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Everything posted by KhreRiovtRex

  1. a couple of different kinds of sims you want to try (like Klingon or Original Series (two that just happen to come to mind!)) Different, doesn't even begin to describe those sims :) Etrehh ta'Rhae. Mark haudets to use ie'yakk banks rhae full power next time we see either hrrau aur sector. Etrehh ta'Khoi.
  2. Attached you can find the Simlog of the RES Talon on 030306! Our "premier night" at STSF. Enjoy. :wink:
  3. Mission Brief for RES Talon 030306 The crew of the RES Talon have for the most part been reassigned following the recent mission involving the rescue of the kidnapped Fvillah (Preator). We are currently on ch’Rihan being debriefed and reassigned following the incident of the Fvillah being hit over the head with a rice bowl. Technically, it was t’Ksa that was hit by the Fvillah, but that’s not the way he remembers it, and this is how he intends to cover for his cowardice under duress.
  4. ::decloaks ship long enough to ensure that those detection sensors are still hrrau menkha operating condition rhae the chance that the Lloann'na Galae should return:: :mad:
  5. I'm at a complete lack of words over this!! :)
  6. Why thank you, I agree....hmmm, on that first bit anyway {muttergrumblesigh} now I'm 67 and paling???? ugggh, I sound GROSS!! Some of us......have seen him in a hottub, count your lucky stars Vile! t'Rex :laugh:
  7. Hey!! You left off the "animated series!!". Now that...was cutting edge......::grins::
  8. Not very good at kalah fighting, huh? :laugh: Well, you see, she has this hobby, and the Cardassian's just aren't very supportive. Ever had an aunt or grandmother that collected those little spoons from tourist places that they hang on the wall on a rack. Well, t'Rexan has a spoon collection too.... those lovely little spoons attached to the foreheads of Cardassians. They however, seem to object to her removing them if they aren't quite dead yet. :laugh:
  9. Don't worry, we are fahd to handle pest control. We shall endeavor to rid the quadrant of those pesky Cardassians and Klingon fvai.
  10. The RES Talon sims at 11pm, beginning March 6th, at StarTrek.com. You can find us in the Ready Room following the USS Reaent sim. The RES Talon has moved to the STSF and are welcoming new crew members. As the only advanced Rihannsu (Romulan) simulation currently running in the Star Trek Simulation Forum, you will note that we do things a little differently than the other advanced simulations. While we are part of STSF, we are not part of the United Federation of Planets. The RES Talon is a Rihannsu Galae ship (Romulan Fleet) that will be dedicated to protecting the Empire from the likes of the Lloann'na Galae (Star Fleet), Kll'inghannsu (Klingons), and the other bothersome species of the quadrant. We are a Galae ship, and allow "no Tal Shiar" members on our ship. If you wish to play a Tal Shiar player, this is not the sim for you. Also, the Rihannsu (Romulans) are known to be an extremely xenophobic people, and thus all players are required to play Rihannsu (Romulan characters) only. Our sim follows the dictates of Rihannsu life as set forth in the various series (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voy, TAS) and movies "prior to ST:Nemesis". We will use the basis of Rihannsu culture as outlined in some of the books of Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, M.S. Murdock, and Simon Hawke, Rick Sternbach, Michael Okude, Denise Okuda and Franz Joseph. These include, but are not limited to: "The Romulan Way" "My Enemy, My Ally" "The Web of the Romulans" "The Romulan Prize" "Swordhunt" "Honor Blalde" "The Star Trek Encyclopedia" "Star Trek Chronology" "Star Trek Starfleet Technical Manual", as well as information from the FASA and Last Unicorn Games role-playing games (The Way of D'Era).