga re-enters the room, now out of the old civilian rags he had been hiding in, and dressed sharply in the uniform of the Tal Shiar:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Nods back as he re-enters the room:: Did aur men manage to find the blueprints for this facility? Laehval tTemarr -> ::After a few keystrokes, the door lock clicked and Laehval turned toward the others, waving a hand to quieten them down.:: This section of the corridor will na be easy. We have na cover as we cross the hall. As soon as au are on the other side, there is another door behind io of the junction boxes. Be as swift and as quiet as au can. M_K_tKsa -> Or I'll beat au over the head with a rice bowl @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> They are searching for them hna'h. It is an older facility, and the old records do na seem to have been well kept. It seems, many have been kept on ...paper, rather than in the etrehh. tAehjae -> :: cringes slightly at t’Ksa’s threat:: @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> I have started stationing men around the complex in case they get out of the facility, we will see them before they can get to cover hiding in the town, and if that is the case....we will then search house to house until they are found. Koga S'Bien -> @ Hmm, which would certainly make it more difficult. I'd imagine it would be in a safe somewhere, or perhaps in the Hall of Records. KhreRiovtRex -> (crosses room to go fetch the "were they quiet dice") ACTION> Two of the other prisoners slip outside to keep watch behind bulkheads that shield them. One taps lightly on the panel to indicate the path was clear. tAehjae -> :: waits for the others to cross watching behind them to warn them if they are approached from behind:: Lerak trPexil -> :: anxiously walking with the others :: @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> Tell me Koga...do au have any conflict if au have to hunt these down? In light that au have served so long with them? Surely au must be on some sort of social basis with them. Koga S'Bien -> @ A part of me does feel bad it would have to come to that, but in the end, I serve the Empire and I'll do what I can to protect its best interest. M_K_tKsa -> ::inhales slowly then steps lightly into the corridor and tries to walk quickly and quietly on her tip toes towards the next junction:: Koga S'Bien -> @Though saying that, if I were Laehval, where would I hide? tAehjae -> :: waits til last and then makes her way across the corridor:: @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> That is why I called for au. Had she indicated any possibilities where they might be running to? KhreRiovtRex -> @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> They do na know the location of au Khre'Riov either. I would presume that they will use the most strategic route of escape, and write her off as lost? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval waited in the corridor until everyone was out and across before she secured the secret entrance behind her. She followed, as quickly and quietly as possible. Koga S'Bien -> @Not that I recall. She's a very cunning individual, great at the art of disappearing. Lerak trPexil -> :: a stray thought about that floral woman crossed his mind :: Koga S'Bien -> @ I wouldn't put that option past them, at least for now. Right now, their first priority would be to get as far away from here as possible without getting caught. KhreRiovtRex -> (wait...he's standing there with Laehval, finally met her dad, and he's thinking of the little hottie down the street that was twining flowers into his hair?) Laehval tTemarr -> (huh, men ) Lerak trPexil -> (Out of concern) Koga S'Bien -> (aww.. so caring ) @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> If au do na know of where she would head, do au think that the clone would have given her orders where to head? M_K_tKsa -> ::is rather surprised that they've made this far without getting caught:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::thinks:: It is possible. But, since I wasn't part of senior command of the Talon, I cannot say for certain. Lerak trPexil -> :: looks back to t'Ksa to see if she needs help :: tAehjae -> :: continues na saying a word, but thinking maybe the elements are on their side:: @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> We may have to ask permission of tr'Gralik once he and that other officer that was on site have finished with her, though...I do na know if much will be left of here once they try to find out where her bond mate is... ACTION> The panel on the other side of the corridor opened into another dark hall, this one full of dust and cobwebs, having not been used in a long while. The walls here were older and made of the same crumbling stone as their cells. There were no electric lights in the hall and nothing but pitch black lay ahead. Lerak trPexil -> :: not find of the dark :: Koga S'Bien -> @ A good option. Hopefully, we can get something out of her. M_K_tKsa -> :whispers to herself "fvad":: KhreRiovtRex -> (I need each member of Laeh's party to give me a number 1-20) tAehjae -> (13) KhreRiovtRex -> (pexil) Lerak trPexil -> (11) KhreRiovtRex -> (tA...you get to pick for Pexil!) KhreRiovtRex -> (nm..lol) Lerak trPexil -> (Would not send) M_K_tKsa -> (17) Laehval tTemarr -> (7) ACTION> Everyone manages to get by this first cluttered area without knocking anything over and making noise KhreRiovtRex -> (drat) Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> As soon as Laehval closed the door behind them, they were all plunged into darkness. Uh oh. KhreRiovtRex -> (que dramatic music here) tAehjae -> tTemarr, How long is this tunnel? :: whispers:: M_K_tKsa -> ::jumps as someone, and she has no clue who, gooses her:: Lerak trPexil -> :: does not want to run into anyone :: Lerak trPexil -> :: too late :: Sorry @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> Au know the clone...or had before the 'incident' but have still been serving under it. Do au think she will break easily? Perhaps if we threatened her with the life of her bond mate or the her abomination of a child? Laehval tTemarr -> Several meters. Follow along the walls. There are no other openings until we reach the end. :: Quietly. She moved forward along the wall and bumped into Lerak.:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Smirks:: If there's one thing I know about t'Vatrix, she won't break very easily at all. If anything, threatening her bond mate will only serve to strengthen her resolve. She's quite the stubborn woman. M_K_tKsa -> ::thinking "So help me Elements if I find out who's done that I'm going to throw them under a speeding flitter":: @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> That does na bode well for our timing, if we want to find where the others are going..... ACTION> One of the other prisoners bumps into Ksa and almost knocks her over. Koga S'Bien -> @ Ie, it does not unfortunately. Lerak trPexil -> :: bumps :: Laeh.. ACTION> t'Aehjae felt something crawling on her face. M_K_tKsa -> ::squeaks at the bump, scratching her hand across the wall as she tries to catch herself from falling:: Koga S'Bien -> (hopefully not a zombie wasp!) tAehjae -> :: screeches and smacks at her face to get whatever it is off of her:: Lerak trPexil -> :: squeezes Laeh's ararm ::m Laehval tTemarr -> ::Puts her hand on Lerak's shoulder.:: Keep moving... just a bit further. ACTION:: As they felt their way down the corridor, they have managed to walk into a tangle of old cobwebs, dislodging several of the large spiders onto themselves:: Koga S'Bien -> (Can't get away from these cobwebs and spiders, eh? lol) Laehval tTemarr -> ( At the end of this corridor there will be a giant pipe organ made of bones that they'll have to play to open the drawbridge that leads to the next area. ) KhreRiovtRex -> (tA...for that squeal...please give me a number between 1-20) tAehjae -> 11 M_K_tKsa -> ::na happy right now, trying to wipe off the spider webs...reminding her an early morning hike in the woods without a spider whacking stick....UGH!:: (m)please na spiders on me, please na spiders on me. ::would do the old "wave a hand in front of herself to catch the webs" except she's bound to hit someone:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Do au know if she has any fears? Something we can use against her, other than what we have already in her file? ACTION> Guards outside took notice of t'Aehjae's shriek, though couldn't quite tell where her voice was coming from. They began searching the walls, looking for secret doors. Koga S'Bien -> @ ::thinks:: Let me see.. I suppose the fear of any harm befalling her bondmate or child? I don't recall there was much the Khre'Riov was afraid of. KhreRiovtRex -> (rolls for secret doors) ACTION:: The guards find where the secret door is, but are having trouble opening it...... ACTION> The floor in the dark hall had started to incline downward and was bumpy and uneven. They could hear water ahead and some very unpleasant smells. Lerak trPexil -> :: moans :: ugh M_K_tKsa -> ::is really beginning to wonder if Laehval really knows where she's going:: tAehjae -> :: moves quickly to get away from whatever was crawling on her face:: tAehjae -> ::: softly speaks:: I hear water Lerak trPexil -> I smell a particular type of water. @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> Come...I must report that they have escaped to tr’Gralik. He will be greatly displeased with us, someone may end up being blamed. Luckily for au, we have au that we can tell him has more information about the Talon that au can give him. Perhaps, we can even look in on au clone. I want to see if they had altered her as much as I had heard. Laehval tTemarr -> Keep moving. ::Quietly.:: The corridor ends at a ledge that borders that waste runoff for this district. It should be wide enough for us to travel one at a time to the reclamation facility. Just do na slip. It will na be... pleasant. M_K_tKsa -> ::just growls at that comment:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Eau de toilette) Koga S'Bien -> @ ::follows tr'Sarlan:: Very well then. Lead the way. Koga S'Bien -> (nice..) tAehjae -> ::grumbles:: arrggg KhreRiovtRex -> (see Koga, the benefits of joining the Tal Shiar?) Laehval tTemarr -> (Who is in front? ) tAehjae -> ::keeps moving keeping her hand on the wall to guide her:: Koga S'Bien -> (Yes, Koga's coming up smelling like roses..) tAehjae -> ((Au can say I am)) Laehval tTemarr -> (t'Aehjae - Give me a number from 1 - 20 ) tAehjae -> 12 tAehjae -> I think we are getting closer:: ACTION: tA slips a bit, almost losing her balance and has to reach for the wall or someone to keep from falling...however...... as tKsa was next in line, she causes her to lose her balance and she lands on her backside in the nasty slurry M_K_tKsa -> ((t'Aehjae did get more of the spiders....)) Koga S'Bien -> (Don't fall in!) tAehjae -> AWww :: struggles to catch herself:: tAehjae -> ((OOPs ::giggles::)) M_K_tKsa -> ((Gee, thanks. )) Laehval tTemarr -> ( Nobody better knock down my daddy! ) Koga S'Bien -> (How deep is it? lol) @ EnArrain tr’Sarlan> I'm hoping that they are found, before we get there. I have a flitter outside that we can take to his residence KhreRiovtRex -> (it is about 3 inches deep) M_K_tKsa -> ::knows it's going to happen, can't do anything to stop herself from falling...only to keep herself from hurting herself:: tAehjae -> :hears the splat::: What was that? Koga S'Bien -> @ All right. I hope so.. I'd imagine it would be pretty hard to navigate down there. That could give the guards more time to find them. Lerak trPexil -> :: goes to help t'Ksa :: tAehjae -> :: manages to remain standing next to the wall:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::follows tr'Sarlan outside to his flitter:: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> ::paused:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> OK Nice sim all KhreRiovtRex -> any questions about where we are? tAehjae -> nope M_K_tKsa -> I gotta head out guys.. I'll see you next week :) KhreRiovtRex -> (besides tksa sitting in the slush?) Lerak trPexil -> Are four turtles nearby? KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, then.....so we will pick up next week with you all reprising roles in the tr’Shawshank Redemption.... KhreRiovtRex -> And Koga will probably be having brews with his commander shortly anyway KhreRiovtRex -> So...Koga, thanks again for the great log, you others, don't be afraid to write up something as well! M_K_tKsa -> Good log Koga :) Koga S'Bien -> Thanks :) KhreRiovtRex -> (I'm still looking forward to the day that we get Koga and Laehval back face to face) Koga S'Bien -> (I'm not lol) Lerak trPexil -> The Goosing of t'Ksa.. KhreRiovtRex -> I knew it was Pexil KhreRiovtRex -> Laeh's going to be so disappointed with au tAehjae -> lol night all Laehval tTemarr -> I did it. :) :;goose:: Crew..dismissed!
  4. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51505.28 - Season 20 - Minus Another.... The crew had managed to na only escape from their holding cell, but had been able to drop the force fields on the rest of the cells, releasing na only the rest of the crew, but several other th'ann that had been held hrrau the old br'tehh. However...now their number was another fewer. First had been t'Vatrix, her whereabouts unknown, but hopefully in the care of t'Mahren. But this last, was another heavy unexpected blow. Koga..... Koga had betrayed them, and now they must run. Taking the secret passageway that Laehval indicated, they narrowly escaped the guards, but now they had lost any element of suprise, they would be hunted.
  5. Muhahahaha.......... oh wait....didn't get a chance to get more out of her yet....darned inconvenient of them escaping when you wanted to ply more info!
  6. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51505.25 - Season 23 Webbed Kwai, in her currently transformed and crazed mind wanting to escape the holodeck, is finally able to yell out, first locking down Holly, and then yells that she wants out, leading the holodeck arch to appear and the door to open. Immediately outside Will, Jax and Heather debating what to do about her in there, are surprised by the appearance of the viscous spider-wasp queen, who sprays them with a heavy coat of webbing, pinning them all motionless against the wall. Will tries to fire, but his hand is angled downward and is only shooting at the floor. Kwai retreats back into the holodeck to assess her next move. On the bridge, the red alert klaxons go off once the weapons fire has registered.
  7. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51505.21 - Season 20 -- BETRAYED!!! Following their capture, the crew of the Talon has been imprisoned in the old cells below the Pril'in Government Center. With a bit of luck, they took advantage of the deteriorating walls and managed to tunnel to freedom. Lerak has just deactivated all of the force fields to the cell entrances, setting both the crew and every other prisoner free. Now, all the crew has to do is escape through the maze of rooms and corridors of the sprawling multi-level center without being caught or killed by the Tal Shiar, all with the added burden of aiding their fellow prisoners, some of whom are seriously injured. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tAehjae -> Now which way to get out of here. m_k_tksa -> Quietly, fhaen tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai tAehjae -> :: moves to the end of the corridor to watch for any guards that may be approaching: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Surprised, Laehval crept forward as soon as the force field was down, searching for guards. She caught sight of the others and waved them into a small group. <vs> Well done. tAehjae -> :: moves over to t’Temarr:: Do ah know how to get out of here? Lerak trPexil -> I'm surprised by the lack of security. Sloppy. m_k_tksa -> ::looks at Pexil like he's lost his mind:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Nelis> Down here, someone come help me move the Magistrate Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, I roamed these corridors as a youngling. I cannot speak to any improvements or additions, but we should be able to find at least one unguarded escape route. These others will be helpful as well. Some of them work in this facility. My di'ranov is here. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Guy> moves over as well. Sit him up, he'll be fine, he's just in need of some food and water Koga S'Bien -> ::peers out of the cell and looks for guards in curiosity:: tAehjae -> We should get moving Rekkhai before they are alerted to our escape. m_k_tksa -> So which direction do we go? Lerak trPexil -> :: listening for guards :: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Nelis> Hey.....au said he was au di'ranov....come assist us Laehval tTemarr -> East down the main corridor. Quickly, find whatever you can to use as weapons. We do na know what we will encounter. ::She hurried past the few cells to where her father was located.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: finds a piece of jagged metal :: m_k_tksa -> Meaning any sharp or blunt object will do. Or a rice bowl in my case tAehjae -> :: moves to the end of the corridor to watch for guards and wait for the others:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Nelis> lifting the man to his feet with the help of tr'Guy. Come Trilus, the fields are down, we can follow these others to find a way out tAehjae -> :: has her diggin tool in her hand that she can use a a knife:: m_k_tksa -> Being as there isn't much here to begin with.... KhreRiovtRex -> (a handle off her tea cup!) ACTION> tr'Guy looks around taking stock of what is around Lerak trPexil -> :: hopes his father is not held somewhere :: tAehjae -> ::in a soft voice:: so far the path is clear:: Laehval tTemarr -> Di'ranov! ::She reached her father and helped to support him, worried that he was so weak and in so much pain.:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Guy> Hey...grab whatever you can find that is loose, they left a few of those trays and cups, you can throw those, or hit them over the head with a tray Lerak trPexil -> :: follows Leahval to help :: KhreRiovtRex -> trGuy> Better yet, use a few of those trays to wedge up under that door, so they can na open it right away m_k_tksa -> Na a bad idea. Although at the door jam might be better? Laehval tTemarr -> Trilus> ::Was extremely weak and on the verge of collapse, but he had strength enough to hug his daughter.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: he'd be et met her father before, but certainly had not wanted this :: Koga S'Bien -> I'll block the door for you guys, if you want. That should buy some more time for more people to escape tAehjae -> so far na oi is in the corridor. Lerak trPexil -> :: Laehval.. :: we must make haste :: Koga S'Bien -> He's right. If you want to escape, now's the time before the guards rush in. Laehval tTemarr -> Trilus> ::Turned to peer at Lerak, narrowing his eyes.:: Who are au? Lerak trPexil -> Talon's engineer and ... Lerak.. tAehjae -> :: moves further down the corridor listening:: Koga S'Bien -> ::moves to the door, blocking the entrance:: Laehval tTemarr -> t'Aehjae, gather up all of the other prisoners -- quietly. We're going out the eastern door. It heads deeper into the corridor, but there is a secret way out that is likely unguarded. Hurry. ::With Lerak's help, she helped her father limp out of the cell along with his aides. They headed for a nondescript door that opened into a closet. :: tAehjae -> : does as tTemarr says:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Nelis> Is that everyone? I don't believe anyone else was left down here. They had shipped everyone else off.... M_K_tKsa -> ::has picked up a couple of the trays, frowning, trailing everyone:: ACTION> Voices of a few loud guards heading to check the prisoners can be heard approaching..... tAehjae -> :: to trNelis and trGuy:: lets go Lerak trPexil -> :: clutches his makeshift weapon :: tAehjae -> Someoi is coming hurry ::in a louder whisper:: Koga S'Bien -> ::braces himself against the door:: Go, go.. I'll block em off. tAehjae -> Koga they are armed.. au are na. Koga S'Bien -> Don't worry about me. One thing I learned during my time as a fighter... is how to fight. tAehjae -> :: moves on with the others:: as au wish ACTION> Inside of the closet, Laehval activated a small keypad and the back wall completely slid upward, revealing a smaller, dusty corridor. She waved everyone inside. M_K_tKsa -> ::doesn't need to be told twice, moves along with the others:: Laehval tTemarr -> Careful, this corridor connects to others within the complex that might be occupied by the Tal Shiar. tAehjae -> ::: follows behind the group:: Lerak trPexil -> Cone on Koga, you're too pretty to hold them off by yourself. Laehval tTemarr -> Trilus> I have heard of au. ::Gives Pexil a nod, but doesn't say much else.:: M_K_tKsa -> ((I'm gonna start using these trays on our crew)) Lerak trPexil -> :: nods back :: ah, let's get going then. @ Koga S'Bien -> ::as the group departs, Koga steps aside and opens the door and shouts to the guards:: Au had better hurry... the prisoners are escaping down that corridor @ ACTION> The door flies open as Koga lets the guards in!!! @ ACTION> YOU HAVE BEEN BETRAYED!!!! tAehjae -> :: looks behind them, seeing the light of the door:: We are being pursued. M_K_tKsa -> Move! Laehval tTemarr -> ::Unable to believe her eyes, Laehval gaped at the traitor Koga!:: Go! Run! S'Bien has betrayed us! Koga S'Bien -> Eastern corridor! Lerak trPexil -> :: runs :: @ ACTION> The guards push past Koga, heading toward those escaping. Halt...or we will fire! Laehval tTemarr -> ::With everyone through, she activated the panel behind them, bringing the door down in their wake -- giving them some protection from the guards.:: tAehjae -> :: bends the handle of the cup so it will fit iround her finger so she can use it as a knifr:: Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at Koga as the door comes down :: tAehjae -> *knife Koga S'Bien -> ::stays where he is:: tAehjae -> So thats why he was na hamred when he returned. tAehjae -> *harmed M_K_tKsa -> Less talking, more moving t'Aehjae. tAehjae -> :: following everyoi else down the corridor:: ACTION>@ Guards are banging on the now closed door that they had na known of Lerak trPexil -> :: has a feeling Koga's time away was not as uneventful as it appeared :: ACTION> Automatic lights came on in the secret corridor. There were several doors branching off from the main one, but they were locked. The corridor ended at a t-intersection with tunnels branching off to the left and right. Laehval tTemarr -> South! ::Laehval called from somewhere behind, still supporting her father. She waved a hand to indicate they take the right passage.:: KhreRiovtRex -> @tr'Sarlan> :: walks back over to Koga:: Why did au na alert us in time to stop them? Lerak trPexil -> :: has a twisted feeling in his stomach :: M_K_tKsa -> This way then. ::points to the south corridor, then starts moving in that direction:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Nelis> :: turns to the younger tTemarr:: Au diRanov, he had told me there were secret escape passages and safe rooms down here, but I had never seen them. But how do we get out and awy from the area, before they surround it and find us? M_K_tKsa -> ::helping io of the aides who'd tripped on a stone but hauling him up by the belt loop:: Easy now. Koga S'Bien -> I wasn't aware they had broken through the forcefields until it was too late. tr'Sarlan> @ Did they say how they were going to get away? Or where that door went Lerak trPexil -> :: Wondered if he'd ever see his friend again :: Koga S'Bien -> I heard Laehval say something about a secret entrance in the eastern corridor. tAehjae -> :: following everyoi, moves up to tTemarr:: Do au need help rekkhai? Laehval tTemarr -> There are utility tunnels that we can use. We will have to cross some of the main corridors, so it is a risk, but they are likely na guarded. Na many know of them. tr'Sarlan>@ We will need to go see if we can find the blueprints of this facility, and some scanners. Au can come assist us with that. We can use au muscle anyway..... Koga S'Bien ->@ Very well.. Laehval tTemarr -> t'Aehjae, help my di'ranov. I need to open the next set of doors. ::Waiting for t'Aehjae to help support her father.:: tr'Sarlan> @ Tobias....go see that we find a proper uniform befitting his new rank. tAehjae -> :: moves up to support her father:: I have him rekkhai Koga S'Bien ->@ ::follows tr'Sarlan:: tr'Sarlan> @ How au must have chaffed living with that Galae fvai all this time. Au family had it entered in au records, that au were placed there to gain information for au ri'anov tAehjae -> :: walks slowly with the Elder Temarr:: ACTION> The southern corridor ended abruptly at another locked door. Laehval pushed her way through the crowd to reach the front to open the control panel. KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM 03:13 KhreRiovtRex -> Duhm duhm duhm!!!!! 03:35 M_K_tKsa -> Muhahahaha 03:37 KhreRiovtRex -> Who would ever have suspected that Koga would be the one to turn on au!? 03:50 tAehjae -> na I 03:52 KhreRiovtRex -> Now, if he catches au, will he shoot au? 04:12 Lerak trPexil -> At least the best pilot is still loyal. 04:32 Lerak trPexil -> Nice setup 04:48 KhreRiovtRex -> Loyalty is determined by the victors...will Koga win? 05:01 KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, anyone have anything before we close up? 05:43 KhreRiovtRex -> Alright, Crew Dismissed
  8. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51505.14 - Season 20 Following their capture, the crew of the Talon has been imprisoned in the old cells below the Pril'in Government Center. While trying to determine if they might find some route of escape, it was noted that some of the walls towards the back of one of the cells had become worn and some of the stone wall weakened. Meanwhile, after an interaction with the guards, a prisoner in an adjoining cell gives t’Temarr the news that there was another t’Temarr also being held here. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Action: Guard brings Koga back, who strangely doesn't look very roughed up at all, no more really than when he left. M_K_tKsa -> ::in her cell with the motley crew, trying to figure out how to manipulate the TS agents or escape in some fashion:: Koga S'Bien -> ::returns to the cell without saying a word:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Stooped down next to t'Ksa :: I wonder what my family is doing now.. a strange thought to have given our situation. M_K_tKsa -> ::raises a brow at Koga's appearance, wondering what sort of interrogation tactics they're using, because he looks remarkably unharmed:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval rose from the floor to meet Koga as the guards brought him back. She also said nothing, waiting until the guards had reengaged the force fields and had drifted off.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Guard> Fhaen, for now, au must remain here with the others. We will return in a while to speak with au some more. M_K_tKsa -> ::frowns:: Honestly, I'd rather na dwell on that right now. We've got our own problems to solve than worrying about how our families are doing. Koga S'Bien -> Very well. ACTION> Guards leave the room.... M_K_tKsa -> We need to get out of here, and soon. Any luck finding something to help us chip away at the walls? Lerak trPexil -> :: frowns :: I'm sure they are fine. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> :: once the guards were gone, hollers down the row:: Hey...why are we whispering? They're gone right? M_K_tKsa -> :;wondering if they beer boarded Koga:: Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien? :: She turned on her heel and stared him down.:: Au look rather... refreshed. tAehjae -> :; had pulled the small handle off the metal cup that had been left in the cell when they were given water:: We have this now ... Koga S'Bien -> It seems they only had a few questions for me. tAehjae -> :: walks up to the area of the wall that was chipping easily and begins to start to scrape away at the material between the bricks of the cell.::: M_K_tKsa -> Why na use the whole cup? Laehval tTemarr -> Did they? What sort of questions? tAehjae -> The handle will get between the blocks Lerak trPexil -> :: Trying to determine what the cell walls are made of. Koga S'Bien -> About my family, my past. Strangely, they didn't ask me if I knew where the Talon was or anything like that... not that I do. Lerak trPexil -> :: Hears "family"... "past" :: Laehval tTemarr -> Did they threaten au? Threaten your family? ::More than a little suspicious that he didn't have any bruises, black eyes, or bloody lips.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (the walls of these old cells are made of the natural limestone/sandstone found in this region. Years of wear and water tripping from the surface (these are underground like most Rihan prisons) has make some of the areas worn and soft if enough pressure is applied.) Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Yes, but I'm sure they do that to everyone. Lerak trPexil -> (North... wait wait WALK NORTH) tAehjae -> :: the material is chipping away nicely:: tAehjae -> :: uses the cup as suggested by t’Ksa:: KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> Hey down there.....is that really his daughter down there? Koga S'Bien -> The guards did rough me up somewhat though. They did let me use the bathroom though on my way back. M_K_tKsa -> ::playing lookout, sort of, while listening to the other prisoners:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Moves his hand along the wall all over looking for a weak spot :: tAehjae -> Pexil grab the other cup and start digging here Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leans close and sniffs.:: Is that... ale on your breath? Lerak trPexil -> Alright.. :: takes the cup and starts digging, but not getting anywhere initially :: Lerak trPexil -> (Were they made of malleable metal?) Koga S'Bien -> How very astute of you, rekkhai. Yes, the guards offered me ale for information, but don't worry, I didn't say anything to incriminate any of us or Talon. Lerak trPexil -> :: Digging :: What of your family did you tell? M_K_tKsa -> ::exasperated sigh, tries to concentrate on keeping watch:: Fhaen tell me au have find places to hide io's tools if the guards come back so they don't get confiscated, ie? Koga S'Bien -> Who my parents are what they do... it's no secret really given my parents' political and military connections. tAehjae -> ie rekkhai back under the bed Laehval tTemarr -> I would na think otherwise, though it does not sit well with me that au were na given a full interrogation. I suppose that if au have connections within the Tal Shiar, they might be more inclined to go easy on au. Did they mention your parents? Have they been informed of your imprisonment? Lerak trPexil -> :: Digging :: Koga S'Bien -> I'm sure they have been, yes. I imagine they will try to contact them and verify what I told them. tAehjae -> :: scraping and digging starting to create a hole between the cells, low enough the bed can be pushed back in place to hide the efforts:: Koga S'Bien -> How is it going here? I'm glad the guards didn't seem to pick on au too much? Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'A :: This may take a while. tAehjae -> We don’t have anything but time. KhreRiovtRex -> (hold typing a sec ) KhreRiovtRex -> X X X KhreRiovtRex -> X 1 2 3 X KhreRiovtRex -> X X X X 4 KhreRiovtRex -> (the x's to the left are one set of cells KhreRiovtRex -> the corridor between them and the next row isn’t' wide here, sorry, there is a corridor to the right of cell 1 (where the diggers are) KhreRiovtRex -> (t’ksa, Pex , t’A in 1) KhreRiovtRex -> (Leah and Koga in 2) KhreRiovtRex -> (3 is the whispering guy and 4 is Leah's dad) KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, resume sim KhreRiovtRex -> (so, basically the hole you are digging is in the wall heading towards that corridor, unless you want to dig into Leah's cell Koga S'Bien -> (dig up, stupid! :P ) Laehval tTemarr -> Or at all, really. They seem to be otherwise preoccupied. ::She threw a glance to the corridor.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: I imagine so with the Galae purge they seem to be doing. Koga S'Bien -> with this* M_K_tKsa -> So far, it's quiet, but if au can dig faster, it might be best. tAehjae -> ::: continues to dig only looking up when addressing t’Ksa:: M_K_tKsa -> Is it big enough for au all to start kicking at it? tAehjae -> We shall try rekkhai tAehjae -> Pexil lie on aus back next to me we will kick it together Laehval t’Temarr -> ::Moving to the field that bordered the corridor, she tried to have a look further down.:: Who is down there? Who are all of au? Lerak trPexil -> :: After much digging Pex kicks his foot through :: Ah.. Lerak trPexil -> Again... :: kicks :: tAehjae -> :: kicks with Pexil:: KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> I am tr'Nelis, au di'ranov's aide Koga S'Bien -> Do au hear that? Sounds like thumping. Perhaps it would be best if au stepped back a little. Lerak trPexil -> :: He Pexil Kicks :: That's good.. I think I can get through. :: Gets on his stomach and starts to crawl through:: M_K_tKsa -> Try na to grunt so much. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Guy> Lhhei, I also work for au di'ranov, I remember au used to fix things around his office. I am tr'Guy tAehjae -> :: watches Pexil:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets his head through, continues... gets a little stuck in the midsection... ugh.. ah and then his legs :: I'm out... :: starts to get up :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Stands still for a second to listen for anyone coming... :: Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, I remember au both. How did au end up in this place? Why did they take au prisoner? KhreRiovtRex -> (now....you won the pre-rolls on finding where to make the hole, and getting out...should I roll to see if they guards heard you're grunting and kicking?) M_K_tKsa -> Shhhh....keep it down. We don't want the guards to know. tAehjae -> :: begins to crawl out of the hole to join Pexil:: Look for the shut off to the fields tAehjae -> (( sure I’m game)) Koga S'Bien -> ((oooh) M_K_tKsa -> ((::sighs::)) Lerak trPexil -> Should not be close really, let me look.. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Neils> Llhei, we had received some word of some type of attack on the capital, and Martial Law was put into effect, We were in our offices, and these Tal Shiar, with some unknown insignia come and took over the town. M_K_tKsa -> ::looking at the hole that t'Aehjae and tr'Pexil have made, eyeing the force field for the guards then the hole:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Neils> Au father protested, that he was magistrate of this province and they had no call to do that. He then made what I think was his mistake, he told them to check with his daughter, she served on the Talon and would clear this up. tAehjae -> :: places her head through the hole and looks for something the hole can be covered with:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks for controls placed close to the cells :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Listens in from behind:: KhreRiovtRex -> That's when they took him into custody, and then au ri'anov, came in came in and told them he supported au and the Talon criminals, and he's been here being interrogated ever since. Elements curse the woman….. ACTION> Pexil is able to trigger the cell force fields to all drop. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: Koga S'Bien -> Ooooo! Lerak trPexil -> Really lax security KhreRiovtRex -> Excellent...you are now free of the cells. Now, do you gather the others or run? KhreRiovtRex -> Do you ambush guards? Think about it KhreRiovtRex -> Great sim all KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed......
  9. Excellent log Laehval! And very good choice of using au kaleh on her and na me this time!
  10. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51505.14 - Season 20 Following their capture, the crew of the Talon has been imprisoned in the old cells below the Pril'in Government Center. While trying to determine if they might find some route of escape, it was noted that some of the walls towards the back of one of the cells had become worn and some of the stone wall weakened. Meanwhile, after an interaction with the guards, a prisoner in an adjoining cell gives tTemarr the news that there was another tTemarr also being held here.
  11. RES Talon Mission Briefing 051505.07 - Season 20 As capture was imminent, and the crew was not in a defensible enough location to outlast and fend off the incoming troops, t'Mahren had suggested that as the Tal Shiar still thought she was one of their agents, that we try to convince them that she had already captured us, had been in the process of interrogation, and that we were her prisoners. The troops arriving however were under the command of Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik, who was head of security for this entire region. After accepting t'Mahren's story, t'Temarr, tr'Pexil, t'Aehjae, t'Ksa and S'Bien were all taken from the cold room they had been "being held in' and marched out to the waiting RAC's. t'Mahren, the sedated t'Vatrix, tr'Gralik and the still furious Au'riel t'Temarr followed in the third RAC. The captives all to be taken to the main security complex in the town that the crew had earlier scouted and held for questioning. t'Vatrix however, was not sent with them, instead taken to be held at tr'Gralik’s residence, along with t'Mahren to watch over ‘her prize'. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM ACTION: The captives have now been split up into smaller groups... t’Temarr and Koga held together while t'Aehjae, tr'Pexil and t’Ksa have been placed into another cell tr'Danov> :: paces back and forth in front of the two cells:: So....which one of au, is going to be the smart io, and tell us where the Talon is? If you tell us know, we can forgo the normal interrogations, which I would think that au would know, can be.....rather:: pauses for effect:: shall we say....unpleasant? tAehjae -> :: lifts her eyes enough to glare and the pacing Guard wishing she could do something to get out of the cell but knowing better than to try.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching anything happening outside the cell, not that he could do much :: M_K_tKsa -> ::watching the man pacing, trying to determine what sort of tact she should take against him - compliant, snarky, patriotic, mean, innocent, blubbering verrul...hmmmm:: tr'Danov> ::points to t'Temarr:: Au are the first officer, are au na? Au should have the knowledge we desire. Do au na wish to protect au crew from unnecessary pain and agony.... Koga S'Bien -> ::Studies the man as well curiously:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Turns to t'Ksa :: (w) Are au alright? M_K_tKsa -> ::glances at tr’Pexil:: Menkha. Au? Lerak trPexil -> :: I've been better. tr'Danov> :: still looking at t’Temarr:: Au own ri'nanov, an irritating yet loyal Rihan, feels we should na even waste the time questioning au. Is she right? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Leaning against one wall, Laehval glanced at the others and then back to the man.:: I likely have plenty of things that au would wish to know, but none that you shall get. My crew is loyal and I doubt any of them will give you even a small measure of truth if interrogated. Laehval tTemarr -> And au are a fool for listening to my ri'nanov. She is delusional. Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Ksa :: What a wonderful family t'Temarr has... tr'Danov> We shall see. She did give us your location, half the planet is searching for au....:: scoffs at t’Temarr:: And au very own ri'nanov, is the one who turned au in. tAehjae -> :: whispering:: We need to find a way out of this and rescue tVatrix M_K_tKsa -> Au can na judge her family by the rantings of io odd....um......::trying to decide if she should be polite or not:: ......if that were the case, I suspect we'd all be embarrassed by the relatives in our closets. Lerak trPexil -> Out is the operative word. Flying their RAC is easy enough. tr’Danov> Au 'must' be the monsters that we've been told of, behind this attack on the capital, trying to bring down the Empire and support an internal coup...it is na wonder that au own ri'nanov would turn au in. I'd be ashamed if any of my family were to be behind these atrocities as well. tr'Danov> Tell me....which of these should I question first? And na, au may na offer auself up first. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval laughed aloud and pushed off the wall, pacing to the edge of the cell where the others were being held.:: Did au hear that?! /WE/ are responsible for the attack on the capital in an attempt to bring down the Empire. Koga S'Bien -> That's news to me. I didn't even know someone attacked the capitol tAehjae -> :: steps a bit closer to the door of the cell to see if he is alone or if others are nearby:: Koga S'Bien -> ...so out of the loop man.... tr'Danov> Indeed...au are members of Galae, and directly report to the war criminal tr'Vatrix, and now....we have his bondmate to help us capture him. So perfect….. M_K_tKsa -> Au know, au really shouldn't trust everything au read in social media. Koga S'Bien -> Have au imprisoned everyone in the Galae? trDanov> Those that have na been shot....... and those we are still hunting down…such as au Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Lerak trPexil -> How is their information so wrong? :: he thought :: Laehval tTemarr -> Imprisoned or killed, I would wager. ::She snorted.:: That is the Tal Shiar way. Skulk in the shadows and manipulate the truth to benefit yourself. tr'Danov> Do au na know? History is written by the victors........ tr'Danov>Now, I ask you once more....which of these shall be first to question? Koga S'Bien -> I'm at a disadvantage here, not knowing your name. But, I have nothing to hide. I'll voluteer to be first for questioning. tAehjae -> ::whispers tothe 2 with her:: Im na seeing anyio else near the cells. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She gave Koga a glance and then peered back at tr'Danov.:: S'Bien, a brave Galae officer. And yet he has ties to the Tal Shiar. Would au dare injure him in interrogation? tr'Danov> ::grins:: We were hoping it would be au...the mighty Koga.....oh but that was years ago before you went to go sit on Talon, and be coddled by au Enarrain and her lover M_K_tKsa -> ::thinking someone dropped Koga on his head as a baby:: tr'Danov> ::nods to his men to retrieve Koga from the cell:: We will go have a nice little chat....perhaps a few ales when we are done? Koga S'Bien -> It was nice while lasted. ::shrugs:: M_K_tKsa -> ::muttering to herself:: I think he's trying to taunt us. I'm na sure if I should be insulted or amused. tAehjae -> :: curses to herself as she sees his men come from up the corridor:: I agree rekkhai tr'Danov> ::watched as Koga was removed and the force field reapplied:: Talke him to room 3, I will be along shortly...... Koga S'Bien -> ::follows the guards to Room 3:: tAehjae -> :: leaning on the front wall of the cell near the field:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Danov> ::turns to the others:: Remember, I gave au a chance to do this painlessly and just take the imprisonment.... ::winks at tAehjae:: I think we'll talk to the pretty one with the split lip next:: turns and exits the room tAehjae -> :: narrows her eyes and glares at him as he leaves:: M_K_tKsa -> Well, he seems pleasant. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval growled under her breath and turned on her heel to face the others. Her finger sizzled against the force field that separated their cells before she jerked her hand back in frustration. tAehjae -> Is there any way to short this out and get out of here? M_K_tKsa -> Na really. Or at least na to my knowledge. Lerak trPexil -> Na, it's isolated. tAehjae -> So we are stuck here until they decided to free us. Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> ::in the cell next to Laehval's and heads over to her cell:: M_K_tKsa -> They'e not going to free us, t'Aehjae. Lerak trPexil -> :: laughs :: That's one way to look at it. M_K_tKsa -> Not ever. tAehjae -> I refuse to think we can na find a way out. Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> ::looks over at her and checks to see if there's no guards about:: Psst! Hey... Laehval tTemarr -> An opportunity will present itself. Be ready when it comes. ::Glancing over to the other side of her cell, she narrowed her eyes at the other captive, but turned and walked to meet him.:: Ie? tAehjae -> :: listens:: Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> (w) I'm sorry to intrude, but I couldn't help overhearing from the guards that aus name was t'Temarr? M_K_tKsa -> ::taking a seat, trying to look like this does na bother her:: Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Ksa :: Aur hair.. M_K_tKsa -> What about it? ::flatly:: Laehval tTemarr -> Ie. Do I know au? ::He didn't look familiar, but she was curious.:: Lerak trPexil -> Au should keep it.. it's more intimidating. tAehjae -> :: starts looking at the material the walls are made of, inspecting the areas na covered with metal:: M_K_tKsa -> What do au mean? Koga S'Bien -> tr’Guy> ::nods:: Au don't. At least I don't think so. It's just I remembered that there was also an older man imprisoned in one of the cells down from here with the same name. I don't know if there's a connection, but I thought au might want to know. tAehjae -> :: moves over to an area where there is more rock than a substance between it holding the rock together:: Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy Lerak trPexil -> (w) Aur intimidating... :: he huffs :: More so with the cut hair...at least to me. M_K_tKsa -> Hanny'yo ::chin up:: I appreciate that. tAehjae -> Pexil come here Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval's eyes widened.:: Which way? ::She walked to the front of her cell and craned her neck first one way and then the other. A man with her name would undoubtedly be related, but there was only one older Rihan that held the name t'Temarr.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Moves to t'Aehjae :: Ie. Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> ::points down the hall past the corridor:: Down that way, past the corridor. Sorry, I don't remember which exact cell it was. tAehjae -> :;pointing to the substance between the rock and scratching at it with her fingernails:: Look at this. Its na well made. Its crumbling when I scratch at it. ::demonstrates:: If we had a tool we could possibly remove enough of it we could escape or at least gain access to the cell next door. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> ::hears others talking a few cells down the way, but clearly heard a name he knew mentioned a few times::: moves over to wake the somewhat bruised man sleeping on the bunk hrrau the back. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Her jaw clenched and she swore under her breath, then nodded at the stranger.:: The information is useful, nonetheless. Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> ::nods back and returns to where he was:: M_K_tKsa -> What about a shoe heel? tAehjae -> We could try. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> ::nudges his cellmate awake::hear that, they've brought in someone new, I've heard au name mentioned. I hope that crazy woman does na come down here making more charges against au....Stay back here, do na answer until I find out a bit more... Lerak trPexil -> :: Scratches it a bit :: This would take forever without something. tAehjae -> Rekkhai how big is Aus shoe heel? KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> :: moves to edge of his cell and whispers over to tr'Guy> Hey..what's up with those new prisoners? Did they finally catch someone important? tAehjae -> Mine would na work M_K_tKsa -> Well, I don't think they're going to be providing anything like digging tools to help us with our escape. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pulls it up :: A bit bigger, but na by much. They must give you better boots in security tAehjae -> Will they feed us? or leave us to starve? Laehval tTemarr -> ::A bit troubled, she moved to the other side of her cell to check on the others.:: Have au found anything of use? Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> (w) Apparently they're more Galae officers that were brought in. Io of them shares the name with tTemarr Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at t'A :: We'll have to scrape a bit at a time. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> Who...find out the name. There can na be too many of them, and only io I know with Galae... tAehjae -> Ie I was thinking if they feed us we can keep io of the eating untensils and use that. Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> The taller woman there. :: gestures at Laehval:: I can ask her for her name. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> :: moves to back of cell, taking the half-filled cup he had been saving and gave it to the older man to drink as he helped him up.:: Drink this..it will help some Lerak trPexil -> Good thinking... KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> Come Trilus, you need to drink this.......I think they have io of au children down there tAehjae -> It will take time but what else do we have. Lerak trPexil -> I can't imagine this is our final place though M_K_tKsa -> There is nothing in au's pockets that might work? tAehjae -> Everything was taken from me even my tiny boot knife. tAehjae -> Pexil? Au have anything? Koga S'Bien -> (All you need is a tiny pixaxe and a bible to hide it in!) Laehval tTemarr -> ( And a big poster to cover the hole ) Lerak trPexil -> My heel won't work in the short term, but if we did have a better tool and enough time... Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> ::walks back to Laehval:: I'm sorry.. I didn't quite catch aus name. tAehjae -> ((going to use the bed tA was sitting on earlier)) KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> ::walks back to front of cell:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turning back to the Rihan, she moved close.:: Laehval. If he is related to me, he will know me best as Laehval. tAehjae -> Pexil do au have any tinyt tools in aus pockets from where au were working at the house? KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> :: waiting in the corner of his cell to relay the message:: Hey..au still alive down there? Did she say Laehval? Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: I see. Very well then. ::walks back to the other end of his cell and whispers back to Prisioner # 2:: Her name is Laehval, which should ring a bell. Laehval tTemarr -> ( I think Pexil has a s'Wissarmy k'Nife ) Lerak trPexil -> They took them just as they did au. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> Tell her......that the former city magistrate of Pril'in, Trilus tr'Temarr, is imprisoned here as well Koga S'Bien -> (Does it have the c'Ork s'Crew?) Koga S'Bien -> I will relay that. Koga S'Bien -> ::walks back to t'Temarr:: The other Temarr imprisoned here is a Trilus tr'Temarr, former city magistrate of Pril'in. Is he related to au? tAehjae -> :: starts working with her fingers:: If they supply untensils io of us have to hide io. KhreRiovtRex -> Prisoner 2> ::rushes back to the man trying to unsteadily sit up:: Take au time....they did a number on au, you will just need rest...They said the woman's name is Laehval..... Laehval tTemarr -> Ie! My di'ranov! ::She hit the field as she surged forward, forgetting the cell for a moment.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes up to the edge :: Hey... Hey! Water here.. Laehval tTemarr -> Is he injured? Did they harm him? ACTION:: The sound of the door opening and two guards enter....one holding two trays and the other an ie'yakk rifle:: Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> Careful now. I admit, he did look weak when I last saw him 2-3 weeks ago. GUARDS> Step back! Step back now, or au will get na water this cycle... tAehjae -> :: steps to the back wall as ordered:: Koga S'Bien -> tr'Guy> ::Steps back to the back:: Lerak trPexil -> :: goes back :: M_K_tKsa -> ::sitting in the back of the cell, watching all of this play out:: ACTION: ONE BY ONE THE FIELDS ARE DROPPED AND A TRAY WITH SMALL METAL CUPS OF WATER SLID IN ON THE FLOOR KhreRiovtRex -> Na sure if tTemarr is going to step back, the guard with the gun brings it up to bear directly on her:: MOVE BACK! tAehjae -> :: steps forward to see the cups:: ACTION: EACH CELL CLOSED UP AS SOON AS THEIR CUPS ARE GIVEN Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets the cup and takes a drink :: KhreRiovtRex -> We will collect them later, if au deserve a last meal I suppose..... tAehjae -> :: steps up to where the tray was placed and hand Ksa hers:: KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> Great job and Crew Dismissed, sorry we ran over
  12. RES Talon Simlog 51504.30 The Talon Sim has been cancelled for tonight. We've unfortunately been defeated by a combination of the Avengers movie opening, work schedules and general malaise. Try again next week all. Good night.
  13. RES Talon Mission Briefing 051505.07 - Season 20 As capture was imminent, and the crew was not in a defensible enough location to outlast and fend off the incoming troops, t'Mahren had suggested that as the Tal Shiar still thought she was one of their agents, that we try to convince them that she had already captured us, had been in the process of interrogation, and that we were her prisoners. The troops arriving however were under the command of Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik, who was head of security for this entire region. After accepting t'Mahren's story, t'Temarr, tr'Pexil, t'Aehjae, t'Ksa and S'Bien were all taken from the cold room they had been "being held in' and marched out to the waiting RAC's. t'Mahren, the sedated t'Vatrix, tr'Gralik and the still furious Au'riel t'Temarr followed in the third RAC. The captives all to be taken to the main security complex in the town that the crew had earlier scouted and held for questioning. t'Vatrix however, was not sent with them, instead taken to be held at tr'Gralik's residence along with t'Mahren to watch over her 'prize'. (No sim on 04/30)
  14. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 051504.23 - Season 20 Tal Shiar agents have captured the Talon's command crew at the vacation home of House Temarr. To keep them from being executed, t'Mahren is posing as a loyal member of the Tal Shiar under the false pretense that she has subdued the crew for the purposes of interrogation. Thus far, none of the crew have been injured by Tal Shiar hands. They are now being moved to transport ships, presumably to be taken back to one of the Tal Shiar's many secret facilities. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tAehjae -> :: is being pushed out the door after blocking t’Temarrs mother from hitting her with the knife:: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guards> ::Hustling t'Aehjae, Lerak, & t'Ksa out of the cold storage. S'Bien and t'Temarr were left behind to contemplate their fates.:: tAehjae -> :: looks back to t’Temarr to make sure she’s still ok:: EvietMahren -> ::having settled into her role as a 'bad guy', is just waiting for the right moment to switch sides... again:: M_K_tKsa -> ::trying na to panic and looking for a way out of it all:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Following the others :: tAehjae -> :: stops at the doorway:: What’s going to happen to them?? tAehjae -> :: her mouth and face still bloody and bruised: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guards> ::Pushes t'Aehjae forward.:: That really isn't any of your concern. Keep on walking. EvietMahren -> ::pursing her lips as she scrolls through the intelligence she's finally able to access:: tAehjae -> IT IS MY Concern!! She is my Enarrain!! KhreRiovtRex -> Tal Shiar Guard> :: sees them heading to the ship and nods for the hatch to be opened Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 1> ::Pushes Lerak toward the stairs with his disruptor.:: Lerak trPexil -> Am I na moving? M_K_tKsa -> Are au trying to get us y'ya'd? ::raises a brow:: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 2> ::SMACK! Cuffs the back of t'Aehjae's head with his fist.:: Enough of the chatter. Get going. Up the stairs! EvietMahren -> ::moving out of the study, toward the stairs, ears prickling at the conversations she's hearing carrying up the staircase:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Continues up the stairs slowly :: tAehjae -> :: head snaps forward as she falls UP the first few stairs: Koga S'Bien -> ::ponders the near future, waiting to see where they'll take him and Laehval:: KhreRiovtRex -> Tal Shiar Guard 10> ::nods back to the guard by the house door that the ship is ready to recieve them once they bring them out of house:: tAehjae -> :: turns to look at the guard the hit her before she wipes her mouth of blood once more and stands to walk up the stairs:: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 3> ::Snaps his fingers at Koga.:: Au. Au are lucky that you have friends within the Tal Shiar. Koga S'Bien -> ::it's good to have friends in high places?:: Lerak trPexil -> (so looks are everything?) KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: head hung to one side resting on shoulder, still unable to focus after .....after...that woman... M_K_tKsa -> ::slowing her pace, pretending to berate t'Aehjae:: You know you probably deserved that. Why in the world would you raise your voice like that? Koga S'Bien -> ::little shrug:: tAehjae -> :: in a soft voice:: delaying us getting on those ships. Lerak trPexil -> What about Laehval? Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar guards> ::Hustle the trio up the stairs and into the sitting room. They saw t'Vatrix secured to a chair, looking like she'd been smacked around a bit.:: tAehjae -> Looks like they did a number on her as well. It looks like she’s still breathing. Laehval tTemarr -> Au'rial t'Temarr> ::Having been exiled from the basement for her stunt, she was back in the living room, ranting and raving about the Galae 'traitors', especially t'Vatrix and Laehval.:: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: nauseous and barely functional. worse than after her worst morning after too much ale.:: Lerak trPexil -> Ie.. :: In the sitting room :: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: worst yet...was the incessant screeching sound that would just....na...stop...... Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 3> ::Glares at Koga.:: Are au wanting to go a round or two, boy? Toe to toe with me? Are you disrespecting me? tAehjae -> I wish we could help her. EvietMahren -> ::arching her brow at Au'rial, thinking she sounds more like a stark-raving lunatic than someone who should be in a position of power... which is probably why she's upstairs and not still downstairs:: Koga S'Bien -> I didn't intend to. But, I believe that my fighting days are behind me now. EvietMahren -> ::even as she scrolls through the device in her hand:: tAehjae -> :: looks around noting where all of the guards are located:: EvietMahren -> ::running possibilities and probabilities in her mind:: Laehval tTemarr -> Au'rial t'Temarr> ::She caught sight of the three being led from the basement and flew over.:: WHERE IS SHE?! I demand au bring here up here at once! Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar guards> ::Grumble at having to deal with Au'rial again and pushes t'Aehajae, tr'Pexil, and t'Ksa toward the front door.:: Outside with au! Get moving! Lerak trPexil -> :: moves :: M_K_tKsa -> ::to the guard:: Is she always like that? ::raises a brow, jerks her head towards the screecher:: tAehjae -> :: to the elder tTemarr:: AU have na right.... ::gets pushed from behind again:: EvietMahren -> ::glancing to Au'rial:: Au have obviously never heard the adage about attracting more flies with jam? Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 3> I think au are foolishly mistaken. If we are na contacted by io of your parents soon, au will be joining the others for interrogation. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: tried to lift her head when the screeching started again, and the dizziness that ensued almost making her pass out, feeling like the chair was spinning:: Khoi... Mumbling for the noise to stop:: Koga S'Bien -> Ah, nice to know they still care. I always did respect the Tal'Shiar as well, given the family connection. Laehval tTemarr -> Au'rial t'Temarr> ::Rounds on t'Mahren, eyes narrowed.:: Au will hold your tongue in my own house! I know who au are, though your files have been maenak-ed. EvietMahren -> ::glares:: I will do nothing of the sort. These prisoners are assets -- and valuable ones. I refuse to see you throw them away on a pointless tirade. Lerak trPexil -> :: Stays mostly quiet, watching :: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: squints hard, knowing that screech, and mumbles:: Small.....useless woman Laehval tTemarr -> Au'rial t'Temarr> Pointless?! There is a traitor - Galae scum - in our family, and au think my anger is pointless?! Laehval tTemarr -> Au'rial t'Temarr> Following that io?! ::Jabs a finger at t'Rex.:: The lying clone! tAehjae -> She is correct it is pointless.... AU should be proud of aus daughter. EvietMahren -> She is no clone. And your traitorous daughter is a veritable font of information. She is more valuable to us alive. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: tries to laugh, but can only cough:: veruul:: EvietMahren -> ::glares at t'Aehjae:: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 3> ::Checks his beeping ISD.:: Second transport ship has just arrived. Up, au two. The Major can question au at the facility. :: Jerks his disruptor rifle at Koga and Laehval.:: EvietMahren -> I don't believe anyone was speaking to you. M_K_tKsa -> ::sincerely unintentionally trips over her own two feet, causing her to go sprawling and uttering very un-lady like curses:: Koga S'Bien -> Oh, okay. Thought I was going to have to stay in this cellar forever. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval took a drink from the bottle in her hand.:: Can I bring the alcohol? I'm going to need it. :: Grimacing at the sound of her mother's screeching voice carrying down the stairs.:: EvietMahren -> ::silently willing the security officer to silence, trying to do her best to control the situation:: tAehjae -> :: turns her head away from t’Mahren as if afraid she’s going to be hit again:: KhreRiovtRex -> Tal Shiar 10> Get them over fahd, we need to secure them before the 2nd group is brought out:: Laehval tTemarr -> Au'rial t'Temarr> I do na care what au think she is or what au need her for. She deserves to be put to death for what she has done! EvietMahren -> Ie. But *after* we have... exhausted... the resource. EvietMahren -> ::allowing a dark gleam to her eyes:: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 2> ::Grabs t'Ksa roughly by the arm and hauls her to her feet, giving her a smack on the head for her trouble Lerak trPexil -> :: Helps t'Ksa up :: M_K_tKsa -> Ow! ::scowls:: No need to do that. Blame the fhvad carpet. Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guards> ::Hustle, push, and otherwise manhandle t'Aehjae, tr'Pexil, and t'Ksa outside and toward the waiting transport. Another vessel was just arriving to carry the others.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::follows the guards to wherever they were hustling them:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at the transports :: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal Shiar Guard 3> ::Pushing Koga and Laehval up the stairs and into the living room.:: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: quietly starts laughing to herself:: what a veruul she had been, hopes they just yy'a her fast:: EvietMahren -> ::still not entirely thrilled with the current situation, but rolling with it as best she could:: Koga S'Bien -> ::being hustled out of the house:: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: wonders why they don't just get to it:: tAehjae -> :: gets pushed out the door but is looking for an escape route before they get on those ships:: Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM KhreRiovtRex -> I wonder if I can ###### off Au'rial enough that she'd come closer and I could drool on her Laehval tTemarr -> Alright. We're going to push forward a bit next week to the crew arriving at the Tal Shiar facility. Everyone is going along for the ride and there will be fun activities planned. Laehval tTemarr -> Maybe some arts and crafts. KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed
  15. The Khre'Riov We've Been Looking For..... A Joint log between Eviess t'Mahren and Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik (Khre'Riov t'Rexan) and Au'riel t'Temarr (Laehval t'Temarr) The incursion had been a quick, controlled matter, much as he had planned once he had gotten word of a location where some traitors or Galae refuges may be found. First he had almost brushed off the t’Temarr woman, when she came complaining about alarms going off at io of her properties, swearing she knew it had to be traitorous scum or worse, her traitorous daughter from the Talon, or her crewmates must have been the ones to get by the security systems. However, moments later his son’s friend came to warn them that there had been some sort of ship found in the forest, and that his own son had not returned. He had sent his second, Major tr’Danov to investigate, who quickly replies that he had located tr’Gralik’s son unharmed, as well as the ground impressions of a small RAC nearby. As the t’Temarr woman was still in the foyer, he had her brought along, partly to shut her up, but also to help identify any of those found there. Ordering tr’Danov to bring two additional ships with troops to capture the intruders and provide transport back to the government center that he had been stuck with in this district. It seems the t’Temarr woman’s husband had been io of the previous magistrates, but she had reported him as having conspired with their daughter, knowing her location and not reporting it later. He had been…. removed and detained, and now tr’Gralik was in charge. As irritating as she was, she had been useful to him, and had been a font of information regarding many of the families in the region. He would keep her nearby, as her name was known and would provide some sort of continuity for the locals. He watched as the forces ahead of him had forcefully entered and spread out to clear the rooms of any threats, only to be met with a sharp tongue and wit of another Tal Shiar officer who was already on the premises, commenting about trying open the door before destroying it, much as the tTemarr woman was doing as well. He could well do without her shrieking before he had a few drinks in him. Hearing more commotion downstairs, tr’Gralik motioned to tr’Danov to handle it, while he saw to these two, when the woman who had been his best informant shouldered her way in between the Tal Shiar officers, waving a hand to shoo them out of the way. “I told au they were here! I TOLD au they were the ios that set off the internal sensors! Where is she?” Turning her head she caught sight of t'Rexan -- t’Vatrix -- whatever her name was now, and her sucked in a gasp, “Her! The clone! Kill her!” He took a step to the left to intercede. “I assure au,” he began, “there was plenty of testing done, I even reviewed the results. The woman is na clone; but she is a traitor, a member of Galae, and the bondmate of Daise’Khre’Riov tr’Vatrix. She will provide us with what we want to know, as well as serve as the bait we need to capture him.” Behind him, the bound and barely conscious Khre’Riov tried to lift her head to no avail, but was able to cough out a rasping laugh, followed by barely louder than a whisper towards Au’rial: “Veruul. Au small, useless veruul.” Au'rial t'Temarr was incensed. She wanted someone dead. More so, she wanted this…’this thing’…who had invaded her home, disrupted her family and had even coerced her own bondmate into renewing ties with that scourge of a daughter whom she had wished yy’a so many times over. She vehemently wanted them both yy’a. Coiling to lunge around the tall Tal Shiar head, she instead heard the commotion growing downstairs, turned and flew from the room screeching again. tr’Gralik, turned his gaze once again back towards the woman holding an ie’yakk on the bound prisoner. “Alright then, Eviess t’Mahren...” He paced around the bound woman and lifted her chin to get a better look at her, turning her head from side to side. “As I said, I am Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik. And I -- I have heard of au.” He released the woman’s head to drop back to the side, as he turned back towards t’Mahren. “Now, au prisoner here. I presume” -- hearing more screeching and weapons fire from below, he paused briefly, turning toward the door -- “I presume this is indeed the Khre'Riov that we've all been looking for.” Satisfied that her identity had been accepted, Evie powered down and holstered her weapon. She could not afford the chance they might question her motivation. “I thought she might lead us to her beloved.” tr’Gralik took a step back, crossed his arms and stared at the bound woman, having noted the glassy look in her eye, her head lolling to one side. She was conscious but unable to offer any real resistance, even had she been untied. “Interesting. It has been noted how close and devoted he has been to her over the years. She should have been yy’a on several previous occasions, had he na found a way to save her. Perhaps au plan is io we should explore. “What exactly have au done to her? Have au been able to obtain anything useful from her?” “She was dosed with a sedative and something to loosen her tongue,” t’Mahren replied. She folded her arms across her chest, leaning back against the desk. “I had only just begun my interrogation when the screeching veruul arrived with her flock of monkeys.” He looked questioningly at her, but the sound of boots on the stairs had drawn his attention back towards the door, as several other captives were lead out towards the transport ships. Several appeared to have been injured, but it was not clear if his own men had done it, or the woman sitting across the room. “More of au handy work?” he asked, inclining his head towards the door. She offered a smirk. “One does what one can.” Major tr’Danov paused by the doorway and waited so as na to interrupt. “Rekkhai, we have taken five others into custody after a minor altercation. They appear to match the records of the command staff of the RES Talon. What are au orders, Rekkhai?” “Load them into the RACs, and return them to our command base until I reach my superiors. We will need to see if they should be transported to their location. In the interim, we will try to obtain information. It will go well for us that we have captured these fugitives, but if we can ascertain the location of the Talon as well, there will be promotions for both of us, tr’Danov.” Evie levelled a steely glare on tr’Gralik and tr’Danov. “Au are not the only ones responsible for this little… coup,” she said. “t’Vatrix is currently under my custody, and she will remain as such. You may, of course, have her once I have the needed information… but until then? Mine.” She punctuated the statement with a finely arched brow. “I’m certain your superiors -- and mine -- will appreciate the cooperation.” tr’Danov started, “Who does she think--” but stopped at a motion from tr’Gralik. tr’Gralik glared at the woman. He was na going to give up this prize that would assuredly reward him well, but unsure of who exactly ‘her’ superiors were, did na wish to cause himself future trouble. “Once we’ve returned to the base and ensure that we have secured the remaining Talon crew, then we can determine who will take final custody of her. It would do neither of us well if we were to misplace any of them.” tr’Gralik turned to tr’Danov. “Have au men secure the others. t’Mahren and the Khre’Riov will travel hrrau my ship. t’Mahren, I invite au to be a guest at my residence, so au may also keep an eye on the Khre’Riov. I will at least give her the respect of her rank, and house her in a more suitable location than a dank cell.” He motioned for his guards to enter and carry the drugged woman to his ship. “Now t’Mahren, shall we go and have the evening meal. Au can tell me just how au came to capture this lot all on au own?”
  16. Sitting away from the others as they continued watching what transmissions they could pick up, and keeping tabs on the away team, L'haiy just needed a siuren of quiet to herself. The ISD on her lap was cold and a trap. Useful as a tool for discovering poor decisions later, or to lighten one's conscious, or just to take notes to refer back to later, she had too often had the contents of her logs come back upon her in unwanted fashion. However, she needed to talk to someone, so it might as well be this device, besides....it would na talk back if it disagreed with her. Slilding her palm across the surface, whispering her personal code and holding it up to her eye, she heard the instrument chirp indicating that it was ready to proceed. Khre'Riov's Log - 51504.02 I hate this waiting. I've never been a patient woman, and I find that at the siuren, I am even less so. After all this time and effort, being torn away from my family and pressed back into service, rescuing tKsa, them rescuing me, capturing that Othan ship......all wasted as we find ourselves here. What good did it do any of us? Other than get us out of the way, unable to be here to help protect the home world, away from assisting my family. Someone will pay, and they will pay dearly. But I want my vengeance now, na later...as I know it will have to be. We know too little, there are too few of us, and we don't even have our ship. Hopefully the enemy does na either. At least I know they do na have Stinger, if she made it to where I sent her. But what can we do here...we are too few, we need to find others, and at that same time. I want nothing more than to go find my family and be done with all of this. But I know that can na be. I am Galae and I will yy'a as Galae. Var'lon 'is' Galae, I dread what has become of he and our child, yet t'Mahren's friends indicated that they knew something, that he was at least safe at last they knew. If that is the case, I must do my best to either gather what forces we can, and make an assault upon these veruul's and cowards, using a biogenic weapon on our own people in the heart of the capital. They are na Rihannsu, they are animals, and must be put down. But to do this...we sit and wait...and my anger grows. There are two options....we gather and go, or we split up and try to assassinate the false rulers that have taken over. And I hate to wait.......I am almost done waiting.........and I'm putting together a plan...... End recording. Sliding her finger across the surface once more. Etrehh..delete entire recording. Confirm log deletion. :seeing it deleted, she turned off the device and slide it back onto her belt, and went to rejoin the others.
  17. Very well said Andrew. I think we can all agree with your insightful words today.
  18. Beginning the first official sim on January 5th, 1995, the Talon has endured and now enters it's 20th year of simming. From our start in the former AOL Games Channel under Star Fleet Online (SFOL), to the many changes there that finally caused us to move with many of our simming community to our current home here in the Star Trek Simulation Forum (STSF), we want to thank all of our current and past players, our friends that we talked into being an SGV's or that soon to be yy'a Lloann'na, those that we made proofread logs while having to try to translate Rihannsu for the first time, and those that just stopped by to visit and watch occasionally.......we want to say a big Hann'yyo to au!! What is more outstanding is we still have members on the ship that began with the crew that first year. Without au, we would na be the sim we are today, still here simming after 20 years, and looking to continue for many more. It says a lot about our players that they've stuck with this for so long and put so much of themselves into it. You guys are awesome, we're honored to have au with us and we are looking forward to many more years to come. Khre'Riov L'haiy ira-Rexan t'Vatrix RES Talon 2415
  19. Does that make it a better target now?
  20. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51412.18 - Season 19 The Talon Away team has escaped the station in the RAC and due to some prior planning have been able to evade those searching for them so far. The Talon as per orders has left and went stealth to hide until recalled. At this time, we are headed towards the summer home of t'Temarr's family, as it has been little used and not the season for visiting there. Koga is attempting to have us blend in with local air traffic and t’Ksa has been dealing with Pexil poison. KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> :: Sitting back and watching Koga and t'Aehjae monitoring the best paths and monitoring for any military chat on local channels: tAehjae -> :: continues her monitoring:: M_K_tKsa -> Fresh air and rest will leach out the rest of the toxin. :: glances at her chrono:: Just a few more hours. Koga S'Bien -> ::flying to Laehval's place, checks course and heading:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns and looks behind her :: Laehval, we're getting closer to the area, would you mind coming up and give Koga any information on the area that may help Lerak trPexil -> :: sitting there, in his seat :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval sank into the chair next to Koga and let her fingers slide over the console, bringing up a topographical map of the area and current sensor readings.:: S'Bien, I need au to take us on a little ride. As soon as we clear the edge of normal traffic, drop to these coordinates and change course. The flight will pass through a canyon and loop around one of the peaks, so it is going to be bumpy, but I am certain au can handle it. Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Ksa :: Were they trying to kill us? Koga S'Bien -> ::checks coordinate:: Okay. Fasten your seat harnesses all the same. Koga S'Bien -> ::plots the new course change into the navigational computer:: M_K_tKsa -> Na, tr'Pexil. They were trying to gain some sort of information from us. Elements knows what. ::scowls a bit:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She turned back toward the others in the shuttle.:: Au all might want to secure yourself and prepare for sudden course changes. Careful of the items in overhead bins as they may shift during flight. Lerak trPexil -> :: I don't know what they want to know. I'm an engineer, na the Tal Shiar. :: Lerak trPexil -> Oh na. Lerak trPexil -> :: loosely secures himself :: M_K_tKsa -> ::checks firsts tr'Pexil's restraints because, in his condition, she doesn't truely trust him to remember to do so, then checks her own:: tAehjae -> So far Rekkhai na new of us M_K_tKsa -> No, tr'Pexil, that does na go on your head. ::slaps his hand away before tending again to her own restraints:: Koga S'Bien -> ::clears the traffic and turns towards the canyon as previously indicated:: Koga S'Bien -> ::at least it'll be a scenic trip there:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::wonders if bumpy will knock Pexil out of seat and bump head then go back to sleep:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns back to the view.:: Careful of this first drop, Koga. The incline is steep and the cold air rising from the canyon makes for dangerous air currents. KhreRiovtRex -> :: one can only hope, she had been trying to nap and he just kept mumbling about a note on a bottle:: Lerak trPexil -> :: smiles strangely :: Lerak trPexil -> Everyio, I am sorry for... :: feels funny and fades to dozing a bit :: M_K_tKsa -> ::rubs her temples, really wishing she could muzzle tr'Pexil before he said anything further that could embarrass himself...if only to save him from his own undoing. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods and already notices the steep inline and cooler air, makes the necessary corrections:: Au weren't lying. This will indeed be bumpy ride. KhreRiovtRex -> Oh Elements.....::turns to tKsa:: Can au give him any more? Koga S'Bien -> Nice scenery though. ::glances at the canyons and cliffs:: KhreRiovtRex -> And what is this bottle and note he keeps going on about? KhreRiovtRex -> (all together now..... for the season... Oh! Elements!) Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, it is so very pretty up here -- io of the few pleasures from childhood. :: Noting their location, she secured her seat restraint.:: Lerak trPexil -> (Hark hear the elements, sweet silver elements...) KhreRiovtRex -> (party poopers) Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> The shuttle jolts without warning and they drop several meters and tip to one side. M_K_tKsa -> Give him any more what? Whacks to the head? ::grips her chair:: Koga S'Bien -> ::tries to correct and right themselves:: Sorry for the turbulence. M_K_tKsa -> ((we've all got to work it into our dialogue when the timing is right)) Lerak trPexil -> :: moans as the tiny shuttle was tossed :: KhreRiovtRex -> That would do nicely... KhreRiovtRex -> or whatever they gave him, or whatever that bottle is KhreRiovtRex -> ::bites back what she almost said:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Give me a roll from 1 - 5, Koga. )) Koga S'Bien -> (3) KhreRiovtRex -> (my padawan has learned well) M_K_tKsa -> There's nothing I can give him except time. Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> Soon, the peaks rise up around them and they are plunged into the canyon, which narrows at the end, but is plenty wide enough for their shuttle. The turbulence was ridiculous, jolting and jarring, but Koga managed to keep their course with minimal effort. After one last drop, which shook the shuttle horribly, the RAC sped out into the open air. The mountains encircled a beautiful valley. From the canyon, a river plunged into a foamy spray and then snaked over the land. Glimpses of shining water could be seen through the thick forest. To the left, an impressive holding was situated on the side of the mountain with a small shuttle pad for landing. Koga S'Bien -> Hmm. Phew. M_K_tKsa -> Oh elements :trying to take a breath or two from nervousness:: M_K_tKsa -> ((nice imagery)) KhreRiovtRex -> Elements Laehval, natural security system? Or has that been manipulated somehow do cause that? Koga S'Bien -> I have the landing spot. Lerak trPexil -> :: weakly :: ohh, I just have an old ship sunk into the ground for a home :: Laehval tTemarr -> Na, that is all natural. And the reason why we should na be disturbed here. This land all belongs to House Temarr. The other families around here do na have sufficient fly-power to make it through the canyon. ::She pointed for Koga, nodding.:: Ie, there. Set us down and then au should be able to move the RAC into the surrounding forest for cover. M_K_tKsa -> ::raises a brow at tr'Pexil:: Huh? KhreRiovtRex -> :: probably afraid au mother might be here too she thought:: Lerak trPexil -> :: bobs his head :: when I feel better.. Koga S'Bien -> Ie. Acknowledged. Setting us down. ::begins landing procedures:: KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval, excellent choice. I'm assuming with au fathers position, that there is at least some sort of communications network that can pick up even in this remote location? Koga S'Bien -> ::touches the RAC down for landing:: M_K_tKsa -> ::looks a bit forelornly out the window at the beautiful scenery:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Opens the exit hatch:: We're here. Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, communications array, plenty of room, and food in storage. We should lack for nothing. ::She took a deep breath at the fresh air that rushed into the RAC.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: leeches up :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands and straightens uniform:: What type of weapons storage do au have fahd? Laehval tTemarr -> Mostly the type for hunting game, but sufficient enough for protection. Lerak trPexil -> :: smiles at tksa :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: exits and pauses at the exquisite view: This is lovely Laehval, au family is most fortunate indeed KhreRiovtRex -> t'Aehjae, take an inventory of all weapons that are on the RAC, our personal weapons and work with Laehval to determine what is available here, just in case KhreRiovtRex -> Is there any other route in except that? Lerak trPexil -> :: the more he sees of this place the smaller he feels :: Koga S'Bien -> ::sets a course for a dense forested area as well as the cloak to activate and hide the RAC further:: KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, au and t'Aehjae also get the camouflage netting out of the emergency packs and cover the ship Laehval tTemarr -> Na, io way in and io way out. Excellent for hiding. M_K_tKsa -> Lack for nothing indeed. ::sighs, brushes off her uniform and tucks her medkit under her arm:: Koga S'Bien -> IE. Will do. tAehjae -> Ie Rekkhai tAehjae -> (( sorry computer trouble. IE I need a new one)) Koga S'Bien -> There's a forested bit we can hide the RAC. Should be more than adequate to hide the ship. KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks over to tKsa:: lacking a few things I would prefer we had....au khienas, my family.... Koga S'Bien -> ::to t'Aehjae:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::tursn to Koga, see to it then, Lerak trPexil -> Koga... Koga S'Bien -> Ie. Yeah? ::to Pex:: KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval, it's au home....fhaen lead the way KhreRiovtRex -> (wow, I didn't mean literally) Koga S'Bien -> (backspace) Laehval tTemarr -> ::She straightened her tunic as soon as she stepped out of the RAC and headed toward the entrance of the house.:: tAehjae -> :: helps Koga get started:: Lerak trPexil -> Set...set the RAC's AQS to a low power safe mode to minimize its output.. Koga S'Bien -> Ah. Will do. KhreRiovtRex -> ::glad that she hadn’t worn the full dress uniform to the station as they had expected something, better to be in a proper fleet uniform anyway, much more comfortable:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turned and followed Laehval towards the home:: Koga S'Bien -> ::waits for everyone to exit the RAC, who has to it, then moves the RAC to the dense forest:: Koga S'Bien -> ::t'A:: Can au set up the camo netting whilst I power down the ship, please Koga S'Bien -> ? tAehjae -> Ie tAehjae -> :: starts pulling out the netting from his storage area :: M_K_tKsa -> All right Etre tr'Pexil. C'mon now. Let's find somewhere you can rest before you get yourself into any more trouble. Koga S'Bien -> ::Lands the RAC soon after amongst the trees, and begins power down sequence, setting the AQS engines to a low powersave mode as tr'Pexil suggested:: KhreRiovtRex -> (omg Pexils' going to be in Vorta Vor if he gets to sleep in Laeh's old bed) Lerak trPexil -> :: gets out of his seat :: am I in trouble? :: hobbles :: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Two minute warning )) Lerak trPexil -> (Someone make that happen) Koga S'Bien -> ::completes power down, then exits the ship to help t'A finish setting up the cammo nets:: tAehjae -> :: pulls the netting out and begins putting in into position:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( What if her room has posters of her old hearthrobs? Like Jonathan t'Aylor t'Homas? )) Koga S'Bien -> ::RAC's exit hatches automatically close after Koga exits:: Lerak trPexil -> (He'll take it) Koga S'Bien -> (Don't let him find aur d'Iary!) M_K_tKsa -> If au are na in trouble now, I'm sure au will find some soon. C'mon now. tAehjae -> I hope na one will be able to see it on scans Lerak trPexil -> :: walks with tksa ;: KhreRiovtRex -> (he be hugging the pillows thinking they still smell of her sweet perfume) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval stared up at the door that she never thought she'd walk through again and breathed a soft sigh.:: oh, Elements. Lerak trPexil -> (Au know it) KhreRiovtRex -> (au de wd40) Koga S'Bien -> They shouldn't be able to. ::finishes setting up the netting:: With the thick trees here, and the engines powered down, Lerak trPexil -> Oh, these elements Koga S'Bien -> and the netting. Let's head back to the house. Au finished your side? KhreRiovtRex -> It's ok Laeh...... tAehjae -> Ie Lerak trPexil -> Am I home tksa? Laehval tTemarr -> (( Last chance to say it... )) M_K_tKsa -> Na yet, tr'Pexil. Na yet Koga S'Bien -> ::heads back to Laehval's house from the forest:: Wish I brought my holo-camera. KhreRiovtRex -> :: a chill wind blew from the east:: tAehjae -> :: walks with Koga:: It os very pretty Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM
  21. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51412.11 - Season 19 The Away team, after narrowly escaping from the Galae orbital station, and the subsequent departure of the Talon per orders if there were trouble, have left us running and trying to go to ground in little more than io of our RAC vehicles. Pexil is under the care of the Daise Maenak, helping him to recover his senses, Koga is piloting us along shipping lines trying to get us to blend in, Laeh has modified the ship's ID chip so as not to readily identify who we are, yet not look suspicious by destroying it. It was decided to head towards the t'Temarr summer villa as it was little used and would be empty this time of year. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM M_K_tKsa -> ::leaning back on her heels:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: Sitting up near the front watching Koga's path, and running the dermal regenerator over her hand:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns and looks behind her,:: t'Aehjae, up fahd a siuren fhaen. tAehjae -> Ie :: steps up s ordered:: tAehjae -> Rehhkai? Lerak trPexil -> :: Very sleepy, somewhat relaxed :: M_K_tKsa -> ::glances at her chrono, trying to determine just how long tr'Pexil will have to suffer the effects of the drug and just now long she'll have to try to keep him from doing or saying something he'll later regret:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: points to the seat next to Koga:: I want au to be scanning the com channels and make sure there is na untoward activity or anything noted that might be that someone has deiscovered who we ar. Do na respond to anything, I do na what us tracked...but I also want to know whats going on. Monitor shippingg communications, news channels and any government broadcasts that au can pick up. Assist Koga avoid anay areas with extensive activities or searches Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai. Will comply. KhreRiovtRex -> (I think he may have done that already last week.....besides, it could be fun!) tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai tAehjae -> :: has a seat and starts listening:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Pilots the ship, tries to be as inconspicuous as possible:: tAehjae -> :: starts hearing normal com traffic:: Lerak trPexil -> :: In his seat leaning against the wall :: Lerak trPexil -> (m) I'm sorry Laehval.. :: looks sad :: KhreRiovtRex -> Koga...just a nice level pattern, na need to show them your piloting skills. I know au can keep us safe Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Acknowledged. M_K_tKsa -> ::facepalm:: Why do these drugs have to be so effective? KhreRiovtRex -> Laeh, why don't au taake a break and rest, we will need au to direct us once we arrive at au location. I will take this watch. We're going to need au, as au will be the only io that knows the area Koga S'Bien -> ::Taps his console, keeping the RAC level:: tAehjae -> :: continues monitoring:: KhreRiovtRex -> Motions for her to go take a seat and rest in the back Lerak trPexil -> (m) I'm... ugh.. the tea was not even good. KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands and walks back to t"Ksa:: Daise Maenak, Hann'yyo for the use of au device. I have repaired the dermaal abrasions enough for now. KhreRiovtRex -> ::holds the device out to her:: M_K_tKsa -> ::taking the device back and shoving it back into the emergency medkit:: Do I want to know why you needed to use it in the first place? Lerak trPexil -> t'Ksa, where are we going. :: hiding his face :: Koga S'Bien -> ::checks shipping traffic and stays within the flow:: KhreRiovtRex -> I hit my hand on a drawer... and a commander M_K_tKsa -> Away, tr'Pexil. Away. Just sleep and try to keep au's mouth shut. KhreRiovtRex -> If au need him asleep, I can assist au and then au can heal my knickles once again? Lerak trPexil -> I can sing au know.. Lerak trPexil -> :: frowns :: M_K_tKsa -> ::hisses at him:: tr'Pexil, sleep. KhreRiovtRex -> :: she would let Laehval deal with this personnel issue once they were in a safer location:: M_K_tKsa -> ::glances at t'Valdrin:: Na, lhhei. I don't want to add injury to insult. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to tKsa:: If we get in a tight place and he decides he needs to sing, make sure he is silenced: M_K_tKsa -> Or I'll make sure he's singing another tune. Lerak trPexil -> :: Na matter how good he really was, they'd na want to hear :: KhreRiovtRex -> (bonding me off with that young fellow we put on Dumak'azen already, my bondmant may still be alive....) KhreRiovtRex -> (tough..he was pretty) M_K_tKsa -> ((Sorry, brain fart there)) KhreRiovtRex -> (it's ok, I have jello brain myself) Lerak trPexil -> :: Feels the motion of the RAC as it travels, leans back against the wall :: KhreRiovtRex -> Just keep him quiet when we land. Even if it means putting him out and leaving him in the RAC. Do we have a stasis pod anywhere in here? KhreRiovtRex -> :: walks back towards the front: :Hands an ISD to tAehjae::These are the coordinates that Koga is taking us too, though, na direction. Make sure we become invisibly, so ordinary nabody recognizes what we are tAehjae -> :: lifts a brow at what shes hearing hen realises that its na them they are speaking of:: KhreRiovtRex -> or more importantly, who we are tAehjae -> Ie M_K_tKsa -> Oh Elements, I don't want to have to restrain him. KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, from what Laeh was telling us, if we stay to the commerical routes long enough that we'll miss the main city transportation sensors, with the slight detour, we're looking at about 2-3 more hours. KhreRiovtRex -> (that's io way fo rau to silence him!) Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: I understand. Hopefully we won't draw any attention Lerak trPexil -> :: swallows hard, dozes off, thinks what a fool he's been :: tAehjae -> :: to tValdrin:: So far rekkhai nathing unusual has been mentioned on th airwaves: M_K_tKsa -> ((t'Vatrix)) M_K_tKsa -> ((Those V names are confusing at times.)) tAehjae -> ((thank you)) Lerak trPexil -> :: maybe they are going on vacation, he thought :: Lerak trPexil -> :: had this all been a dream? Perhaps he was home, or with her, just not here.. :: 48:21 M_K_tKsa -> I'm assuming any further communication with Talon will be non-existant for time being. 49:46 Koga S'Bien -> I would assume so as well. ::Keeps pilotingLL M_K_tKsa -> ::purses her lips together, looking rather sour::Lerak trPexil -> :: hears the conversations, but the are all fuzzy :: tAehjae -> :: hearing new of things going on around but nathing of them or them being persude:: Lerak trPexil -> :: wonders how slow Koga is going :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Travelling at average traffic speed:: ACTION:: TIME PASSES AND WE'VE LEFT THE MAIN SHIPPING LANES AND HAVE REACHED THE MORE RURAL AREA THAT LAEH WAS GOING TO HID US tAehjae -> :: chuckles softly at a comcast communicator tells a joke:: M_K_tKsa -> ::glances at her multicorder, then at tr'Pexil:: Koga S'Bien -> ::heading down the rural lanes, admiring the scenery:: KhreRiovtRex -> We're getting close now, t'A, are you pickin gup anything on military channels in this area at all? tAehjae -> Na as of yet rekkhai, just a communicator telling a few jokes Lerak trPexil -> :: whatever they gave him in his tea that made each motion magnified :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::pulls out her pocket device, wanting badly to scan some of her personal channels, but knows that she can na, can na take a chance that it's beening listened to. tAehjae -> :: switches to full military channels:: Lerak trPexil -> :: would have liked to see his strange buried home again :: KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, slow us down, farmers and vacationers would na be traveling at a breakneck speed, blend in...casual..we need to head a bit more South westerly, the topographical maps show that we'd make a better approach from the south side, so circle around a bit...we should be there shortly, I'll wake Laeh so she can direct us where she wants us to put down in a few siuren Koga S'Bien -> AYe aye. ::drops the speed to a slower speed:: Koga S'Bien -> Heding south west. M_K_tKsa -> (m) Did she just tell him to fly casual? Lerak trPexil -> Home... KhreRiovtRex -> ::looks back and nods to tKsa to wake Laeh soon:: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> Well I certainly don't want hotdog here doing loopy loops or zigzagging all over! tAehjae -> ::paused:: M_K_tKsa -> :D Lerak trPexil -> Paused KhreRiovtRex -> Alright everyone. Here is a quick heads up for the remainder of the month. KhreRiovtRex -> We will be simming next week, but then the following 2 weeks will fall on the holidays so we will be taking those two weeks off so that you may spend time with your families and any safe travelling. M_K_tKsa -> Happy Holidays guys :D tAehjae -> same to you Ksa Lerak trPexil -> Holiday cliffhanger? KhreRiovtRex -> Does anyone have any questions, sorry it was slow tonight, but setting us up for a doozy! M_K_tKsa -> tr'Pexil, don't encourage her tAehjae -> I may or may not make it next week. I have a meeting I have to tend to. KhreRiovtRex -> ie, I hope so. KhreRiovtRex -> No problem tAehjae, thank au for letitng us know and if not, have a nice holiday. Koga S'Bien -> oooh KhreRiovtRex -> Oooh? Lerak trPexil -> Game of Talons? tAehjae -> Same to all of Au. :) M_K_tKsa -> Okay guys, I need to head off to bed. See you all next week KhreRiovtRex -> Just remember how many and how frequent they die Lerak trPexil -> Night all KhreRiovtRex -> I'm going to go head off now...... tAehjae -> Get to feeling better Soon Boss Lerak trPexil -> The legend of sleepy lerak KhreRiovtRex -> Hannyyo, going to just spend birthday in bed today. Night all M_K_tKsa -> G'night all
  22. M_K_tKsa -> Where's Canada? Lerak trPexil -> North M_K_tKsa -> I might just let you be poisoned RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 0512.04 The Talon away team, consisting of much of the command staff have narrowly avoided being captured on the Galae Orbital station, but it is unknown just yet by who's forces were commanding those that appear to be implementing part of a coup. The Talon, as per orders was to cloak and immediately leave the system to a previously determined fallback point to await further orders. The crew on the RAC are attempting to put down on ch’Havran and find out what's going on and to attempt Galae and the proper authorities, (which in the Khre'Riov's eyes begin with her husband). We pick up here..... BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to Leah:: We have to get somewhere they won't expect us to go. KhreRiovtRex -> The Retor, Galae Headquarters, the Capitol.....they will look for us there if something is amiss...and we did na just misread what was going on at the station... Lerak trPexil -> :: not feeling good still :: KhreRiovtRex -> My home as well, if we are a target, and the Daise Khre'Riov...they will have expected that to be my move... KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks at t'Ksa:: Na au family's location either....we used that as a televises event, they might expect us there as well...... M_K_tKsa -> Au are na going to y'ya by the way. ::scanning tr'Pexil again:: Whoever drugged au wasn't trying to kill au. Perhaps incapacitate au. Maybe for an interrogation, but na y'ya au, KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks at the others hrrau the RAC:: Perhaps someplace io of au know well....:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks at tr'Pexil:: he's na well enough to hide us anywhere or lead us someplace:: KhreRiovtRex -> Koga as well, his family is in the capitol KhreRiovtRex -> What about au Laeh? KhreRiovtRex -> Au family....what was the name of that village au father is Magistrate of..... KhreRiovtRex -> Pril'in I think I remember? Lerak trPexil -> My house, shielded... Underground.. :: hold head :: Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, in the Northern Province. ::She threw a worried glance at Pexil and then looked back to t'Rex.:: My family has a summer home in the mountains that is isolated, but kept stocked with supplies. KhreRiovtRex -> That sounds like it might be our best resource at the moment. Can au assist Koga and direct us there? But Leah.....I do na wish to endanger au family either. If they will be there, we can na go. KhreRiovtRex -> If they are after me because of tr'Vatrix, there is na call to endanger the rest of au M_K_tKsa -> ::muttering to herself:: KhreRiovtRex -> If it comes down to such, au all are to leave me, and get yourselves and your families into safety...whatever that might be, if it can be had at all. I feat this bodes ill for all of us Lerak trPexil -> Feels like I drank the entire bar.. Laehval tTemarr -> Na io should be there during this season. It is on the outskirts of the village and we should na have any contact with anyone unless necessary. I am sure it will na come to that. We need to remain together. It is our only hope for survival now. KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns towards trPexil:: Why were au drinking during a recon mission in the first place? Au could have endangered the entire party. That was veruulish.... Lerak trPexil -> Normal dunks are not drugged. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns back to Laeh:: will we be able to hide the RAC nearby? Or will we need to scuttle it somewhere? KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns and glares at Pexil, but too stressed to go back to strike him:: 26:32 KhreRiovtRex -> ::though, tempted to shoot him, but knows there is some sort of tie between he and Leah, so spares him for the siuren:: Laehval tTemarr -> There is a place. Au will see. ::She moved forward to helm to give Koga the coordinates, tapping them into the computer system.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::rolls her eyes, monitoring tr'Pexil:: Au should feel better in a few hours when the drugs wear off. Just try to rest if au can. Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Right. How do we know if we are able to contact any family members? M_K_tKsa -> ::purses her lips, worried about io particular person and whether or na they would see each other again:: M_K_tKsa -> We can't tr'Pexil. Na at all. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Returns to where Morgana is tending Lerak and takes a seat, hands clenched together in front of her as she leaned forward on her knees.:: What do au think they drugged him with? Lerak trPexil -> My sister and my nephew lives at my place. Family is on the other coast. Vineyard is north of them. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to Pexil:: If au contact them, it may get them yy'a. I would avoid it if possible, unless when we can, we can get some sort of covert message out. Lerak trPexil -> :: each word a struggle, and that last paragraph was a dozy :: Lerak trPexil -> :: nods to t'Rex :: KhreRiovtRex -> (oh sure, now the pilot shows up) Koga S'Bien -> (Sorry... busy) M_K_tKsa -> With his reaction, and the way he's talking, I suspect it's Oleheri. A rather potent but reasonably harmless drug used to subdue individuals and, well, they have na filter in their language. If au can understand them. M_K_tKsa -> It'll be about six to eight hours before it works itself out of his system. In the meantime, I suggest au take what he has to say with a grain of rice. Koga S'Bien -> ::piloting the RAC, memory a bit rusty after 2 weeks:: KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, Laehval put in some coordinates to take us to a remote area where we may avoid detection. Keep the RAC low to the surface when we can to avoid sensor and radar tracking.... Lerak trPexil -> Au are very attractive Laehav Lerak trPexil -> :: gasps, turns green :: M_K_tKsa -> It may complicate his memory of the next few hours however. ::mutters::Almost drunk without the inebriant. Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai. ::nods and makes the necessary course and position changes:: Lerak trPexil -> I'll shut up.. :: holds head, sits back :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: glares again back at Pexil and takes a seat by Koga to refrain from backhanding the veruul for getting intoxicated on a sensitive mission:: M_K_tKsa -> Au better na vomit in here. Wait until we are out of the RAC fhaen. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Stares at Lerak.:: Ie, I think that is best. ::Flatly.:: Lerak trPexil -> I guess if anyio wishes to know any secrets of mine now is the chance. Owe KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to Koga again:: This will take some precise flying. Alternate speeds, try to blend in with any normal commercial traffic zones, avoid any major cities.... M_K_tKsa -> It was in his tea. No doubt it there was some in my tea too....had I had a chance to drink it, well.....::motions to tr'Pexil:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Acknowledged. :: mentally shakes head at tr'P, that was more of a Issaha thing to do:: Laehval tTemarr -> Lucky au both did na, or we might na been able to get au out. Lerak trPexil -> I would have hit it out of your hand. :: closes his eyes :: Koga S'Bien -> ::works his hands over the throttle controls, trying to blend in as best he can:: M_K_tKsa -> Agreed. ::frowns:: And I think I covered our exit well enough so that they did na suspect that I suspected he was dosed. KhreRiovtRex -> :: scrolls through the communication channels to see what chatter there might be:: M_K_tKsa -> ::sits back a little:: I'm na sure what the others encountered, but we found the Quartermasters office rather.....odd. Lerak trPexil -> Transponder Koga.. Koga S'Bien -> Transponder. ::checks:: Fully functional KhreRiovtRex -> ::hears Pexil :: Oh na.....Leah...can au disable that, so they cannot track us? Lerak trPexil -> Change it to a cargo vessel of similar configuration...or disable. KhreRiovtRex -> Elements....everything is against us this eisn.... Lerak trPexil -> They..we track all traffic. M_K_tKsa -> What's the answer to life, tr'Pexil? :: playing with his state of mind, because...well....:: Lerak trPexil -> :: looks out the window on the opposite side of what he's sitting :: KhreRiovtRex -> (do it Pexil....just tell her..it's your one chance! It might be au last chance!) Laehval tTemarr -> Disabled is suspicious, but we should na be flying through any sensor grids. It is too remote. ::She hopped up from her seat and cracked open the panel, taking a look at the hardware. Without her toolkit, she had to make do with what was on the RAC. Thankfully, it was kept stocked with the basics.:: Lerak trPexil -> Regret doing something rather than doing nothing. KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands and walks over to Laeh:: Can au do something while we are hrrau flight, or do au need us to set down so au can work on it? M_K_tKsa -> I never pegged au for a philosopher, tr'Pexil. KhreRiovtRex -> ::flexes her hand from hitting the commander earlier, realizing she's bruised up her knuckles and frowned:: Lerak trPexil -> Just like how much I regret na pursuing Laehval for all these years. Laehval tTemarr -> Na, do na stop. I can modify this in flight. ::She bit down on the spanner as she removed the housing of the transponder.:: Koga S'Bien -> All right. KhreRiovtRex -> ::knowing better than to get in the woman's way...she had learned the hard way already, she uses the excuse of her hand to move away over to tKsa:: Lerak trPexil -> Wish shed just read the note attached to that wine bottle. Wish my parents did na put my picture on it. M_K_tKsa -> ::winces at that, now regretting asking him as she thinks he'll be embarrassed once the drugs wear off:: tr'Pexil. Perhaps au should get some sleep. KhreRiovtRex -> Daise Maenak....could I borrow au dermal regenerator for a siuren, my hand haas a bit of discomfort from the altercation we just had on the station? M_K_tKsa -> ::fishing through the medikit:: Here. ::hands it up to her:: Just.....be careful. Lerak trPexil -> This stuff works. Au remember that time on the shuttle, au and I Laehva KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo:: taking it:: He'll be alright? Laehval tTemarr -> ::As she'd moved to the back of the RAC, Laehval made no indication of listening to Pexil. Busy with reprogramming the transponder, she was either pointedly ignoring him or was out of hearing range.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Vriha Menkha. I will return this hrrau a few siuren. I'm going back up by Koga and take care of this in case we run into anything. M_K_tKsa -> He'll be fine. Well, until t'Temarr y'ya. M_K_tKsa -> tr'Pexil. Sleep. Now. Lerak trPexil -> :: watching Laehval work, sleepy :: M_K_tKsa -> ((y'ya him)) KhreRiovtRex -> ::rolls eyes:: Hann'yyo. I will return this shortly. ::nods and returns to take a seat next to Koga:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: starts to usue the instrument on her hand:: So Koga, what happened to au group rhae the station. I have na heard a full account just yet. Lerak trPexil -> t'ksa, au are a friend right? Make sure...sure..she gets it. M_K_tKsa -> Ie, if you promise me au will go to sleep. Lerak trPexil -> :: sighs :: Sure thing mother... :: drifts off to sleep :: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Two minute warning. )) KhreRiovtRex -> Koga? Koga S'Bien -> t'Aehjae and I spotted a mysterious woman on the station, with potential knowledge of what was going on in the surface. We managed to covertly follow the woman M_K_tKsa -> ::exhales heavily:: Another five hours of that, huhboy. Laehval tTemarr -> ::There was a shower of sparks from somewhere in the back of the RAC and a cackle of joy. Laehval slapped the casing back on and began to close up.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (are we there yet?) Koga S'Bien -> to a part of the station, but she was apprehended by station guards. We managed to escape but barely Koga S'Bien -> Ie... we should be there shortly, within the next few minutes. I have our destination on sensors. Lerak trPexil -> :: slumps over and lays his head down :: Laehval tTemarr -> END SIM Laehval tTemarr -> swarovski-zirconia Laehval tTemarr -> swarovski-zirconia Laehval tTemarr -> ROFL Koga S'Bien -> lol. Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> sublimal gift suggestions? Laehval tTemarr -> Glad I wasn't looking for anything embarrassing on Amazon. M_K_tKsa -> Whewh Lerak trPexil -> You would have never lived that down, scorpion hunter... Laehval tTemarr -> Ha ha. Laehval tTemarr -> Nice small, intimate sim, people. M_K_tKsa -> Muhaha Lerak trPexil -> Was that a suggestion for pixel Koga S'Bien -> Could be.. a cheaper option at least! Laehval tTemarr -> Yes, though Laehval would likely use crystal jewelry for aligning something or other in engineering. Lerak trPexil -> Oh. Was thinking a ring or you know M_K_tKsa -> Well guys, I need to head off to lala land. :) Laehval tTemarr -> Night, all. Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight. Lerak trPexil -> Same here really fun. Laehval tTemarr -> See everyone next week. Laehval tTemarr -> Have a good weekend.
  23. RES Talon Mission Briefing 051411.20 - Intrigue on the Galae Orbital Station continues. Lerak has managed to crack into the computer system and has gained access to interdepartmental memos. t'Ksa and t'Mahren have learned of a surprising contact that might have more information as to what's going on. Meanwhile, Koga and t'Aehjae have cornered an informant that a particular officer has just hauled away under duress. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> :: off in a conference with the Station Commander, and getting very little real information:: tAehjae -> Why would she ask to come aboard the Talon. Let’s follow see where they take her. M_K_tKsa -> ::shutting off the ISD with a frown, glancing around to see where tr'Pexil has ended:: Laehval tTemarr -> ( ::Slaps a @ on t'Aehjae and Koga:: ) Koga S'Bien -> @ I do not know, really. ::follow t;Aehjae:: tAehjae -> @ :: follows cautiously:: Laehval tTemarr -> @Officer> ::He had the woman by the arm and was hauling her through the corridor. She struggled the entire time, but his grip was too strong. He pulled her deeper into the station, leading the two following him into an industrial section that looked to have taken recent damage.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil was rounding a terminal, trying to look like he was looking around :: M_K_tKsa -> (m)I thought I told him to stay where I can see him. ::looking around:: Oh elements, there he is. ::scoots off the palet she sitting on waiting for supplies and heads over towards tr'Pexil:: tAehjae -> @ :: trying na to be seen by the officer dragging the woman:: ::whispers:: Koga what type oof damage do au make of this? ACTION> The inter-departmental memos that Lerak had accessed were a jumble of information about the station and included mundane reports as well as snippets of larger, more important events, but it would take some study to work through. Or a very clever search program. Lerak trPexil -> :: Though it looked as though he was inspecting various items, he was merely looking at the booty of memos he acquired. :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Sees t'Ksa :: Koga S'Bien -> @ Hmm, a good question. Laehval tTemarr -> (( heh heh... booty )) KhreRiovtRex -> (he said booty) KhreRiovtRex -> :: crossed to the window of the commanders office while he was trying to get her the reports and communications uplink that she had requested:: M_K_tKsa -> Etre tr'Pexil, are au ready to head back to the shuttle? Or to the promenade? ::looking around the room with detestation:: It'll be at least io hour before our supplies will be ready and this place is.........rather dull. M_K_tKsa -> Besides, I'm hungry. KhreRiovtRex -> I'm not quite understanding this delay Daise Ennarain, surely someone must be able to answer at the Retor. Is there any news of some sort of power failure in that region of town that might implement the security protocols? or some other..... :: trails off at that thought: Koga S'Bien -> @ I assume they want her for something. What, I do not know. KhreRiovtRex -> No no.....I apologize for rushing au, I have just been away for some time and wanted to get these reports in and be able to go spend some time at home with my family once I get my crew all settled...:: deciding to back off and try to obtain some more information:: Laehval tTemarr -> @Officer> ::After passing through another corridor, the officer stopped at an unmarked door and pressed his palm to the entry pad. It opened and he shoved the girl inside and then followed her. Her screams reached Koga and t'Aehjae before the closing door cut them off.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: turns to t'Ksa :: I could use a drink, if they have those. KhreRiovtRex -> Do you have an uplink to today's daily news at least, so I can see what type of weather to expect in the capital? :: reaching for the dial to input the civilian channel codes:: Lerak trPexil -> :: He thought maybe she'd know about... nah.,.. :: Lerak trPexil -> Let's go. Lerak trPexil -> :: looks around :: KhreRiovtRex -> Station CO> :: reaches across and turns it off:: I'll save you the time, it's supposed to be a bit on the cool side, with rain later in the day, and you are correct, there was some sort of construction damage that has shorted out some of the power transformers in that area, the public channels are offline at the moment Koga S'Bien -> @ Probably going to be interrogated. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Waiting with t'Rex, Laehval let her take the lead, watching the station commander's reactions to their inquiries. Though still suspicious, she tried not to let it show.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::rolls her eyes, starts to lead the way to the door:: I swear, au would get distracted anywhere. ::wants to compare notes, but na yet comfortable with their surroundings to do so yet:: KhreRiovtRex -> I see... ::crosses the room, and takes a seat, but avoids drinking from the glasses that had been brought out:: Take your time then :: Hoping Laeh and the others might find something while she was stuck in here. Even here, she was able to ascertain that there was something very wrong going on.......just what though? KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to Laeh: Have you heard back from our teams, have they gotten the inventories they needed to acquire? KhreRiovtRex -> ::pointing to her ISD:: Lerak trPexil -> I doubt we have any clue as to the other's thoughts. :: Exits :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: and hoping Leah was noticing the Commander's fidgeting as well:: tAehjae -> @ Lets stay out of sight but waht her al the same Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns in her seat to pick up her ISD and thumb through it, though she wasn't really reading.:: Ie, I have just received the current requisition list for medical and engineering supplies. Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at to where to turn :: It has been some time since I was in a station such as this. I think it's that direction. :: points :: Koga S'Bien -> @ I'll agree to that. I reccon she'll be in there awhile though. KhreRiovtRex -> Menkha, perhaps we should get the supplies back and then return here tomorrow, since we evidnetly wont' be heading to the capital today if they are having issues M_K_tKsa -> ::pausing, taking direction from tr'Pexil:: An hour. Can au believe it? It's never taken that much time to aquire the supplies for medical before. And au know what? I'm probably going to have to go through each individual container before we ship it aboard Talon to make sure I have everything I need. Fvadt. KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to the Station CO:: if au do na mind, I'll let my XO see to getting our suppliies sent back and then she can rejoin us once that has been completed, or if we're both in the way dropping in unexpectedly, we can just return tomorrow? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval nodded.:: I think that we should return at a later time. I am eager to get our supplies back to the ship and restock. Our crew deserves rest, as well. Lerak trPexil -> :: Walking toward the promenade, looking for a place to eat :: I would not be surprised if they were stalling for time. KhreRiovtRex -> Station CO> Na na.....really na bother, au should stay... KhreRiovtRex -> I think that we really have taken too much of au time already. I can stay a bit longer if need be, since au have already put so much time into getting those uplinks for us, but I'm going to have my XO get the supplies and crew back together...Laeh, au know what au have to do:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::out of sight, but close by still standing with t'Aehjae:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks at her in the eye, knowing how perceptive the woman was, and she'd do what was necessary while I stalled for time:: Lerak trPexil -> :: He saw a location with tables and a couple eating off in a corner :: There. :: gestures :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She pushed out her chair and rose to her feet, tucking her ISD beneath her arm.:: Very well, rekkhai. I shall see what progress the others are making and ensure they are na being a bother to the station personnel. M_K_tKsa -> That'll work. ::moving towards the table he indicated:: How long before au will be getting au supplies? Or am I the only io inconvienced?Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::S'Bien and t'Aehjae were alone in the corridor and it became deathly quiet as they waited. The deck plating, walls, and doors in this section were older and thicker than in others. If there was any activity going on behind the door, they couldn't hear it.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Offers t'Ksa a seat :: M_K_tKsa -> Hann'yyo. That's very kind of au ::taking the seat:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Opens his ISD and looks :: There are a few things that will extend to the time as yours. Harder to round up devices. Lerak trPexil -> :: laughs :: I have my moments. Lerak trPexil -> :: A woman walks over :: What can we offer au today? M_K_tKsa -> Tea, please. Na sweetner. Lerak? Lerak trPexil -> A synthale, warm. Koga S'Bien -> @::looking around:: KhreRiovtRex -> Station CO> I'm afraid I have to insist that you both stay, we've not completed our debriefing of your actions over the last few months and I have been instructed to interview au both KhreRiovtRex -> We can do this together...or separately, but it will be done before you return to au ship. Lerak trPexil -> :: indicates to t'Ksa :: It's not my family's wine, but it will do. KhreRiovtRex -> I believe Daise Ennarain, that I out rank au on this matter, and I intend to see to the welfare of my ship and crew first. I did offer to return tomorrow M_K_tKsa -> ::opens her mouth to object, but realizes that perhaps she doesn't need to play the shrew so much out here as she did before:: Laehval tTemarr -> Woman> ::Quickly brings them their drinks and gives them a smile before scuttling off.:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::wonders what they're going to do to that poor lady in there:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( There's only one way to find out, Koga. )) KhreRiovtRex -> Station CO> ::reaches in the drawer of his desk:: M_K_tKsa -> ::toys with her mug:: Au didn't answer my question. Did au have any difficulty finding the supplies au needed? Koga S'Bien -> (He's not that curious, lol) KhreRiovtRex -> Station CO> ::starts to pull out an ieyakk:: KhreRiovtRex -> Laeh....! Lerak trPexil -> I bet Laehval has na opened the bottle of wine I got her.. nor the letter. :: drinks :L: KhreRiovtRex -> ::kicks the drawer to the desk shut on his weapon, momentarily causing him to lose his grip on it:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval had expected something of the sort and threw her ISD at the man's face. The corner struck him in the temple. It wasn't enough to hurt, but it did throw him off balance, giving her time to rush him and plow him into the wall.:: Lerak trPexil -> I bet she is having a set of boring meetings with top brass here. KhreRiovtRex -> :: grabbed for the weapon now falling to the floor and got partially shoved by the mass of Laehval and the CO crashing past Koga S'Bien -> @ I don't think she's coming out of there. ::to t'Aehjae:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Pexil, give me a number from 1 - 10 )) KhreRiovtRex -> ::scrabbling for the weapon, before he could regain his bearings and reach for it, but luckily his hand went to his head where Leah had first hit him:: Lerak trPexil -> (4) tAehjae -> Koga shall we go in? Lerak trPexil -> How is your tea? M_K_tKsa -> I'd rather not speculate on their meeting with the station commander. ::swirls a spoon in her tea:: Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> Lerak begins to feel a little woozy. Soooooo nice. Oooh, the room is a bit fuzzy. Koga S'Bien -> We're not really heavily armed, who knows how many people are inside of there. But, in a situation like this, you would have the final say. Lerak trPexil -> t'Ksa...I... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval shoved her elbow into the man's throat, brusing his windpipe and causing him to fall back against the wall again, gasping for breath.:: M_K_tKsa -> What? ::pauses, was going to take her first sip but tr'Pexil doesn't look well, sets her mug down:: What is it? Lerak trPexil -> I'm na sure how sinthetic thus is. KhreRiovtRex -> Secure him... Lerak trPexil -> Do na drint th tee. :: feels very off balance :: M_K_tKsa -> ::hisses, playing the shrew again:: I knew the synthahol was a bad idea at this time of day. Etre tr'Pexil, I can na believe au. Come on, let's get au to the station medical department. tAehjae -> @ What is aus oppinion Koga? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She grabbed for his arms and wrenched them behind his back, using his own sash to tie him up.:: tAehjae -> @ :: wants to go in but then doest:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks around to see what other weapons he has in the office:: finds more ie'yyak in the drawers along with several Kaleh's, some of which still had blood on them.... Koga S'Bien -> @ If it is important we get her out, then I suppose we should, but then what? Lerak trPexil -> Soomtin s wroong. Shood na halv thiss affeck Koga S'Bien -> @We should get the opinions of someone else, like Leahval KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, it's obvious that something has gone terribly wrong. I would suspect some sort of coup has either taken place, or we're catching the beginning of it. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She pulled out her dagger, peered at it a moment, then flipped it around and cracked the man behind the ear with the handle. He groaned and then slumped sideways.:: tAehjae -> @ IE Contact her ACTION> An alarm begins to sound on the station, blaringly loud. KhreRiovtRex -> We need to get back to the ship, and then we need to find out what's happening on homeworld... M_K_tKsa -> ::probably giving everyone io around them the impression that all she does is nag, nag, nag:: Come on now. ::linking an arm with his to guide him:: Something wrong indeed...au just had to do it, didn't au. ::wincing at the alarm:: Now what? KhreRiovtRex -> We better go now Lerak trPexil -> :: winces :: Ow. Lerak trPexil -> Ivv been drooged. Hold mi Laehval tTemarr -> @Officer> ::Rushes out of the room at the sound of the alarm and skids into the hallway. Several more officers pile out behind him. Spotting Koga and t'Aehjae, he shouts.:: Get them! They must na escape! KhreRiovtRex -> I wonder if the station is jamming hteij fields, we might be better off to beam out of here and just leave the RAC. Koga S'Bien -> Q tAehjae -> @ ::eyes get big at the comment and she grabs Kogas Arm :: MOVE!!!! M_K_tKsa -> C'mon now. ::pretending that he's talking nonsense, dragging him along:: I dont' want to have to report au's drinking to the Enarrain....again. Koga S'Bien -> @ ::moves:: KhreRiovtRex -> not sure we could beam them from all over, let's hope they head for the RAC tAehjae -> @:: takes off running down the corridor looking for an escape route:: KhreRiovtRex -> Quickly now...:: takes off running towards the hanger bay:: Lerak trPexil -> I am I gooying to dye? :: holds on :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She moved to the station commander's desk and accessed his terminal, which was logged in to all of the stations systems.:: I don't think we can use the hteij to get us back to the Talon, but I can get us all to the RAC. KhreRiovtRex -> :: stops as she hears Leah: Do it... KhreRiovtRex -> I'll rely on your engineering any day Laehval tTemarr -> Or rather... get the RAC to fetch us. ::She tapped in quick sequence.:: Lerak trPexil -> Hteij tksa.. need to activaeete Koga S'Bien -> @ ::instinctively heads back to the hangar bay, takes quick glances back also looking for the woman:: M_K_tKsa -> Would au shut up. Au are fine. Au just drank too much, again. ::elbows him, hoping the pain will make him focus:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Wide-eyed LL' Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> The entire away team is suddenly caught in a shimmer of transporter light and finds themselves back on the RAC. Lerak trPexil -> Thanks Laehval, you're thee :: shimmer :: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Last chance to say it... )) Koga S'Bien -> ::Shimmers away:: KhreRiovtRex -> Get us out of here....H'nah!!Lerak trPexil -> :: Falls flat to the floor :: Koga S'Bien -> ::clambers to the cockpit as quickly as he can:: Laehval tTemarr -> Lerak! What happened? ::Looking to t'Ksa for answers.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::surprised to find herself back on the RAC so soon, drops the nagging act and takes the three steps necessary to get to the storage container to get to her emergency med kit:: Koga S'Bien -> ::quickly logs in and punches out of the bay:: tAehjae -> :: stops and looks around:: sighs:: hannyyo Lerak trPexil -> drrrrged.. Koga S'Bien -> Yeah, what did happen? M_K_tKsa -> We stopped at the canteen. ::fishes for her mutlicorder:: He took a sup of his refreshment and complained that he was na feeling well. KhreRiovtRex -> Koga...head down to the planet, they'll be expecting us to head back to Talon, which should be leaving just about...:: watches the ship move away:: now.... Koga S'Bien -> Aye aye.. ::sets a course to ch'Rihan:: KhreRiovtRex -> Quickly now, I do na intend to be shot down on a RAC after we sufvived all that other crap the last few months facing Othan Stingers and Dreadnoughts Koga S'Bien -> ::presumably cloaked by now: Laehval tTemarr -> And... M_K_tKsa -> ::starts a scan of tr'Pexil:: If au are going to yack, Etre tr'Pexil, please do it away from me. ::trying to brace herself as she feels the RAC moving:: Lerak trPexil -> I caun peelot the RAAC. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: Pexil..there will be no peeing alot on our RAC, we will space au if you do Koga S'Bien -> Talon: lol Lerak trPexil -> Talon: Koga Peelot all the time on the Talon. M_K_tKsa -> Talon: Eww Koga S'Bien -> Talon: dude Lerak trPexil -> Talon: I know, you said not to say anything. KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: Next week is Thanksgiving, so do au all wish the night off? Lerak trPexil -> Talon: I'll probably be around, but I can imagine others not M_K_tKsa -> Talon: Not me Koga S'Bien -> Talon: Doesn't matter to me M_K_tKsa -> Talon: I'll be asleep....Black Friday and all KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: you already had T hanksgiving Koga Laehval tTemarr -> Talon: No sim next week! Koga S'Bien -> Talon: yes I did Laehval tTemarr -> Talon: I'll be in a turkey coma. Lerak trPexil -> Talon: Black Friday = Thanksgiving Lerak trPexil -> Talon: Day after Thanksgiving = Black Friday II, electric boogaloo KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: Ok, so I hope you all enjoy the night off, and hopefully I'll be a little more functional by then. If I forget who you are, just remind me KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: Have a nice holiday everyone and we'll see you in 2 weeks, assuming Koga doesn't get us shot down or crash KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: Pexil...you have to hold it for 2 weeks now, just cross your knees KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: Leah, anything? Lerak trPexil -> Talon: Wouldn't it be... oh Koga S'Bien -> Talon: And don't think of Niagara Falls Laehval tTemarr -> Talon: Nice sim, all. Have a great holiday. (Or Thursday, Koga.) See you all in a couple of weeks. Laehval tTemarr -> Talon: Night! Lerak trPexil -> Talon: Night all KhreRiovtRex -> Talon: crew dismissed M_K_tKsa -> Talon: Night guys Koga S'Bien -> Talon: Goodnight. Have a good thanksgiving, even if 6 weeks late. lol
  24. Mission Briefing: RES Talon Mission Briefing 51411.06 - Season 19 - The Talon’s away team has boarded the Galae Orbital Station and was met by Galae forces. Things are tense aboard the station, though it appears to be under Galae control. The team has been allowed to explore the station but are more than likely being watched. Everyone remember what they were doing last time? BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Lerak trPexil -> :: Looking over his ISD, the list :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Looking around standing with the others:: M_K_tKsa -> ::trying to decide how much of her list she should use because as extensive as it is, it could indicate a weakness in at least io department on Talon:: You have plans once we return planet side, Etre tr'Pexil? ::attemping small talk as she inventories all she sees:: tAehjae -> :: her hand on her weapon as it remains in its holster exploring the station:: Lerak trPexil -> I, well, ie, but na. I just don't know what the other person would like to do.. or na. Lerak trPexil -> I sent an overture, but na answer. :: Identifying containers the items are in :: ACTION> t'Aehjae and S'Bien notice that while things on the station seemed calm on the surface, the officers just out of their hearing were whispering heatedly among themselves. Whenever they saw t'Aehjae or S'Bien looking in their direction, they would grow silent until they were certain they wouldn't be overheard. Koga S'Bien -> ::walking near t'A as he also explores the station, listens for anything special newswise:: M_K_tKsa -> Perhaps au's companion is busy at the moment. Au know how the Khre'Riov is. Koga S'Bien -> Hmm. ::keeps walking:: The silence is deafening. tAehjae -> @Koga au notice they stop speaking when au or I look towards them? tAehjae -> @ I wish we could hear what they are speaking of Laehval tTemarr -> Station Quartermaster> ::Approaches t'Ksa and tr'Pexil with a frown. A bevy of junior officers followed in his wake, all carrying ISDs which they tapped at rapidly. He looked down his nose at the pair.:: Are you supposed to be here? Lerak trPexil -> Ie, everyone is busy. :: A sense of uneasiness swept over him :: I will stay at my parents, visit the vineyard and then my own subterrainian home. Koga S'Bien -> Ie. They are most definitely hiding something. Lerak trPexil -> :: Looked up from his ISD :: Ie we are. Lerak trPexil -> And au are? tAehjae -> :: continues walking slowly:: M_K_tKsa -> ::sour pickles scowl at the Quartermaster, giving them the impression that tr'Pexil is the friendlier of the two Talon officers:: tAehjae -> Can au read lips? Maybe we can figure out what they are saying? Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at a gross of self-sealing stem bolts, good for holding plating together :: Koga S'Bien -> I can try, but it's hardly my specialty. How good are you at reading lips? Laehval tTemarr -> Station officers> ::Seem to be avoiding t'Aehjae and S'Bien at all costs, keeping out of earshot or simply not talking at all until the pair passes by. At the entrance to one of the corridors that lead further into the station, a female Rihan out of uniform seems to be watching them with interest.:: Laehval tTemarr -> Station Quartermaster> I am in charge of the station's supplies. Who gave you authorization to be in here. ::sour pickles scowl at t'Ksa's sour pickles scowl.:: Laehval tTemarr -> *? Koga S'Bien -> We could try sitting at a table with a drink or something, feigning having lunch or something and try to read their lips or expressions? Wish we were able to get any information from the local news nets, that's for sure. Lerak trPexil -> ( just who did anyhow ) Laehval tTemarr -> (( Some unnamed high-ranking Galae officer. He/she would have given you a signed authorization on your ISD, I imagine. )) Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at the quartermaster :: Someone of a higher rank than either of us. I have it here. Sad day when we keep the flagship of the fleet waiting. :: hands over ISD with the signature :: tAehjae -> I am na very good. ::walks up on the entrance to the corridor:: Think we should explore that area? M_K_tKsa -> Is it na customary for those in need of resupplying to come to the Quartermaster's for those supplies? ::handing over the ISD with her edited list:: Where is tr'Axon? Do na tell me he gained that promotion he spoke of last tour all ready. He promised me a game of stones the next time we docked. Koga S'Bien -> Yes, we might as well. Let's go. tAehjae -> :: turns past the officer and walks down the corridor:: Laehval tTemarr -> Station Quartermaster> ::Looks over tr'Pexil's ISD and then hands it to one of his lackeys. They make some notes before returning the ISD to Lerak.:: Of course, it is customary. I only needed to make sure you had proper documentation allowing you to resupply. I can't do anything without the proper documentation, especially now. Laehval tTemarr -> ::One of the lackeys looked at t'Ksa in surprise as she mentioned tr'Axon and seemed as though she would say something, but a sharp look from the Quartermaster made her bite her lip.:: Lerak trPexil -> Especially now? Have Klingons raided the cargo bays? Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::As t'Aehjae and Koga get closer to the young Rihan woman, she slips away into the corridor and heads further into the station. They catch a glimpse of her at the next junction, peering around the corner at them.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at the changes to his ISD :: Koga S'Bien -> @ Curious. I wonder if she's a reporter ? Laehval tTemarr -> Station Quartermaster> tr'Axon is not on duty today. ::He replied gruffly. His dark eyes turned to Lerak.:: Do na be daft. The Klingons could never get close. Now, what is it that you need. Do you have a resupply order? ::Holds out his hand.:: tAehjae -> ::nods:: Koga Au see that oi? She is staying just out of range of us. Look she pearing around the corner a few corridors down. M_K_tKsa -> ::pouting, muttering just loud enough to be barely heard and as if she's no paying attention to the conversation:: Fvadt. I was looking forward to a decent game of stones. Koga S'Bien -> Yes. She probably is a reporter... or a Tal'Shiar operative? Lerak trPexil -> I would play au. tAehjae -> Shall we try to find out? Koga S'Bien -> Sure. Let's be discrete about it though. Koga S'Bien -> Don't want to scare her off. Lerak trPexil -> :: to the QM :: I hope au have all of these items here. tAehjae -> I’ll walk past au remain behind, when she looks out to see where au are grab her push her back in the corridor and I will join au, be sure to na allow her to yell. tAehjae -> Au ready? M_K_tKsa -> ::gives him a look, decides to bicker with him to pretend this whole situation is na bothering her:: Ffffft. ::scoffs:: Na. I've seen au play. Half au's pieces barely hit the target last time. ::glances at the Quartermaster:: How long will it take for me to get those supplies ::points to the medical list:: Lerak trPexil -> That was io game... give a poor Rihan a break. :: awaits there answer :: tAehjae -> :: starts to walk towards the officer watching but na watching what she’s doing:: M_K_tKsa -> I should hope that was only io bad game. If au played like that on a regular basis au pockets would be picked clean. Koga S'Bien -> ::slowly walks along as well, looking around in different directions:: Laehval tTemarr -> Station Quartermaster> There has been a shortage of some items lately and medical supplies, especially, are quite in demand. ::He turned an ear to one of his lackeys who whispered something. He nodded and straightened. It will be at least half an hour before most of this can be ready. Au are welcome to wait, if au like. Lerak trPexil -> We will wait. tAehjae -> :: motions for Koga to stop just before the corridor and await the Rhian officer to pear back out after shes passes:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Stops:: tAehjae -> :: continues to walk past the corridor where the Rhian had been standing:: Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::The female Rihan retreated further down the corridor as t'Aehjae approached and stood at another junction, peering out from behind the corner.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::rolls her eyes, keeping up with the bickering:: (m) Great, I'm stuck with him now. ::leans against the nearest crate as if she's put out by the wait:: Lerak trPexil -> +Koga+ The items will take around one-half hour to arrive, we are waiting near the quartermaster office Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ Okay, understood. Thank you. tAehjae -> ::: stops after she passes the corridor and backs up against the wall motioning for Koga to do the same and wait to see if the officer returns to see where they have gone:: Koga S'Bien -> ::does the same:: M_K_tKsa -> ::does a lazy scan over the assembled lackeys with the Quartermaster, na linger on any io to hide her interest in the io who seemed to show some flicker of recognition about tr'Axon's name:: Lerak trPexil -> Au could do a LOT worse. I may na be as handsome as Koga or tough like t'Aehjae, or in power like t'Temarr.... Ah I see your point. M_K_tKsa -> Au hit ' M_K_tKsa -> Au hit S'Bien in the head with the stone last time. And I don't honestly know what to do with au. Laehval tTemarr -> Station Quartermaster> ::Waves a hand and his lackeys scatter to fill Talon's order. The quartermaster disappeared into his office.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::hoping that tr'Pexil understands she's na really trying to hurt his feelings but play-acting as none of this is troubling:: Lerak trPexil -> I'm sure au could find something. There's a shortage of engineers all of the sudden. Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::With S'Bien and t'Aehjae out of sight, the woman returned down the corridor to the last junction and peeked out around the corner, looking for them.:: Lerak trPexil -> I'm thinking the repairs will take additional time. Koga S'Bien -> ::Looks at his chrono:: Lerak trPexil -> :: taps his ISD with vigor : : M_K_tKsa -> ::mutters, turning her back to tr'Pexil as if she's mad at him or annoyed with his presence as they wait:: And I think au's next exam might a bit more thorough Lerak trPexil -> Oh the probe? My hearing is just fine. That procedure should not take one hour. tAehjae -> @:: is seen by the Rhian as she looks around the corner:: Looking for Me? Lerak trPexil -> :: turns his back :: Koga S'Bien -> ::heads back down the corridor as well:: J Lerak trPexil -> I don't know if I fell asleep or au drugged me. Laehval tTemarr -> ::With the quartermaster out of sight, one of the suppliers returns with an ISD. It was the girl that had balked at tr'Axon's name. She offered t'Ksa an ISD, murmuring softly. We don't have some of your items. Could you offer a substitute? Lerak trPexil -> :: Turns to see the woman out of the corner of his eye :: Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::The young woman jerked at finding t'Aehjae so close, let out a squeal, and turned to run.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Watch a couple of meters away :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Blocks her path:: tAehjae -> @:: follows right after her as Koga is there to meet her:: M_K_tKsa -> ::taking the ISD and lingering as she reads it:: Let's see....let's see. :: under her breath:: tr'Axon would know what I need. :: deciding to invoke the name again gently to see what kind of response she gets:: tAehjae -> Move further down the corridor :: hand on Disruptor:: Na screaming tAehjae -> ::to the Female Rhian officer:: Koga S'Bien -> ::runs ahead of t'A, lets her take the lead on this one:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Just thought he'd not know anyone on this station, though he should :: Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::Looks between Koga and t'Aehjae, suddenly scared. She swallowed and looked behind them as if expecting to be followed, but did as t'Aehjae had asked.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Looks around for anyone else:: tAehjae -> :: after they get a bit further down the corridor, she reaches up taking her by the shoulder to turn her around:: Why are au watching us so closely? ::to the Female Rhian:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::The woman swallowed at the mention of tr'Axon and glanced toward the quartermaster's office. Leaning closer, she whispered.:: tr'Axon was taken from the station two weeks ago. Lerak trPexil -> :: Moves closer to t'Ksa :: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Two minute warning. )) M_K_tKsa -> ::an eyebrow raised, used the ISD to hide her mouth as she randomly touches the screen to look like she's working:: (q)Why? ::a bit worried, she liked the man:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Hearing good, but not that good, waiting to see if t'Ksa relays the intel :: Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::She waved a hand at t'Aehjae.:: Because you should na be here! ::She hissed and looked warningly at the corridor, shrinking back as a group of officers passed.:: tAehjae -> What do ah mean we should na be here? tAehjae -> :: after the officers passed by::Laehval tTemarr -> Supplier> Because someone said he was an Othan spy. ::She looked worried.:: I think they might have killed him. Lerak trPexil -> :: Looking around, still uneasy :: Laehval tTemarr -> @ This place is dangerous. People have been going missing. Ships dock and crews mysteriously disappear. M_K_tKsa -> Get me three of these then. And....:: still messing with the ISD, scrunches up her face as if she's trying to decide on another substitute:: (q)Na possible. He was na spy....he couldn't be. He was...::na finding a word to describe how she felt about the man:: tAehjae -> Disappear?? ::looks to Koga:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( And... )) M_K_tKsa -> ((oooh the intrigue)) END SIM END SIM END SIM RES Talon Mission Briefing 51411.13 - Season 19 - The Talon crew has been exploring the Galae Orbital Station and has made some interesting discoveries. Beneath the surface of a polished Imperial façade, an unknown danger lurks. In that regard, the away team has made two recent discoveries. One team has learned that whispers of Othan spies within the ranks have caused at least one station officer to be forcibly removed and possibly executed, though he was known to be a loyal supporter of Galae command. The others have been warned that the station is no longer safe. As it is impossible to tell if the Talon is being fed misinformation or has truly become mired in a political upheaval that teeters on civil war, who are they to trust? We'll pick up where we left off last week. t'Ksa and Lerak were wheeling information out of a shy supply officer. Koga and t'Aehjae had cornered a lurker that had been watching them. Evie, you are welcome to join either group. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tAehjae -> @ :: to the Lurker:: Why have au been watching us? :: said with her hand on her weapon:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Has a bad feeling about this, waiting and watching :: M_K_tKsa -> ::still trying to puzzle together why anyone would think that tr'Avox would be a spy, glances at tr'Pexil to see what he's doing before returning back to ISD list the supply officer has her consulting:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::keeps an eye on the lurker and the general surroundings in case she has friends nearby, letting t'A do the interrogating:: Laehval tTemarr -> @ Rihan female> ::Nervously looking about.:: Because au just came aboard, but did na dock your ship. I was hoping to sneak aboard your RAC when au left. Lerak trPexil -> :: Closer to t'Ksa :: (w) Who was tr'Avox and is there anything with that ISD to know? Laehval tTemarr -> Supply officer> ::She threw a glance at the quartermaster's office.:: M_K_tKsa -> Etre tr'Pexil, au need to stop breathing down my neck. Why don't au go over there ::scowls, waves across the room:: and look at the engineering toys. ::hoping he'll get the hint to go take a look around, hopefully within her own view:: M_K_tKsa -> And this io here. Au do na have any of these in stock? ::mutters then:: How long ago was this that he was removed? M_K_tKsa -> ::wonders if tr'Pexil will be able to see anything useful there:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods, then walks as though inspecting :: Koga S'Bien -> @Hmm. Lerak trPexil -> :: looks back :: Au...Au are nearly impossible to work with. Thank the elements we are different departments and different decks... :: Goes to read some wall plate :: Laehval tTemarr -> Supply officer> ::She tilted her head to peer at the ISD and pointed as if showing Ksa something.:: They came for him only a few weeks ago when the trouble on the homeworld began. Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets out his ISD again, scans for an open network port :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Scanning and waiting.. waiting to scan.. Wondering what Laehval is up to... :: ACTION> Lerak's scan picks up the active GOS network, but it is encrypted with several layers of security. Security he could probably crack if he wanted. M_K_tKsa -> ::scratches the top of her head as of trying to figure out what to use as a substitute:: <q>Communications were cut off as we were coming into range. What sort of trouble has been going on? ::makes a face like she's na happy with her selection:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Thinks: I am not awake enough for this... :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Started his login protocols :: EvietMahren -> ::with Morgana and tr'Pexil, hovering off to the side, listening to the conversation with the supply assistant while pretending to be looking around:: Laehval tTemarr -> Supply officer> ::Murmuring still.:: Ah... very strange things. High-ranking officers, both Galae and Othan, disappearing from their posts, falling ill, dying in "accidents". Then Galae took control of the station and started routing anyone they suspected to be a spy. ::Her voice wavered.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Hitting some outer space blocks in getting in :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Sighs heavily :: Laehval tTemarr -> @ Rihan woman> Take me with au! Please! ::Her eyes grew wide as she glanced down the hallway and saw an officer headed in their direction.:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Pex, give me a number from 1 - 100 )) Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Looks at what she's looking at:: Laehval tTemarr -> @ Rihan woman> We should na be talking here. ::She rushed Koga, trying to slip past him.:: M_K_tKsa -> (q)That man was never a spy. He was loyal to the Galae. Something else is going on. ::sighs:: Is there anyone else I should talk to? ::trying to look for a way to get more information and yet allow the woman to return to her duties without raising any more alarms:: Koga S'Bien -> @Whoa there... ::Steps in her path again, trying to stop her:: Lerak trPexil -> ((48) Koga S'Bien -> @::looks to t'Aehjae:: But I agree. We should get moving again. EvietMahren -> ::moves to a nearby access panel, pretending to idly pull up the basic screens -- local time, uniform of the day notices, etc.:: Laehval tTemarr -> @ Rihan woman> ::Runs into Koga, but was too slight to move him much.:: M_K_tKsa -> ((I like how you desribed her...slight :D )) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) Lerak trPexil -> :: While it looked like he was viewing his profile on ch'Rihan'ilhæl :: Lerak trPexil -> :: He was actually trying to break through... some of his own people's networks :: EvietMahren -> ::noticing a few blips in the feed... requiring some analysis once she gets back to the ship:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Any news from the homeworld would be welcome.. a large burst of data :: Laehval tTemarr -> Supply officer> There is io man that might be able to give au more answers... ::She seemed even more nervous.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pex looked up :: M_K_tKsa -> ::scrolls through the ISD a little bit:: (q)Who? ACTION> Pexil manages to crack the first layer of security and runs into another obstacle. It looked like a scrambled passcode: Ale Runway Moth Laehval tTemarr -> @ Officer> ::Approaching Koga, t'Aehjae, and the unnamed woman, he frowned at the trio.:: What are au all doing lurking here? Lerak trPexil -> :: Scratches his head :: Koga S'Bien -> @ Sorry, we'll be moving along. We must have taken a wrong turn. Koga S'Bien -> @ ::starts getting the trio moving to another place:: Laehval tTemarr -> Quartermaster> ::Just then, the Quartermaster stepped out of his office and focused on Morgana and Evie. He narrowed his eyes, seeing the supply officer still lurking about.:: Should au na be filling their order?! ::He growled.:: Laehval tTemarr -> Supply officer> ::She ducked her head and threw t'Ksa an apologetic look.:: Ah, yes... the maenak was just making her final selections on the items we need to sub. Lerak trPexil -> :: Having his ISD take a crunch at it :: M_K_tKsa -> ::rolls her eyes, hands the ISD back to the suply officer:: I think this substitutions will have to do. If you have any other questions, just let me know. Lerak trPexil -> :: Taps : A Male Unworthy...[enter] :: Lerak trPexil -> :: With over 77000 combinations it could take a while :: EvietMahren -> ::frowning, as she looks at the weather report from homeworld:: I will have to remember to wear my raingear when we finally arrive home. It seems a storm has settled just over my home. ::shakes her head, closing down the interface:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Taps: Manual Ye Throw [enter] M_K_tKsa -> I hate figuring out substitutions. It's like trying to predict the what craziness the crew will get into with a magic number ball. Lerak trPexil -> :: Taps: Narwhal Toe Yum [enter] :: EvietMahren -> ::snorts:: And with our crew, the crazy tends to be off the bloody charts. EvietMahren -> ::rueful grin:: Laehval tTemarr -> @ Officer> ::He frowneddeeper as he caught sight of the woman and grabbed her by the arm.:: Na au.. Au are coming with me. Lerak trPexil -> :: Taps: Oatmeal Why Run [enter] M_K_tKsa -> ::gives Evie her best "I'm not amused look" in keeping with the sour-pickle maenak act, shifts in the waiting chair as if uncomfortable:: Elements, did they change the seats here too? I swear this io is almost more uncomfortable than....well....it's fvadt uncomfortable. Laehval tTemarr -> Supply officer> ::She took the ISD and nodded at Ksa's selections, tapping in a few notes.:: Thank au, Daise'Maenak. Here is the finalized list of your requisitions. They will be delivered to your ship within the hour. ::She handed the ISD back to Morgana and then slipped away to get back to work.:: ACTION> Among the various supplies listed on the ISD, a name was buried somewhere in the middle. It read simply: tr'Valdrin. Laehval tTemarr -> (( Two minute warning )) M_K_tKsa -> Hanny'yo ::calling after her, then glances at the ISD to verify her order...does her best na to react when she finds the name on the list before clearing the screen:: Laehval tTemarr -> Lerak Action> Access denied. Access denied. Access denied. EvietMahren -> ::shrugs a shoulder, as if Morgana not being amused isn't anything new:: EvietMahren -> ::... which, in retrospect, really isn't, she supposes:: M_K_tKsa -> ::sighs, watching tr'Pexil from across the room:: I'm never going to get him to finish repairs if he continues to muck about the new engineering toys, am I? EvietMahren -> ::shaking her head:: Likely not. Though the engineering toys might speed things along... if he could ever figure out how they work. Laehval tTemarr -> (( Last chance to say it... )) Lerak trPexil -> :: Taps: The Romulan Way [enters] tAehjae -> :: turns to Koga:: I wonder why she wanted to escape to the Talon, Maybe we should try to follow to see where they are taking Her. Lerak trPexil -> :: taps: Whale Mayo Turn [enters] Koga S'Bien -> You could ask her? Koga S'Bien -> She wants to come with us.. M_K_tKsa -> I'll need to talk to a man about an upgrade to the biobeds later. Do au think it could be this tedoius? ACTION> Success! Lerak cracks another layer of security and gets an eyeful of the station's daily duty logs. Other files were further protected. Whale Mayo Turn kicks him out again, however. Lerak trPexil -> Ie! :: as loud as he can causing everyone to go silent :: EvietMahren -> Given the state of affairs? It could be *deadly* boring. ::lips pursed:: Laehval tTemarr -> @ Officer> She doesn't have a choice. Move along. ::He turns back down the corridor, dragging the woman with him.:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( And... )) tAehjae -> which way did they take her? Lerak trPexil -> Na na na... :: Enters: the Romulan Way :: M_K_tKsa -> What's what I was afraid of. END SIM END SIM END SIM tAehjae -> ::paused:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: Lerak trPexil -> DIS MIN Laehval tTemarr -> Sorry to keep you late. Nice sim! Hope you got something out of it and learned a bit more about the state of affairs. M_K_tKsa -> Something's afoot Koga S'Bien -> Our lurker is with us as well, yes? Laehval tTemarr -> A shoe. Lerak trPexil -> I'm Verb Chuck Thinner with the Rihan News Network Laehval tTemarr -> The officer is currently hauling way your lurker, Koga, but they are still in the corridor with you. Koga S'Bien -> ah,ok Laehval tTemarr -> And Lerak just learned The Romulan Way. M_K_tKsa -> ROFL Laehval tTemarr -> Alright, everyone have a good night. We'll pick up here next week. Have a good weekend!
  25. MISSION BRIEFING: The Talon's away team, has guided their RAC onto the Galae Orbital Station, looking for answers, hopefully orders and a safe haven from their resent game of cat and mouse with ships from the Othan fleet and even some of the Empires Tal Shiar forces. Laehval suggested they make a show of strength, and present an honor guard for t'Vatrix to exit the ship and request to be taken to the Station Commander. We pick up here...... BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> ::follows the group which has exited and is now flanking the ramp, and walks down between them ::looks around the bay:: Lower au weapons at once. I am Khre'Riov t'Vatrix of the RES Talon. Au are to take me to the station commander at once. Koga S'Bien -> ::following the others:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Listening to t'Vatrix :: M_K_tKsa -> ::has her 'annoyed maenak' game face on, even if she's nervous and scared inside:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval stood to one side of t'Rex, one hand resting on the blade at her belt, though she had yet to draw it or act aggressively. Instead, she stared at the Rihans across from them, watching their every move.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Station Dheno> Aefvahd Khre'Riov, Aefvahd Enarrain..... If au will follow me, I will take au to the Station Commander. tAehjae -> :: has followed tVatrix down the ramp looking around watching for trouble to start. Her hand close to her weapon but na on it to cause alarm:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Standing silently, following the lead of the others :: KhreRiovtRex -> Station Dheno> ::nods to the rest of his troops and turns, motioning for them to follow:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods and follows again:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns and nods to Laehval to accompany her:: tAehjae -> :: follows in behind Koga watching in front of them as well as behind:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: is dying to ask what the state of affairs is, but knows to wait to speak to the commander. Asking these troops might appear sort of ....desparate Lerak trPexil -> :: walking :: M_K_tKsa -> ::pulling out her ISD, another semi-prop here, she's looking over the list of supplies and equipment she'll need to restock Talon:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: leans over towards Laehval as they walk and whispers:: Well, at least it appears to stil be hrrau Galae hands:: KhreRiovtRex -> Station Dheno> :: directs them towards the lift:: This way hann'yyo. Laehval tTemarr -> So it seems on the surface. ::Murmured in return, though glancing about at those escorting them, she wondered if it was a ruse to draw them into something deeper.:: M_K_tKsa - > I'm wondering if the regular supply master in this shift? Or will I have to work with io of his underlings like the last time? KhreRiovtRex -> ::looks back at Laeh, before stepping into the lift:: We shall know soon enough KhreRiovtRex -> ::steps in:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::nods for the rest of those escorting her to follow:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods curtly, takes the nearest wall :: M_K_tKsa -> ::stepping in the lift as well, scribbling on her ISD:: ACTION: Lift doors close and it travels up a few decks before stopping, the doors opening to deliver them to one of the upper meeting decks:: She was familiar with this walk, and nothing had seemed out of the ordinary just yet Koga S'Bien -> ::leansup on a wall as well:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Stays with the group, tries to gauge the state of the station, keeping his mind busy :: Station Dheno> Khre'Riov.....The station commander awaits au, au crew are aefvahd to use the station as needed, however fhaen do na leave without gaining proper clearance. My detail will remain out here to await au with au dheno if they wish to wait as well. M_K_tKsa -> ::quirks a brow and scowls at the "don't leave without proper clearance" as if she's annoyed with the comment...Morgana has perfected the 'annoyed' look over the past year, she's had enough pratice:: KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo Daise'Erei'Riov, Morgana, see wot what supplies au need (hoping she would take that chance to look around and assess), take io of the others if au need assistance. Laehval, au are with me (na wanting to put all three of the top command staff in the same room incase someone decided to start shooting M_K_tKsa -> tr'Pexil, au are with me. I need au's assistance with the materials for the repairs to *my* medical bay. KhreRiovtRex -> ::leaves the orders for the others for Laehval to handle before she joins her:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She gave the others a pointed look that clearly said they should keep their eyes open. Stepping close to t'Aehjae and S'Bien, she spoke quietly.:: (vs) It would be wise to assess the strength here. Keep your ears open for idle chatter. Station Dheno> The Commander will be fahd in just a siuren, he was held up on the oira. Au may make auselves comfortable while au wait :: motions for them to enter:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods curtly:: M_K_tKsa -> Au do have au's list for the repairs to our damaged section, ie? :: slightly churlish, which is to be expected knowing how possessive she about her medical bay, however she's also itching to do some exploring:: KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo:: enters the briefing lounge and looks around, walks over towards the window and looks down over the homeworld:: Lerak trPexil -> (Something is wrong with my chat) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval left them with their orders and followed t'Rex into the lounge, giving the station dheno a looking over as she passed.:: M_K_tKsa -> tr'Pexil, au are with me. I need au's assistance with the materials for the repairs to *my* medical bay. M_K_tKsa -> Au do have au's list for the repairs to our damaged section, ie? :: slightly churlish, which is to be expected knowing how possessive she about her medical bay, however she's also itching to do some exploring:: KhreRiovtRex -> (better his chat than his chaps) Lerak trPexil -> Ie, On this ISD. There are materials easier not to replicate.Lerak trPexil -> I will use *my* engineers to repair the damaged seconds of medical. M_K_tKsa -> Menkha. Then let's get going. ::motions for him to follow as she heads to the supply master's office:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Follows t'Ksa :: This is io of the few times I have walked with au and na in the medical bay. KhreRiovtRex -> Action: The Dheno leaves them and the breifing room door shuts for now Koga S'Bien -> ::Looks around the area::KhreRiovtRex -> ::looks over to Laeh:: Thoughts so far? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She took a breath once they were alone.:: Difficult to say. ::Her eyes traveled the room, expecting listening or monitoring devices.:: I am very interested to see who the station commander is now and hope they will be able to shed light on recent events. M_K_tKsa -> An improvement? Lerak trPexil -> :: Thinks :: Just rare. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pulls up his ISD and looks over the requests :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: sees her looking around and nods:: Yes, that would be most helpful, but also knowing the room would be wired so doesn't offer up anything unnecessary Koga S'Bien -> ::looking at people mill about, wondering what things are like on ch'Rihan:: KhreRiovtRex -> Well, we've na been shot, nor put into a cell, so that’s' better than my last three trips to this room... Lerak trPexil -> Once we have these items repairs should proceed quickly. Getting medical to a very clean state as before will take a bit longer. KhreRiovtRex -> The station appears to be at a stage of high alert. Normally a larger party would have been sent to meet us, but it appears that they could na be spared....or, they na longer have the numbers to do so. M_K_tKsa -> Can we use io of the force field generators in the hallway to prevent construction debris from carrying over to the sterilized portion of the unit? Or should I have the department vacate the bay until work is complete? KhreRiovtRex -> if things go poorly fahd, I think we need to think about an exit strategy.....I'll leave that to au planning KhreRiovtRex -> TWO MINUTE WARNING KhreRiovtRex -> TWO MINUTE WARNING ACTION:: The Briefing room door opens and the Station Commander enters Lerak trPexil -> I would do a bit of both. Laehval tTemarr -> I have been since we arrived. ::She turned as the doors opened to greet the station commander.:: M_K_tKsa -> I don't think I want them working out of two locations. I'd rather be in main medical or the aux. site if necessary. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns hearing the door:: Lerak trPexil -> How has this affected work in medical? KhreRiovtRex -> SC> Jolan Tru. I am Daise'Enarrain t'Kormak. Aefvahd to au. Au have been gone for quite some time........ M_K_tKsa -> Need au ask? ::raises a brow:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::nods:: Daise Enarrain, Hann'yyo. May I introduce my XO, Enarrain Laehval tTemarr. KhreRiovtRex -> I hope au are able to enlighten us as to what has been going on here on the homeworld, and that status of Galae... M_K_tKsa -> ::trying to take a look around as they walk to get the lay of things:: Lerak trPexil -> I will make sure au have a clean route to the aux site. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Bows slightly at the introduction.:: Lerak trPexil -> It's been sometime since I was on a station. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM