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Everything posted by KhreRiovtRex

  1. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51609.19 The Republic's away team has been able to secure the shipment of J'Rom's elixir from the disabled Yridian ship, while the others postured and threatened, though presented no real threat due to their size and inferior weapons. We don't know if any earlier shipments got through, but have at least confiscated this large quantity. The away team has returned to the ship. Begin Sim Begin Sim Begin Sim STSF_BluRox -> Helm, move us away from here Ayumu Kasuga -> Aye aye.. Backing us off. ::Does so:: Rue Wydown -> So we know they have some of the elixir, what do you suggest we do now? August JAX Robinson -> Blow the ship up? Rue Wydown -> And go through a court martial? Heather Jamieson -> :: On the bridge at the science console :: STSF_BluRox -> There is a start. Beam what we confiscated off our portside and destroy what we have from them Rue Wydown -> What do we have to preserve for the chain of evidence? Are we okay with just the recordings and paperwork? Ayumu Kasuga -> Hmm Rue Wydown -> And do we need to provide the 'Fleet any samples for the medical care of those who were affected by it in the first place? August JAX Robinson -> you want to omit reports from HQ? Rue Wydown -> Heck no. I just want to make sure that if we destroy what we've confiscated so far that we won't get ourselves into trouble for further prosecution of these idijits. Heather Jamieson -> :: Waiting to see what was to happen :: August JAX Robinson -> oh, no. we won’t get in trouble Rue Wydown -> I like big fireworks like the next guy :D Rue Wydown -> ((This is the Republic - of course we'll get into trouble)) 36:08 Ayumu Kasuga -> Big fireworks are nice. Rue Wydown -> Heather, you're the scientist. Do we have to save any samples? Heather Jamieson -> We have a saying that if you have to ask the question you already have the answer. Heather Jamieson -> There are secure methods of archival. Rue Wydown -> And has that been done? ::smirk:: Heather Jamieson -> Just give the word. Rue Wydown -> Word. ::points at her:: Heather Jamieson -> Shall I take this undertaking personally or assign it? And what security level? Rue Wydown -> Jax, you want to coordinate with Kasuga for the fireworks once Jamieson is done. Ayumu Kasuga -> All right, let's do it Rue Wydown -> High security level. And yes, as you're the highest ranking science officer we have here. August JAX Robinson -> Sure thing Christina_Nickles -> :: staying near the samples guarding Heather Jamieson -> I'll be back. :: Exits the bridge :: Christina_Nickles -> :: in the science lab on guard:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Hasta la vista, baby Rue Wydown -> Got any extra sparkly torpedoes for the explosion? Heather Jamieson -> :: Enters the labs were the samples are stored :: Christina_Nickles -> :: nods to Heather:: Christina_Nickles -> I hope these will be of use. Heather Jamieson -> Thanks... Let me get started. Rue Wydown -> I know we've got a pink shuttle, so I was wondering about the torpedoes... Ayumu Kasuga -> Pink torpedoes? Heather Jamieson -> :: And she started the process of archiving the samples. The computer would catalog and then set up a secure seal on the contents:: Rue Wydown -> Well, that or ones that give off extra sparkles? Heather Jamieson -> How have you been Christina? We've not gotten a chance to catch up over a whiskey,,, Heather Jamieson -> :: She moved sample to the casing it would be stored in, a mix of chemical and thermal processes :: August JAX Robinson -> Sparkles? Christina_Nickles -> been busy with this mission Ayumu Kasuga -> ooh Heather Jamieson -> Yeah, and look what I lead us into Heather Jamieson -> I had hoped this was the final push in this horrible sector. Heather Jamieson -> I mean, Risa may not want us, but this place surely does not. Rue Wydown -> ::chuckles:: I'm just teasing you all. Ayumu Kasuga -> We were just at Risa.. Heather Jamieson -> +Bridge+ This will take a few more minutes.. but the sooner we get this off the Republic and into a more secure facility the better. Heather Jamieson -> I know.. and I wanted to swim at the beach more.. Ayumu Kasuga -> Ahh. Ha ha. Heather Jamieson -> I should put these in the Admiral's liquor safe, but then Jax may find it. Rue Wydown -> +Jamieson+ We'll be ready when you are. Rue Wydown -> We will be ready when she is, right? Heather Jamieson -> +Bridge+ I am nearly complete, shall I bring these to you? Christina_Nickles -> :: watching Heather work:: Heather Jamieson -> Maybe Jax and I can hang out. :: laughs :: August JAX Robinson -> lets hope so Rue Wydown -> +Jamieson+ The samples should be put in a secure place, the rest - have security to take down to the airlock and we'll suck it out into space so that Kasuga and Jax can have some target pratice. Heather Jamieson -> :: Nods to Christina to prepare for the 'rest' :: Heather Jamieson -> +Rue+ I will need you for authorization, unless you want to entrust me with the code and biometrics Christina_Nickles -> :: nods hearing the instructions and begins preparations. Rue Wydown -> ((2 minute warning)) Rue Wydown -> +Jamieson+ I'll meet you in the science lab then for lock up. Rue Wydown -> +Nickles+ Let Jax know when the rest of the samples are in the airlock. Christina_Nickles -> +Rue+ Aye sir, Loading them now. Rue Wydown -> Jax, I'm going to leave the bridge to you. Set up the destruction of the cargo and fire at will. August JAX Robinson -> you are leaving? Christina_Nickles -> :: loading the rest of the stuff in the airlock:: August JAX Robinson -> And my orders are to blow up that cargo? Rue Wydown -> I've got to go down to help Jamieson secure the sample. I'm certainly not going to trust her with my codes. Heather Jamieson -> :: Moves the somewhat large sample container to the secure storage :: Where's Will's arms when you need them... ugh... Heather Jamieson -> (aww) Christina_Nickles -> :: closes the airlock door: Rue Wydown -> Aye, that's what we've been talking about. Make Will proud - big boom ::grins, heads into the lift:: Christina_Nickles -> +Jax+ Nickles to the bridge August JAX Robinson -> ::heads back to the Bridge:: why do I bother leaving that room' Heather Jamieson -> :: Awaits Rue :: Ayumu Kasuga -> mm Rue Wydown -> ((I thought you were on the bridge? I"m sorry :/)) Christina_Nickles -> +Jax+ Nickles to Cmdr Robinson, The rest of the stuff is in the airlock awaiting your disposal August JAX Robinson -> +Nickles+ I am heading back there now Rue Wydown -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~ Rue Wydown -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~ Ayumu Kasuga -> ::paused:: Rue Wydown -> Gonna pause it here so that next week Jax can start the sim off with a bag, literaly :) Heather Jamieson -> Paused August JAX Robinson -> aused"" Christina_Nickles -> lol Rue Wydown -> Oops Rue Wydown -> Nice job guys. Rue Wydown -> Let's home that Blu is feeling better next week. Rue Wydown -> Any questions? August JAX Robinson -> nope Christina_Nickles -> none here Rue Wydown -> OKay. I"ll see you all next week then :D Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodnight! :D Christina_Nickles -> night all Rue Wydown -> NightNite
  2. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51609.15 Koga and tr’Shalor have assaulted the fourth platform while TA and her team has made their way to the third and are installing the computer program. While they work to take over these orbital defense platforms the Talon in the fleet are attacking the main Galae Station. The Talon has taken a few shots including having just been hit by devastatingly bad shot upon and already damaged section. Begin Sim tAehjae -> $:: working with her team to get the program installed as quickly as possible:: Koga S'Bien -> ::was installing some kind of software or something into the computer, if I recall correctly:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr’Shalor> Koga, how is that coming? Koga S'Bien -> Going good, so far. Koga S'Bien -> ::watching the process:: tAehjae -> $::to her underling:: Quickly!!! We are taking to much time. Lerak trPexil -> :: In the Talon's engineering section, keeping her together...mostly. So much was going on it was hard to know if a piece of it was falling behind :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Working TAC, Laehval sent another volley at the station. Helm flew sidelong at the construct, turning aside at the last moment to draw their fire with their damaged side protected.:: ACTION> Aboard the TALON, damage alarms are sounding all over the ship emergency lighting has come on in many sections as a smoky haze fills many of the decks and consoles sparking in engineering tAehjae -> $:: nods as her team completes the upload of the program:: We are done here lets move out. trShalor> :: contact one of the other shuttle that had accompanied them and was standing by to beam over a security detachment to hold this platform and guard the prisoners wealthy and coda move to one of the other platforms Lerak trPexil -> :: yells to another engineer :: We need to stabilize the power grid. Switching to auxiliary fusion generators. tAehjae -> $+trShalor :: as her shuttle is lifting off. :: Mission complete Koga S'Bien -> All right, installation is just about finished. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval checked their hull stress, particularly worried about the gaping hole in their side. She gave it only a moment of her attention before shifting back to defense. The Talon circled for another pass, weapon's fire streaming through space around her.:: Koga S'Bien -> Right, there we go. All done. Lerak trPexil -> :: Tapping controls :: Venting the smoke on all decks.. will take a few minutes. trShalor> Meet me back on the RAC Koga, I want to go check on the battle and if we will be able to reach our next objective or if one of the other team has been able to get to it first Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: All right./ Laehval tTemarr -> ::She noted that the decoy probes were working beautifully. They spread out to "beef" up their fleet, providing false targets to the station's weapons systems. Shots fired at them registered as misses, but the occasional lucky shot got through, picking them off one at a time.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Does some quick testing and heads back to the RAC once everything works fine:: Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> The Talon swings about to give them another attack run at the station, focusing on the forward weapons array. Several shots slam against Talon's shields, rocking them violently. Most decks were reporting some sort of damage to engineering. Injured were streaming into medical or one of the emergency triage areas. tAehjae -> $:: her RAC heading back towards tr’Shalor and the Talon.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pex rocks in his seat, which is not a good sign considering how hardened the section of the Talon is :: KhreRiovtRex -> $ Station ops > Rekkhai, we have sustained heavy damage to our shields, down to 43%, weapons power down to just over 50%. Koga S'Bien -> ::returns to the RAC:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Engineering was dark save for the faint emergency lighting on the wall and the displays still with power :: KhreRiovtRex -> $ OTS station commander> Replace the veruul on weapons. He either does not know his job, or there is something else going on ::stops and takes a pause:: Of course, well played Galae:: it's thrown almost from his feet as talons weapons hit the station hard momentarily causing it's power grid to fluctuate and shields to take a momentary drop. Several hits were taken causing shields and damage to the station before shields were reactivated KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> Koga, let's get to that next platform they surely have been alerted to us by now and we would have to most likely fight our way in but we have to stop it Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Yes, I see. THat would be quite bad. Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ How much longer? The Talon is talking a beating. $ station ops> Rekkhai, our fleet here has taken heavy damage as well as the station. We have lost control of Galae Headquarters on the planet and reports of fighting at the Tal Shiar headquarters is not promising as well. Our fleet has taken extensive damage as the other patrols have not yet returned to help in the defense. It appears that two of the defense platforms which we were turning toward the planet have been boarded and taking a control of, what are your orders? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Targeting their main shield array on their next pass, she loosed another volley to disable them further.:: +Lerak+ We do na know. We have had na word from the team. They are likely na in a position to give us a report at this time. We will na quit until the station is ours. Koga S'Bien -> ::heading toward the aforementioned platform, watching sensors:: Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ Or the Talon breathes its last breath. I'll keep things together. tAehjae -> $+ trShalor+ tA to trShalor Mission complete we are headed back towards you and the Talon. KhreRiovtRex -> $ OTS Commander> Have the other two platforms been turned toward the planet? If here's the two mainly targeting the capital have been taking out however the one can still cause extensive damage there and the other should be able to hit one of the medical facilities for which we received word that many refugees had gone towards as soon as they are targeted enough begin firing hopefully that'll take their attention from us long enough for us to recall our other ships. In case we need to withdraw. Are we able to still set the station self-destruct mechanism? Laehval tTemarr -> +Lerak+ If needed. But we will na fail! It is na an option! Laehval tTemarr -> ::She punched her console angrily, furious that that their ship was taking so much damage, furious that her crew was put in danger.:: KhreRiovtRex -> $ Station ops> Rekkhai, we have taken too much damage from the town and her attack force. The engineers are not sure they can hold the shields much longer weapons power almost depleted. They are uncertain if they will be able to set the self-destruct mechanism other than have someone stay in manually activate it shall I order the fleet to standby for our withdrawal ? KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> Koga, are au reading any Life signs of board that next platform? Is still rotating it is almost within firing range of the planet we may have no other choice but to disable it and damage it if we are not able to board. Quickly I need your readings KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> +tA+ Status of your team? What of your platform objectives ? Koga S'Bien -> I'm not detecting any lifesigns on the platform. tAehjae -> $+trShalor+ The program is installed and awaiting activation. The team had made it back to the RAC and heading back towards your location to assist if needed. KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> It may be that they have withdrawn or at set a trap. However we do not have much time you and I will be in a board and trying to stop it's action. We will have to depend on the other ships and TA to get that last part one before it time Before it targets the airy were many of the refugees have fled 59:47 Koga S'Bien -> Alright, let's do it. Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> Another blast hit Talon's shields, sending them down a few percent. The ship shuddered in response and several power nodes overloaded as the power drain taxed them. The inertial dampeners whined as they tried to compensate for a sudden pull as helm tried to avoid another attack from the station. They flickered briefly, causing the ship to shudder, tossing everyone about. KhreRiovtRex -> $ OTS commander> Train weapons in their two main ships that Tal Shiar ship and the Talon. Order attack wings to concentrate upon those ships I am ordering command and made forces to withdraw to our sweet ships to withdraw to regroup. Set station for self-destruct. Au team will remain to manually apply those orders once command has left Lerak trPexil -> :: Pex fell head over heels, but not the way he was accustomed to :: Pause Sim Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: tAehjae -> :paused:; Lerak trPexil -> :: paused :: KhreRiovtRex -> Nice job everyone. Sorry if my typing was a little slow, stupid phone and Siri does not do well translating, that's a retyping Koga S'Bien -> It's no better on Android KhreRiovtRex -> In all it went well the ships more or less in one piece for now, the station is more or less in one piece for now you guys haven't died yet!! That's KhreRiovtRex -> Good. Koga S'Bien -> That is good KhreRiovtRex -> OK if I have anything to wrap up ? Laehval? Laehval tTemarr -> Nope. Everyone have a good weekend. KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, yes you're all good then so with that will see you all next week. Crew dismissed Lerak trPexil -> See most Monday Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight!
  3. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 6150908 - Season 21 The away teams have taken 3 ships and have headed towards the orbital platforms to retake the three that we wanted to gain control of, and now more importantly, the one that the OTS has taken over the capital and are trying to rotate its weapons downward. The Talon in the meanwhile, is attempting to draw attention away by leading the fleet against the Galae Station, also under the command of the Othan Tal Shiar... Koga and tr’Shalor have just blown the hatch and Koga has beamed aboard. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM NDak -> ::Glances to the tactical readout again:: Koga S'Bien -> @::beams aboard and heads to where he needs to go:: NDak -> Helm> ::Having broken off their attack run, he was doing his best to keep the damaged sections of the ship from being targeted:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Shalor> :: places a second charge to blow the other hinge to the airlock as a distraction NDak -> ::Laehval:: Stand by for another pass. What is the status of their weapons array? Lerak trPexil -> :: in the talons main engineering section :: # O/TS STATION Ops> Rekkhai... I'm reading about 15 small attack ships, and 3 D'deridex class ships in formation heading at us in offensive formation... Koga S'Bien -> @::stealthily sneaks around careful to avoid as many people as he can:: Laehval tTemarr -> It is severely damaged, but still operational. They are still attempting to target our ghost ships. NDak -> Good. @ tr'Shalor> +com+ t'A...while we have them busy...continue to the other 3 platforms....try to gain access to the one that is least positioned to assist the station and this target...get that etrehh program into it if au are able to beam in with your team... We will join au after we subdue this one..if possible. Be wary, they may have armed dheno on each Lerak trPexil -> :: maintaining the deceptions :: NDak -> ::Glances at his readouts:: Target their primary arrays on our next pass. Helm, bring us about. NDak -> Helm> ::Nods, bringing the ship about in tidy order.:: Ie. ACTION: The inside of this platform is about the size of a small apartment, not much room to hide nor maneuver due to the equipment installed. The 4 Dheno have their attentions focused on the hatch that tr’Shalor had placed the charges against tr'Shalor> :: taps t'Liss to be beamed back inside his RAC away from a potential 2nd blast which he had planted, in case Koga failed and was yy'a. KhreRiovtRex -> (pulls out the black die for the evening) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Focusing on the primary array, Laehval gritted her teeth as their exposed side turned toward the station while they were maneuvering into position.:: tAehjae -> +trShalor + Ie rekkhai KhreRiovtRex -> (oh wait.....Koga ate crickets….he got an out of peril point...switches to the red die) Koga S'Bien -> (Yay) tAehjae -> (( great and Me on my na so trust worthy tablet)) ACTION> The Talon takes a few strafing shots, one hitting nearer to the damaged area than was comfortable, causing the ship to shudder. tAehjae -> #:: heading to the third as ordered:: tAehjae -> # remain vigulant We do na want any surprises. ACTION> The damage causes several plasma relays to overload, causing explosions on several decks, including in engineering. NDak -> ::Grips his console, frowning:: KhreRiovtRex -> $ O/TS Ops> :: turns quickly to the man behind him:: Rekkhai....I don't know how....Where did they get all of these ships so quickly..even if the reports of more coming to assist from Justarus are true..... Koga S'Bien ->@ ::gets to where he needs to be, hiding from the blast:: NDak -> ::Glances again to Laehval:: +Pexil+ Damage report. @ Platform dheno 2> :: turns and see's Koga crouching and fires, but misses high, setting off sparks over his head:: (OOP1) NDak -> Helm> ::Frowns and engages in some unfancy, but effective evasives , while continuing to bring the Talon around and into firing range for Laehval:: tAehjae -> #:; making her way to the thrid platform, so far dodging the events:: Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ we were.. it very hard. Damage all over KhreRiovtRex -> @ Platform dheno 1 and 4 turn towards the shots, while dheno 2 moves towards the hatch Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ there's a fire here now and we are trying to contain. $ O/TS Ennarain> Torpedos..... concentrate fire on those D'Deridex ships...... it's more than certain their leaders will be on one of them....especially that io..... ::points towards : Concentrate fire on it...full torpedo spread and ie'yakk banks..h'nah!!! NDak -> +Pexil+ See that you do. We can na afford to withdraw. Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ plasma distribution linkage damaged. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She had a permanent furrow in her brow from the level of concentration required.:: +Pexil+ Emergency systems are sluggish. We've taken most power for the shields. Do what au can to keep us together. Laehval tTemarr -> ::As they came in range, she loosed another volley at the weapons array on the station, trying to disable rather than to destroy.:: Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ ahhh! :: Channel cuts :: NDak -> ::Laehval:: Attack pattern Galinea Nine Zero. Fire at your discretion. @ tr'Shalor> :: back in his RAC:: turns to the pilot and other 2 dheno...Beam us in, then head towards those other arrays with t'A.... Au need to take Platform IO as au priority... @ tr'Shalor> ::points to io of the dheno: Au are with me.... tAehjae -> #:: gets to platform 3:: scan for trouble and then a safe way into the platform NDak -> Helm> ::continues to move the Talon into position, lining up the forward weapons arrays for tactical:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Platform dheno, upon seeing Koga, now have 3 weapons trained on him, pinning him down behind a console Lerak trPexil -> :: the engineering medics treat Pixel for heat exposure and burns :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She swore under her breath and continued to fire, trying not to be distracted by the mess in engineering.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: continues some repairs himself as he can :: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Ducks and checks out the situation, fires his disruptor at the dheno officers using the console as cover:: ACTION> Talon lobs several rounds of plasma torpedoes towards the station, as well as the main disruptor array. KhreRiovtRex -> $ O/TS Ennarain> :: grabs railing as the station is rocked hard, and mostions for his order to be carried out:: Fire everything....... tAehjae -> #::her dheno assistant does as told and scans for a good place to enter:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ Action> tr'Shalor and a random dheno are beamed in just as the OTS team is firing at Koga.. KhreRiovtRex -> (someone give me a 1-4) Koga S'Bien -> (3) tAehjae -> # We have to get the program loaded :: ACTION: As tr'Shalor and the guard beam in...the Talon dheno is hit directly by a shot and vaporized, another shot just singes the shoulder of tr'Shalor's uniform tunic as he hits the floor with a thud... KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> :: Arrhh....:: grabs at shoulder a siuren and rolls for cover:: Koga S'Bien -> Crap.. ::returns fire:: Lerak trPexil -> :: engineering was a mess, but Pixel kept at the task at hand :: tAehjae -> #dheno: Rekkhai there is a place there that wecan transport into, the way is clea and its close the the computer. KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Shalor> :: rolls over by Koga for cover:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Shaor> How many? Koga S'Bien -> I see three. Koga S'Bien -> @ ACTION> $Galae Orbital Station:: Takes a hard hit to the deflector array from the Talon tAehjae -> #Lets go then. ::moves to the transporter;; Laehval tTemarr -> One of their disruptor arrays are non-functional. Others are critical. Another strafe should knock out their forward arrays. ACTION> The Station returns fire with salvo of torpedoes from their remaining active arrays, though they're still struggling with our decoys and many of the shots go through the holograms. Several shots hit home though, striking the "bow" of the Talon. NDak -> ::Falls from his chair:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Hey!! Don't break my ship! ...I may have to take my chair back KhreRiovtRex -> (oh look, easier now that he's vacated it) Lerak trPexil -> :: feels the rumble and new damage, more alerts tAehjae -> ::ggggrrrrrrrr:::: NDak -> (( Pexil give me a number 1-10 )) Lerak trPexil -> 4 @ tr'Shalor> :: tosses Koga a canister and motions for him to get ready... tAehjae -> #::transports to the 3rd platform to install the program:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::catches it and moves into position:: Lerak trPexil -> :: struggles to keep the hull intact :: ACTION> A second shot veers towards the Talon, skipping through a small whole in our shields and striking near the Oira. @ tr'Shalor> :: :: clearly holding the pin:: tosses the concussion grenade toward the enemy and ducks, covering his ears and head Laehval tTemarr -> ::She held tight to her console, trying to stay on her feet. Her side slammed into the edge and she grunted, but continued to fire.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: gasps as he realizes where it hit :: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix:: Had been following the battle from the back of the Oira holding the railing, and is catapulted over it to the floor behind the Enarrain's seat:: NDak -> ::Having not yet pulled himself back to his chair, he scrambled as an explosion rippled across the ops console:: Lerak trPexil -> + Laehval+ we need to withdraw or risk decompression of the oria :: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::@ ::Throws his own at the other guards, covering his ears:: ACTION> Talon continues to fire on the station, in spite of her damage. Scoring a hit on one of the stations torpedo launchers. ACTION 2 @ Concussive grenade goes off, laying the OTS officers in the #4 orbital platform out unconscious Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Gets up and looks around:: I think they're all down. @ tr'Shalor> :: ears ringing, and nose bloody, not really able to hear due to the blast in the confined space, lens over to check on Koga. Koga S'Bien -> @ ::ears ringing as well, will definitely needs some headache meds in the morning:: tAehjae -> #:: makes her way to the computer portal with her team keeping guard ,, walking with her:: @ tr'Shalor> :: Drags himself up and goes to check the guards. See's they are breathing, and shoots 2 of them, only needing io to answer questions: NDak -> Elements. ::he muttered pulling himself back to the ship.:: Laehval tTemarr -> +Lerak+ Withdrawal is na an option. Laehval tTemarr -> +Lerak+ We win or we die. Elements be with us all. Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Checks to see if there's anyone else they missed:: Area's clear. tAehjae -> #:: makes it to the port and begins to upload the program:: KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Shalor> Secure him... Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ the secondary oIra is ready to go if needed NDak -> ::Pulls himself towards the chair, but notices that t'Vatrix had joined them and been thrown as well, he paused and instead of moving to the chair went to help his senior officer to her feet:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She drew in a breath, concentrating once again on the tactical systems.:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Nods, finds the still breathing man and tightly secures him:: $ ACTION> ONE OF THE OTHER D'deridex ships is badly hit and withdraws, as it is in peril of losing AQS containment (not Koga's mom's ship) tAehjae -> #Keep close watch this mission depends in getting this complete. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> :: is getting g to her feet, and accepts N’Daks hand up:: NDak -> Helm> ::This was the young officers first major engagement, and he was trying his best to remain focused as the explosions around him happened. Though he felt his hand shaking as he moved it over the attitude controls to evade a shot from the station. NDak -> ::Vatrix:: We're damaged, but we will continue to fight. The station has taken considerable damage to their weapons systems. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> Na, they will na do this to our beautiful bird..... Show them what it means to be Talon...Rip apart their small ships...and tear into their soft underbelly... Laehval:: turns towards her:: focus au fire on that deflector array again...au almost have it down @tr'Shalor> Koga...quickly....install the computer chip to take control and link to Talon..... we need to rotate the weapons away from the planet and back towards the fight.... AND..... PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Lerak trPexil -> Paused tAehjae -> #::completes her upload of the program:: It is done let's depart now!! KhreRiovtRex -> LOL..and t'A...coming in after the pause again..... love ya girl! KhreRiovtRex -> lol Koga S'Bien -> :D Lerak trPexil -> Early to rise, see most of you Monday KhreRiovtRex -> Anyway.....great sim, worthy of the 50th Anniversary once we got going. Great stuff. And next week should be fun as well. KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, Pexil, catch you later Koga S'Bien -> Yes.. was fun tAehjae -> Dang tablet have to raise and lower keyboard on screen to type. Keyboard stopped working part wat through. KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, feel free to make a short log updating what you did tonight or your thoughts on how the fight is going KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval, do you have anything number one? Laehval tTemarr -> Happy 50th. LLAP. KhreRiovtRex -> Well said!! Laehval tTemarr -> ::Vulcan Salute because she's a spy:: KhreRiovtRex -> And on that note....Thank you all for coming, we could not do this without you and all of our love for Trek..... KhreRiovtRex -> and...Thank you NDak... (how long again until you decide to shoot me?) KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed! See you next week NDak -> lol Koga S'Bien -> lol NDak -> Have a good week! Laehval tTemarr -> Night all Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight! tAehjae -> Night all hope to be there Monday
  4. http://www.tvguide.com/news/star-trek-50-anniversary-marathon-bbc-america/ In case you missed it, BBC America will be running a 50th Anniversary Marathon of Star Trek - The Original Series (Uncut) starting on Thursday Sept 8th, 2016 starting at 8:30 pm EST. (and some TNG leading up to it). Nice chance sit and reminisce. Great way to introduce your kids to the series as well. The saying (and book) that "All I've learned in life, I've learned from Star Trek" is sort of true for me, as it was something I grew up with, and was one of the first shows I remember sitting and watching with my parents (along with Lassie, Batman, Gunsmoke and many others...that's what we did back in the 60's and 70's...family around the tv nights). It's moral teachings, dilemmas, social situations, were always current with world events, and even today....a lot more people in the world, could do with sitting and being made to watch this show and get their priorities and idea straight. (Ok, off my soap box now). Anyway....just posting and sharing. It's been a big part of my life, and if you are reading this, I'm assuming yours as well.
  5. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51608.25 - Season 21 The Talon is moving to join the rest of the fleet and press our attack against chRihan's main orbital station. It is well fortified, heavily armored and has a large amount of weapons power. In a secondary attack that we hope to draw attention away from, our RAC teams have moved to take back the orbital platform that has been taken by the Othan, as well as gain access to 3 additional ones and hold them from our enemies. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM ACTION: The RAC team has departed the ship and is making its way towards the captured platform KhreRiovtRex -> RAC team please use @ NDak -> ::On the Oira, looking at a tactical display of the RAC'S moving off:: Lerak trPexil -> (Was I on that team?) Koga S'Bien -> @ ::piloting one of the RACs:: @ tr'Shalor> +Rac2 to Rac 1 and 3+ Let's take 2 ships to retake this one, and send tA's ship to download that program into one of the others before they get into it KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga, trShalor, tA were the RAC teams) Koga S'Bien -> +tr'Shalor+ Acknowledged. Lerak trPexil -> :: Working on getting the Talon in the best patched up shape he and his team can. Were they really his team though? Some faces were the same, some were not :: @ tr'Shalor> +Koga+ We know they've taken it, but don't know if they've gotten control of all the weapons yet. if so, we will have difficulty getting close, otherwise if we can get in close and tight, either above or below it may be our best chance or staying out of their line of fire Laehval tTemarr -> ::On the bridge, Laehval checked the torpedo tube status and armed the first round of modified probes that would cause a diversion.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: He stood now shoring up the very spot he was outside of only some time ago :: KhreRiovtRex -> N'Dak, if au would move Talon to lead the fleet on assaulting the Galae Station fhaen? We need to keep attention away from the platforms, and assist our teams with taking out some of the weapons arrays on that station... NDak -> ::Nods:: Helm move us to the lead position. All hands to battle stations. KhreRiovtRex -> yet, the difficult part, or ...not damaging it too badly, as we will likely need to use it ourselves in short order if we do take it back Koga S'Bien -> @+tr'Shalor+ All right, let's do it. NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie, agreed. Lerak trPexil -> :: He himself worked a bulkhead fusing device before closing off the section to crew :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::nods:: I will leave the attack hrrau au hands, while I monitor the fleet.... KhreRiovtRex -> :: feels awkward na commanding her own ship, but it is what must be:: NDak -> Helm> ::Moves Talon into position at the head of the loyalist fleet:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::moves in closer and stealthily towards their target:: Lerak trPexil -> Alright, :: he said to the engineers behind him :: I'm done here, let's get out of here and seal it up.. @tr'Shalor> Koga, have you determined our best route in? Any way we can avoid their notice? :: knowing it not likely as the reason the platforms were spaced the way they were, was to give them a clear open view:: NDak -> Laehval, take the tactical station. Laehval tTemarr -> I have it slaved to engineering. Probes are ready to launch. @ tr'Shalor> ::motions for his pilot to follow Koga's lead NDak -> ::Nods, always impressed with Laehval even if he wouldn't say it.:: NDak -> Let's give them something to shoot at, ie? Koga S'Bien -> @+tr'Shalor+ ::Checks his sensors:: Ie, I have. There’s quite a lot of asteroids and other spacial debris to maneuver through, but it's the best route to avoid detection due to all the debris in the area. I'll forward it to au now. ::Does so:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Makes his way back to the main engineering room :: NDak -> Helm, attack pattern Keta Four...Nine. Make a good show of getting their attention before breaking off. Keep our bow on them, we don't want to expose the stern. Koga S'Bien -> @ ::plots the co-ordinates into his nav-computer and heads down that route:: NDak -> Helm> ::Nods, punching in the commands as ordered and beginning their run.:: tr’Shalor -> @ +Koga+ Check your sensors...that is a disguised mine field, hoping to draw the unwary in. the Khre'Riov alerted it to me, we'll need to make a bit more circuitous route...you can still follow the borders of it, just do na stray into it far NDak -> Launch decoys. Lerak trPexil -> :: Siting at the main engineering console. Watches the decoys release:: Koga S'Bien -> @+tr'Shalor?+ Thanks for the heads up. ::maneuvers around the minefield, intensifying sensors and IDs the mines:: KhreRiovtRex -> # Othan/TS Command Ops> Rekkhai, we are picking up several of the dissident fleet beginning to gather their forces and making direction towards us from 3 separate directions Laehval tTemarr -> Decoys away. ::She launched them into space where their programming took hold and they sped away in different directions to broadcast false signals. She sent a message to engineering to inform them so they could monitor and/or change the program as needed.:: #O/TS Ennarain> Coordinates on main viewer....how many ships? Show me anything of notable fire power or class NDak -> Helm> ::Brings the Talon about and in attack formation:: #O/TS Ops> I am picking up about 17 ships, 3 of which are of notable size and firepower.... NDak -> Target their defensive systems. Fire at will. Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ Reading probe telemetry. KhreRiovtRex -> 2 from the former Tal Shiar fleet, several small fighters that accompany them, as well as a few smaller craft # O/TS Ops> The thirs ship is.....fvaht....it's the Talon. They have greatly upgraded the shielding and weapons on that ship, they will be the ones to be wary of. #O/TS Ennarain> Activate defensive shielding h'nah! Lerak trPexil -> :: He could actually alter the probes if he needed :: Laehval tTemarr -> +Lerak+ Ie, they seem to be working as programmed. @ tr'Shalor> +Koga+ There is only io airlock. do au wish to attempt to dock and we beam, or vice versa? NDak -> Helm> ::Bringing Talon and two escorts into firing position, as the Enarrain had ordered. He was taking care to keep the beak of the warbird on the station, weary of exposing the damaged underbelly: #O/TS Ops> :: mumbles about the approaching ships being good, already noting countermeasures being deployed which will affect his shots:: curses some more:: Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Gets closer to the ship:: It might be better to beam in, I think. Docking may take too much time and increase our chances of being detected. Koga S'Bien -> +tr'Shalor+ ^ ACTION> Lerak's modified probes began transmitting on schedule, beefing up their fleet and adding in several false readings of ships for the station to target. The Talon's sensors were fooled, as well, but the signals had all been marked for Ops so they wouldn't be confused with actual ships. Tr’Shalor-> @+Koga+ Do you read their shields up? Koga S'Bien -> @+tr'Shalor+ ::Checks:: Ie, I do unfortunately. Though, I suppose it would make sense for them to keep them up in this area of space. NDak -> ::Gklances to Laehval:: Mehnnka work, rhae the probes. Target their shield generators with forward weapons as we come into range. Helm will give you several straight on shots we break for another run. #O/TS Ops> :: turns quickly to the man behind him:: Rekkhai....I don't know how, but...there are more ships than we originally picked up NDak -> Helm> Entering firing range of forward disruptors. # O/TS Ops> :: having difficulty locking on phasers:: #O/TS Ennarain> ::: Use a wide spread pattern of the ie'yakk banks, try to hit what au can NDak -> Helm> ::Increasing speed for the attack run:: @ tr'Shalor> Ok Koga, we'll have to do this the hard way. I'll latch to the docking port and try to blow the door and drop their shielding long enough for you to beam in...good luck! Koga S'Bien -> @+Tr'Shalor+ Understood. I''ll be ready. ACTION:: THE STATION BEGINS RANDOMLY FIRING TOWARDS THE INCOMING FLEET, MOST OF THE SHOTS GOING ASTRAY , MISSING THE MARK OR SEEMNGLY PASSING THROUGH THE TARGET Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching and pressing indicators :: NDak -> ::Smirks, despite the seriousness of the situation as he watches the station fall for their deception:: #O/TS Enarrain> Veruul, I said to target their lead ships, na miss virtually everything au aimed at. Get it right or I'll shoot au myself NDak -> Fire. Laehval tTemarr -> ::As an engineer, she knew the tactical controls and systems intimately, as she did all others on the ship, but that didn't equate to expertise at actually running the station in a time of crisis. N'Dak would have been far better at tactical procedure, and admitting as much, even to herself, irked her. So she buckled down and did the best she could, firing as soon as targets were presented to her, letting the computer calculate the precise moment to strike.:: ACTION> Talon opens with a volley from their primary disruptor banks as they come into firing range of the station. The two escorts flanking her do so as well. @ ACTION: ORBITAL PLATFORM #4, STARTS TO ROTATE A FEW OF IT'S WEAPONS TOWARS kOGA, BUT BY THE TIME THEY ACTUALLY GET THEM MOVED, HE HAS lost visual on his target ACTION: #O/TS STATION FEELS THE IMPACT OF THE WEAPONS FIRE AGAINST IT'S SHEILDING AS THE STATION SHAKES FROM THE ASSUALT OTS Etrehh> Station Shielding holding steady at 93% Koga S'Bien -> @::gets into position:: NDak -> Bring us around wide for another pass. Give them just enough time to train their weapons on us, but keep our speed up. With any luck they'll not be able to target us with all the interference, but better us than the RACs. NDak -> Helm> ::Nods, and breaks the Talon off her attack run at a rather steep bank, turning her dorsal side towards the station:: @tr'Shalor> :: has the pilot line up with the doorway, and donned a simple eva suit in case the seal is broken before they gain access: picks up the device he plans to blow the bulwark with Laehval tTemarr -> +Lerak+ We're flying into the thick of it. How are the bulkheads holding up near the breach? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval selected the next round of targets and fired as soon as they were within range. A pity for them that they were trying not to damage the station too badly.:: Lerak trPexil -> +Laehval+ So far the sensors are telling me things are holding. I don't know if they will attempt to repeatedly hit us there, so I will watch. NDak -> ACTION> Talon banks off hard from its attack run, straining the IDFs, while firing off several shots from her secondary weapons banks. @ tr'Shalor> places the device against the airlock door and activates it, causing the power surge to affect the door's locking mechanisms if it works correctly Koga S'Bien -> @::Monitors tr'Shalor's progress:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Lerak sits deep within the belly of the Talon, so the fight seems farther away. But the indicators told otherwise :: @tr'Shalor> +Koga+ Stand by for my signal. Have au weapons ready, I have na idea if this will work as planned... Koga S'Bien -> @+tr'Shalor+ Understood. @ACTION: trShalor activates the locking charges against the doorway; shielding drops NDak -> ::Keeping an eye on the RAC's:: KhreRiovtRex -> +tr'Shalor+ Now....::activates shields to protect us from weapons fire while we keep their attention on Koga NDak -> ACTION> Talon swings wide, slowing as she comes about to try and intentionally draw the fire of the station. 2016-08-26 00:01:19 Lerak trPexil -> :: Another display showed each probe's status, though they were not as important as the Talon :: # O/TS STATION Ops> Rekkhai, we were able to land some hits on a few of the smaller ships and have disabled 3 of them. We were able to make 2 strong hits on io of the Tal Shiar vessels, however, we do na appear to have damaged the Talon or even have hit it @ trShalor+Koga+ Hnah! Hteij h'nah! Koga S'Bien -> @+tr'Shalor+ 10-4. ::beams aboard:: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Lerak trPexil -> :: pauised :: KhreRiovtRex -> Thanks all...I know it's tough to play when there are so few, and I was afraid some of au might be dozing off (having same issue tonight!) NDak -> I've been re-reading the Aubrey/Mautrin series. NDak -> so this has been fun! KhreRiovtRex -> That’s awesome N’Dak! Good stuff! KhreRiovtRex -> Well done, we're attacking both the station and platforms, so great progress today, hopefully nobody will die KhreRiovtRex -> (I think things may be slightly in our favor on that) KhreRiovtRex -> lol Koga S'Bien -> :D NDak -> Well nobody we care about anyway. KhreRiovtRex -> any questions? KhreRiovtRex -> rofl NDak! NDak -> I am fine with some Othan veruul biting it. Lerak trPexil -> Ah, my java window is having trouble again Koga S'Bien -> ooo KhreRiovtRex -> bummer, hopefully we'll all have it worked out and patched by next week. I had a lot of trouble this past Monday, oo know how you are feeling KhreRiovtRex -> Laeh, you have anything? Laehval tTemarr -> I will not be at the sim next week. I will be burning myself to a crisp on some beach in Florida. (And hopefully not getting Zika.) Koga S'Bien -> As opposed to burning to a crisp in AZ? KhreRiovtRex -> Thanks for the heads up, and hope you have a great vacation. Laehval tTemarr -> In AZ, you don't go outside when the sun is out. Laehval tTemarr -> :D Koga S'Bien -> Yes, have a good time KhreRiovtRex -> rofl Koga, she lives ON the sun Koga S'Bien -> lol Laehval tTemarr -> It’s like that scene from Terminator when everything burst into flames. KhreRiovtRex -> Thanks again NDak, we appreciate your time with us here as well Lerak trPexil -> Can I keep the cardboard Laehval? Laehval tTemarr -> No drooling on it, Lerak. NDak -> Loving it :D KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, we'll see where we are next week, if we have enough heading into a holiday weekend, and decide that night if we can play. Koga S'Bien -> Though it was hotter in Toronto in July than it was in Phoenix KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, everyone, have a great weekend and we will see most of you next week. Koga S'Bien -> Ot ar least a day or so KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed and good night. Thanks again for coming everyone! Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight! Laehval tTemarr -> Night, all.
  6. KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan Tru KhreRiovtRex -> afk just for a moment Lerak trPexil -> Jt Lerak trPexil -> I read your name as kola Koga S'Bien -> Koka Kola? Lerak trPexil -> Koga Cola, the taste of betrayal. Koga S'Bien -> Sweet and bitter at the same time Lerak trPexil -> Right until the end M_K_tKsa -> ::just shakes her head:: KhreRiovtRex -> I was getting worried that t’A or NDak had snuck off to stuff one or the other out an airlock! Lerak trPexil -> Is it N'Dak? Right? KhreRiovtRex -> (that or a changeling) RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 5160818 - SEASON 21 We have received reports that the Othan/Tal Shiar forces had taken control of io of the orbital platforms, fortunately na io of the three we had targeted as the most critical, but io of the next over. If they figure out how to reposition it, it will na be long before they figure out how to take and move them all. We must make repairs quickly, and join the rest of our fleet in a combined effort to regain those platforms, as well as the station. If at all possible, we do na wish to destroy the platforms, only disable or put our own people into them. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to NDak rhae the oira, and looks over to Laeh as well:: What is au estimate on repair time to rejoin the other ships? NDak -> ::Lets Laeh field that io:: Lerak trPexil -> :: supervising repairs and working on the deployment issue :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::resists urge to just pull up on panel on center chair, that could be insulting to both of the others if she were to do that:: Laehval tTemarr -> Minor repairs can be fixed before we get there. There is nothing we can do for the major repairs except patch them. It will be dirty and unstable, but we do not have the time for an extended stay at a repair station. We currently have a very sizable gaping hole in our hull and there is little we can do about it except seal the bulkheads. Koga S'Bien -> ::Watches sensor readings:: Laehval tTemarr -> Engineering is working on the probes to put out false readings. They should be finished by the time we are ready to attack. Lerak trPexil -> :: feeling tired and stressed, he let the computer tackle some deployment variables :: KhreRiovtRex -> As we will na be planning on going to warp for any long term duration, or travel, that should be sufficient. Minimum expected time that we could be back in the fight? Laehval tTemarr -> That depends on how long au think our attack on the station will take. When do we begin? KhreRiovtRex -> I'd like to get the RAC wave on its way just prior to our moving, however, not too soon as na to leave them exposed. I'd begin right away, but I know that is na practical. They are holding until we can tell them the update on our repairs. Au tell me when will be sufficient that we will na do more harm to the ship by moving it and engaging too soon before the proper repairs are made? Is 90 siuren sufficient? Koga S'Bien -> ::nods: Lerak trPexil -> :: results from the probe tests are coming in.. :: NDak -> ::Glances to Laehval:: NDak -> ::Giving her plenty of room on these decisions, not only because he trusted her judgment but because it was also expedient to avoid stepping on her toes at this juncture.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (going to have to pass out tap shoes if we all keep dancing around each other!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::She finally looked up from her screen.:: We are perfectly capable of moving the ship now. As I said, minor repairs are being seen to. The rest we can do nothing about. ::She looked to N'Dak.:: I suggest we move now. Attack before the other stations can be utilized. The longer we delay, the more people die on the planet. tAehjae -> :: Listening to the conversation on the oira :: KhreRiovtRex -> Menkha...I will notify my contacts...get those RAC's ready to go KhreRiovtRex -> Oh...and NDak, any word from Medical if those files we received were of any help? Anything that she is able to do to help them or that helped her? NDak -> I was about to check in with them while we have a brief break in the fighting. KhreRiovtRex -> Does Medical have what they need here, or do they wish to be sent down to io of the more secure alliance camps to see if their test products actually work tAehjae -> ::nods and makes her move to the lift heading to the Bays:: KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, let me know what you find out. :: looks at them both:: I will leave au to au repairs and contacts. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns and heads back into her chambers with tr'Shalor in tow:: NDak -> ::nods to Laehval, then hits the comm button on his chair:: NDak -> +tKsa+ N'Dak to t'Ksa tAehjae -> :: enters the lift :: RAC Bay: calls her teams to the ready and to meet her in the bay and be ready:: M_K_tKsa -> +NDak+ This is t'Ksa, go ahead. ::setting her ISD down and rubbing the bridge of her nose:: KhreRiovtRex -> @::pulls up several maps and starts pointing a few items out to tr’Shalor:: NDak -> +t'Ksa+ I know it's been rather busy, but were au able to make use of the additional data we recieved? Laehval tTemarr -> (brb) tAehjae -> :: exits the TL and moves towards the RAC and her waiting team:: Koga S'Bien -> I'm na sure if au wanted me here or not, but if au wanted another RAC pilot, I'm game. Koga S'Bien -> ::good with either:: M_K_tKsa -> +NDak+ Ie, there was some useful pieces here. Although it would be far more useful if au didn't keep shaking the ship while I'm trying to work. NDak -> +Ksa+ Mehnka to hear. I am sorry about the ... disturbance, rhae au work. We will be going into battle again soon. Lerak trPexil -> :: approves the probe changes :: NDak -> +Ksa+ Allied forces are preparing to launch an assault on the orbital command base. M_K_tKsa -> +N'Dak+ I would expect nothing less when t'Vatrix is involved. Fhaen do au best to end this quickly so that we can work with the disaster relief soon. Laehval tTemarr -> +Pexil+ t'Temarr to tr'Pexil. NDak -> +Ksa+ I understand au... frustration, but if we do na retake the orbital facility, a lot more people will yy'a. Keep me apprised of au efforts, and keep up the mehnka work. N'Dak out. Lerak trPexil -> +Temarr+ ie, go ahead Laehval tTemarr -> +Pexil+ We are nearing the station and will be launching the RACs shortly. What is the status of the diversionary measures? NDak -> ::Koga:: I will consider where au best are positioned. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: all right tAehjae -> :: in the Bay going over procedure and plans with her team:: Lerak trPexil -> +Tem+ making final checks now, ready when we arrive. NDak -> Though for now, I am sure the RAC pilots could use your expertise in prepping, and if your'e going to go it would be good to have the mission plans. NDak -> Report to the RAC bay and assist t'Aehjae in final prep. KhreRiovtRex -> +Oira+ The main fleet will make and early feint and attack on the station, however we will na be sending our full complement just as of yet, we do na wish to tip our hand. However, this will have to be when the RAC teams sneak by, we may only get one chance at doing this by surprise NDak -> ::He also wasn't sure how comfortable he was with sending his old friend on such a dangerous mission, but he pushed that thought back.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Leah would send him in a heartbeat after before!) lol NDak -> +Vatrix+ Understood. We're finishing prep for launch now. tAehjae -> +Ndak+ tAehjae to Ndak KhreRiovtRex -> +NDak+ I've sent tr'Shalor to go as well to provide them with a bit more fire power once they get in, since t’A will have to concentrate on the installing the program engineering is providing ...if they are able to fight their way in NDak -> +t'A+ Go ahead. NDak -> +Vatrix+ Koga has request permission to join the RAC teams as pilot, I am inclined to let him. They will need his skills. Laehval tTemarr -> (Yes, Koga, go on this mission. ::checks her pocket for ACTIONs:: ) tAehjae -> +Ndak+ The Dheno team is waiting in the Bay for deployment. Everything else is ready waiting on the program from Engineering. NDak -> +Vatrix+ Also, I am ... encouraged by tr'Shalor going as well. He will be invaluable. I will let t'Aehjae know he is coming. M_K_tKsa -> ::connects back up with the network she was working with:: Koga S'Bien -> (LOL) KhreRiovtRex -> (hey! scrolled back up....what did I do wrong!?) NDak -> +t'A+ Mehnka, I am sending Koga down to join au squad. tr'Shalor will also be joining au shortly. NDak -> ::Motions to Koga to head out:: tAehjae -> +NDak+ Ie ;:: reluctantly:: rekkhai. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods and head for the lift:: tAehjae -> :: hates calling him rekkhai:: KhreRiovtRex -> (orders another pair of tap shoes for t'A as well) tAehjae -> ((LOL )) KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor>:: Has joined the attack force hrrau the RAC bay, and has entered io of the ships to head over to the platforms:: Lerak trPexil -> +Tem+ diversion devices are ready, being loaded now. tAehjae -> :: Follows trShalor with her team:: Everything is ready rekkhai. Waiting the program from engineering. Laehval tTemarr -> +Ler+ Excellent. ::She narrowed her eyes at Koga as he passed, then looked to N'Dak.:: Engineering has engineered the modified probes and they are being loaded into the tubes as we speak. KhreRiovtRex -> +NDak+ The fleet is ready for us to join them, fhaen see au RAC force off and head us to coordinates 344 mark 228. We will be the lead ship heading the attack on the station. NDak -> ::nods:: Mehnka NDak -> +t'A+ As soon as Koga arrives, begin launching au RACs. Koga S'Bien -> ::steps off the lift and heads to the RAC hangar:: tAehjae -> +Ndak+ Ie .... rekkhai. Koga S'Bien -> ::heads to an available RAC and clambers in, and stats her up:: tAehjae -> :: nods to Koga as he enters:: Ahhh au made it. Koga S'Bien -> Ie, I did. KhreRiovtRex -> ::Exits her chambers and heads to the lift for a quick items she wanted to check on:: tAehjae -> Everyone Buckle in We are ready to leave. ::looks to tr’Shalor:: tAehjae -> +Ndak+ tAehjae to N’dak NDak -> +t'A+ Ie? KhreRiovtRex -> :: exits left and heads down the corridor:: tAehjae -> +Ndak+ We are starting now, be ready to launch in ::Looks to Koga for that answer:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::takes a left and enters medical, looking for tKsa:: KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> :: paused:: Lerak trPexil -> Paused.. Koga S'Bien -> ::paused"" KhreRiovtRex -> Ok....thought we'd be shooing by now, but next week for sure......get your aim lined up and ready to go!! KhreRiovtRex -> Pex, and your holograms ! KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, any questions before we wrap it up? Lerak trPexil -> Where did my personal holograms go? Uh oh. Lerak trPexil -> None here Laehval tTemarr -> Nice sim, all. Everyone have a good weekend. KhreRiovtRex -> if we see a giant Laehval off to port, I think you'll have a lot more to worry about from her KhreRiovtRex -> Nice sim all and we'll see you all next week. Take care and crew dismissed
  7. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51608.11 - Season 21 Having survived the battle with the Othan forces, t'Vatrix has ordered N'Dak to get the ship repaired quickly, as they were needed in another battle where our forces were being hard pressed. If we are to retake the Galae Orbital Command Center, we would need as many of our ships as possible, as many of the Othan ships had moved to reinforce their position there, as well as the orbital weapons platforms. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> :: Taps a few responses on her ISD, and then routes the reports to both NDak and tTemarr. There is a list of the ships we've lost so far. More than I'd have expected.....however, in truth, most of them have not had the experience working with the Othan Stealth capabilities...and have not all received the upgraded technology to help spot them. NDak -> ::On the Oira, reading reports as well as damage reports, rhae the battle:: KhreRiovtRex -> Our forces are tight, hopefully, the reinforcements we are expecting to arrive from the Justarus Shipyards, have na reached us yet. Koga S'Bien -> ::checking the damage to the ship, and organizes repairs with Pex:: KhreRiovtRex -> And we've not had word of them lately....it's likely they ran into resistance, once the Othan realized where we were getting back up from. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil was not having a good time of it. Talon damaged, and that should be enough, but na. :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to NDak and t'Temarr:: How is my...... :: stops self:: KhreRiovtRex -> What is our expected repair time, so that Talon may move to join the rest of the fleet to assault the Galae Orbital? M_K_tKsa -> ::working with the re regional response managers in trying to plug into their network:: Lerak trPexil -> :: add to that the need for a two-pronged approach for the medical issue.. :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Still working at the engineering station on the bridge, she briefly scanned the list of ships, noting the damage reports and mentally calculating the odds of their survival. Glancing up to t'Vatrix, she lifted an eyebrow.:: Minor repairs can be fixed before we get there. There is nothing we can do for the major repairs except patch them. It will be dirty and unstable, but we do not have the time for an extended stay at a repair station. We currently have a very sizable gaping hole in our hull and there is little we can do about it except seal the bulkheads. NDak -> ::Nods:: Landing teams are prepping for the assault. tAehjae -> :: having dheno take orders from Pexil to help with repairs:: Koga S'Bien -> ::tapping console, checking systems and such:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::listens to each of their reports:: We need those dheno teams ready to assault those orbital weapons' platforms as soon as possible. Have they prepped and are ready to go once your repairs have been executed? Lerak trPexil -> :: did not want to do an EVA for a long time :: NDak -> ::Glances to t'Aehjae, before nodding again.:: Ie, they are ready. NDak -> ::Glances to t'Aehjae, before nodding again.:: Ie, they are ready. KhreRiovtRex -> (always near the end of a long paragraph) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) KhreRiovtRex -> (what was last you saw)? NDak -> (( MBB 5 in chrome, not a button to push )) M_K_tKsa -> ::chews on her fingernail as she stares on the data she's been sent from the first two regions:: tAehjae -> :: nods:: We are ready rekkhai, extra Dheno are working with engineering KhreRiovtRex -> (t’Temarr takes out NDak and t’Vatrix and takes over the ship) Lerak trPexil -> :: dots, those representing his department, were shattered all over ta NDak -> ::Glances sharply to t'Aehjae for speaking out of turn, but thinking of his promise to t'Vatrix nods:: Ie, as I said, they will be ready for an assault. Lerak trPexil -> talon as if working on their queen. And they were right :: KhreRiovtRex -> NDak, it may be best for Talon to cause a distraction, and let the RAC head into the platforms. They will want to target us, and if the small ships get inside of it's firing radius, they may have more chance to infiltrate the ones we need to overtake. NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie, I was going to suggest a similar course. NDak -> We will be a prime target anyway. Both with the damage we've sustained and the fact that this is known to be au ship. KhreRiovtRex -> I will leave it to your decision...the ship is au to command. However, let me know au final decision so I may inform a very few specific commanders, just what our course of action will be M_K_tKsa -> ::flips back and forth between the data they've supplied, with what she collected with the immunization efforts:: NDak -> I think it is a plan we should follow. We can get into range letting the RACs free, then attempt to draw as much of their fire as possible. Lerak trPexil -> :: reports were coming in at a rapid pace leaving Pexil to decide on how best, or fast, to complete :: Laehval tTemarr -> We could manufacture false energy readings to make it appear that we are far more damaged than we actually are, to give them even more incentive to fire at us. ::She didn't like drawing more fire than they had to, but the Talon could sustain much more damage than a small RAC.:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: walks over to Laehval’s station, looking at the numbers on her boards.:: Thank the Elements that we had those armor upgrades. We may na have survived that otherwise..... :: NDak -> ::Nods:: An excellent idea, t'Temarr. KhreRiovtRex -> :: nods at them both, knowing each was more than qualified to be commanding their own ships, but she still struggled na tin interrupt...Talon, had been her home, for too long....but she must follow through) M_K_tKsa -> ::glancing at her communication board as a chime goes off::Menkha, there's another. :::starts to link the third response manager into the network of data she's building:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: walks over to Koga:: Can au make sure that weak spot is kept away from any weapons fire as much as possible? KhreRiovtRex -> Our lives may depend upon it NDak -> Laehval... do we also have time to rig some small holographic buoys that could display false readings for escorts and RACs? Koga S'Bien -> Ie, I'll make the appropriate calculations in the navigational computer. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> :: stops by to see Pexil before he heads back to the Oira to check hrrau the Khre'Riov"" Au did well out there. Is there anything au need relayed to the oira Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, very likely. Engineering is busy with repairs, but we could likely spare a few to program them. Koga S'Bien -> ::gets to work in plotting evasive maneuvers:: NDak -> ::nods:: If they have time, anything to through the Othan forces even a little will give our RACs... and us better odds. Lerak trPexil -> :: he only nodded :: I did what I had to do. Just don't expose our belly or more blood will spill. tAehjae -> :: listening to the talking on the Oira:: ACTION: Incoming message from io of the Tal Shiar ships identified to be in our resistance fleet. It's identification shows it to be the io commanded by S'Bien's Ri'annov Koga S'Bien -> Incoming hail. Oh, it's my Ri'annov's ship. ::Curious:: M_K_tKsa -> ::exhales, looking for similarities in treatment success as well as differences:: Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at an odd message on his ISD :: NDak -> ::Lifts a brow:: M_K_tKsa -> ::in other words, that "ah ha" moment:: NDak -> ::Glances to Laehval, before he looked to t'Vatrix to decide to take it or not:: ACTION: Incoming medical data packet, collected from other on world and coalition ships, as well as reports of what methods have been tried and several that appear to be promising. Marked to the attention of the Daise Maenak, RES Talon Laehval tTemarr -> ::She frowned, looking to Koga. No, she'd not forgotten his betrayal or how quickly he sided with N'Dak. Glancing to N'Dak, she nodded.:: We do have some Tal Shiar allies. Koga S'Bien -> It’s a data packet for medical. I'll go ahead and forward the info to t'Ksa. KhreRiovtRex -> I’d check the verification code first, be sure it's from her ship, so as na to give our location away to a spy......If...that is the wish of au Enarrain and XO of course... Lerak trPexil -> :: the message made na sense, but he would have to really read it later :: NDak -> ::Taking that as permission:: Verify the code first, then au make put it through. KhreRiovtRex -> I am in the way here, I will retire to my planning room and work on alternative strategies if this io does na work out KhreRiovtRex -> :: nods to NDak and Laehval:: Apologies...:: turns and heads into her chambers letting the door close behind her, (luckily..na cloak to get caught in the door) KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga, she's never going to let you forget that.......) Koga S'Bien -> (Aww :() Laehval tTemarr -> +Pexil+ t'Temarr to tr'Pexil. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> :: exits onto the oira:: Laehval tTemarr -> ( Darn tootin' ) NDak -> ::He was relieved that, for the moment, his own family was well out of the spotlight.:: tAehjae -> :: nods to tr'Shalor:: Lerak trPexil -> +Temarr+ I am here, go ahead. tr'Shalor> :: enters the Oira, wearing his typical scowl, however it came naturally around this ship full of traitors and assassins. There were perhaps those he could count rhae io hand, that he'd had any trust of due to their connections to the Khre'Riov ACTION> Tal Shiar ship verifies transmission code Koga S'Bien -> Good code. It checks out. Laehval tTemarr -> +tr'Pexil+ I need au to task two of your engineers to program buoys to emit false vessel signals that will draw fire from the RACs we send to take the station. Holo emitters would be better, if there is time. It is time to put on a show. NDak -> (( For $15k Zambelli fireworks will put on a helluva show, Laeh )) NDak -> ((Is that in the budget t'Vatrix? )) tAehjae -> ((LOL Ndak)) Koga S'Bien -> (is that American?) KhreRiovtRex -> ((sure, we'll use what the OTS stole from everyone) NDak -> Put it through. Lerak trPexil -> +Temarr+ I can spare a few people. How much maneuverability do au require? Koga S'Bien -> ::Forwards the medical packet to t'Ksa in medical:: +t'Ksa+ I'm forwarding au a medical packet from the Tal'Shiar ship. It'll contain data from several of the refugee camps in the system and medical units of some of the lead ships from the Galae and Tal'Shiar forces. Koga S'Bien -> Putting it through ::does so:: M_K_tKsa -> +S'Bien+ Hann'yyo. Laehval tTemarr -> +Pexil+ As much as we can get. Perhaps using probes that can be programmed to mimic flight patterns? Whatever au can do quickly. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::heads over to t’Temarr:: Hands her a ISD containing detailed holo images of the damage to the hull where the unexploded torpedo had lodged and had been removed:: tAehjae -> :: keeping her teams ready and alert:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Pexil and I thought au might want to see the images, to assist in our decisions M_K_tKsa -> ::sitting up a bit:: At least I have some names now. NDak -> ::Overhearing tr'Shalor:: Could we hide the damage to that section, and as au suggested, indicate damage in a better protected area? Lerak trPexil -> +Temarr+ We will have something.. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval took the ISD and waved a hand to scroll through the photos. Her frown deepened. :: Ie, perhaps using the holo emitters. It is possible. A good shot to this section would likely destroy half of the ship. NDak -> ::Nods soberly:: Then the better we can draw fire away from it. tr'Shalor> :: steps back so as na to obstruct the two in command, while they discuss:: KhreRiovtRex -> (makes notes to calculate negatives to rolls in those areas for upcoming battle) KhreRiovtRex -> (work fast Pexil) Koga S'Bien -> ::Calculates battle factors into navigational array:: ACTION: The file forwarded to t’Ksa contained contact codes, coordinates of labs, as well as files on research already performed. Those hrrau the camps having limited access to etrehh's, are putting their hopes into the shipboard medics on the Galae/TS fleet. Lerak trPexil -> :: picks three engineers for the task and sends them to the bay to get to work :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: hrrau chambers receiving another message:: Fvaht! .... NDak -> ::t'A:: Begin having the D'heno troopers begin final prep of the RACs. NDak -> Once the fighting starts we will have little time to do anything. NDak -> We will try to draw as much fire from the RAC's as possible and the drone decoys should help as well, but the landing will na be, as the Lloanna'na say, a walk rhae the park. tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai KhreRiovtRex -> +NDak+ I've just received reports that the OTS have taken control of io of the orbital platforms, fortunately na io of the three we had targeted as the most critical, but io of the next over. If they figure out how to reposition it, it will na be long before they figure out how to take and move them all..... We are now up against time..... Fhaen keep me updated. t'Vatrix ta'Khoi Lerak trPexil -> :: the engineers start to prep some 'worker bee' type setups with signal generators and holographic emitters :: NDak -> ::Curses:: PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> :: calls down to her selected teams and gives the order to begin final prep and head for the RACs:: PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> (tA - I think au wait specifically for me to break that every week! lol) KhreRiovtRex -> Nice sim all! So everyone has something big going on and we have some really large battles coming up. Can't wait to see what au all put together to get through it! tAehjae -> (( nope not really KhreRiovtRex -> Any questions before we dismiss? NDak -> None from me... back to sorting t-shirts. Lerak trPexil -> None here Koga S'Bien -> None from me M_K_tKsa -> G'night all :) KhreRiovtRex -> Ok then...Thanks again for coming everyone and especially our guest CO (who you all have to convince to come back) KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed
  8. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51608.08 - Season 24 The Republic has went searching for the Yiridian Traders that they had learned about through Stan and the other raiders. After reaching the vicinity, an active search was started, however, once they started scanning and had picked up a few signals and voice traffic, suddenly a few incendiary devices were launched towards the Republic. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM STSF_BluRox -> :: Sitting on the bridge waiting, listening to the computer and crew reporting on the devices launched towards them:: Heather Jamieson -> Incoming, three devices. Impact in 30 seconds. STSF_BluRox -> Status report.... August JAX Robinson -> Shields are up for now.. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::tries to target:: Want me to intercept? Ayumu Kasuga -> ::watches the device:: Not possible to totally evade the devices, but I'm moving the ship best minimize impact damage as much as possible. ::as she does:: Christina_Nickles -> :: down in main security having the team move to defensive protection of sensitive areas:: STSF_BluRox -> See what you can do Will.... Heather Jamieson -> Twenty... August JAX Robinson -> Twenty? LtCmdrRobinson -> Lock on the one. ::fires:: August JAX Robinson -> ::Looks at Will:: twenty Heather Jamieson -> Ten seconds LtCmdrRobinson -> ::manually fires on the others:: ACTION: Will hits the larger of the three cleanly [Random Roll] 13 LtCmdrRobinson -> ::adjusts shields to the likely impact area:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Good hit on one. Ayumu Kasuga -> Nice shot. ACTION:: Will hits the 2nd as well, but the third goes off just short of Will's shot, only lightly hitting the shields August JAX Robinson -> ::Taps console and has her team get ready for trouble:: LtCmdrRobinson -> 2 down, third got us. STSF_BluRox -> SHIELDS DROP to 93% STSF_BluRox -> Let's try to keep any more away from us, now that we know they don't hurt too much.... August JAX Robinson -> Shields are down 7% LtCmdrRobinson -> Well those came out of nowhere. ::frowns, taps console:: Heather Jamieson -> Scanning.. STSF_BluRox -> Someone find out where those were launched from. I want us to have a discussion, with the folks that decided we needed a remodeling plan Ayumu Kasuga -> ::keeps an eye on them as well, and plots some evasion techniques:: August JAX Robinson -> looking.. ::taps console, keeps scanning:: STSF_BluRox -> August, keep us up to date on any updates on the shields... August JAX Robinson -> Aye Christina_Nickles -> :: having sec team maintain guarding on sensitive areas:: STSF_BluRox -> Will...keep working with Heather and Ayumu and discover the launch points Ayumu Kasuga -> ::helps boost sensor range:: STSF_BluRox -> Will, make sure Christina has her security teams deployed and perhaps have her join us up here to get her up to LtCmdrRobinson -> Ayumu, the Dorsal Array tracks slightly better, try to put any incoming there if possible. STSF_BluRox -> to discuss any further internal pls Heather Jamieson -> Looking at the logs... Possible coordinates. Ayumu Kasuga -> Acknowledged. I'll do that. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Directs to dorsal array:: STSF_BluRox -> Thank you Heather Jamieson -> We have a partial, at least to a certain distance. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::taps console:: Security is already on alert. +Nickles+ Bridge, please. Christina_Nickles -> +Will+ Aye On my way. Christina_Nickles -> :: gives orders to remain vigilant in case we are boarded and has a few of the team begin getting ready for away detail if needed:: Heather Jamieson -> :: sends what she has to Kasuga :: Christina_Nickles -> :: heads out of main sec, entering the TL:: Bridge! ACTION:: 2 ADDITIONAL SIGNALS SHOW TO PORT, 3 MORE FROM STARBOARDS SIDE Ayumu Kasuga -> Got it. I'll plot it on the viewer. It won't lead us to their front door, but we do have good general vicinity of where they're at. Christina_Nickles -> :: exits the TL onto the bridge:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::moves to evade them as best she can:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Targeting on the large devices is good but the little ones have a minimal sig, they are gonna be difficult. ::targets:: Christina_Nickles -> :: walks over to Wil:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Good track on port side, firing. August JAX Robinson -> should we try hailing them? Christina_Nickles -> Reporting as ordered. Heather Jamieson -> More signals.. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::targets starboard side manually, fires:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Nickles, take the lateral and aft phasers and watch for anything little moving towards us. Heather Jamieson -> (subspace signals or devices?) LtCmdrRobinson -> (I hope devices because I’ve been shooting at them :P ) STSF_BluRox -> Lock on targets as son as they are in range...if any sort of destructive, destroy it Christina_Nickles -> Aye sir. ::moves to the lateral and aft board:: August JAX Robinson -> Nice shot sweetie August JAX Robinson -> ::Blames Heather for this mess:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Ayumu not too fast, more then 3 or 4 devices at once is a problem. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Positions the ship so they get the best shots :: All right.. gotcha. Christina_Nickles -> ]:: watches her board closely:: Heather Jamieson -> I'm not certain there is one source. ACTION:> AS THE REPUBLIC PASSED NEARBY TO A LARGE ASTEROID, A SHIP IS SUDDENL SEEN, JUST AS THEY ARE ABOUT TO FIRE Ayumu Kasuga -> Ooh ooh... LtCmdrRobinson -> New contact forward. A ship. Heather Jamieson -> :: Scouring the data :: STSF_BluRox -> Their weapons seem inconsequential. Hail them, and if they do not respond...carefully. And I mean carefully, target just the arfffffffffffff ACTION: The ship is hit by a small, sharp explosion on the port nacelle Ayumu Kasuga -> Aye aye... ::establishing hailing frequencies and attempt to hail the ship:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::prepares the secondary hailing frequencies:: COMPUTER> Shields on the Port Nacelle down to 84% Christina_Nickles -> Where did that come from Christina_Nickles -> ::Checks the board:: Port Nacelle down to 84% STSF_BluRox -> ::flattens ears:: Well, maybe not so inconsequential...either way....I want that ship captured...as I would like to speak to them about unprovoked attacks LtCmdrRobinson -> Engines targeted. August JAX Robinson -> ::sends message to her team watch shield levels:: STSF_BluRox -> Have Christina get a boarding team ready...I'd like to have them invite their captain over for a chat LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods at Nickles:: Go. STSF_BluRox -> Will....you know what you are doing....your call. STSF_BluRox -> August? How is our nacelle? STSF_BluRox -> No permanent damage I hope? August JAX Robinson -> nothing we can't fix. for now Christina_Nickles -> Team is in the progress of assembling, Im heading to Sec to finalize STSF_BluRox -> Very good... Christina_Nickles -> :: heads for the TL:: STSF_BluRox -> Thank you Jax LtCmdrRobinson -> ::fires a test shot to see how much damage he can get away with, then fires just enough to keep them stationary for a while:: Christina_Nickles -> :: enters:: main Security! Ayumu Kasuga -> I have 3 more ships approaching on sensors. Heather Jamieson -> I think we touched a nerve Ayumu Kasuga -> Yep. LtCmdrRobinson -> Direct hits on the first ship, it isn’t going anywhere. ACTION: The first ship is hit and engines disabled. Ayumu Kasuga -> 2 more, port and starboard. They don't give up; I'll give 'em that. Christina_Nickles -> :: exits and makes her way to Main Sec:: AWAY TEAM Assemble and be ready for possible away missson. ACTION: In addition to the one ship that has been stopped, there are now 5 additional ships...... LtCmdrRobinson -> Well that’s not smart, flying in-between asteroids. ::fires torpedoes into the gap:: They can hit the asteroid, or my torps. LtCmdrRobinson -> Now 5 ships. ::taps at console:: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM August JAX Robinson -> ::Paused:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::paused, mid pew-pew:: STSF_BluRox -> Nice sim everyone. So, think about how you want to handle all of the additional ships..and trying to capture instead of just blowing up if possible. STSF_BluRox -> Nicely played. I don't like my ship broken, and you kept it together again. STSF_BluRox -> any questions? Heather Jamieson -> None here STSF_BluRox -> Awesome. Thanks as always for coming and playing. We could not do this without all of you. For the Thursday folks, sorry about last week, had a personal issue come up. STSF_BluRox -> So..on that note, CRew Dismissed and have a great week. August JAX Robinson -> how does Davey Crockett like is pie? STSF_BluRox -> Good night everyone! STSF_BluRox -> oh no...... 2016-08-08 23:59:30 August JAX Robinson -> Alamo'd
  9. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51608.11 - Season 21 Having survived the battle with the Othan forces, t'Vatrix has ordered N'Dak to get the ship repaired quickly, as they were needed in another battle where our forces were being hard pressed. If we are to retake the Galae Orbital Command Center, we would need as many of our ships as possible, as many of the Othan ships had moved to reinforce their position there, as well as the orbital weapons platforms.
  10. USS Republic Mission Briefing 51608.01 - Season 24 The Republic has embarked to the coordinates that Heather and Koga have determined might be our best chance to find these Yiridian traders, which the pirates had been trying to reach. Koga is attempting to hide the ship as long as possible, using the planets and debris that he's been able to find, however, at some point, we will have to confront them. Whether by force, or diplomacy, we will have to have ...a discussion with them. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Ayumu Kasuga -> ::watching the console and checking sensors as the ship is hidden:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::was on the bridge, working out some shenanigans with the ship to make it look like something it isnt on sensors:: August Jax Robinson -> ::trying to keep emissions low and unnoticeable:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Watching a more grand view of sensors of more than just navigation :: STSF_BluRox -> So, as I was asking Rue, how do you think it best to approach them......? STSF_BluRox -> Happiness and smiles, or a show of force? LtCmdrRobinson -> I am usually happiness and full of smiles while showing force Rue Wydown -> So I've heard. ::smirks at Will:: Would playing dumb work? August Jax Robinson -> ::shakes head at Will:: STSF_BluRox -> ::mumbles that we should have that down cold:: STSF_BluRox -> (omg, for those that didn’t' hear, I found a way to make Heather smile....gravy and biscuits, eggs and hash browns, or waffles) Heather Jamieson -> (the aftermath...) Ayumu Kasuga -> ((oooooh!)) August Jax Robinson -> {{Carbs make everyone happy!}} STSF_BluRox -> (points at Ayumu and WIll, you do realize, in 21 years, you two are the only 2 from both Rep/Talon....that i've not met) STSF_BluRox -> (and ayumu is on FB...so that's halfway...lol) Heather Jamieson -> Kasuga, are you getting the route I entered? It will update as I get more information. STSF_BluRox -> (they were good Jax..until I got on the scale?) ACTION: Sensors are showing as clear Ayumu Kasuga -> Looks nice and clear man Heather Jamieson -> Man? :: smiles :: Okay Ayumu.. [Random Roll] STSF_BluRox: 14 Ayumu Kasuga -> :D Rue Wydown -> It's not like we can search their cargo holds and hold them without evidence. Not without causing a diplomatic incident. Best bet is try talking with them first. August Jax Robinson -> They aren't a government, who says we can't go down there and take over? August Jax Robinson -> ::Realizes she sounds like Will - shame :( :: LtCmdrRobinson -> Because we are the good guys Jax. We have standards. Rue Wydown -> I believe the Federation council would frown on that, as well as the local governmental jurisdiction. Rue Wydown -> ((and we didn't bring the Suicide Squad with us)) Heather Jamieson -> :: Watching sensors still, glancing over at Kasuga :: August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Blu:: LtCmdrRobinson -> Well we may as well announce our presence to them, we are running out of cover soon. Ayumu Kasuga -> Hmm Rue Wydown -> Have we heard anything over the local communication traffic yet? Heather Jamieson -> :: Checking the local subspace network, shakes head :: Nothing yet. If they are out there they are running silent. Rue Wydown -> No chatter whatsoever? ::raises a brow:: Heather Jamieson -> Let me expand the search.... :: does so :: [Random Roll] STSF_BluRox: 36 [Random Roll] STSF_BluRox: 83 LtCmdrRobinson -> Local shipping lane between us and them, I imagine there should be shortly ACTION: As they expand the search, they pick up something on long range sensors Heather Jamieson -> I am getting something in the K-band at the edge of our sensor range STSF_BluRox -> (wait....did Will just correct Jax to go diplomatic!? world is upside down) August Jax Robinson -> {{Should I slap him?)) STSF_BluRox -> (he's probably like it, don’t' indulge him) [Random Roll] STSF_BluRox: 17 Rue Wydown -> Can you get a bit more specific? [Random Roll] STSF_BluRox: 6 August Jax Robinson -> ::Ups Kasuga's sensor range without giving us away:: ACTION:: AS SENSOR RANGE IS INCREASED, IT APPEARS THAT THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 6 DIFFERENT SIGNAL SOURCES Heather Jamieson -> I think they are either ships or stationary transmission locations Heather Jamieson -> So far things are encrypted. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::checking range:: I'm getting about six different source signals. I can't effectively differentiate the differing sources. I'll try to see what I do here. Rue Wydown -> I'd like to know what we're dealing with before we go crash someone's gate here. LtCmdrRobinson -> Could be using comm relays to mask their location Ayumu Kasuga -> I' Ayumu Kasuga -> I'll scan for relays and signal piggy back Ayumu Kasuga -> ::scans:: Heather Jamieson -> Likely a type of Tor network.. :: looks :: Rue Wydown -> Tor network? ::raises a brow:: What does that mean? Heather Jamieson -> Layers upon layers.. to conceal the source of the requests August Jax Robinson -> can you tell how many people are down there? Heather Jamieson -> It's slower than normal subspace transmissions, but we can't really track where they are coming from. Heather Jamieson -> I'll do my best to locate at least one node. LtCmdrRobinson -> Could just be 6 different folks too. I'd like to just hail them all and ask who was looking for illegal stuff for sale, I am sure they will answer. Heather Jamieson -> We'd need to know the protocol, the knock on the door, so to speak. Rue Wydown -> I hope you're just being scarcastic. August Jax Robinson -> they can't be that dumb Will Heather Jamieson -> I think I have a node location... 17 mark 240 Heather Jamieson -> Getting close is risky Rue Wydown -> No one is that dumb. ::pauses:: I take that back, I once knew a guy.....::voice trails off, then stops:: That's a story for another day. STSF_BluRox -> ::flicks an ear towards the conversation, only to find they will have to wait to hear this story:: STSF_BluRox -> So what are we looking at here then? Do we need to get closer? Ayumu Kasuga -> I've been working on the possible sources. 1 or 2 seem to be coming from ships, possibly from one of the nearby planets. Still working on the other four sources. ::tapping away at her console:: August Jax Robinson -> we can approch them in the bad guy ship Heather Jamieson -> I think the computer has isolated the source types: two from planets, two from items in motion, ships more likely, and one possible transmission platform. Heather Jamieson -> That may work Rue Wydown -> In what 'bad guy' ship? August Jax Robinson -> the ship we nabbed when we arrested those guys in our Brig STSF_BluRox -> You mean the one the Hawethorne took back with them? STSF_BluRox -> both of them actually? Rue Wydown -> I was beginning to wonder what pocket universe we had a "bad guy ship" stored. STSF_BluRox -> Ok, let's start there....let's see if we can identify where the planet based communications are coming from, most likely any ships would be nearby LtCmdrRobinson -> ::doesn’t want to mention that August never reads ship reports unless candy is delivered with them:: Heather Jamieson -> If we can get close enough we may be able to peel back the layers of this Tor network Ayumu Kasuga -> ::nods:: [Random Roll] STSF_BluRox: 87 ACTION:: Proximity sensor goes off indicating a nearby incendiary device has activated Heather Jamieson -> :: Looks intently at sensors :: LtCmdrRobinson -> Well the relay will have the most information, but not the folks we are looking for. I would think ships. LtCmdrRobinson -> If you are going to make an illegal trade, you are not going to do it at your base of operations where you can be tracked down, one would think. You'd send a ship to do the trade ACTION: ALARM SOUNDS AGAIN, AS A SECOND DEVICE AS TRIGGERED NEARBY AND IS HEADED TOWARD THE REPUBLIC PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd:: yay fireworks STSF_BluRox -> (I think poor Christina dozed off tonight...too many old folks wanting endless salad!) Ayumu Kasuga -> lol Heather Jamieson -> :: paused :: STSF_BluRox -> Ok, so we'll pick up here next week.......you've got a small problem...actually...two small problems to deal with at the start of the sim STSF_BluRox -> so on that note...... Christina_Nickles -> lol your right when I woke up wasn’t sure where to fit in so just watched STSF_BluRox -> Have a nice week and Crew Dismissed
  11. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51607.21 - Season 21 The crew of the Talon have been working on thier assigned tasks to deal with the bioweapon, how to help the sick and injured, how to spread the cure/treatment in an effective manner should one be discovered, and how to take back the captured weapons platforms. However, just as the ship was about to divert towards one of the camps that had been badly hit, a huge energy blast roared just past the port side of the ship.... BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM NDak -> Elements! ::Destorie smacked his hand on the console:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at Laehval :: Laehval tTemarr -> (( Laehval is on the bridge. )) KhreRiovtRex -> (oh yea, and we had a group of 4 Othan fighters attacking us and our 3 support ships, one of which has been neutralized) Koga S'Bien -> ::on the oira, making hard maneuvers and such evading fire and such:: NDak -> S'bein continue evasives. We need to neutralize these fighters quickly, or we will be yy'ae by the defense platforms. KhreRiovtRex -> :: In her chambers, looking up at the tactical grid overlay and turns to tr'Shalor:: Go see if they need a hand at tactical. I believe t'Aehjae has been assigned to help lead a team to regain the platforms. Return if au are na needed Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Understood.. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Ie Llhei... M_K_tKsa -> ::has allowed N'Dak's Daise'Maenak Stand In to retain control of the medical bay (which probably means she's either crazy or brilliant) so that she could concentrate on the bigger problem at hand:: Koga S'Bien -> ::continues evasives:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Not watching, just watching the console in ME :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::On the bridge, coordinating with other departments during the attack. With Lerak working on their bioweapon issue, she was also handling emergency engineering requests that came her way.:: tr'Shalor> :: exits the Khre'riov's office and reports to the oira and steps over to NDak:: Rekkhai, the Khre'Riov sent me to see if au needed additional assistance with the others working on their assigned tasks. With t'A putting her teams together for the platform incursion, do au require someone at Tactical, or does the XO have it. NDak -> ::Glances:: Take tactical tr'Shalor. t'Temarr is helping coordinate engineering. tr'Shalor> Ie Rekkhai...:: moves around towards the console at the rear, pausing to make sure this is also ok by the XO:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching dispersal patterns, projected on what medical can come up with... wondering if clouds could help them... clouds.... :: M_K_tKsa -> ::looking through the rosters of the various disaster response units, looking for a friendly name in which she can use to use to gather more information:: ACTION:: 2 OF THE SHIPS DECLOAK PASSING ACROSS Talon's bow in an X shaped run. One from port, one from starboard, strafing as they pass, and re-cloaking Lerak trPexil -> :: Is rocked in his chair :: NDak -> Return fire at their last known position. tr'Shalor> : activating the console, notes the ships that had just crossed over and fired across their hull Koga S'Bien -> ::holds onto his console:: ACTION> Talon gets rocked hard tr'Shalor> ie Rekkhai....fires a heavy burst in the direction of their last trajectory, hoping to score a few shots into their unshielded hulls NDak -> ::Hold onto his chair:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Gripping her console to keep from falling, scowling at the screen.:: ACTION: The larger of the ships, with the heavy armaments, has come up behind the Talon and is in a full pursuit course..... M_K_tKsa -> ::squints at the list as if she thinks that will help, trying not to get distracted by the sway of the ship:: Koga S'Bien -> :;tries to shake them off as best he can:: NDak -> ::He considered cloaking, but doing so would leave them vulnerable to cross fire as well as their escorts:: NDak -> Tactical, stand by all forward batteries. Koga on my mark bring us around 180-degrees hard to port. Koga S'Bien -> OK KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Firing aft torpedoes at enemy ship....his helmsman is menkha....we must press hard as well to gain position where we can effectively fire, from here, we will never hurt him firing into his shielded bow :: hears NDak:: Ie Rekkhai...forward batteries at the ready NDak -> Bring us around Koga, keep a closing course on the attacking warbird. Koga S'Bien -> Aye aye... ::brings the ship around as indicated close to the warbird:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Working on clouds.. .and wondering if he was safer on the surface :: M_K_tKsa -> ::making some notes on what's reading on the DOCC reports:: tr'Shalor> We still do na have a menkha shot at her Koga......see if au can work behind it Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching the other engineers work around him keeping the ship intact. Meanwhile, Pexil started to see if the planet itself can help with dispersal:: Koga S'Bien -> All right, I'll see what I can do. ::aligning the ship's position with the enemy warbird, while still trying to keep the Talon out of its firing range as much as possible:: Koga S'Bien -> ::checks their course and heading and best matches the enemy ship's:: Laehval tTemarr -> And where the frack is our backup? ::Swearing under her breath while she searches the area for other Galae ships to come to join the fray.:: ACTION: The 2nd of the assist ships has been dusted and the 3rd and 4th were having trouble shaking the Othan ships pursuing them Lerak trPexil -> +tKsa+ Lerak here.. M_K_tKsa -> ::finally spots a RDM that she recognizes and makes note of the providence and the position:: M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ This is t'Ksa, go ahead. NDak -> ::Biting at his lip, Destorie looked at the tactical monitor again -- trying to find an opening:: tr'Shalor> :: turns to tTemarr....we've lost 2 of them, if we could get the other two to come back, we may be able to provide them some cover so that they can assist us with this big bastard behind us Koga S'Bien -> ::does the same, watching the view screen and the ships' movements:: Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ I was thinking of using clouds to help disperse the solution I hope au can provide. How water soluble might it be? tAehjae -> :: watching her screen watching for a good shot:: Laehval tTemarr -> Then get them back! Send a message on the secure channel. They can't be the only loyal ships out there. We have our own fleet that hasn't been compromised. ::Putting out fires with her fingertips.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Glancing at the status board with the Talon overlay on it, watching the dots moves towards any damage :: M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ It's a menkha idea for the general population, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Once I have the right formula, I can test it for such a dispersion method. We'll still need a method for those who've been hospitalized in medical centers. tr'Shalor> Ie Rekkhai. There are others, but the Khre'Riov has posted many of them elsewhere, trying to keep the Othan away form other known safe areas. Perhaps let her know that au need a few others to join us back here, even for a short enough while to run these off or destroy them NDak -> ::Considers, hits his t'Liss:: +t'Vatrix+ N'Dak to t'Vatrix Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ Well torpedoes don't work well in that situation. There are some engineers that may be able to come up with a large capacity hypo device. tr'Shalor> Ie :: starts typing into his station's panel:: informs the other 2 ships that they were required to assist KhreRiovtRex -> :: hears NDak on the com, but refrains from walking out onto the Oira, so as na to compromise that it's currently 'his command’ M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ Ie, bombing medical centers is na the way to go. :dryly:: KhreRiovtRex -> +NDak+ t'Vatrix fahd. Have au about finished dealing with those ships? M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ And a hypospray may na be the best delivery method, considering the symptoms. A little creativity might be in order. NDak -> +t'Vatrix+ If possible, we need some additional forces. They have superior numbers and have gained controll of several orbital defense platforms. Koga S'Bien -> ::watching the screen and his sensors as he moves the ship about:: KhreRiovtRex -> +NDak+ have au an estimate on how much au will need? Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ Right, I'll get a team on it. M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ Hann'yyo. NDak -> +t'Rexan+ Two additional cruisers or several more fighters would be sufficient. We need screening vessels. M_K_tKsa -> ::mutter about torpedos and medical centers as she goes back to her research:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She gritted her teeth and started modifying the phaser dispersal patterns.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Sends out a message to people he knows deals with smaller scale engineering projects :: NDak -> ::His eyes searched at the tactical read out again:: Koga, bring us around on attack vector five-three-alpha-nine. tr'Sharlor, target the flanking warbird again. KhreRiovtRex -> +N'Dak+ I will divert the needed ships to Talon's local. They should be here within dev siuren, au will need to hold out a bit longer Koga S'Bien -> Ok, on attack vector 5-3-alpha-9. ::plots vector:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: typing in several commands, and watches as 5 ships pinwheel of from the other attack force to head towards Talon’s position : NDak -> +t'Rexan+ Mehnka. Oira, ta'khoi. Lerak trPexil -> :: He looked for Laehval, then realized she was not around. He continued to work on the dispersal in the midst of the firefight. Did not feel right. Any of it. ACTION:: THE ENEMY SHIPS TURN TOWARDS TALON, UNCLOAKING ALMOST LAST SIUREN TO STRIKE THE TALON HARD, CASING SHEILDS TO DROP ON THE LOWER SECTIONS OF THE MAIN HULL..... tAehjae -> :: watches the tact screen":: Rekkhai In coming Decloaking Koga S'Bien -> There they are. KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> ::Fires and is able to take out another of the smaller ships attacking them NDak -> ::Curses openly as he lurches out of the chair, his cape fluttering:: tAehjae -> ::: attempts to fire:: tr'Shalor. :: sees t'Aehjae reaching over him:: Au have returned....au may of course have au station back... tAehjae -> Shields down on lower decks KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to NDak...as au tactical officer has returned, I shall report back to the Khre’Riov then? NDak -> ::Glances to Laehval, but he knew she would already be on it:: S'bein, keep our bow on the lead ship. NDak -> Reinforcements are on the way, but we need to survive long enough for them to matter. ACTION:: The ship almost groans as it takes a heavy impact , readings from that same region showing a moderate hull breach on deck 37 Koga S'Bien -> ::nods, targeting the lead ship:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Stops his research to help get engineers to the damaged sections :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Already diverting power from other regions to get their shields back up, drawing on aux power and shutting down non-essential systems.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::caught off guard, knocked off her chair and onto the floor with that one, hears a crash from the other side of the room and glances over:: Fvadt. ::sighs:: Koga S'Bien -> ::holds onto his seat:: Oof. NDak -> ::He pulled himself back up from the deck, flipping his cape back over his shoulder before unpinning it and draping it off the side of the command chair:: ACTION:: Etrehh reports some type of debris has compromised the hull in that area tAehjae -> :: held on to her console:: NDak -> Damage report. Lerak trPexil -> +Oria+ The hull is compromised on deck 37, a breach that we had to seal with bulkheads. tAehjae -> Ndak possible hull breach with debris on deck 37 Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks on the view from a sensor in the area :: Oh na... tr'Shalor. :: looks at one of the tactical screen on his way back to the KhreRiov and looks again at the readings form deck 37... NDak -> ::He lifted a brow at 'possible' but said nothing further to that affect:: trShalor-> Rekkhai....sensors are showing a high energy source in the area of the hit NDak -> :Debris, however, was more sinister:: Lerak trPexil -> +Oria+ A section our our hull could break away. Trying to strengthen the supports around. trShalor-> :: walks over to Laehval:: Llhei....I don't wish to panic anyone, but the reading I am picking up....are of a high yield energy torpedo, sticking through our side Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks... :: +Eng Teams+ Get clear of that area! We have a live munition at the breach. trShalor-> Can au confirm with au engineering boards? If it’s what I think it is, we'll need to send someone skilled enough to defuse it NDak -> ::He was paying more attention to the tactical readout, letting Laehval handle the damage control:: Koga change our position on the z-axis. Perhaps we can get under them... Laehval tTemarr -> ::She threw a glance at Shalor and nodded curtly. Fingers flying over her screen, she accessed the emergency field controls. With the hull sealed and the area pressurized, she suddenly dropped the hull field, sucking out all of the debris from the breach in their hull.:: Lerak trPexil -> +Oria+ The munition is still at the breach. I have ordered others back and I'm going in.. Lerak out. ACTION: Much of the debris from one of the hits was indeed sucked out, however, the torpedo was firmly lodged in place... PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> :: paused:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Paused :: Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: NDak -> *sabagotages the gravity boots* KhreRiovtRex -> LOL KhreRiovtRex -> Nice one Lerak trPexil -> Wait wait... did that say skilled enough for dumb enough? Lerak trPexil -> or rather KhreRiovtRex -> Ok.... NDak -> It can be both. KhreRiovtRex -> nice sim all...we're making progress, and hopefully somoene can defuse this torpedo, before it makes a mess out of us Koga S'Bien -> oooh Lerak trPexil -> How the log was a good read KhreRiovtRex -> like..anything near the torpedo that will get enough of a bang if it goes boom? KhreRiovtRex -> ok, good log again Pexil. We'll see you all next week. KhreRiovtRex -> Thanks again to NDak for filling in for us Koga S'Bien -> yay NDak -> No problemo! KhreRiovtRex -> and Crew Dismissed
  12. Menkha log Pexil! I enjoyed reading about au family tonight between watching the historical records of alternate timeline Lloann'ha ships. Nice to see au family is a bit more on the togetherness thing, than say......Laeh's Ri'anov...... Hann'yyo for sharing and posting. Meatrolls eh?
  13. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51607.14 -Season 21 During the briefing that had finished, each group had been assigned tasks and were ordered to start putting those assignments into action. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> (If you've forgotten, whisper me and we'll get you updated) Lerak trPexil -> :: Down in engineering working on a delivery method for the antidote, presuming they are able to make it :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: hrrau her chambers reviewing the latest battle information, frowning at the news:: M_K_tKsa -> ::in the lab in medical, going over the disaster response information so that she can gleam any information about what's happening:: Koga S'Bien -> ::with (Cardboard) t'A working on establishing a connection with the outpost's computers, as well as helping with t'Ksa's data request:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looking over specifications for their plasma torpedoes :: NDak -> ::On the Oira, looking at a tactical report handed to him.:: NDak -> Issaha> ::Leaving Medical and heading towards a science lab to do his own work.:: Lerak trPexil -> How many will be need? :: Looks it up :: Laehval tTemarr -> As many as we can get, I'd wager. I doubt we'll have enough. NDak -> ::Frowns, deeply:: Lerak trPexil -> Na, we do na. KhreRiovtRex -> :: exits the chamber onto the oira, and looks over to N'Dak:: Lerak trPexil -> :: softly :: Laehval.. NDak -> ::Glances over, somewhat expectantly:: Rehkai. KhreRiovtRex -> ::Decides to just speak to him fahd, rather than pull him off the oira for this:: KhreRiovtRex -> I take it au have seen the latest reports? Lerak trPexil -> :: Pulling up different deployment methods and adding them to a simulation. NDak -> Issaha> ::He was pleased to see all of his old shipmates back, but there was an undeniable tension.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::scribbling on her ISD to make the calculations for the resources that would be needed to counteract the issues:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She threw Lerak a glance before returning to her screen.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::largely working in silence as he doesn't want to push t'A into doing anything she'd regret later:: NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. ::handed another report:: Io siuren, it appears my efforts to find some test subjects for our maenek have panned out. KhreRiovtRex -> (Do it Koga!) NDak -> +t'Ksa+ Oira to Maeneken. KhreRiovtRex -> By all means.... M_K_tKsa -> +S'Bien+ Koga, can au see if au can track down who's in charge of the disaster relief efforts at the various sites for me, fhaen? M_K_tKsa -> +N'Dak+ This is medical, go ahead. Lerak trPexil -> I will run these simulations presuming a model dispersal method... Hmm Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ I have a question or two. Laehval tTemarr -> Make sure to give us the widest spread with the fewest amount of torpedoes. Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Temarr :: While maintaining a potent parts per million level ie. Koga S'Bien -> ::about to give t'A a quick peck on the cheek to feel better but stops as t'Ksa comms him:: +t'Ksa+ Ie, I'll get right to it. ::returns to his terminal to look up personnel data for the disaster sites, quickly hugs t'A then scurries to his terminal to start his work:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Notices the line is busy :: NDak -> +Ksa+ I have received word from a contact rhae the ground of several... samples for au to inspect. They can be transported to au when au are ready for them, how is au work on the bio-containment field. KhreRiovtRex -> (whoa!) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) M_K_tKsa -> +N'Dak+ Fhaen have the samples sent up as soon as possible. The containment field has been completed. Now I'm hoping that S'Bien can get me a list of the disaster response leaders so I can do some coordination with them. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns feeling someone is behind her and notes that tr'Shalor has stood from the tactical board, and is watching her back:: Motions to him that she's fine, but has learned her lesson back on the planet na to interfere with his duties of protecting her NDak -> +Ksa+ Vhri'mehnka. Expect them within the hour. KhreRiovtRex -> ::hearing the exchange between the two, glad to hear that they are at least being civil iwth each other. M_K_tKsa -> +N'Dak+ Hann'yyo, t'Ksa out. NDak -> +Ksa+ Oira, ta'khoi. Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ I have a question or two. M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ Go ahead. Koga S'Bien -> ::gathers personnel data and compiles them into a file:: Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ I presume au are just starting your search for an antidote? Any rough estimate when early specification data will be available? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Frowning at the latest simulation data, half listening to Lerak.:: NDak -> ::Exhales, turns to t'Rexan:: Apologies, rehkai. KhreRiovtRex -> Na apologies needed... that was important to take care of NDak -> ::Nods:: M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ I have preliminary data taken from the vaccination that we encountered earlier, so I'm a bit further on that you probably realize. N'Dak has located some test subjects, so if all goes according to plan, then we should know something within the next 48 to 72 hours. ::pause:: However, in my experience nothing ever goes according to plan. As soon as I hear from the disaster relief leadership about much of population is affected, I can at least get you an estimate on how many devices we'll need. KhreRiovtRex -> I take it that au have seen the latest battle reports? KhreRiovtRex -> It seems that they've been trying to regroup in a few locations, where we've driven them out of some by surprise and numbers, they too, are now regrouping NDak -> ::Nods, grimly:: Ie, they just came to me a few minutes ago. KhreRiovtRex -> it seems we will have quite the fight when it comes time to attack the orbital station, let alone the defense platforms.. M_K_tKsa -> +trPexil+ Plan that we'll need to deliver a liquid subdermal and that device should hold enough medication for approximately 50 to 100 applications. KhreRiovtRex -> I'm more concerned that they may be grouping. Some of the communications we've picked up have noted that they are looking to target key ships to break up our forces. KhreRiovtRex -> Talon has been mentioned quite often. However, many will be surprised by our ablative armor and upgrades.... Koga S'Bien -> ::almost done the list now, and arranges the managers into an easy to read list:: +t'Ksa+ I have compiled the list of managers for the disaster centers. I'm sending them over now. ::does so, sending over a secure channel :: NDak -> ::Grins, despite the situation:: Ie, I hope to surprise them. M_K_tKsa -> +S'Bien+ Hann'yyo. That should help tremendously. NDak -> I was considering moving us from our current position, if au have no objections. Laehval tTemarr -> Subdermally? ::She glanced at Pexil, hearing that.:: Ask her if it can be transformed into an air-borne cure. NDak -> We have lingered a bit longer than I had expected. Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ No chance of an airborne delivery? KhreRiovtRex -> I fear we will have to regroup again for that, data suggest that they may be converging on the areas we've been working in. Communications have picked up transmissions giving our designation code or name...I'd expect.... Koga S'Bien -> +t'Ksa+ No problem. Hope it does. :: continues work on connecting to the outpost: NDak -> ::Sends a message for Koga to report to the Oira:: Koga S'Bien -> +N'Dak+ On my way/ ACTION:: KLAXONS SOUND TRIGGERED BY THE SENSORS..... Koga S'Bien -> ::heads to the lift:: Koga S'Bien -> What the? M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ Unknown at this time. The original vaccination was delivered by hypospray. It's possible an air antidote may work, but I'll need to do some testing. NDak -> ::Looks up at the klaxons:: Elements Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at Laehval :: Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ksa+ Keep my apprised. KhreRiovtRex -> ::Turns to NDak:: I’ve trusted au with the ship, so I'm trusting au to make the moves au feel will best suit our battle plans. M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Pexil+ Will do. t'Ksa out. NDak -> ::Nods:: Hann'yyo. tAehjae -> :: continues working to get the ground troops ready as ordered:: KhreRiovtRex -> I can na be second guessing au every move, it would undermine au authority with the crew, and I have na the time to micromanage, as I have to oversee the fleet KhreRiovtRex -> I'll be honest, it will be hard for me to keep my hands off, but I've make the decision. I will only overrule if it impinges on the entire fleet planning Koga S'Bien -> ::exits the lift and walks into the oira to where N'Dak was:: Reporting as ordered. NDak -> ::He took a deep breath and nodded:: Ie. I will try not to scratch the paint...too much. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leaned back in her chair.:: Fvadt. Laehval tTemarr -> Subdermal is na going to be easy. NDak -> ::He was aware that giving him command in such a situation, and in her frame of mind, had to be hard, but he didn't want to make too much of it rhae the Oira, in front of everyone. Later when he had a chance, he would thank her again:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: ::points to the boards:: Perhaps we can discuss this later.....after au have determined what is happening with that??? NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. NDak -> S'bein, take the helm. Lerak trPexil -> I don't want a torpedo giving me a subdermal injection.. NDak -> Tactical, report. KhreRiovtRex -> NDak, au have 3 small fighters assigned to this wing of our attack, they will try to keep the smaller ships off of au, work with them as au see best. Try na to get them blown up.... I must go back to the tactical screens...... Elements be with au. NDak -> ::Nods his acknowledgement:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: wants to handle it herself, but knows its na longer her place at the moment, and heads back to coordinate:: NDak -> +t'A+ Report to the Oira. Koga S'Bien -> ::settles into helm:: tAehjae -> :: hears the klaxons:: +Oria+ On my way. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She snorted, amused by the thought of an exploding torpedo firing a million rusty needles with the Maenak's cure.:: NDak -> Tactical> Proximity alerts. Could be cloaked vessels. tAehjae -> :: gives orders to continue with the plans and make her way to the bridge:: NDak -> Fvadt. Lerak trPexil -> :: Readies engineering :: ACTION> Visual shows an attack wing of 4 Othan ships heading towards them. M_K_tKsa -> ::pretty much ignoring the Klaxons and leaving the battle station plans to the rest of the maenken and the ios who filled in the lead while she was away...she had bigger problems to try to solve:: NDak -> Tactical> Update... NDak -> I see them. Lerak trPexil -> I don't need this how tAehjae -> :: exits the lift onto the Oria:: NDak -> Condition Red. All handles to battle station. KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> :: 4 ships incoming:: :: tAehjae -> :: moves to the dheno post hearing NDaks order:: KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::sees t'Aehjae had returned and moves aside to let her have the position back so he can go assist the KhreRiov as well Koga S'Bien -> ::readies the ship watching the ships approach:: NDak -> ::t'Aehjae:: Take tactical ... I'd prefer a more experienced officer, like au there. tAehjae -> :: takes the post nodding to tr'Shalor:: NDak -> Koga... bring us about. Coordinate with our fighter escort. M_K_tKsa -> ::hoping that this group of maenken had the good sense to remind the crew that they were na allowed in medical unless they were dead or dying;: tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai ::sits and begins her work:: ACTION> Ksa receives notification that four samples were ready to be beamed aboard. M_K_tKsa -> ((certainly can't beam them aboard in the middle of a firefight, can we :P)) NDak -> (( That did occur to me! )) KhreRiovtRex -> (If you're quick, you can get them before they get here!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Also ignoring the alerts, she continued working on their delivery method. It had been a very long while since she'd been in engineering during an emergency. It brought back so many memories -- some good, some not.:: [Random Roll] KhreRiovtRex: 5 ACTION> The samples are beamed aboard. M_K_tKsa -> ((with you rolling the dice.............no way in hell) KhreRiovtRex -> (it was more than 4, you're ok) Koga S'Bien -> ::coordinating with the escorts as he brings the ship about:L: tAehjae -> :: watches for the fighters to get within firing range:: NDak -> ::Sees that the samples were beamed aboard:: t'Aehjae... Raise shields and power ie'yakk. tAehjae -> IE:: does as told:: tAehjae -> Shields up.... ie'yakk at the ready M_K_tKsa -> ::exhales heavily as she goes through the lists of the various disaster relief effort rosters looking for io or re familiar names to contact before she starts to cold call on every io:: Koga S'Bien -> ::watches the ships and the fighter escorts:: NDak -> ::Glances over at the tactical display on his chair console then to main viewer:: Once we are in weapons range, target the lead ship with forward batteries. Attack pattern Eagle Five. ACTION: THE 4 SHIPS SUDDENLY SPLIT OFF INTO 2 GROUPS, EACH GOING TO FLANK THE Talon Lerak trPexil -> :: Going to the main board to keep the Talon intact :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She opened her mouth to bark out orders to the other engineers, but remembered it wasn't her department any longer. That was Pexil's deal. However, she did pull up the sensors, throwing those up on their display so they could see what was going on.:: ACTION:: SUDDENLY 1 OF EACH GROUP CLOAKS AND DISAPPEARS FROM THE VIEWSCREENS NDak -> ::Clinches his fist seeing the movement:: Belay that. NDak -> +Laehval+ Report to the Oira. Koga S'Bien -> ::holds off.. watching the viewscreen::' NDak -> ::Does not like being a sitting duck:: Koga... evasive maneuvers. ACTION:: SHIP DECLOAKS BEHIND Talon, firing at io of the fighter escort ships Laehval tTemarr -> ::She hissed through her teeth at the comm and pushed up from her chair.:: Keep going with the simulations, if au can. We need those modifications. KhreRiovtRex -> hitting it pretty heavily before recloaking Lerak trPexil -> Go Laehval, we'll be fine. :: gives her a smile :: NDak -> Tactical... fire at the last known position of that warbird. Lerak trPexil -> The computer can create its own simulation. NDak -> All Vectors. tAehjae -> :: fires at them as they decloak and miss:: tAehjae -> :: Fires at the warbird location:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded.:: +N'Dak+ On my way. ::Striding to the lift, she entered and ordered it to the bridge.:: ACTION:: Talon's shots miss the targets tAehjae -> :: muttering under her breath:: grrr cloaking devices NDak -> Koga, try and give the damaged escort cover. tAehjae -> :: watches her screens for disturbances to fire at:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Watches damage points on a holographic representation of the Talon :: Koga S'Bien -> Ie, rekkhai. :: maneuvers the ship to provide coverage as possible for the damaged escortd:: ACTION:: SHIP DECLOAKS TO TALONS STARBOARD SIDE, AND UNLEASHES A TORRENT OF IE'YAKK FIRE AT HER UNDERBELLY BEFORE PEELING OFF AGAIN NDak -> ::Holds onto his chair:: Fvdat! We're sitting targets this way. [Random Roll]: 10 Laehval tTemarr -> ::She held the wall of the lift as it rose, feeling the ship shake with the blasts. When the doors opened, she stepped out and moved to her station.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::holds onto his seat:: tAehjae -> :: fires at the ship:: Lerak trPexil -> :: The holo-Talon lights up along her belly :: ACTION: As one of the Othan fighters decloaks, one of our fighter escort scores a heavy hit upon its engines, leaving it sitting dead in space... NDak -> ::Laehval:: Coordinate our movements with the escort fighters. Have them fan out. We're giving them a shooting gallery. NDak -> ::Sees the alert on his own display, his own tactical instincts flaring:: Target them t'Aehjae, full spread. Lerak trPexil -> :: Sends out a team to access the damage :: tAehjae -> :: targets and fires again:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded and began communicating with the fighters, sending them in defensive patterns to protect the ship.:: ACTION: As Talon targets the dead Othan fighter, one of the larger dDeridex ships comes around and fires again on Talon tAehjae -> :: targets and fires again:: Koga S'Bien -> Ah elements.. ::navigates his way as best he can:: NDak -> Evasives... ::Koga:: ACTION:: SUDDENLY....A LARGE BLAST OF ENERGY BLAZES PAST THE TALON, HITITNG ANOTHER OF OUR SUPPORT SHIPS..... Lerak trPexil -> :: More red on his holo-Talon :: Gamma team go.. NDak -> ::Smacks his chair arm with his fist, as the he sees the blast of energy on the screens:: NDak -> Fdvat! PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> ::paused:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> YEA!! You all didn’t' get blown up tonight! There was a 37 % chance that you would KhreRiovtRex -> Then again...there is always next week! KhreRiovtRex -> Ok....quick question Will you all be here next week, or will you be hitting the trek movie next Thursday. Lerak trPexil -> I'll be here as I'll see it a day or two later Laehval tTemarr -> I'll be around. tAehjae -> not sure Koga S'Bien -> Yay. Should be around.. will see Trek on a Saturday KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, we'll plan to be here then........ NDak -> (( Night all! )) KhreRiovtRex -> Have a great week everyone and will talk to you all soon.. Thanks for coming all Laehval tTemarr -> Night, guys. Crew Dismissed
  14. RES Talon Mission Briefing 5160707 - Season 21 When we left off, t'Vatrix had just laid out the parameters for the upcoming mission as well as announcing that N’Dak would retain control of the Talon and tTemarr would remain as his XO. t'Vatrix in the meanwhile would be over seeing fleet operations from the Talon until such time that Terronix might rejoin the fleet. The crew had been tasked with a few critical items. Medical to research and help devise a way to assist against the bioweapon which has been used. Security to work on a way to regain control of 2 critical orbital defense platforms over the capital and Engineering to help with both tasks.... helping medical with containment fields and delivery systems, and helping security by providing the virus that was used earlier to take over the communications arrays. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> If you have any questions, t'Temarr or N'Dak will fill au in further... :: unconsciously grasping the hilt of her kaleh::Nods to t'Temarr and exits:: Koga S'Bien -> ::listens on:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Tries not to look too irritated at their current situation, but doing a very poor job of it.:: tAehjae -> :: begins to step off grumbling to herself:: NDak -> ::Hrrau the Oira, giving instruction there regarding a number of issues, including the new command structure.:: Lerak trPexil -> I have a question. Lerak trPexil -> Io which I'm sure is only everyio' minds. KhreRiovtRex -> :: heads back up to the Oira to check in with N’Dak Laehval tTemarr -> ::Gives Pexil her attention.:: Laehval tTemarr -> Ie? M_K_tKsa -> <m> Well, this ought to be interesting. ::picking up her ISD:: -> tr'Shalor> :: glancing over towards Koga and t'Aehjae, still trying to determine what was going on between them:: Lerak trPexil -> Can t'Vatrix be trusted given the current situation. Au :: pointing at Laehval :: Had to knock her unconscious to save herself. KhreRiovtRex -> :: enters the lift to the Oira:: Lerak trPexil -> I understand her and I have never gone to the mess for a nip or two, but command of the fleet? NDak -> Issaha> ::Glances to his brother, having tried to avoid eye contact with him since their meeting earlier.:: Laehval tTemarr -> She is reasonably distressed, ie, and with good reason. However, I believe she is currently in control of her better judgement. We were able to get her to see reason. NDak -> ::to his brother:: Au should check in with t'Ksa... tAehjae -> :: Hears Pexil:: She CAN BE trusted!!! Au should be ashamed na trusting au KhreRiov! M_K_tKsa -> ::quirking her brow at t'Aehjae:: Sometimes I think you are *too* trusting for a Rihan. Koga S'Bien -> ::and paranoid:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Looks flatly at t'Aehjae.:: Lerak trPexil -> The question needed asking and I have no shame in it. This is the very future of ch'Rihan and I don't want a clouded judgement and a perchance for revenge upend all we have so far. tAehjae -> I will follow and protect tVatrix with my life if I have to! Lerak trPexil -> (to upend) NDak -> Issha> ::nods:: Ie. ::heards towards the lift:: M_K_tKsa -> And Pexil's question is a valid io. I hope she can keep her emotions in check, because I fear what would happen if she can na. KhreRiovtRex -> :: exits upon the Oira:: tAehjae -> Pexil, Why are you challenging t’Vatrix. Should AU Be trusted?? Lerak trPexil -> t'Aehjae, do na let unwavering trust blind au to truth. KhreRiovtRex -> :: almost walks into Issaha:: Laehval tTemarr -> t'Aehjae, your loyalty is admirable, but sorely misplaced in this instance. The Khre'Riov was NA in control of her better sense. Her quest for blood would have led to her death, as well as your own. tAehjae -> ::turns Facing Koga:: I still have reservation of au. KhreRiovtRex -> ::nods at him:: NDak -> Issaha> ::Stops as t'Rexan exits the lift:: Rehkkai. Koga S'Bien -> Ie ie.. I'll join the line. NDak -> ::Also glances over:: Rehkkai. M_K_tKsa -> And I for io am na going to participate in someio's personal vendetta, especially when it's above the common menkha of the Rihan people. Lerak trPexil -> Oh au misunderstand me t'Aehjae. I am not challenging her at all. Au'd no have me sooner run security as I'd have au engineer the ship. KhreRiovtRex -> :: steps aside to let Issaha pass and nods:: Lerak trPexil -> Trust, but verify. Down in engineering there is not io's work above another. We cross-check our work all of the time. KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan Tru Issaha.... NDak -> Issaha> Jolan tru... I am just on my way to meet with t'Ksa to discuss the bio agent. Lerak trPexil -> Laehval checked my work all of the time. KhreRiovtRex -> :: walks over to speak with N’Dak:: So au have finished being updated by the task force... Have they any news of how the rest of the fight goes on ch'Rihan? Have they pulled back to defend their hold on the orbital station? Lerak trPexil -> My only regret is not stopping her from hitting Laehval. She did what she had to do and was paid in pain. tAehjae -> I am being ridiculed for Following the head of the Galae? Lerak trPexil -> It is not following we are questioning, it is following blindly without making sure she is the io we should follow. NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie...the fighting has died down in certain quarters, but they continue to defend the orbital station. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded her agreement.:: Ie. tAehjae -> Are Au trying to over throw her? IF AU Are au will na have may help. Laehval tTemarr -> Enough of this! ::Glaring at t'Aehjae.:: This is pointless. She is in charge of the fleet and we must accept that. N'Dak is in charge of the Talon. Lerak trPexil -> Na... au :: stands up :: misunderstand! I have no desire to do so, but I advise caution. NDak -> Issaha> ::enters the lift:: Lerak trPexil -> We all have work to do.. :: sits back down :: Laehval tTemarr -> We must also accept that, na matter how begrudgingly. ::Muttered.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::scrubs her face with her hands:: Look, we are all tired and tempers a bit....hot right now. Let's get back to the issue at hand and our assignments, ie? Laehval tTemarr -> The Khre'Riov has agreed to set aside her need for revenge at this time in favor of the greater good. ::She waved a hand at t’Ksa, nodding in agreement.:: And au all have work to do. KhreRiovtRex -> Very well.......I've asked your teams to follow up on a few of the items we had discussed, and I'm hoping that they are calmly discussing their plans together KhreRiovtRex -> I'm sure that they are all putting workable plans into place and cooperating fully with one another... Koga S'Bien -> Ie, utmost caution ios advisable. tAehjae -> Ie ::looks over to Koga:: Lets move out.... If au do as much as talk against her, I will na hesitate to yy'aa au with my bare hands. NDak -> ::Almost smirks:: I am sure they did na all take the news of my continued command, rhae the Talon, as good -- though I would hope out of respect for au that they did not question au openly. Koga S'Bien -> All right, let's just get this done. M_K_tKsa -> ::picks up her ISD:: I'm going to head back down to medical. tr'Pexil, I'll send you more information about what I'll need in a delivery device shortly after I get a few more studies completed. If au don't hear from me in a few hours, just.....make sure I haven't fallen asleep in some corner, ie? Lerak trPexil -> The virus is already written, but they have na doubt redoubled their efforts to fortify the orbital platforms communication defenses. Laehval tTemarr -> t'Aehjae, au are na killing anyone. I will string au from the bulkhead and skin au alive myself if au undermine my authority again. Lerak trPexil -> I can lower the temperature in medical... KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor>:: watching the interaction between t'Aehjae and Koga, as well as noting the other comments:: Lerak trPexil -> :: smirks :: M_K_tKsa -> I'm na sure that will help, but thank au just the same ::smiles tiredly, but actually does smile:: I'll keep au posted t'Temarr. ::nods and gives her a sympathetic look before heading towards the door:: Lerak trPexil -> I need to see how the Othan are spreading this in the first place and develop a faster method. tAehjae -> :: glares at t’Temarr, na trusting her after she has intentionally injured t’Vatrix twice.:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turned to N’Dak and with half a grin:: If I believed for half a siuren, that any of them had an ounce of respect........with the exception of t'A.......Well..... tAehjae -> :: steps towards the lift:: KhreRiovtRex -> Let's put it this way, I do believe they were surprised......and menkha for that. NDak -> I am anxious to see Laehval's report, rhae the incident. I have heard rumors of S'Biens family. ::He paused:: Though I should be the first to say something about not using the sins of the father, ie? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Doesn't mind the glare, so long as she's following orders. She glanced to Koga.:: S'Bien, what is your assigned task? Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes up to Laehval :: NDak -> Or in his case, the mother na? KhreRiovtRex -> Well, his ri'Anov was able to rescue us, and had used him to do so...however....only after she had given him a safe way to cover himself. Luckily, he finally chose to follow Galae....... NDak -> ::Thankful that at least one his parents was a well-known dissident:: NDak -> ::A thought he never thought he'd have, to be fair.:: Koga S'Bien -> My assigned task? I am to assist t'Aehjae in security measures. M_K_tKsa -> ::heading out and towards the lift for her own trip to medical:: Why do I have the feeling I’m going to have to start adding happy pills to everyone's replicator orders soon. ::scratches the back of her head:: NDak -> ::Lifts a brow, but nods.:: Ie. Perhaps I should keep a close eye on him, then na? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods.:: I also need au to gather data for medical. t’Ksa will need to know where and when the attacks have taken place and how many have been impacted. tAehjae -> :: stands next to the lift waiting for Koga to join her:: NDak -> Issaha> ::Having arrived at medical already, he had been instructed by the staff to wait for t'Ksa.:: KhreRiovtRex -> His ri'Anov was a major reason so many were able to get out of the capital, after she and her bondmate had been given word to vacate the capital. A good many were saved by their giving warning….to many leaders in key places, in both the Deihu and Galae KhreRiovtRex -> She had to play both sides of the Tal Shiar, but when she had to rescue our team, she finally had to declare to assist the homeworld. Koga S'Bien -> Very well. I'll get on that as well. M_K_tKsa -> ::in her own tired state, as she rides the lift down to medical, entertains a brief fantasy of lacing everyio's food with psychotropic medications to improve the mood on the ship:: KhreRiovtRex -> She also has Laehval's ri'anov in custody. The woman needs to be shot for her crimes. So many dead or captured due to her ......::grumbles:: but that too, I will leave to Laehval….as it is first a family matter. Laehval tTemarr -> Ie. ::Glances down the hall to where t'Aehjae waited.:: And if she tries to y'ya au, au have my permission to try to y'ya her right back. NDak -> ::Nods:: Not unlike my own family. ::He shifted in his seat.:: I wonder if the Tal'Shiar had considered that such drastic actions would push people... like my own father to abandon them. KhreRiovtRex -> I am going to go look at the current fleet status reports and start directing attack wings. I'll leave au to the Talon for now. I will do my best, not to overshadow au efforts. KhreRiovtRex -> If I may :: indicats her chambers:: Koga S'Bien -> ::smirks:: Heh, hany'yyo. I'll keep that in mind. KhreRiovtRex -> Or would au prefer those as they are right off of the Oira? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She motioned for Pexil to join her in the other lift.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Stands waiting :: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods and joins t'Aehjae in the other lift:: NDak -> ::He shook his head:: Na, they belong to au. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Walking toward it after a nod to Koga.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: to Laehval :: So, does the Othan get us or do we off ourselves>? tr'Shalor> :: waits for the others to leave, and makes his way up to see the Khre'Riov and report in to her about what he's heard on the planet:: NDak -> I can find some place to escape to when I need it. ::smiles:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters the lift :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She sighed as she entered the lift and leaned on the wall.:: I am doing my best to make sure this crew does not implode. Lerak trPexil -> Ie, au are doing fine. I just keep to myself more than not and this was not io of those times. M_K_tKsa -> ::enters medical, inwardly groaning when she sees the younger N'Dak waiting for her and then wonders if she could sneak out and go around the back way....until she remembers that it's still damaged from the fire earlier:: Lerak trPexil -> If it makes au feel any better I'll not lay my lips on au this time. NDak -> Issaha> ::Smiles:: Jolan tru. tAehjae -> :: does na speak to Koga but to the lift:: Dheno! KhreRiovtRex -> I do na mean as an escape, but if au need to meet with au officers. I can move some of my things, to the VIP offices if this is more convenient for au NDak -> Issaha> It is good to have au back, rehkkai. Lerak trPexil -> I think the delivery system needs work along with what au find about a counter measure. Both have to be faster than what the Othan's have thrown at us. KhreRiovtRex -> (koga, now's your chance to kiss her..I heard our lift is an extremely slow ride) NDak -> ::Shakes his head:: Na, I can use the lounge or a secondary office. The chambers are aus. Lerak trPexil -> (t’Ksa, get ready) M_K_tKsa -> Jolan tru. ::manages to sound somewhat happy:: Welcome back auself. KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo:: to Issaha:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Glances at t'A's reflection in the lift:: M_K_tKsa -> ((I've got my bet placed for the turn out of that encounter(( Laehval tTemarr -> ::Doesn't comment on the kiss, but then she was too professional to mention it while they were working. She nodded to the latter and then stepped out into engineering as the lift halted.:: Ie, we have data to aid that. Lerak trPexil -> ((I read that as winks..)) KhreRiovtRex -> ::nods to N’Dak:: Hann'yyo..... I appreciate au allowing me the work space. NDak -> ::Nods:: Of course. KhreRiovtRex -> Contact me if au need me. KhreRiovtRex -> I leave au to Talon... Lerak trPexil -> :: enters engineering :: Torpedoes are the best method we have at our disposal KhreRiovtRex -> :: salutes and turns towards her chambers:: tAehjae -> ::when the lift stops steps out and heads toward the Dheno offices:: NDak -> Issaha> Desto... the Enarrain... ::sighs:: Destorie suggested I check in with au. Laehval tTemarr -> We should have access to information on all of the attacks, including their dispersal method. To effect so many, I wager it is airborne. Perhaps a modified torpedo. :: Nodding as she took one of the stations. :: Lerak trPexil -> Au know.. the orbital defense platforms above the capital, and the rest of ch'Rihan may be a good way to deploy our solution over the greatest area. Koga S'Bien -> ::Follows t'A out the lift:: NDak -> Ie... ::Nods:: We need to look to retaking the orbital defense station. tAehjae -> Do au have the plans for the virus NDak -> ::Grimly:: I would na put it past the fvadt to turn the weapons on ch'Rihan. Koga S'Bien -> I do yes. M_K_tKsa -> It's okay, I have a hard time believing he's been assigned Enarrain too. ::motions him back to her office:: Have au undergone au's onboarding yet? I'm afraid time is of the essence with the viral weapon for me to personally tend to au, but I can assign another competent maenak to do it in my stead. KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to look at NDak:: Neither do I. I would prefer to take them intact, damaged and repairable if na, but if it comes down to it, we may have to destroy them. Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, but we must take them from the Othans first. ::Taking a seat, bone weary. She threw a glance at the office -- her old office -- remembering easier times.:: Lerak trPexil -> I may want to consider modifying the virus to allow us to use it to disperse our countermeasures. Koga S'Bien -> ::checks his ISD:: KhreRiovtRex -> but it would leave us defensless in light of having lost so many ships, crews and control of our own space... NDak -> Issaha> ::smirks:: Ie... we can get to work. Laehval tTemarr -> What do au mean? ::Glances back to Lerak.:: tAehjae -> How do au propose we get it to the orbitors Computers? M_K_tKsa -> Menkha. How much do au know of this biological warfare? KhreRiovtRex -> I trust au will make the decison au feel is best at the time. ::shakes head and enters her chambers:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: door shuts:: Koga S'Bien -> Ie, I'd say that's the best option KhreRiovtRex -> :: goes over to her desk, and pulls up two of the large screens noting where the ships in Phase A were, and where the ships that joined from Phase B had positioned. NDak -> Issaha> Na much. I've been looking at the scans we've taken from here, but na thing conclusive. KhreRiovtRex -> :: not liking the distribution of ships as much as she would like. NDak -> ::Leans back in his chair and closes his eyes for a moment:: Lerak trPexil -> The platforms have a complement of torpedoes. We’d have to get control, insert the antidote... launch tAehjae -> :: turns to face him:: WHAT Is the best option.... I asked how do au propose to get it to the orbitors coputers. KhreRiovtRex -> :: reached into a small pocket and pulled out a sharpening stone, and removed the bone handled Kaleh and began to sharpen it's blade yet again, as she went through numbers and fleet positions:: M_K_tKsa -> ::offers Issaha a seat as soon as they enter her office, she sat at her own desk and taps commands into the etrehh to pull up data:: What I know of it was what we learned prior to our arrival on ch'Rihan. We encountered the plans for the bioweapon as well as the immunizations against it's effects on an Othan ship some time ago. Lerak trPexil -> We need a two pronged approach. A more conventional one using our own forces to disperse the solution, and a possible one using the might of the orbital platform infrastructure M_K_tKsa -> And when we arrived here, it appeared that the plans to use such a weapon were already in the works with thousands of people sick and dying, overloaded medical centers, and ......well...... NDak -> Issaha> ::nods, taking the offered seat:: NDak -> +t'A+ N'Dak to t'Aehjae... M_K_tKsa -> At any rate, those uses of the weapon were put on hold until the insurgency started gaining ground. Now we've got rumors that they've activated it again. Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, that would be best. Work up both angles to present to th... the Enarrain. ::Choking it down.:: tAehjae -> +Ndak+ tAehjae here Lerak trPexil -> Au need some water? NDak -> +t'A+ PLease report, rhae the Oira M_K_tKsa -> It starts with red spots that turn into painful blisters on the skin. When those blisters move to the throat and lungs, then it affects the patients breathing. NDak -> Issaha> ::frowns:: Ie. Lerak trPexil -> :: Brings up schmatics of the platforms, a nice green on black background :: tAehjae -> ::: grumbles slightly:: +N’dak+ Ie On my way ::cuts the com:: NOW what does he want? I only report to him because t’Vatrix asked it of me. Koga If au need my dhenos help Move on to Main Dheno. *I* Have to go to the Oira to speak to N’Dak. M_K_tKsa -> Those blisters can also effect a patience sight, smell, taste, mobility, and so forth. Na pleasant way to be ill. Trust me. Lerak trPexil -> Ie, I'll have to modify the virus... M_K_tKsa -> What I need help with is two things...Io I need to know the extent of the causalities because right now information is spotty at best. tAehjae -> :: turns and moves back towards the lift, boarding it:: OIRA!\ NDak -> Issaha> ::Frowns, looking much like his brother:: Koga S'Bien -> OK.. Koga S'Bien -> ::Smirks and gets to work connecting to the orbital computers:: tr'Shalor>:: enters the Oira, nods and salutes N'Dak:: Rekkhai... tr'Shalor> Makes way over to t'Vatrix's chambers and presses the chime:: t_K_tKsa -> And second, I need have information about any and all treatments that any of the people on the ground may have tried. Preferably so that I can build a scenerio to test my hypothesis for treatment in a simulation. KhreRiovtRex -> Enter..... Lerak trPexil -> I pray my mother, father, sister, and my nephew are safe... NDak -> ::Nods to tr'Shalor, surprised at the salute... but pleasantly:: M_K_tKsa -> Does that make sense? Do you have any thoughts of what I might have overlooked? tAehjae -> :: exits the lift onto the Oira:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances at him, slightly worried.:: Ie, I do as well. tr'Shalor> ::enters and waits for the door to close and comes to vae’drae :: Llhei....I am glad that au have returned. Do au have some time to speak? :: notes she is sharpening her hunting kaleh, and knows better than to anger her at the siruen:: NDak -> Issha> ::Considers:: Na, those sound like good starts in addition to what au already know. I will start on the former. I still have many... connections rhae the capitol. ::pauses:: I more or less grew up rhae, the senate district. tAehjae -> N’dak Reporting as au requested. Lerak trPexil -> Ah, We can simulate the orbital platform operating system.. that will help M_K_tKsa -> If au can get back to me as quickly as au can, I'd appreciate it. I'll be in the medical lab working from there. NDak -> ::Glances up as t'A comes in:: Hann'yyo, t'Aehjae. I know that this can na be easy for au. We have na always gotten along, but I admire your loyalty to the Khre'Riov. Lerak trPexil -> How is the jaw? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She gritted her teeth and winced.:: It'll be fine. ::Looking over his plans, she nodded.:: tAehjae -> ::stands and listens:: NDak -> Issaha> ::Nods:: Ie... I will do my best. I shall be in my quarters. tAehjae -> ::Na breaking her attentive stance:: Lerak trPexil -> Let's see what the virus does unmodified... NDak -> I will be expecting a great deal of au soon. I want au to begin prepping boarding parties. ::Motions:: We will be launching an assault on the orbital defense platform soon and I want to take it without destroying it if possible. M_K_tKsa -> Hann'yyo ::nods, gathering the things she needs to work:: tAehjae -> ::nods:: As au wish:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Glances at Laehval :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leaned back in her chair, eyes scrolling over the data.:: Hmmm... NDak -> ::Surprised she didn't protest:: Hann'yyo. NDak -> If any of the new crew give au trouble, do na hesitate to direct them towards me. tAehjae -> :: keeping her words short but will do as he asks because t’Vatrix asked her to follow him.:: Lerak trPexil -> Au seeing something? tAehjae -> Ie, As au wish. tAehjae -> ::but na going as far as calling hi rekkhai:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She tapped the console.:: We need to have the etrehh run various scenarios. This model is unpredictable. Lerak trPexil -> I'll allocate additional processors to the task NDak -> ::Notices the lack of Rehkkai, but decides in the interest of peace to ignore it, for now:: Ie, then see to it. Au are dismissed, El'Arrrain. tAehjae -> :: nods and turns, then walks out:: tAehjae -> :: steps back to the lift:: Koga S'Bien -> ::making good inroads in connecting to the orbital systems:: NDak -> ::Lifts a brow, makes a note for latter:: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> ::paused:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: Lerak trPexil -> :: paused :: Laehval tTemarr -> Night, guys. Laehval tTemarr -> Nice sim, see you next week. tAehjae -> night Laeh Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight folks KhreRiovtRex -> CREW DISMISSED
  15. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51606.30 - Season 21 Laehval has went to update t'Ksa about the situation on the planet and has told the others to report to the Briefing Room. t'Vatrix had asked her to begin briefing the crew on the situation and how it may affect their families, however, had just received a priority update from t'Kallen on the Tal Shiar lead opposition ship. She has recalled Laehval to her chambers and will go brief the others once she had updated N’Dak and Laehval on their next steps. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> +Laehval+ I know au were about to start the briefing, but we need au in my chambers at once. t'Vatrix ta'Khoi tr'Shalor> :: enters the briefing room, and nods at the others, half surprised that they managed to stay alive while on the surface:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Sitting in the room, checking things on his ISD :: Koga S'Bien -> ::waiting outside:: tr'Shalor> :: looks to the others:: Have they said why they’ve called this meeting? Koga S'Bien -> ::in the room and sits down:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga, you and t'A got to the room last week....sit down inside silly) Lerak trPexil -> :: Shakes head :: Na. Koga S'Bien -> (I forgot :D ) KhreRiovtRex -> (you aren't at my ready room, t’A had a typo that was corrected...and that's cool man, np ) tr'Shalor> ::looks at the others:: What updates have au heard from your location on the surface battle? tAehjae -> :: glaring at Koga:: I’m still na sure I can trust au. Koga S'Bien -> I get that a lot from people. Mainly Lloahn'nnas and Klinghanssus Lerak trPexil -> Our access to communications remain intact, there's are another story. tr'Shalor> :: looks over at t'Ksa, as she still has rank over these others:: What have au heard? tAehjae -> Au turned on us. Even turned on t’Vatrix. M_K_tKsa -> I'm going to let the Daise'Erei'Riov and Khre'Riov do the presentation. Its na place to speculate what information they wish to share. ACTON: t’Vatrix has pulled together t'Temarr and N'Dak for a fast briefing with t'Kallen and a few others that had helped plan and lead the attack force:: KhreRiovtRex -> Instructs them both to become familiar with the plan, and she would go update the others and follow up with them both afterwards tAehjae -> Au Even turned 0n t’Vatrix, Lerak trPexil -> :: Getting real-time updates on the comm situation on the surface. Feels he needs to check it :: Koga S'Bien -> It was undercover, and it was the only way to get to her. KhreRiovtRex -> ::exits her chambers, wishing this could have waited until afterwards, to show a good united front to the crew, but this would have to be the way it was for now:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: enters the Briefing Room:: tAehjae -> We would have been clear if au would na have turned us in by yelling. tr'Shalor> :: stands to vae'drae and salutes, inclining his head:: Koga S'Bien -> ::opens his mouth to say something then turns to the door:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::nods back to tr'Shalor, and moves to the head of the table, though conspicuously without N'Dak or Laehaval:: tAehjae -> Au do na have the guts to face me now? Did I hit a sensitive spot?? :: nagging at him:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at them both :: Koga S'Bien -> Well, I had to do what I had to. Sorry I couldn't let au in on it, but couldn't risk compromising our plan and all. KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to t'Aehjae:: Is there an issue here that I do na know of? tAehjae -> :: turns to face t’Vatrix:: Na rekkhai. Just a trust issue we were discussing. How may I serve au? KhreRiovtRex -> I'm afraid that on top of the bad news that we've already received, that we've now received some more. Lerak trPexil -> :: Listens :: Koga S'Bien -> ::turns to listen to t'Vatrix:: tAehjae -> :: faces t’Vatrix completely:: KhreRiovtRex -> As we had been made aware, some type of biological weapon had been used in the capital, and it had a fairly high mortality rate. Lerak trPexil -> :: frowns :: KhreRiovtRex -> What we've just learned is that our enemy, in what can only be construed as a desperate act to pull our attack forces back, or to just inflict as much hurt as possible...have now hit other areas of the planet with this weapon. tAehjae -> :: eyes widen at the news:: KhreRiovtRex -> What I now have to tell au, is na pleasant. It seems that while many of the files and systems at Galae HQ and the Retor were protected and highly encrypted, it appears that they somehow found a way in, either by hacking the etrehh system, or someone with the knowledge had either been coerced to divulge some of the locations. Locations .....where Galae families would be moved in the event of something like this....for their protection. KhreRiovtRex -> We are worried that with the Talon's high visibility, and knowing many of au families were noted on evacuation lists, that it's possible....though if we're lucky, perhaps they may have missed them as well KhreRiovtRex -> t'Temarr has brought the Daise Maenak up to speed, but I've not heard her report. ::turns to tKsa::: The ship still is needed to help repel enemy forces, but what can we do to assist au? KhreRiovtRex -> Do you wish any of the ill brought here and kept under a secure medical confinement field? Test subjects that au can work on while we help fight the other ships? KhreRiovtRex -> Do au need engineering to assist out developing some way to quickly spread the vaccine? Lerak trPexil -> :: Listening :: M_K_tKsa -> We've gone from preparing a vaccination to having to find a treatment to prevent a spread of the virus. I haven't done any sort of clinical studies yet, nor have I had time to develop a method of mass treatment. What I would like from the engineering standpoint is suggestions or methods on how we can deliver treatment. Or perhaps a working containment area in which we can study the effects. M_K_tKsa -> Koga, do au think au can determine how many people have been affected from the reports we can determine how much medication we need to prepare for, if it's even possible? KhreRiovtRex -> Very well, send them your requirements and we will see that au have as many teams as au need to complete. We do have some medics on other ships fighting in the area, and if they can spare anyone, we'll get au the help au need to work on this. Lerak trPexil -> :: Pulling up deployment methods on his ISD :: Koga S'Bien -> Ie, I'll check it out and make the necessary preparations KhreRiovtRex -> I know it's a very rare thing to speak of, but do any of au know what evacuation zones au families may have been assigned to? I suspect they'd be the same areas as when we were fighting off the Cardassians and the Borg Lerak trPexil -> Mine had three choices, a forth if au consider my acquired residence. M_K_tKsa -> I have na idea considering I haven't lived on ch'Rihan or spoken about such things since I was a little girl. KhreRiovtRex -> Any idea at all? I'd like to allow members of the crew to be able to search for family as soon as we're able. Lerak trPexil -> They would have stayed away from large populated areas. tAehjae -> My family was killed a long time ago. I have na left. ::looks to the floor remembering back:: KhreRiovtRex -> I know Galae had plans in place, it seems from what I've found out from t'Kallen...though I'd love to know how the Tal Shiar has this information as well......that this is something we need to do, to help your families and the people below Koga S'Bien -> I'm pretty sure I know where my family's hiding. KhreRiovtRex -> We know Koga's Ri'Anov, Di'Ranov were with her ship...along with t'Temarr's ri’anov :: resists adding that io, was io that they could have gladly lost:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: KhreRiovtRex -> But there are plenty of other crew as well....We will start in those areas nearby their homes, and then check with some of the other Galae sympathizers for locations KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, I want au to assist eh Daise Maenak gathering numbers as au are able for now. tAehjae -> :: gathers her composure, looks up to tVatrix and nods:: Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to t'Aehjae:: I have a special assignment for au, once the others report back to me on the fleet status.... M_K_tKsa -> So let me understand this. We're splitting our priorities. KhreRiovtRex -> We may need either Pexil or another engineer to assist Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: tAehjae -> ::nods::Ie rekkhai KhreRiovtRex -> ::sees Laehval enter the room:: Menkha Laehval...I take it that au and NDak have now been briefed on the next phase of our defense?....Let me update the others now as well... Koga S'Bien -> ::listens in:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded and stood with her arms behind her back near the door.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Preliminary battle updates have shown that with the element of surprise, that we were able to roust a good number of the enemy from the Capital, making them pull back to other areas that they have been able to dig in a bit, or have the air cover to provide protection KhreRiovtRex -> While we have some of au working with the Daise Maenak to either help or prevent this biological nightmare...I will need to provide 1 or 2 small covert teams to a few of our orbital defense platforms.. KhreRiovtRex -> We fear that the Othan would turn them and use them to fire upon our forces or the cities on the surface KhreRiovtRex -> Our forces have already gained control of several of the key installations, but we also still need to take back the orbital station as well...but io thing at a time KhreRiovtRex -> I'm thinking a small team, security and an engineer would do, as they are mostly automated. However, we've picked up in the 2 we're most concerned with, at least 2-4 persons holding them. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to look at Laehval:: Any thoughts on that? KhreRiovtRex -> We do na wish to destroy them outright if possible, we may still need them in the future to repel more Othan attacks KhreRiovtRex -> t'Aejhae, I will be assigning au to io of these teams for now. KhreRiovtRex -> ::looks around at those sitting there evidently in stunned silence:: Questions? Laehval tTemarr -> ::Considers.:: If we infect them with our control virus, they would na be able to regain control of the system. Someone to implant the virus -- it need na necessarily be an engineer if it is packaged correctly. Dheno officers to get them to the control room. tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai Lerak trPexil -> :: Watches Laehval :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns back to Laehval:: That plan seems sound....I'll leave that to au and Pexil to implement with t'Aehjae's people KhreRiovtRex -> For the time being....I will be leaving Enarrain N'Dak in charge of the Talon. Enarrain t'Temarr will remain as his first officer for the time being. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Not at all disgruntled about that. Not one bit.:: M_K_tKsa -> Why? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She shot t'Ksa a glance.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to look at t'Ksa:: KhreRiovtRex -> Because for the time being, and until some of the other Galae Command staff can return to headquarters, I am the ranking officer in the field, and I will have to oversee Galae command until such time I can hand it back over to them. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Kalen is ranking officer for the Tal Shiar, and with some of her counterparts being involved in this debacle, there is na way that Galae can let her lead the fight alone. KhreRiovtRex -> In due time, once command is back in place...... we will determine where we each will settle out...if we survive that long KhreRiovtRex -> Does that answer au question? ::she focused her eyes first on t’Ksa, then moved her gaze to each of the others hrrau the room:: KhreRiovtRex -> I expect everyone to respect his commands and orders, as well as t'Temarr's. Does anyone have issue with this command structure, or our plans? Lerak trPexil -> I have na trouble working under t'Temarr. :: looks at Laehval :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::looks back at Pexil, trying to determine if he was challenging her decision, but decides to leave it …For now:: tAehjae -> na rekkhai Koga S'Bien -> No issues here Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at tr'Pexil:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Purposefully not looking at Lerak.:: KhreRiovtRex -> For now, I will be using Talon as my command center. However, if Teronix returns, and is able to join the fray, I may move over there to give au more flexibility, we shall see. For now, the Talon isGalae’s lead flag ship. Now, let us put those plans we discussed into order. t'Ksa is to be given any assistance she requests. That is priority... except au t'A....au are to speak with t'Temarr.... Crew Dismissed if there are na other items. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> And Crew Dismissed for those that have to run... Laehval tTemarr -> Night, all. Lerak trPexil -> Yes.. early to rise :) Koga S'Bien -> Gooodnight! Happy Canada Day! Koga S'Bien -> :D M_K_tKsa -> Have a good holiday folks! KhreRiovtRex -> Happy Canada day to you KhreRiovtRex -> Have a nice holiday weekend all
  16. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51606.30 - Season 21 Laehval has went to update t'Ksa about the situation on the planet and has told the others to report to the Briefing Room. t'Vatrix has asked her to begin briefing the crew on the situation and how it may affect their families, while she and N'Dak tend to a brief bit of business before they join them for additional updates.
  17. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51606.30 - Season 21 (Revised) Laehval has went to update t'Ksa about the situation on the planet and has told the others to report to the Briefing Room. t'Vatrix had asked her to begin briefing the crew on the situation and how it may affect their families, however, had just recieved a priority update from t'Kallen on the Tal Shiar lead opposition ship. She has recalled Laehval to her chambers and will go brief the others once she had updated NDak and Laeh on their next steps.
  18. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51606.23 - Season 21 The crew has beamed back up, and tensions are high, as they found NDak sitting on the bridge of the Talon, evidently, as its commander. Not sure about the teams' being in Othan Tal Shiar uniforms, the dheno held them at ie'yakk point, until NDak finally had them stand down. t'Vatrix has been released, returned the favor to Leahval to gain her status back in front of the crew, and have went to debrief in her chambers with NDak and Laehval. t'Ksa had enough of the Oira and went to attend patients, Koga has went to change after NDak has given him permission to do so, and Pexil and t'A await on the oira for further orders. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM ACTION:: Chamber doors open and Laehval exits.... Lerak trPexil -> :: On the oria :: NDak -> ::Glances away for a moment.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Io siuren Destorie, I need to deal with something quickly....... Lerak trPexil -> :: Sternly walks over to Laehval :: Laehval :: he says quietly :: Koga S'Bien -> ::changed into a new Galae uniform, adjusts it in the mirror:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She strode out of the Enarrain's chambers, looking quite irritated. She threw the security officers on the bridge a glance before focusing on Lerak. She motioned him to join her as she headed for the lift.:: tAehjae -> :: turns to Pexil:: I Never have trusted that man KhreRiovtRex -> :: walks over to the doorway, looking for t'Aehjae Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets closer and sees the true nature of the kick she received :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::Points at her:: Hrrau my chambers fhaen... Lerak trPexil -> (w) Au need medical attention... :: looks :: and this is not a safe haven :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns and walks back behind the desk tAehjae -> :: hears the door pen and turns to face tVatrix:: KhreRiovtRex -> Destorie...over here with me fhaen Lerak trPexil -> :: Points her to the lift :: tAehjae -> :: does as told:: NDak -> ::Stands, making his way over.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Watch it Pex....you're looking suspicious to me) Lerak trPexil -> (I always do) KhreRiovtRex -> :: takes a seat behind her desk and watches at t'Aehjae enters:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She held her icepack to her jaw as she entered the lift.:: Medical. tAehjae -> :: moves to the chambers with tVatrix:: M_K_tKsa -> ::has pretty much had her fill of Oira shenanigans and Talon histrionics, and has retreated to the predictable chaos of the medical bay:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Entered with her :: tAehjae -> Rekkhai! Lerak trPexil -> Au need protection... and I am all au may have at the moment. tAehjae -> :: standing at attention na looking at NDak:: KhreRiovtRex -> +t'Ksa+ This is t'Vatrix. Laehval will be coming down to speak with you on an urgent matter. However, I want you to see to her jaw, and give her a decent painkiller. t’Vatrix ta'khoi Lerak trPexil -> :: The lift moves:: Let me see aur injury. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She moved her icepack briefly so that he could see the damage.:: It is na broken, but it will leave a nasty bruise. KhreRiovtRex -> :: nods to N'Dak:: That's taken care of.... KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks up at t'Aehjae:: KhreRiovtRex -> Be at ease t'Aehjae. tAehjae -> :: stands at ease and nods:: KhreRiovtRex -> First....I want to thank au for au loyalty. Au have always been solid, and I've heard you when it has mattered. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She worked her jaw and winced as pain shot through her face.:: KhreRiovtRex -> I hope that through these next days, I can trust you to be stalwart and true to that cause. NDak -> ::Destorie remained impassive, but his jaw line hardened, standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with t'Vatrix:: tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai always KhreRiovtRex -> However, I must ask of au, na to jump to conclusions, and I need au, na, I am ordering au, to show respect to the Ennarain fahd. Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Ie, it will. :: pushes away the pack once more and presses his lips gently to hers, dancing on the edge of adding additional pain :: M_K_tKsa -> ::happy to find her medical bay na in shambles, although some of the new maenkenn are looking askance at her as she reviews their protocol with the new wounded arrivals:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Lingers there as long as he can, or as long as he wishes to live...then lets go :: KhreRiovtRex -> I was the one that promoted him, I gave him my ship at one point. Unfortunately, due to his injury, and circumstances I have not been allowed to brief you all on, I was forced back here while he was ill KhreRiovtRex -> (Go Pexil!) NDak -> << Oh, mighty elements! >> Koga S'Bien -> (woo!) Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks into her eyes for any fire left after this ordeal :: I have and always will be by aur side. tAehjae -> :: takes a deep breath:: I see. KhreRiovtRex -> (their t'Liss get caught together, and they can't pull apart) Lerak trPexil -> :: Brushes a lock of her hair away from her face :: It does not feel that bad.. :: smiles amid a slight laugh :: to me. KhreRiovtRex -> Fhaen, let me finish. The Enarrain has sworn an oath to me, one of a personal matter that is or our own business, but let it suffice, I trust him. KhreRiovtRex -> Enough that if au respect me, that I expect au to show him that same respect Lerak trPexil -> :: Wonders if the lift was talking longer on purpose, or is the ship larger than he remembered :: KhreRiovtRex -> (I hear her typing up a storm..run Pexil..run) Koga S'Bien -> ::decides that he's probably not needed on the oira now, or his guard would be hurrying him along, so decides to replicate something to eat as he was feeling a tad peckish:: Lerak trPexil -> (Will free up my Thursday nights) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Her eyes widen at the unexpected move and she freezes, shocked, without words. When he finally broke apart, she stared at him for a long moment. Then she pressed a hand to his chest and pushed him forcibly back against the wall of the lift.:: What. Do. Au. Think. Au. Are. DOING?! ::Holding him in place.:: Have au been wanting to do that for some time? KhreRiovtRex -> And Destorie, I will ask that au keep it in mind, that she has always been at least loyal to me. A bit exuberant at times, but her intentions have always trustworthy. Trust her as well. tAehjae -> ::nods: Lerak trPexil -> Na.. :: Looks aside :: Ie... does it matter? NDak -> ::Nods, with a respectful head tip:: NDak -> As au wish. Lerak trPexil -> Perhaps it was a mistake... like my lack of initiative on the surface. Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, it DOES matter. Do au really think this is the time or the place? Au REALLY want my first intimate memory of au to be PAIN lancing through my FACE? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She slapped him.:: There, now au have the memory, too. KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo. Both of au. I will need au both in the coming days, and I can na have au ready to backstab each other KhreRiovtRex -> When...honestly I need au both to make sure someone else isn’t' doing the same KhreRiovtRex -> to me Lerak trPexil -> :: Feels his face :: I deserved that... tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai as au say, I will do as au wish. KhreRiovtRex -> (pexil....IM) Laehval tTemarr -> Ie, au did. Au deserve more, but I am in a forgiving mood just now. I deserved this... ::Pointing to her jaw.:: Maybe au can wait until it is fully healed before au try that again. KhreRiovtRex -> Would you mind doing me a favor? Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to slap her again, but pulls back at the last moment :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Then takes her hand and holds it tightly :: There have been days where I will take any memory I can grasp. KhreRiovtRex -> Go ahead and get a fresh uniform, and go find Koga, I need everyone in the briefing room in about dev siuren to meet with tTemarr. We have urgent news au all need to know. Lerak trPexil -> :: lets her hand go and holds up his hand :: We should not to the Othan's work for them. KhreRiovtRex -> Not sure if his quarters are still assigned? ::turns to look at NDAk? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She eyed his hand, one brow arched.:: Do na push your luck, Lerak. ::She exhaled loudly through her nose, staring at him for a moment, then pulled away as the doors opened. She strode toward medical and entered sickbay.:: KhreRiovtRex -> '(LONG LIFT RIDE) NDak -> ::nods:: Ie. Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits behind her and smiles :: Lerak trPexil -> :: watches others as they pass beside them :: NDak -> I did na change any quarters assignments. KhreRiovtRex -> He's probably changing as well, just go get him, stay off the coms for now. I just want senior staff to meet with her until we decide how best to tell the entire crew. Hann’yyo. KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to NDak:: Hann'yyo for holding out hope that we'd return tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai. ::nods and steps back before turning to leave the chambers:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Stays closer to t'Temarr :: KhreRiovtRex -> ::waits for the doors to shut:: Lerak trPexil -> t'Ksa? KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to Destorie:: Fhaen...take a seat Lerak trPexil -> (or just close) NDak -> ::Relaxes, only slightly and takes his seat.:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Ice pack to her jaw, she threw a glance around medical. She'd missed the ship in more ways than she could count -- even medical. The Talon felt like home.:: tAehjae -> :: exits the chambers and heads towards her own quarters to get changed into her own uniform.::: KhreRiovtRex -> Hopefully that will relieve some of the tension between the old and newer crew Lerak trPexil -> :: Does not even trust the others in sickbay :: M_K_tKsa -> ::frowning as she comes around the corner, the noise in medical enough to make io crazy if io was na used to it:: What is it? Are au dead or dying? Have au sustained a life threatening injury? What's wrong now? NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. It is na an easy time for anyone. M_K_tKsa -> Oh, it's au two. ::relaxing just a bit:: Lerak trPexil -> What does *that* mean? KhreRiovtRex -> Vriha menkha, well we both shared some information there, that I feel neither of us were comfortable with. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She smiled with half her face.:: Settling back in? Lerak trPexil -> Oh it's just like old times right t'Temarr? KhreRiovtRex -> I thank au for facing the truth about what au di'ranov has done, and even though he realized he was getting in too deep and decided to depart, it still does na excuse him for the ill he's helped bring upon us. NDak -> ::He nodded again. He was a very private person in any case, and even more so when it came to matters such as the ones they had just discussed. It was not particularly easy for him to discuss his family in such frank terms.:: Lerak trPexil -> Peck on the cheek, slap in the face....kick to the jaw. M_K_tKsa -> ::just gives tr'Pexil an impatient look before turning to t'Temarr:: It's in a not much different state than the triage center I just left, so my learning curve is rather mild. Lerak trPexil -> :: Raises his brow and does a slight nod :: Laehval tTemarr -> I have news. ::She gestured to t'Ksa's office.:: Let us speak someplace a bit more quiet. M_K_tKsa -> tr'Pexil, don't au have some machinery to take apart and put back together somewhere? KhreRiovtRex -> I had some questions, that I did na wish to ask hrrau front of Laehval, as I did na wish to embarrass au more with the matter. I know au di’ranov has been working with them for some time, and some of those that brought the Othan in and started this mess. Was he involved, or have knowledge of this bioweapon? Lerak trPexil -> :: Does the 'me too?' shrug :: KhreRiovtRex -> au said he had word that things were going badly, and went into hiding? Yet, na warning to the public? M_K_tKsa -> ::following t'Temarr to what was once her office, glancing back at tr'Pexil, wondering if she should shoo him away or invite him to the party:: Laehval tTemarr -> He needs to hear this, as well. ::Darkly.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: shuffles in :: tAehjae -> :: gets to her quarters and gets cleaned up:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looking around for devices, feeling especially paranoid :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She took a chair and leaned back, letting the ice pack fall to her lap for a moment.:: KhreRiovtRex -> And....what of au sister? Has she run off with him? NDak -> ::Destorie exhaled.:: From what he told me, na. He knew that there was a possibility of them staging something big, but he thought it would be of a more traditional nature. Lerak trPexil -> :: Stands at the corner of the desk, looking for t'Ksa to start :: M_K_tKsa -> ::shrugs slightly, then takes a few steps into her office before letting out a heavy dishearting sigh:: This....this mess is going to take me forever to fix. ::ironic since the office looks pretty clean and tidy to the naked eye:: Lerak trPexil -> Her jaw? :: Looks at Laehval again :: NDak -> My sister? Io of them, yes. ::He paused:: They are twins. My other sister... the io in the Tal'Shiar? Na... we have na heard from her in some time. Not entirely unusual, but I would have thought that this... incident would have brought her forward. Laehval tTemarr -> It is fine, tr'Pexil. ::Said through gritted teeth.:: We have more important things to worry over just now. KhreRiovtRex -> I see. If that is so, I will na hold him responsible for the deaths of so many, however, he did help them get their foothold here, and others did die in that time. Several ships worth of Galae crews that helped protect us, and a pair of ships we were escorting to homeworld with proof of their plans M_K_tKsa -> Besides, I quite like it. Gives her a roguish flare. Koga S'Bien -> ::finishes what he eats and takes a long drink of cold water:: I wonder what's next? KhreRiovtRex -> Au brother. He is still rhae Talon I trust? Au did na remove him again I hope. He was here, on a special mission for myself and the Daise'Khre'Riov tAehjae -> :: changes clothing getting back into the uniform she’s proud of:: Laehval tTemarr -> I spoke to t'Vatrix and N'Dak at length. For all that he can sometimes be a pompous, vain, especially irritating, as... ::She trailed off, shaking her head.:: He did provide some useful information. NDak -> I had considered, once I found him rhae the Talon safely, sending him to safety -- but au have seen him ::frowns:: he would na have left without force. tAehjae -> :: moves out to continue with the orders from tVatrix:: NDak -> And... I could na spare the D'heno. KhreRiovtRex -> (I just thought of something.. I just sent t’A to go get Koga, who just knocked her out...sorta forgot about that...yikes) Lerak trPexil -> :: Smiles widely at t'Ksa's comment :: tAehjae -> ((grins)) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Realizing they hadn't yet changed, she began to unfasten the outer Tal Shiar uniform tunic she wore, peeling it off and tossing it to the floor.:: M_K_tKsa -> Oh? ::lowering herself into a seat, momentarily distracted by the staff members rushing by her windows:: KhreRiovtRex -> +Issaha+ This is t'Vatrix. I've returned to the ship, and I see au have kept the confidence we asked of au. Would au please bring that evidence package to my chambers with au at once Fhaen. KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix ta'Khoi tAehjae -> :: steps into the lift and orders it to the level of Koga’s quarters:: NDak -> ::Lifts a brow:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns back to Destorie:: We wanted him here for his protection, on the Talon...though that was just before I got reassigned and the ship sent on a veruul's mission. KhreRiovtRex -> We had assigned him to also assist us, by trying to ferret out the Tal Shair mole that was on the ship, and he was finally able to do that. We were to give him a commendation once we returned home, however...you know the rest, and here we are. Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at his own uniform, holes and all :: NDak -> I see. He had na told me about that. Laehval tTemarr -> It is na good news. There are reports of more attacks with the bioweapon in outlying areas. Several places, including those we believed were protected, have been hit. tAehjae -> :: gets to Koga’s door and takes her weapon out, keeping it behind her back and rings the chimes:: NDak -> ::Wondering, and with only a small bit of admiration, what his younger brother had kept from him:: Lerak trPexil -> :: take his off and places it over a table in the far corner :: Lerak trPexil -> :: Wonders exactly what outer areas :: Koga S'Bien -> ::answers the door, sees t'A:: Uhh.. jolan tru ::in a defensive posture:: KhreRiovtRex -> He was sworn to silence on the matter, only tr'Shalor, myself and Var'lon knew why. NDak -> Issaha> ::rings the chimes to the chamber doors:: Lerak trPexil -> What, if anything, about our offensives? tAehjae -> :: lifts the weapon and pointing it at him:: back up if au would please. KhreRiovtRex -> Enter M_K_tKsa -> ::silent for a few moments, she pinched the bridge of her nose, then lifts her head:: How many? NDak -> Issha> ::As if someone gently chiming, chiming at the chamber doors. Is Issaha and nothing more...:; tAehjae -> :; backs him back into his quarters:: NDak -> Issaha> ::Enters, carrying something wrapped in shroud:: Koga S'Bien -> Okay.. ::backs up:: I'm sorry I knocked au out... KhreRiovtRex -> Issaha::stands:: it is menkha to see au again. I was just telling au brother of the work au have been doing for us. :: nods in appreciation:: KhreRiovtRex -> Please...set the package down and have a seat. KhreRiovtRex -> Destorie...if au would, au once showed me au family blade....may I see it again? Lerak trPexil -> ((I thought Koga did a back flip, something is in my ice coffee)) Laehval tTemarr -> That is unknown. With the effectiveness of this weapon, we can na expect less than great numbers. ::She sighed.:: We need your counteragent now more than ever. Have au tested its effectiveness? Do we need to get au test subjects? NDak -> ::Lifts a brows, but removes his kaleh as Issaha sets the package down and joins them:: KhreRiovtRex -> (omg, did she pull a gun on him!? you missed what I said on skype!! ) tAehjae -> :: closes the door:: I do na trust au because of that and what a have done. ::still pointing the weapon:: I should shoot au now, but t’Vatrix wishes to speak to us all. I was sent to retrieve au and return to her chambers. Koga S'Bien -> Don't yy’a me now. KhreRiovtRex -> :: held her hand out for it:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Starts to wonder about how a counteragent would be delivered :: KhreRiovtRex -> Actually, if au would unsheath it and place it on the desk KhreRiovtRex -> Issaha, au also fhaen... Koga S'Bien -> Ah. Very well. Let's go. NDak -> ::Pauses, but does as instructed:: KhreRiovtRex -> Now...au have shown me au family blade, and the story about it, Au also had told me a bit about the others at one point. NDak -> Issaha> ::removes his own kaleh and places it on the desk next to Destories:: KhreRiovtRex -> Issaha, while we attended to au at the medical facility, showed us his blade as well...., and then.....showed us something else. tAehjae -> I will na shoot au this time but be warned I do na trust au and am doing as ordered by tVatrix. Lets go, I’m following au and do na try anything or I just MAY have to protect myself and shoot au anyway. KhreRiovtRex -> We did na know that au would end up back on the ship, or we'd na be able to present this evidence sooner. M_K_tKsa -> I've been studying the counteragent ever since we discovered the biological weapon was in play. There were a few records leaked which helped us building it, but it's not been properly tested in a full scale study. I was hoping to get more information once we arrived on ch'Rihan, but we got.........sidetracked. Lerak trPexil -> Is there anyone else working on this counteragent? Koga S'Bien -> So paranoid. All right.. I don't intend to do so. ::waits for the lift:: KhreRiovtRex -> Right after au were found, Issaha collected the evidence of au attacker, including the blade that was sticking aut of au, it had embedded in a bone and had been difficult to remove... KhreRiovtRex -> Issaha...if au would please.....unwrap it and place it there.. by the others.... M_K_tKsa -> ::scoffs:: Not according to our 'help' earlier. tAehjae -> Au give me na choice, after that kick on the oira Lerak trPexil -> :: frowns :: We need to buy au more time then. NDak -> Issaha> ::Nods and does as he is told, though not without a grimace:: NDak -> ::Nearly hisses:: KhreRiovtRex -> (t'A..that is 'na' how to get a first date with Koga) Koga S'Bien -> Hmm. ::steps out of the lift and heads to the meeting location:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She smiled thinly and then winced, forgetting about her jaw.:: We are better informed now. Their communications network is down. Ours is na. While we were planeside, intel has been streaming in from all areas. Lerak trPexil -> (Let me give au some pointers...) Laehval tTemarr -> (( t'Aehjae, you should have kissed him in the lift when you had the chance. )0 tAehjae -> :: follows Koga with her weapon hidden na to alarm anyoi:: Koga S'Bien -> (( lol )) KhreRiovtRex -> (seriously) tAehjae -> ((LOL NAaaaa)) Lerak trPexil -> (( Just think if it had been Koga and I in the lift...)) NDak -> Why do au have Eliaeh's blade? ::He nearly spit out his sister's fourth name, as if it were vile curse:: Lerak trPexil -> Ie, the program we constructed and deployed is still very active. Koga S'Bien -> ::enters the room:: KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo for confirming that it indeed belongs to her. This is the 2nd time she's been implicated in matters with the Othan. In this, na only as the io that assaulted au, but also as the engineer of tKsa's abduction, which we had been unable to tell au about yet. tAehjae -> :: walks to the chamber doors and rings the chimes, keeping watch on koga all along:: Laehval tTemarr -> Which means, we also have access to their databases. Their weapons databases. Their bioweapons files. KhreRiovtRex -> Fortunately t'Mahren had been embedded with the Tal Shiar and had been able to protect t’Ksa from their sadistic veruul they had sent...protection that I did na have once they had captured me. M_K_tKsa -> Now that is something. ::sitting a bit straighter:: KhreRiovtRex -> However, back to this. ::She picked up the blade and held it up:: ....this blade, was found protruding from au wound....au would have yy'a if Issaha had na been so quick to au side and saved au Laehval tTemarr -> ::She looked at Lerak.:: Au have some digging to do. Find the file, au find the structure. We can reverse engineer a cure. NDak -> ::Destorie's eyes flickered with rage.:: Lerak trPexil -> Right... the only downside is they may be able to physically cut off our remote access, meaning I'd have to get what some would call a 'landline' Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded to t'Ksa.:: And au can test and manufacture it. NDak -> Issaha> ::Looking anywhere but his towards his brother, he managed a vhri'mehnka towards t'Vatrix:: KhreRiovtRex -> Au have heard my oath. However, this is also a family matter. I will leave it to au and Issaha, to deal with her and deal with au family honor. Laehval tTemarr -> They have na yet, tr'Pexil. If that happens, we will deal with it then. For now, we have the access we need. M_K_tKsa -> Ie, of course I can. The sooner the better. NDak -> ::He nodded:: Hann'yyo. tAehjae -> ::rings the chimes to t’Vtrix chambers:: (conference room, na chambers t'A) Lerak trPexil -> I will need greater access to the comm system than even my Daise status allows. KhreRiovtRex -> It would na be my place to yy'a her myself. That falls to au. NDak -> I will.. Kaelin and I ... we will deal with this. KhreRiovtRex -> Au father though....he at least...owes me an eye..... Laehval tTemarr -> Au will have all the access au need. I will ensure that. NDak -> Issaha> :flushing at the use of his own fourth name, which Destorie had so rarely ever used, let alone in front of t'Vatrix:: Lerak trPexil -> Ie thing... Laehval tTemarr -> ::She rose.:: Now, I need a shower and a change of clothing. Lerak trPexil -> How vetted is the crew? I'd not want any Othan sleeper agents getting into my business. tAehjae -> :: na turning her back on Koga, places her weapon in its holster:: M_K_tKsa -> Menkha point, tr'Pexil. KhreRiovtRex -> Make sure he stays away....I will na actively hunt him, but if I see him on ch'Rihan again, he will have to answer to this ::sets her blade among the others there:: Lerak trPexil -> I trust au two.. and that's about as far as I can safely go. NDak -> ::Nods:: If I did na already owe au a life debt, I would consider this worthy of such. Hann'yyo. Laehval tTemarr -> We can na know that, unfortunately. We must make do with what we have. Keep a weapon with au if au are afraid to work alone. Koga S'Bien -> ::follows t'A inside the chambers and takes a seat when indicated to do so once someone opens the door for them:: Laehval tTemarr -> We will be debriefing in a few minutes. All of us, with the Khre'Riov and Enarrain. Lerak trPexil -> I will need a new io since they confiscated mine on the oria. KhreRiovtRex -> However, if I find he had anything to do with tr'Merk and tr'Vren pushing the Fvillah against myself and Var'lon...that may change matters. Laehval tTemarr -> Freshen up, get something to eat, and get to the conference room. Lerak trPexil -> I will set the shower to the fastest setting. :: gets uip :: NDak -> ::His expression hardened:: Ie, of course. Should we find that or if he knew of the biological attacks... Lerak trPexil -> Laehval, do au need me to watch aur door as au prepare? KhreRiovtRex -> Issaha, if au would excuse us, I have a few more items to discuss with Destorie. Hann'yyo for keeping our confidence tAehjae -> :: sitsacross from Koga:: Now we wait for tVatrix and the others. She said she had something to tell all of us. NDak -> Issaha> ::Nods, soberly. Knowing full well to keep his mouth shut.:: Koga S'Bien -> Must be important. KhreRiovtRex -> (man, wouldn't you like to be the fly on the wall in that room) KhreRiovtRex -> (kiss her now Koga and cool her down...now's your chance!!) Lerak trPexil -> (go go, it worked for me) M_K_tKsa -> Just as long as there are na more grand declarations of vengeance. I've had about all I can stomach for now. tAehjae -> (( if he wishes to yy'aa)) Lerak trPexil -> (and what a way to go) Koga S'Bien -> (( ::KISSES!:: lol) Lerak trPexil -> :: Awaits Laehval's answer and he dusts himself off :: Laehval tTemarr -> I think I have quelled the urge. For now. We have more important things to attend right now than personal vendettas. The Khre'Riov has realized that. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to NDak:: I've had scattered news of Var'lon, I hope to speak with tr’Shalor to see what news he's found for me. Have au heard of anything new? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She glanced at Lerak, eyes narrowed, and did not answer his question.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes her silence as a na :: KhreRiovtRex -> And.....::pauses a siuren:: When we get a chance and the area is secured....I would like to take my ship.....down....I have to ...I need to see for myself. NDak -> ::he shook his head, trying to push his own emotions back from the surface:: NDak -> Only rumors and rumors of rumors. NDak -> ::Nods:: Of course. KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns towards him:: I'm na sure I could pilot myself there though. :: the struggle to maintain her composure obvious on her face:: May I ask au io more favor...if au...:: swallows and closes her eyes a siuren:: If au would take me down to…....::is unable to finish her question:: NDak -> I would be honored. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> Ok...a scale of 1-10... KhreRiovtRex -> Pexil's Kiss? Lerak trPexil -> Please let it not be a negative number Laehval tTemarr -> A solid 10 for effort. A 3 for execution. -4 for timing. tAehjae -> lol Laehval tTemarr -> 13 for surprise factor KhreRiovtRex -> The broken jaw might have not been comfy to be kissed Lerak trPexil -> lol KhreRiovtRex -> Should t'A have kissed Koga? Koga S'Bien -> The kiss itself? 1.. the gusto to do it, 100000 KhreRiovtRex -> At gunpoint? Laehval tTemarr -> Average: 5.5 Koga S'Bien -> Yes :D KhreRiovtRex -> Go Koga! tAehjae -> lol NDak -> I'd give it a big fat 0. tAehjae -> She wants to kill him for all he has done NDak -> The kiss was no good, in fact bad. Sad! KhreRiovtRex -> With so many blades in my office, should the NDaks taken them and go all GoT on me? M_K_tKsa -> Okay guys, I gotta scoot. I've gotta be at work early tomorrow NDak -> Very low energy kiss. M_K_tKsa -> Night! Lerak trPexil -> lol KhreRiovtRex -> Niight tKsa, have a nice weekend Laehval tTemarr -> Night. :) Koga S'Bien -> Gotta agreee there. Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight tKsa Lerak trPexil -> Low energy (NDak here) I give all the best kisses... KhreRiovtRex -> Ok...let's wrap it up there.... KhreRiovtRex -> Next week we'll all meet. There are opportunity for logs if you like... KhreRiovtRex -> Pex/Laehvall Laehval tTemarr -> ;) Lerak trPexil -> Finaly that shower scene I've been waiting over a decade for KhreRiovtRex -> whoa!!!!! KhreRiovtRex -> wow KhreRiovtRex -> Well, you do both need one.... KhreRiovtRex -> uhm....go for it? Lerak trPexil -> lol Koga S'Bien -> Yea, go for it!! :D Laehval tTemarr -> ::strategically placed steam:: Lerak trPexil -> And then they [REDACTED] KhreRiovtRex -> Koga and tA...you're alone for a bit too.....you twol have alot of trust issues to work out KhreRiovtRex -> Thank you again to NDak for helping us out again with this plot... KhreRiovtRex -> same plot since he joinedin 2002.... KhreRiovtRex -> I think.... lol NDak -> *takes a bow* KhreRiovtRex -> so Crew Dismissed Lerak trPexil -> Thanks NDak Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight folks! Laehval tTemarr -> Night, everyone. KhreRiovtRex -> Have a nice weekend all KhreRiovtRex -> Hope you all are having fun with our guest..and please..when we get him back in the room with you all next week...feel free to work with him, that's why he's here KhreRiovtRex -> That and the ale KhreRiovtRex -> Pexel...that was awesome btw... Laehval tTemarr -> Yes, it was. Very surprising. :) KhreRiovtRex -> wish you could have heard the reaction in my headphones.... tAehjae -> night all KhreRiovtRex -> and t'A...same thing when you pulled the gun on Koga...that was from me! KhreRiovtRex -> lol Night all, Lerak trPexil -> THanks Koga S'Bien -> GOodnight. lol KhreRiovtRex -> I'll be traveling a few days, so iffy connecton for Republic, see you then
  19. Ok…..So this is what happens when the CO is late for her own sim…….and happens to be Caitian…. LtCmdrRobinson -> it was 92 here, gonna be a lot cooler tomorrow. August Jax Robinson -> Husband Ayumu Kasuga -> Eyup LtCmdrRobinson -> wife® Rue Wydown -> We had a pretty pleasant weekend temperature wise. But this week is supposed to be really hot and humid yuck Ayumu Kasuga -> Hmm. Heather Jamieson -> Some of the hottest on record actually Ayumu Kasuga -> I think it'll stick in the 30s, or 90s in Murhicun Christina_Nickles -> ut oh missing the Admiral? Rue Wydown -> Yes she's missing. I'm going to give her a few more minutes and if she doesn't come then will have to make a decision on what to do LtCmdrRobinson -> ::shines a laser pointer around the bridge:: See if that gets her out Rue Wydown -> Here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty Christina_Nickles -> LOL Will she does read the logs you know Ayumu Kasuga -> Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, it's not your fault! Rue Wydown -> Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur… Heather Jamieson -> My daughter learned that on the violin without music, since we can't find any Ayumu Kasuga -> Smelly cat or soft kitty? LtCmdrRobinson -> I would throw down some cat nip, but some cats can’t handle that stuff. Go crazy August Jax Robinson -> meow Rue Wydown -> Well, guys, I don't have the game book for tonight's sim. So I have no idea what she had planned. Rue Wydown -> I'm thinking we cancel and go check out the strawberry full moon. Unless you all have any better ideas? Ayumu Kasuga -> Strawberry moon sounds appealing Heather Jamieson -> Wonder if she is having trouble getting in.. I've not had any issues for a while Ayumu Kasuga -> Neither have I. Rue Wydown -> I've got no messages from her that she's having problems Christina_Nickles -> its getting ready to storm here the moon just went behind the clouds LtCmdrRobinson -> she took some Nyquil and she is gone for the night probably Heather Jamieson -> I think it's cloudy here too August Jax Robinson -> I don't like berries Rue Wydown -> Okay guys then I'm going to cancel for the night. We'll try again next week Ayumu Kasuga -> Too much light pollution to see anything here Heather Jamieson -> More Overwatch. Heather Jamieson -> Oh... Ayumu Kasuga -> Oh.. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::puts the laser pointer away:: Heather Jamieson -> Mine had three dots August Jax Robinson -> one street light in all of Canada is not light Pollution STSF_BluRox -> (Sorry all, was waiting to start, and didn't hear my alarm) Christina_Nickles -> there she is STSF_BluRox -> (call me next time sillies) Ayumu Kasuga -> Good timing, we were about to split Heather Jamieson -> (No number) STSF_BluRox -> Ah, no need for that, I see two other Red in the room they could have tortured you just as well. They’ve all been well trained to come up with filler material in a heartbeat! Rue Wydown -> My computer decided to restart on me erg STSF_BluRox -> Well, 3 of you have it.....it's an easy thing! Rue Wydown -> We were just about to cancel but now that you're here… STSF_BluRox -> I was here earlier, before everyone, so restarted the computer dozed off waiting for reboot LtCmdrRobinson -> (I was shining a laser pointer around the bridge to get you to come out, that was my contribution) STSF_BluRox -> (That must have been it Will...thanks!.. can't wait to read prelog!) USS REPUBLIC MISSION BRIEFING 51606.20 - Season 24 The crew has been working together to determine just where and to whom these raider had been planning to sell their goods and hidden elixir they had gotten from J'Rom's lab during all the chaos at the end. After interrogating Stan and Rue listening to Malcom in the brig, we had determined that they were planning to sell the stolen Federation technology as well as the transformation serum to someone through a Yriidian trader and his group of thugs. Blu had proposed a plan to potentially go after them, however Rue felt it was not worth the risk...... and....this is where we'll pick up.. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM STSF_BluRox -> :: looks over at Rue, uncertain what the woman wants to do then:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Doing what she was doing last we meet :: STSF_BluRox -> Ok....so what do you propose? Just ignore who the buyers were? STSF_BluRox -> (Heather, you and Ayumu were in Astrometrics determine from the raiders prior logs, where we though they were meeting the Yiriidans) LtCmdrRobinson -> ::finishing up in the cargo bay:: Well, I am going to head upstairs and see about some angry visitors we may have soon. STSF_BluRox -> :: looks at Rue, waiting to hear her suggestion on how she would prefer that they proceed:: Rue Wydown -> I don't know. What information have you gleaned from the other ringleader of the situation? Christina_Nickles -> Did you find anything useful commander? August Jax Robinson -> Will... we are alone down here Ayumu Kasuga -> ::going over scans and star charts in astrometrics:: Christina_Nickles -> ::looks over to Jax:: IM guessing that’s a cue for me to leave. Commander Will I’m heading back to main security LtCmdrRobinson -> ::smirks:: On the clock still, August. Calm down. STSF_BluRox -> As we had detailed to the others, we have determined that they were going to sell the stolen goods, and the elixir to someone, their connection were a bunch of Yiridian traders August Jax Robinson -> ::Blushes:: oh yeah... we aren't August Jax Robinson -> I don't remember the clock ever stopping you.. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::looks back at Nickles:: Yeah, I'm heading up the the bridge myself. STSF_BluRox -> Ayumu and Heather are trying to determine from their log records, if they can determine an approximate location where they might have met previously August Jax Robinson -> We were in that Supply closet more than once Heather Jamieson -> AM: I've not been here for some time. Here's what we have so far... :: The holo display before them lights up with the current map of the sector :: LtCmdrRobinson -> No audiences in the closet, lady. Ayumu Kasuga -> Really, surprising there for a Chief Science Officer. August Jax Robinson -> OK old man... see you later Heather Jamieson -> AM: And now let me plot the data from the flight computer on that ship.. STSF_BluRox -> we'd have to depend on their calculations to attempt to meet with the buyers...if....and it's a BIG IF Ayumu Kasuga -> ::nods:: Heather Jamieson -> I'm not the Chief Ayumu... Ayumu Kasuga -> No? Oh. STSF_BluRox -> But they've been doing this for years now, I'm certain with them working together, they could map something up based on the Heather Jamieson -> AM: As you can see there are gaps in the information, and just plain areas we don't have detailed scans of yet, STSF_BluRox -> (Heather....let's just say you are) Ayumu Kasuga -> ::watches the map:: Heather Jamieson -> (Oh, yea! me) Christina_Nickles -> :: turns and heads for the TL:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::kisses her and heads for the door:: See you after work, stay out of trouble Rue Wydown -> What others? I've been down to brig for....how long now? You expect me to make a decision on what our next step is without giving me the benefit of all the facts. Heather Jamieson -> AM: There are several systems with little traffic, and some with heavy traffic, but certain areas are rather dark. STSF_BluRox -> I'd like to get August and Will's thoughts as well, if they think this feasible, putting a replacement team on the raider's ship Heather Jamieson -> AM: Let me make the computer map possibilities based on Starfleet's encounters with similar threats over its history. August Jax Robinson -> Never! Heather Jamieson -> Am: :: Waits a bit :: Glad we got out of that box. STSF_BluRox -> Fine....you're the first officer...then you tell me how you think we need to proceed. Shall we just roll over and let this go, not knowing if they've already delivered some of this terrible thing already? We risk it getting to someone just as bad or worse that may be able to duplicate it. Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah, I hear ya there Heather Jamieson -> AM: :: computer beeps :: Ah, well, based on that history the computer has, there are eight possible places one could go... we have to narrow that down. STSF_BluRox -> Or do we attempt to find out who is the buyer and stop this nonsense? Heather Jamieson -> AM: Ayumu, can you bring up data on the scans we did of their ship? Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah, sure. :: brings up the requested data:: Here you go... STSF_BluRox -> ::mumbles something to herself that she can’t' wait until Rian was better:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Signs her PADD and exits the bay, locks it:: Heather Jamieson -> AM: :: Spins a representation of the ship in front of them :: Hmm Rue Wydown -> You're not listening to me, are you? Heather Jamieson -> AM: Lots of light years on those engines. I think they were pushing them pretty hard. STSF_BluRox -> I am...but you're not giving me any other options...what more did you get while sitting down there... Heather Jamieson -> AM: Two of those systems are pretty far away, so if you wanted to offload your cargo quickly, I'd not go there. STSF_BluRox -> ::thinks the woman has drank too many of her weird teas:: Heather Jamieson -> AM: Did they have to take any shortcuts? Heather Jamieson -> AM: Oh look, there is a bit of fitigue all over the hull, what would cause that?> STSF_BluRox -> ::wondering where Jax had gotten off to, and if Will had actually secured those old detonators:: August Jax Robinson -> ::heads down the hall, making notes as she walks:: Christina_Nickles -> ::: in the lift:: Sir shall I accompany you to the bridge? or go to main Security? Rue Wydown -> We seem to be having a communication issue. And I kind a like to figure out why what I'm saying is it translating. So please tell me what is it is you thought you heard me say? Heather Jamieson -> AM: Kasuga? You with me? August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps into the Lift:: Bridge Ayumu Kasuga -> I get ya. ::looks:: Hmm, I'm just not what would cause such a thing. LtCmdrRobinson -> Security for now, Nickles. We may have more interviews soon. I'll be back down in a few. August Jax Robinson -> +Will+ I need you on the Bridge LtCmdrRobinson -> +August+ The bridge? That place I said I was heading towards? Is that the big room with all the chairs and buttons? Heather Jamieson -> :: Smiles :: I do.. if you take a ship like this into the atmosphere of a gas giant, the gas exerts pressure on the hull. LtCmdrRobinson -> +August+ Almost there now, love you. Heather Jamieson -> Bet they were hiding in it's magnetic pole August Jax Robinson -> +Will+ it might be, my Mind was in another place when you left me August Jax Robinson -> ::Exits the lift, Smiles at Will:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Types some things in :: Christina_Nickles -> Aye sir.:: to the computer:; Main Security:: Heather Jamieson -> Ah, filtering that in we can narrow it down to five systems. STSF_BluRox -> I've told you what we found out, we know what they are hiding in the goods, and if caught, hoped we'd be so focused on the stolen goods, we'd miss the drug hidden in the chocolate boxes. You've expressed your concern that it's risky and you don't know more from the others that were down in the brig. Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Watches Heather:: August Jax Robinson -> ::Points to the conference room:: this way Darling LtCmdrRobinson -> Yes boss. ::follows along:: STSF_BluRox -> We have ops and science trying to pinpoint where previous rendezvous locations were, so that we could surmise where they were planning to meet Heather Jamieson -> The galaxy is full of a lot of gas... Christina_Nickles -> :: exits the lift when it stops at main security before it takes Will to his destination.:: August Jax Robinson -> ::hits Chime for the conference room:: Heather Jamieson -> Let me look for some signs of places one would try to sell that are located close to those five systems. Rue Wydown -> ::literally drops her head on to the table in front of her and then bangs it several times:: STSF_BluRox -> What is your problem woman? Shall we just pack up and let them go then?> Heather Jamieson -> You are the pilot here, where would you go if you were transporting ill-gotten goods. Ayumu Kasuga -> That looks like a promising hidey place Ayumu Kasuga -> If it were me, I might go there. August Jax Robinson -> ::Enters the confernce room:: Admiral, Sorry to bother you STSF_BluRox -> ::sighs with frustration, and then hears Jax:: STSF_BluRox -> August, yes...please come in....... LtCmdrRobinson -> ::wonders what his wife is dragging him into:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Expands the system she liked :: STSF_BluRox -> We'd like your opinion on a few matters... Ayumu Kasuga -> Lots of nooks and crannies to hide it, plus the interference from the gas would make it hard to scan through Ayumu Kasuga -> hide in Rue Wydown -> Nope. Nevermind ::picks her head up, grins grimly:: She'd like your opinion. I'll just try to find where mine is tucked away. August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances at Will:: We have finished looking over the Cargo closer, I think we need to finish what we started and track down these people Heather Jamieson -> Than'aris, 11 planets, a rather large gas giant. One inhabited system. A few others that could be colonized. August Jax Robinson -> there are a number of stolen or illegal weapons STSF_BluRox -> No Rue...I want us all to discuss this, and determine our best path. I'm just frustrated when you answer my question, with a questions..... Heather Jamieson -> There are ones at these too... :: zooms out and places two other systems in the lineup :: STSF_BluRox -> ::points for Will to join them as well:: Ayumu Kasuga -> Mm-hmm. ::studies the map:: Heather Jamieson -> Than'aris, Kal and... Bortos. LtCmdrRobinson -> ::has a seat:: Heather Jamieson -> Sounds like a comedy trio. Rue Wydown -> You just don't like it when people question you. I have questions. There's nothing wrong with that. Ayumu Kasuga -> Something comedic yea STSF_BluRox -> the more the merrier.......Besides......I've been told I let my temper on this issue cloud my reasoning....I'd like Rue to explain her thoughts to you both, and then you discuss….. STSF_BluRox -> (god, can't spell tonight, going to put spell checker through the ringer this week!) Heather Jamieson -> Let me make the call. +Blu+ Jamieson here, we have narrowed down the choices to three, with one more likely. Ayumu Kasuga -> (Told you not to borrow Kawalas' keyboard lol) 52STSF_BluRox -> (IKR!?) Heather Jamieson -> :: to Kasuga :: Still would really need to visit the other two. Ayumu Kasuga -> I agree. They don't look too..too.. far away from each other. Rue Wydown -> (Stupid iPad) STSF_BluRox -> I just wanted a straight opinion...is that too much to have asked? Look let's start fresh, we're all very tired, and a bit stressed over this. I'd like you all to present your thoughts, and I will listen to each of your ideas and thoughts on the matter STSF_BluRox -> Rue.....if you would please, explain to Will and Jax your concerns, as they’ve just arrived. Christina_Nickles -> (::giggles::)) STSF_BluRox -> :: leans over to Will::: You 'Did’ put away those detonators and old grenades in a safe place, did you not? Heather Jamieson -> I guess they are busy Rue Wydown -> ::nonchalantly:: Besides the fact that I feel like I just wasted my entire day in the brig 'cause whatever I did find out isn't useful to the cause here....I'm still trying to make sense of the information Ayumu Kasuga -> I guess so LtCmdrRobinson -> Yes, everything is inert and safe, I disarmed what actually worked. Ayumu Kasuga -> Try to call back later Rue Wydown -> I messed out on while I was in said brig. August Jax Robinson -> I think we have a duty to see this through STSF_BluRox -> two minute warning Christina_Nickles -> :: walks to the brig to check on the prisoners:: Rue Wydown -> Those would be my main concerns. Not knowing the whole story...yet. But if you guys could fill me in on what you've found that would be fantastic LtCmdrRobinson -> Stan the scumbag is selling explosives and a mutagenic serum to some Yiridians, that is the situation I believe. Heather Jamieson -> +Blu+ Jamieson to Blu STSF_BluRox -> +Heather, go ahead Rue Wydown -> And you came to that conclusion how? Heather Jamieson -> +Blu+ We have narrowed our choices down to three, with one more likely than the others. Ayumu Kasuga -> +Blu+ Yes, based on our findings they've made numerous direct runs from Eridos 3 to this place and back. LtCmdrRobinson -> Well I got crates full of third world explosives in the cargo bay that came from his ship. He mentioned some business friends of his were going to come looking for him shortly. STSF_BluRox -> Can you and Ayumu come to the Conference room and bring your results with you. I'd like you to present them to the rest of the senior staff. Good work you two by the way Heather Jamieson -> :: off mic :: We could just be placed in boxes... :: smiles :: Heather Jamieson -> +Blu+ Sure. Ayumu Kasuga -> +Blu+ Aye sir.. ::cuts comm:: I hope not. I've had enough boxes for the time being. :: downloading her findings onto her PADD:: Heather Jamieson -> :: Copies their findings and heads out :: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::follows Heather:: STSF_BluRox -> Ok..we'll have them fill you in on the rest and we can then have all the facts in front of us, and we'll make a group decision on what we feel is the best course of action Rue Wydown -> Do we have any proof that he's already made the sale? PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused:: Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused:: LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd:: STSF_BluRox -> My apologies again for the late start that was my bad. (Should have waited to take the meds) STSF_BluRox -> but good work between... STSF_BluRox -> (and remember everyone....tempers In character...are that, just IN character...) Heather Jamieson -> (Now you tell me) STSF_BluRox -> Rue missed that, let me pop up again... (and remember everyone....tempers In character...are that, just IN character... we all love you all) Rue Wydown -> I so want my computer to work next week Ayumu Kasuga -> (Could be worse.. not gonna be fun being in Koga's shoes for a while! Lol) August Jax Robinson -> I must be off STSF_BluRox -> (any testiness or disparaging comment, is just game mode) anyway, Conference room next week...we'll decide what we’re going to do together, ,have your arguments ready August Jax Robinson -> nite everyone STSF_BluRox -> Crew Dismissed
  20. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51606.16 – Season 21 (Capes are Back in Fashion) The Talon command staff, after having taken the Ops center of Galae Headquarters and securing it until the rightful staff came to replace them have been transported by Daise'Sael t'Kallen's ship to t'Ksa's location at the medical triage location. t'Aejhae, upset with Laehval for sucker punching t'Vatrix, has turned and thrown her own punch at Laehval, catching her on the chin. After a few siuren of standing off with each other and Leah ordering her to stand down, Laeh and t'Ksa both decide to place t'Vatrix into restraints.....for her own good...in their opinion...... BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM ACTION: Talon has destroyed the small attack ship it had been in pursuit of, and had circled back to beam up its crew. Orders have went out for troops to be brought up into the large hanger bay transports, medical patients and staff to the med bay, and Command Staff Personnel hteij directly to the Oira. @ Talon Ops> + Ground troops+ Stand by for pick up..... KhreRiovtRex -> :: still out from the sucker punch, restrained:: Lerak trPexil -> ::goes directly to the eng station to get a status update :: ACTION: Talon has destroyed the small attack ship it had been in pursuit of, and had circled back to beam up its crew. Orders have went out for troops to be brought up into the large hanger bay transports, medical patients and staff to the med bay, and Command Staff Personnel hteij directly to the Oira. KhreRiovtRex -> (PEXIL….YOU ARE NOT ON THE SHIP YET!!) KhreRiovtRex -> (AS WE STATED LAST WEEK) ACTION: Talon's Command Crew are beamed back to the oira of the Talon, however, they are quickly surrounded by dheno in Galae uniforms, weapons trained upon the team, still all wearing the Othan Tal Shiar tunics they had acquired during their ruse to gain entry to the Ops center. In the midst of this group who look like the enemy, is a woman, laying directly in the center of the floor, Galae tunic covered hrrau green blood and wrists and ankles bound in restraints. She appears to be just coming back to consciousness. (NOW..you are back on the ship...on the oira) Koga S'Bien -> (ooooh) ACTION:: Dheno sees t'A moving and pull weapons on the Othan Tal Shiar just beamed to the oira ACTION:: As t’A sees the weapons being trained on them, she goes to intercede, and is immediately clubbed to the back of the head, taking her to the floor M_K_tKsa -> ::wisely decides to keep any snide comments to herself for the moment:: Koga S'Bien -> ::looks around:: NDak -> ::Turns in his chair to see the new arrivals:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::feeling very disoriented, but starting to wake:: Talon Dheno> :: seeing Tal Shiar uniforms, order them all to hold and drop their weapons::: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval cleared her throat, seeing the weapons, and threw a glance at the others. Catching sight of N'Dak in the command chair, her eyes narrowed.:: N'Dak... Talon Dheno:: holding disruptor toward t'Temarr Koga S'Bien -> Well well.. NDak -> ::Lifts a brow:: t'Temarr. KhreRiovtRex -> :: groggy:: Thought she heard Laehval....and NDak..... KhreRiovtRex -> (t'A...is currently laying on the floor, with a disruptor trained on her head) NDak -> ::Looking at them, notices they're wearing enemy uniforms, and then catches sight of t'Rexan looking like something the c'at drug in.:: Laehval tTemarr -> If au value your lives, au will stand down. ::She cut her eyes at the dheno with his weapon trained on her. Her blade and disruptor were both sheathed at her hip.:: NDak -> ::Evenly:: If au value au life, au might na presume to give orders rhae my Oira. NDak -> ::Emphasis "rhae my Oira." :: KhreRiovtRex -> (He 'FINALLY' gets to say it!) M_K_tKsa -> Oh Elements ::sighs:: KhreRiovtRex -> ((Yes!! Bonus points to t’Ksa) Laehval tTemarr -> ::One eyebrow rose.:: Your Oira? ::She grunted her displeasure.:: tAehjae -> :: takes a deep breath looking up at the disruptor:: Koga S'Bien -> Wow. I've been out of the loop too long. NDak -> ::Standing, sweeping his cape behind him:: Ie, my Oira. NDak -> H'nah, will io of au kindly tell me why the Khre'Riov is bloodied and tied up, and why au qu'ii are wearing veruul's uniforms? NDak -> ::Had still not ordered the D'heno to stand down.:: ACTION:: L’haiy, just coming too, feeling herself bound and looking up, seeing t’Temarr over her once again, turns and then see’s N’Dak. Trying to decide if she is having a bad dream, or if they are taking the opportunity as a 2nd attempt to finally do away with her. Laehval tTemarr -> ::She glanced at t'Vatrix.:: She is restrained to keep her from throwing her life away on a suicide mission for vengeance. M_K_tKsa -> Are we sure that Talon did na beam us into an alternate reality? :: glancing at Pexil for an engineering opinion:: Laehval tTemarr -> Tal'Shiar uniforms were required for cover so we could gain access to their command center -- WHICH we took. Us. ::She waved a hand at the handful with her.:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: still coming too....:: ...so au conspire to yy'a me yet again... Realizing she is again, bound and at t'Temarr's feet NDak -> ::Nods, loosening the clasp from his cape and putting it around the woman.:: NDak -> ::Looking over to t'Ksa:: I should wonder the same, ie? Laehval tTemarr -> We are NA trying to y'ya you. ::To t'Vatrix.:: We are saving au. KhreRiovtRex -> (death shroud cape) M_K_tKsa -> Don't worry, Laehval, she thinks everyone is out to get her. tAehjae -> :: starts to get up:: NDak au have returned? For what? NDak -> :Stands, glancing at the crew again, and then Laehval:: Au are trying to tell me that au with this ::waves his hands around at them:: penetrated their command center all qu'ii auself. KhreRiovtRex -> (Technically, most of them are) Koga S'Bien -> To be in charge, apparently. But yeah... It's a long story, mate. NDak -> ::Glances to t'Ksa;: It's not as if she does na have good reason to be weary of such things. ::He subconsciously touched the scar on his chest, rhae his own stab wound had been.:: Lerak trPexil -> Ie, long tAehjae -> :: keeping hand hands clear na trying to reach for her weapon:: NDak -> ::Frowns:: It is always a long story with this crew is it not? Koga S'Bien -> Yeah, that seems to be our forté NDak -> ::Looks back to t'Vatrix again:: D'heno, help her to a chair. NDak -> ::Considers:: And remove her bonds. tAehjae -> :: sitting up looking to N’dak :: Why have Au returned? NDak -> Returned? I have been in command of the Talon for the last several months. ::Pauses:: Once au abandoned it. Koga S'Bien -> Here, I'll help her with the chair. ::helps t'Vatrix sit down upon a chair:: Koga S'Bien -> How'd au find it? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She scowled at N'Dak.:: Au still do na listen. Perhaps it was the ear I removed. tAehjae -> :: Glares:: we did NA abandoned her!! tAehjae -> ::: moves to stand to face him instead of looking up to him:: Laehval tTemarr -> We left the Talon in a place of safety while we infiltrated the enemy forces on ch'Rihan. ::She unsnapped the neck of the uniform she wore and tugged it down in anger.:: We have been fighting in the trenches. Where were au?! Koga S'Bien -> Taking care of the Talon. KhreRiovtRex -> :: is helped into a seat by the dheno, a few of who recognize her and quickly remove her bonds:: M_K_tKsa -> Doing whatever parasitic verruls do when there's a crisis. Koga S'Bien -> Nice to see my console is just the way I left it. Lerak trPexil -> :: watching the exchange :: tAehjae -> :: manages to get to her feet:: NDak -> ::t'Ksa:: Good to see the Daise Mehnek is sour as ever. NDak -> Some things do na change, ie? NDak -> ::Returns to his own chair and waves to the D'heno to stand down.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::slowly starting to come to her senses, the chill going away thanks to the blanket...no wait...this is a cape?:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Her gaze snapped to Koga.:: Au... are on very, very thin ice already. I should think au would na be so quick to jump to another side. Again. tAehjae -> :: brushes herself off:: Au still have na answered my question. NDak -> H'nah, au have much to report on about au operations. KhreRiovtRex -> :: coming to the realization that she is indeed, looking at NDak rhae the oira, dressed and being addressed as it's Enarrain..... NDak -> ::t'A:: In case au have not noticed, I am the io who gets to ask questions. Na au. Koga S'Bien -> wot Laehval tTemarr -> And au have much to report on your "command". ::You could hear the quotations in her tone.:: NDak -> I see au still have na learned au place in the world. M_K_tKsa -> I have patients to tend to. I'm assuming au haven't done anything with the rest of our crew. Like make them walk a plank. NDak -> ::Ksa:: Ie, I yy'a'd them all and replaced them with holograms. Much more efficient. Laehval tTemarr -> (Koga> U wot m8? ) M_K_tKsa -> ::blandly:: au's sense of humor needs some work. Lerak trPexil -> :: thinks :: the power requirements to replace the crew.. NDak -> ::Ksa:: Before au go, though, perhaps au should examine t'Rexan... ::glances back to her:: she does na look well. tAehjae -> He has none, is his problem Laehval tTemarr -> She will be fine. I did na hit her that hard. NDak -> ::Looks at Laehval:: Au did what? M_K_tKsa -> Agreed. I'm hoping that Laehval knocked some sense into her, before she tries to get us all y'ya'd. tAehjae -> ::to the Dheno:: Get back to AUs posts! NDak -> Dheno> ::Look at t'Aehjae as if she has several heads:: Laehval tTemarr -> I knocked her out, to keep her from killing herself. There is much au do na know. ACTION:: The oira crew, mixed from older Talon crew and some as replacements of other displaced Galae members....start trying to figure out their allegiances. Several clearly remembering the Khre’Riov as in charge of the ship, others reported to t'A as Dheno.....still others, had reported to t’Temarr.....:: several start to turn and hold their weapons towards each other on the oira:: NDak -> ::Laehval:: Hitting a flag officer? As an io who once attacked her? Elements you had better have a good story. tAehjae -> :: loosens the collar on the tunic.:: Back to Aus posts. Au are na needed any longer. tAehjae -> :: looking to ios she knows:: Lerak trPexil -> :: sees the weapons :: Oira Dheno:: One or two look to t'Aehjae, remembering her, but also seeing her in the enemy uniform....and hold their ground, looking to N'Dak and the KhreRiov.... Koga S'Bien -> ::looking around the oira as well spotting some of his old crewmates:: NDak -> ::Lifts a brow at t'Aehjae: Au have been away for several months and most of the crew has turned over. Au are na Daise'D'heno at the moment, so if au would prefer to go to the br'tehh, I suggest you keep making trouble. KhreRiovtRex -> :: shakes her head trying to clear the sluggishness as she stands, starting to get her bearings back:: Laehval tTemarr -> It was either that or allow her to throw herself away in a blind rage that would do none of us any good. She is too important to our current mission. ::She sighed, glancing around at the officers on the bridge.:: NDak -> ::Laehval:: Perhaps we should discuss this rhae my chambers? tAehjae -> NDak I will get au back for this! They are NA Au chambers! They are t’Vatrix’s or t’Temarr’s KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks at Laehval, then turns to N'Dak:: KhreRiovtRex -> N'Dak..... are au here, to honor the words au spoke when au came to my home last summer? ::turning to look him squarely in the eye:: NDak -> ::Turns hearing t'Vatrix, ignoring t'Aehjae:: Ie, as I swore then. Koga S'Bien -> I suppose it is his chambers for now. I wonder if he's redecorated. ::to tr'Pexil:: M_K_tKsa -> ::facepalm:: Lerak trPexil -> most likely KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga has clearly declared twice now for #TeamNDak) KhreRiovtRex -> (t'A for #TeamtVatrix) Laehval tTemarr -> The Enarrain's chambers. And ie, we need to talk. All of us. Lerak trPexil -> :: wonders if he was safer on the surface :: KhreRiovtRex -> (and t'Ksa for #Teamt'Temarr, I seem to have lost her) KhreRiovtRex -> (Everyone looks at Pexil......) NDak -> ::Considers pointing out to t'Temarr that he is the Enarrain but decides against it:: Lerak trPexil -> (Is there na a teamPexil?) KhreRiovtRex -> :: Stands, and walks over to hand him back his cape:: Hann'yyo for your kindness.....and I accept au oath NDak -> (( lol )) KhreRiovtRex -> (:))) NDak -> ::Takes, tipping his head respectfully:: tAehjae -> tVatrix, Au should be careful rekkhai tAehjae -> :: steps closer to her in case she wabbles:: KhreRiovtRex -> If au would excuse me io siuren.....::: 55KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to N'Dak:: Au ie'yakk if au would fhaen? ACTION> D'Heno clearly loyal to N'Dak step between t'A and t'Rexan. Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at Laehval :: NDak -> ::Lifts a brow, considering what he had been told about her state of mind.:: Disheren ::he said to io of the D'heno:: Au ie'yakk. tAehjae -> :to the Dheno:: I will protect my Khre’Riov. Stand Down! Koga S'Bien -> ::scratches head:: M_K_tKsa -> ::double facepalm:: Disheren> ::Hands Destorie his ie'yakk:: NDak -> ::Hands it to her:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: Takes it:: Hann'yyo Koga S'Bien -> Hey easy now ::walks over to t'A:: Don't make me have to subdue you. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Sees her death awaiting her.:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns and walks over to t'Temarr:: I've trusted au before, it got me a blade. I trusted au again, and again, I find myself disabled and bound again at your feet..... NDak -> ::Considers whether he should step in or not, but as this was a matter of personal honor...:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Her chin tipped up, proud and fearless, waiting for what was to come.:: M_K_tKsa -> ::wonders if t'Rex will kill N'Dak, Laehval, S'Bien or herself...or all of the above and if she is the one to die, then she'll haunt NDak for the rest of his life:: NDak -> ::There was a line for that:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: grabs Laehval’s hand and slaps the weapon into it, then bringing Laehval's aim and the muzzle of the weapon up to her chest :: Do it right if you mean to do it.... ::snarling at her:: tAehjae -> Koga! I knew I should have yy’a when I had the chance, AU are taking his side! Laehval tTemarr -> Au know that I have na desire to y'ya you. ::Flatly. Her finger didn't even near the trigger, but she didn't try to pull away.:: Sometimes, au must trust others, to save au from yourself. I speak from experience. KhreRiovtRex -> (laeh shoots n’dak instead!) Lerak trPexil -> :: Steps closer to Laehval :: tAehjae -> :: turns to t’Vartrix:: NA! tries to step up to t’Temarr to take the blade away:: NDak -> Dheno> ::Steps in front of Lerak:: NDak -> Silence, qu'ii of au! Koga S'Bien -> Oh, I don't have time for this! ;;grabs t'A and strikes her, knocking her out:: KhreRiovtRex -> (I can see it now, t’A will grab for the gun, thinking it’s a blade, and I will get shot anyway!) Lerak trPexil -> :: scowls :: KhreRiovtRex -> (S'Bien!......wow!) Koga S'Bien -> (lol) tAehjae -> :: drops to the ground again after getting hit from behind:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Ambushed I say!) Lerak trPexil -> :: waits, looks at the dheno :: Koga S'Bien -> I should probably tie her up or something... and stay away from her for a while when she wakes up... KhreRiovtRex -> :: snatches the ie'yakk from Laeh’s hand, and thrusts it back to the dheno, but not taking her gaze from Laehval:: KhreRiovtRex -> Do na ever.....strike me again.....:: voice very cold::....the bond she thought she had finally formed with the woman, evidently broken....or never really having been there at all. She had been a veruul once again with her trust:: Laehval tTemarr -> (( I really want to see t’Ksa haunt N'Dak. Hiding his capes, breaking his mirrors, making him spill hot tea on himself.... )) NDak -> ::Glances to Ksa, sidelong for a moment.:: Laehval tTemarr -> I will na, Rekkhai. Na unless au force me to. I respect au too much to do otherwise. M_K_tKsa -> ::sighs:: See what I've had to put up with lately? M_K_tKsa -> ((Boo!)) NDak -> ::Smirks, despite himself and the situation:::: Lerak trPexil -> :: glances at tksa :: KhreRiovtRex -> But let me be clear.......:: turns and gives her a spinning kick to her jaw:: KhreRiovtRex -> Now…...we are even...... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Struck hard in the face, she staggered into Lerak, knocking them both over.:: KhreRiovtRex -> NDak....let's move this circus into my chambers.....:: moves toward her office.... Lerak trPexil -> :: wants to knock t’Rex out himself, but goes to Laehval instead :: Lerak trPexil -> :: and falls :: KhreRiovtRex -> (I'm not making fans here) NDak -> ::Nods:: Daise, Rekkhai. Lerak trPexil -> :: helps Laehval up :: Lerak trPexil -> Tough day... Koga S'Bien -> I know what au mean. tAehjae -> :: comes around and get to her hands and knees, looking up to NDak again thinking HE had that done to her:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Holding her jaw, which was now painful and swollen, she gave Lerak a nod. Watches t'Vatrix pass, but made no move to retaliate.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: looks :: Your face.. ACTION:: t'Ksa , having had enough of this mess, enters the lift and heads to medical.....with a guard still, due to her Tal Shiar uniform KhreRiovtRex -> (want a matching one Pex?) Lerak trPexil -> Should have it looked at, perhaps I should.. KhreRiovtRex -> :: enters her office, now strewn with sets of capes hanging from pegs:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks towards her spoon collection and sees what she is looking for hanging on the wall:: KhreRiovtRex -> :goes over and takes the incredibly evil looking blade that she had previously used for collecting her trophies, and strapped it back on....having a few particular targets, that she had in mind for its particular use:: NDak -> ::Motions to the D'heno to keep an eye on the disherens, then points to the Laehval to walk in front of him, rhae the chambers:: Lerak trPexil -> :: to Laehval :: will au be alright? Laehval tTemarr -> I'll be fine. ::Throws Lerak a reassuring look.:: Just do na do anything foolish while I'm gone. KhreRiovtRex -> :: walks over to the other wall, and reaches up, taking down her sword:: NDak -> ::Before leaving himself, to the D'Heno:: Keep those two ::points to Lerak and t'A:: in check. Lerak trPexil -> I'm an engineer, not a troublemaker Laehval tTemarr -> ::Still rubbing her jaw, which she suspected might be broken, she headed for the Enarrain's chambers.:: tAehjae -> :: gets back to her feet and looks to t’Temarr:: Where did HE take t’Vatrix!? KhreRiovtRex -> (oh yea, I think you still want to punch me Pexil! You just missed your one chance to try and most likely have gotten away with it.) NDak -> Koga... ::smiles: vhri'mehnka to see au again. Au are free to return to au quarters, with a guard if au wish. Lerak trPexil -> Jolan tru to au as well N’Dak. Koga S'Bien -> Hmm, thanks. NDak -> And get out of that veruulish uniform. Koga S'Bien -> Yeah.. NDak -> tr'Pexil, t'Aehjae... we will discuss aur... actions when I am finished. NDak -> ::Heads to the Chambers:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods to one of the guards to take him to his quarters:: Lerak trPexil -> :: wonders what actions he speaks of :: Koga S'Bien -> The Feeling is mutual. tAehjae -> :: hears Koga turning to face him then turns to Ndak:: I will follow tVartix>>. SHE was attacked! I was protecting her!!! Koga S'Bien -> ::heads to the lift with guard in tow:: NDak -> ::Exits the Oira, the chamber doors shutting behind him:: KhreRiovtRex -> two minute warning (and thanks for going over tonight, letting us make use of our guest!) Lerak trPexil -> So, I'm just on the oira? Lerak trPexil -> :: takes a seat nearby :: Dheno> :: until it is determined why you are wearing the enemy's uniforms..Ie. Dheno> Au were beamed up...with our Khre’Riov bound and bloody at your feet..... what would au have us think? Lerak trPexil -> :: sighs :: Doesn't seem the same.. Dheno> We don't need any turncoat Othan sympathizers infiltrating Galae.....::nodding at their uniform tunics:: tAehjae -> :: Moves towards the chambers thinking N’Dak or t’Temarr may harm her:: Koga S'Bien -> ::exits the lift after the short ride to his quarters, which thankfully, was just the way he'd left it:: Lerak trPexil -> I'm the hacking guy in all of this.. Dheno> :: stops t'Aejhae before she reaches the door:: The Khre’Riov asked them to join her in there, au will na interrupt Lerak trPexil -> Othan? Please.. tAehjae -> ::turns:: We were on a mission! DO Au na KNOW We would na abandon the Talon>?? How could au allow N’Dak to take over!! KhreRiovtRex -> Dheno> :: Au uniform.....indicates it to be so Lerak trPexil -> Impersonations..infiltration Koga S'Bien -> ::takes a quick warm shower and changes into a fresh Galae uniform:: That's better.. ::checks himself in the mirror:: Dheno> He was ranking officer aboard, when the attack upon him started at the Daise Maenak's bonding. He was justified to take position, as he was Enarrain when he was attacked and hospitalized. The Khre'Riov, was ordered to take command, as he was unavailable. Dheno> He will decide if you were a spy or na, once they are done speaking..... Lerak trPexil -> :: Kogas’ teeth sparkle as he gazes at his own reflection :: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused tAehjae -> ::paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> I'd like to thank NDak, for bringing our ship back...and helping us out tonight Lerak trPexil -> Paused Koga S'Bien -> Indeed :D NDak -> Thank you! KhreRiovtRex -> And...I even got to wear his cape! KhreRiovtRex -> Elements! tAehjae -> Hey N’dak good seeing au again... I was actually think of you the other day. Was looking through photos from Shoreleave Vegas. Laehval tTemarr -> Yes, thanks, N'Dak. :) NDak -> *waves cape* Laehval tTemarr -> though I think you're entirely too smug sitting in that chair KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, we'll pick this up next week...feel free for some logs..Pexil and tA...you can do something together KhreRiovtRex -> Koga you can KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed Laehval tTemarr -> Night, guys. Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight! KhreRiovtRex -> Hope you all had fun Koga S'Bien -> :D tAehjae -> I did thanks Lerak trPexil -> Was good, high emotion Lerak trPexil -> Night KhreRiovtRex -> Glad you enjoyed it, been planning it out for a few weeks, was hoping you could all make it tonight KhreRiovtRex -> Night .but I think you're already asleep!
  21. Early morning, approximately 2 months ago…….. A strong storm front had blown into the province two days past. Dark, low-hanging clouds, heavy with moisture finally had let loose their torrent. Wind blown rain, pelting all in it’s path in vertical sheets had forced windows shut, moods depressed and an increased sense of gloom which hung over the manor. The frequent bright flash and following rumble of thunder had kept the two children from sleeping well since the storm had started, and truth be told, herself as well. Things had gone from bad to worse of late. What had become a home full of joy, a loving family with their new child and hope for the future, had changed so quickly with a simple order from the Fvillah. The hru'hfirh tr’Vatrix’s bond mate, so suddenly recalled to service, with na good reason obvious to those hrrau the household staff, just made na sense. The only explanation they could deduct, as they dare na ask the Hru’hfirh, was of how the political firestorm continued to haunt the woman, even after she had tendered her resignation. A resignation, in which she had relinquished control of her ship, often a matter of contention with the Tal Shiar since her rejuvenation, and had made the commitment to remain on the home world to raise their son. Qiuu the staff had even noticed how light her mood had become since she had chosen her new path, and foresaw good tidings upon the house, their master and themselves. The sudden order however, was io that qiuu hrrau the manor now saw weigh heavily upon the their lord. Left with an urgent need for a wet nurse with the Llhei’s expedient departure, and na time for the hru’hfirh to do a broad search for someone suitable, Nemeria had informed the hru'hfirh, that her sister was currently nursing a child, about ready to wean and could take on the care and nursing of Val’ron as well. Her sister So’Ria’s bond mate had recently been lost in duty to Galae, reported missing and presumed yy’a when debris from been found of the ship upon which he served. As her sister’s bond mate was already hrrau Galae’s security files, she was quickly cleared. tr’Vatrix had given his approval and left it to Nemeria to make arrangements for her sister to move into the manor and have a room near the nursery as to see to the boy’s care. For Nemeria, it was also a relief to assist her kin, as she had worried about So’Ria living hrrau the mountains with just herself and her child, Nemeria had gotten up early that day, unable to get back to sleep after being woken by the frightened children, who in turn, had been awoken by the thunder of the storm. The storm had been gaining in intensity, and it had felt as if it would come through the roof. It had been almost time to wake and be about her duties anyway, so she gave up, had thrown off her blanket and stepped out onto the cold floor to make her way to the fresher and make herself presentable for the day. They had received word that the Hru’hfirh was due back to the home world tonight, after having spent time on the orbital station to handle some work he had to complete there, and hear reports from some of his subordinates. She really disliked having overheard his plans, however he had her complete trust, and she would na ever divulge his secrets, as she and the rest of the staff were sworn to him, and could have na better master to serve. She wanted to be sure that all was in readiness, upon his return, so that he might try to relax. The staff had heard or witnessed him pacing the manor, the gardens and beach, as if trying to make peace with his thoughts, but realizing that these were the same areas that he had most of late, spent time with his bond mate, and hopefully brought him some measure of peace. Knowing that he may well have others of his staff or important guests arrive to share the evening meal, she felt it best to have some sort of repast ready, that could easily be used for the next evening’s meal as well if na all was needed, and made note to the cook to prepare the meal appropriately. However, she had however also noted that the bar was in need of restocking, of na only his favorite wine, but the harder liquor he had been frequenting more of late. She heard movement down the corridor and went to look in to be assured all was well and noted her sister was up early caring for a fussy Val’ron, who had now also awoken So’Ria’s son. As the day was early, Nemeria waited a few siuren, and then offered to take the child to walk and rub his back to soothe him back to sleep, while her sister saw to her own son. She needed to go down to the lower levels of the residence to check on the wine reserves to ensure the correct vintages were available to compliment the evening meal, so she shushed at Val’ron and told him he was going to help his father, by learning to pick the correct vintage. She would make sure that he was well educated in the social necessities that were expected of io of his station would be. Carefully she cradled the boy as she went down the stairs. Taking care with each step, as she did na wish to take a misstep and send them both tumbling. As she walked among the stacks, she rocked the child back and forth, cooing at him hoping he’d go back to sleep. Fahd, muffled by the thick stone the quiet was refreshing, without the constant hammering of the storm outside. Val’ron had finally nodded back off to sleep in her arms as she took the inventory when she felt ground shake beneath her feet, and again, as the building above her shake violently. Shock, surprise, and a possible realization that something was majorly wrong all hit her at once. She must keep calm…she had been trained what to do, and now, she would be expected to do it. She had to do it, as those attacking them could have only io thing in mind…… to yy’a the child she now held, a child she had sworn to protect at all costs for the family she served. Na, na just served, but had been made to feel she was a part of their household. The hru’hfirh’s bond mate, often treating her as an equal, and just sitting down to converse with her and share a story or a meal. She was na the monster that many had made her out to be, so was so much more, though, she did still retain a temper that io did na wish to engage. The Hru’hfirh had made it clear to her, that he was entrusting the care of his son to her when he was away from the manor, if something untoward should occur that could endanger him. He had warned her, that in the future days, weeks and or months, that there was always the chance that there could be an attack on the residence. If he were here, or na, though he doubted anyone would target women and children if he were not there. Whether this was an attack or na, she could na risk reacting and not doing as she had been instructed and trained to do. In the weeks prior, the hru'hfirh had instructed her on the codes for the escape passage that he had been built into the lower level, which descended down the beach side cliffs below. He had made her drill through the procedure, pressing and pressuring her as she did it, to make sure she could while under pressure and time. Once the escape passage had been accessed it would seal behind her, and she would make her way downward to where there was set up a small vehicle shed, which was hidden from direct view. Varl'on had long suspected that io day there could be an attack of some sort, and this was a precaution that he and his bond mate had put into place. He had known, that if they had pushed so hard to separate he and his bond mate, it would be only a matter of time until they tried something. But they had to make sure there was a backup plan, if neither of them were there or able to get the child to safety. Nemeria quickly crossed over to a small panel and typed in the well practiced codes, which opened a small safe in the wall. A small packet containing alternate identification cards for covert travel passage, Val’ron, Var’lon and L’haiy as well as a set for Nemeria in case she had to follow through during her care of the child. Encoded were travel vouchers, monetary chips for accounts that had been set up under those aliases, as well as genetic proof that Val’ron was indeed of House tr’Vatrix if that ever needed to be proven. Torn between running up to find her sister and nephew, her answer came quickly as an explosion threw both she and the child against the far wall and then to her knees on the floor, desperately cradling the child to protect him from harm. Clearly the house defenses had come under attack and had been breached. The explosion and heat from the fire forcing her to crawl towards the panel that would give her access to the escape tunnel. The Hru’hfirh had been correct hrrau his assessment. The roaring flames eating at the ceiling above her, let her know there was no way to get back up to her sister, and she prayed that somehow So’Ria had been able to escape with her son as well, as she heard subsequent explosions rocking the grounds. It took her 3 tries to get the correct code to enter in her own panic, as she grabbed the packets and a wrap to put around the child, she entered and sealed the passageway behind her, and quickly made her way to the cavern below. Arriving at the bottom of the long enclosed stairway, she found a small boat tied at a dock. Dark water lapped hungrily at its sides as the storm outside continued. She knew she only needed to go a short distance, and she was well versed on the use of this boat, as she had occasionally used it to meet local fishermen to obtain fresh catch from the sea for the evening meal. but she knew she could na expose herself while attackers may still be hrrau the area. She would wait, but the wait seemed to be an eternity. What if they found the passage down to where they hid? Outside and overhead, hidden within the sounds of the roaring storm, was clearly the whine of two ships making strafing runs firing at the manor. She knew from being drilled by tr’Vatrix, not to panic, nobody would be looking for her here, that she must wait until it was safe to move, then take the small boat and pilot it a short distance to an adjacent cove, where a maintenance shed also housed an old family flitter. She would be ok. She would be ok. She would be ok. She just needed to convince herself of that, and was na doing herself any good panicking. Carefully she stepped down into the craft, and placed the child into the bow, making sure he was secure and the compartment sealed to protect them from the elements and weather. She then moved the craft towards the entrance and waited, terrified to go out. What if they saw her? What would she do? Shortly, the sounds of explosions and overhead ships, which had seemed to go on for ages, but in reality had just been a few siuren, had ceased, and she risked moving the small craft out of hiding, and along the coast, heart pounding so hard in her chest she was afraid it would burst right out, or someone would hear the pounding noise it was making, each heartbeat ringing hrrau her brain. Shortly, she saw the target cove she had been trained to look for, and headed the craft into it, and towards the small maintenance shed, that also had a covered dock. Na one would see the small vessel once she entered and tied it off. Nemeria pulled the small craft into the covered docking slip, she secured the rope and sat there in shock. She had not realized how long she had sat, until the insistent cries from the child woke her out of her shock and despair. She picked up the child and held him, na knowing who was crying more, herself or the child. She remained sitting, holding the tr’Vatrix child, the waters still lapping gently at the sides of the small craft as it rocked them both with the stillness. Elements!! It had happened. The worst fear that the lord of their household had held, had actually happened. Someone had dared an attack!! An attack on the home!! What cowardice could have incited such an act?! Military ships attacking women and children when many were still hrrau their beds. Most would have had na chance to escape, she was stunned and horrified of the thought. Finally, she knew she had to move, if only to make her way to the small fresher nearby. She carefully climbed from the small craft and carried the sleeping child over to the flitter and placed him onto the seat. She made her way over to the desk to check the security panel as she had been drilled to do several times. He had made her do this trip repeatedly of late, to ensure she knew how to escape if necessary. She had always felt it a drill to ease his mind, as who would dare to such a thing to tr’Vatrix?? He was the current head of the military, and if it were up to her and many of the other staff, they felt he would have made a much better Fvillah than their current leader, but that was something they could never mouth out loud, for fear of a Tal Shiar agent overhearing and reporting them. She hadn’t imagined that if it had been necessary to have ever used it, that it would be while the master of the house was away. What type of cowards attack a household of sleeping children and servants?! So she stood, trembling in the chill of the morning, alone in a maintenance shed with the son of her master, entrusted with his care and survival. Flicking on the security monitors, most of the feeds were na functioning, however she finally picked up an external view from the lane approaching the estate. The entire east wing appeared to be ablaze and had collapsed. She felt her knees go weak from the shock and horror, knowing she had left her sister and nephew there, just a few floors above, and she knew in her heart, that there could have been na way for them to have escaped the blaze. Not only them, but many of the household staff would have been starting their duties for the day, having arrived from the servants quarters. Her legs finally gave out from beneath her, and she collapsed in a heap on the ground and let the tears stream down her face. What were they to do? Who was still alive? And where was tr’Vatrix? Would such an attack happened if he were alive and well? Had they thought he was at the residence and now yya as well? Fear caused her to lean forward, retching up the small breakfast she had partaken before she had begun her duties and she leaned back against the wall, full of despair and uncertainty. What was she to do. Ie, tr’Vatrix had given her specific directions, but what if others had known of them as well? She buried her face in her hands and sobbed, not sure she would survive this day, wondering what she would do, until she heard the sound of the child starting to fuss over on the seat of the flitter. Hurriedly she pulled herself up, brushing the dust from the floor from her garments and moved over to check the child. She knew from the drilling that tr’Vatrix had given her, that she would have a small window to escape unnoticed before such an occurrence would bring more to this location, and having na way to tell who would be friend of foe, it was best to avoid them all. Securing the child for his safety, knowing that basic items had already been pre-packed into the cases in the back of the flitter, including a bag for herself and the child, as well as a few days of food, military field rations, but still, it was food. She pressed the door controls to allow the vehicle to exit the shed, and then close again as she slowly moved the conveyance towards the small lane and towards Varald. Once there, she was to assess the local news, and make a decision on how to proceed. In her thoughts, she decided she could more easily blend in, if she made her away to her sister’s home in the mountains. Very few lived in the area, thus prying eyes would na be a problem. The few that lived nearby, while na personally knowing the couple and child that lived there, knew only that a Galae officer away on duty, along with his wife and child lived at the end of the lane. Her best option, until she was able to verify her sister and nephew’s status, was to blend in and head to the house. Once there, she would take the identification of her sister So’Ria and her son, and hope that nobody came asking questions. She had been ordered to use one of the false identities, but this made more sense, and if there were any genetic tests made, she would be a close match for her sister. It could work, and if somehow her sister had escaped, or if So’Ria’s bond mate were ever found alive though the debris made it doubtful that anyone would ever be found. She would cross that bridge later. She had been ordered to keep the child safe at all costs. Nemeria wondered to herself, if that meant for the long term or short, as it had never been fully spelled out. If either tr’Vatrix or his bond mate returned, would it be safe to return the child to them just yet? Or should she keep him hidden and safe, until such time that the dangers of the recent political uprisings had long faded? She had heard tr’Vatrix talking to visitors, to himself, watching his anger grow over what had been done to his bond mate and Galae hrrau engeral. In reality, would the child ever be safe with either of them in this climate? Could she in good faith to her sworn oath, even consider returning the child to them? In the near future, or ever? It was going to be a heavy burden to decide, but with how things had just developed, a burden she would have quite some time to bear, and time plenty to decide.
  22. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING - 51606.09 - Season 21 Our strike team has taken control of the Galae Headquarters Operations Center, and have been checking records to see where certain persons of interest may have went. One of which, was Proconsul tr'Merk and Krein t'Vren of the Tal Shiar. After securing the prisoners and searching them, we start making contact with our other teams to move to the next stage of the battle plan. t'Vatrix however, seething in rage over the words of the one Tal Shiar officer alluding to the death of her son, and having already sworn vengeance against those that had wronged her. t’Vatrix, planned on setting out to go after t'Vren and taking t'Aejhae with her. Leahval however, had other plans, and sucker punched their leader when she wasn't looking, knocking her woozy. Following up with another punch, Lahe laid t'Vatrix out cold on the floor.....t'A starts to protest..... BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM tAehjae -> :: tA turns back to look at t’Vatrix on the floor and then back to t’Temarr:: That wasn’t necessary! She was going to take me with her. ::Stands and walks towards t’Temarr:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::face down on the floor:: Laehval tTemarr -> It *was* necessary. You were going to just let her go get herself killed. ::Scowling at t'Aehjae.:: tAehjae -> :: reaches behind her back as she’s getting closer to t’Temarr:: You didn’t have to do that. Lerak trPexil -> :: Staying decidedly hands-off :: Koga S'Bien -> ::feels the same, instead checking files and stuff:: Laehval tTemarr -> I am na about to let her go off on a suicide mission, wasting her life in a personal vendetta. We have more important things to handle right now. ::She eyed the dheno, one eyebrow lifting.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (cowards) tAehjae -> NO! I would have been there to protect her… ::getting close enough to t’Temarr takes a swing at her:: [Random Roll] KhreRiovtRex: 1 [Random Roll] KhreRiovtRex: 4 [Random Roll] KhreRiovtRex: 4 KhreRiovtRex -> (initiative rolls for the others) tAehjae -> :: connects just grazing her chin:: M_K_tKsa -> ((::watching the Rihan MMA::)) KhreRiovtRex -> (I can see this now, everyone will be knocked out except tr’Pexil and Koga, who continue to mind their business) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Expecting something that foolish, she threw herself backward to avoid the swing, but got grazed. Growling, she pushed forward and tackled her.:: Stand down, t'Aehjae, or suffer the consequences! KhreRiovtRex -> (oh boys!! You just saw Leah take out t'Vatrix, and now t’A swinging at Leah, ..Your intentions?) Lerak trPexil -> :: Keeping distance :: M_K_tKsa -> ((They probably are wanting to sell tickets)) Koga S'Bien -> (just enjoying a good old fashioned cat fight lol) KhreRiovtRex -> (makes notes to arrange something special for the boys for that comment) tAehjae -> :: hits the ground on her back half knocking the breath out of her:: What are you going to do about it! tAehjae -> :: starts to stand back up watching t’Temarr:: M_K_tKsa -> @;:takes a brief ten siuren break to swallow down some water and some sort of energy bar that io of her nurses has shoved into her hand:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::out cold, so oblivious to what is going on around her:: Laehval tTemarr -> I will do what I have to do. ::Backing off, she gave t'Aehjae some space. Eyes flitting to Kogo and Lerak, she scowled again. Back to t'Aehjae, she balled up a fist.:: It is what au do na understand, t'Aehjae. Au would blindly follow her orders. She would get au *both* killed. Laehval tTemarr -> I will deal with the consequences when she wakes, but for now, we are leaving this place and letting the ground forces take control. Our priority is to collect our crew and get back to the ship. Lerak trPexil -> Where is the Talon? Daise'Sael t'Kallen +COM+ t'Temarr+ This is Daise'Sael t'Kallen of the G/TS attack force. Phase 1 complete, Phase 2 going well, we are about to initiate Phase 3. We are unable to reach t'Vatrix. Are au able to take command of your detachment and proceed? tAehjae -> :: manages to get back to her feet still glaring at Laeh:: What about her family? We should do something! ::: loudly and upset herself:: Lerak trPexil -> What about all of our families? Koga S'Bien -> Yes, indeed. tAehjae -> ::turns to Koga:: YOU!!! You turned on her and US!! YOUR Family is in on this!! :: angrily:: Laehval tTemarr -> We *will* do something, but na until this war is over. ::Snarling at t'Aehjae. She tapped her comm.:: +t'Kallen+ Ie, t'Vatrix is indisposed. We have taken the command center and need forces here to hold it. Please lock on to our signals and beam us to the triage area once it has been arranged. tAehjae -> How can we trust AU! Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at Koga :: Daise'Sael t'Kallen +COM+ t'Temarr+ Ah, sorry about that...communications lag. How many at your location to move to the medical triage? Koga S'Bien -> I thought we explained all that already. KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ t'Temarr+ We are sending in a team to hold the Ops location as well as being broadcasting to the rest of the planet what we are attempting to do. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Looks at the others, considering leaving t'Aehjae behind.:: +t'Kallen+ Five to transport. M_K_tKsa -> @Make sure that those ISD's get updated while tr’Iamond is working. Ie/ Daise'Sael t'Kallen -> +COM+ t'Temarr+ Stand by...next clear pass that we can drop shields we will commence.... tAehjae -> :: moves over to t’Vatrix checking on her, then looks back to Koga:: Au explained but I still do na totally trust au Koga S'Bien -> Its Rihan nature not to trust people. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Giving t'Aehjae another glower as she passed, she joined Koga and Lerak.:: We will be making inquiries about the crew's families as soon as we're on board. Talon would have a wider net to cast. Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Very well. We'll be beaming aboard? Lerak trPexil -> It's been a while. ACTION:: The red swirl of a htiej activating deposits a team of about 10, mostly Galae officers into the Ops center, several with headquarters insignia on their sashes and sleeves. A few TS dheno beam in and start taking control of the bodies on the ground. One moves to bind t'Vatrix's still form Daise'Sael t'Kallen -> +COM+ t'Temarr+ Stand by for transport to triage staging area. Talon had to make another run after some bothersome ships, but will be back shortly. Koga S'Bien -> Yeah, it has. tAehjae -> :: pushes the Dhen away:: do NA Bind her Laehval tTemarr -> Leave her be! ::Pointing at a nearing officer.:: She is transporting out with us. She is injured, na a prisoner. Lerak trPexil -> Shall we take her to medical? Laehval tTemarr -> When we arrive, ie. t'Ksa can look at her. ACTION:: Red beams swirl around the Talon team, taking them from the control room, and depositing them at the designated triage area that t'Ksa had set up tAehjae -> :: remaining next to t’Vatrix:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Welcomed the change of scenery :: M_K_tKsa -> ::passes off io of the boxes of medications to io of the nurses when she spots the transporter signal:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nice to be back on the ship again:: KhreRiovtRex -> (YOU ARE NOT ON THE SHIP) Koga S'Bien -> ::or A ship:: KhreRiovtRex -> (::points up to Talon back later) M_K_tKsa -> ((the triage center is where you all left the shuttle when you first started this mission) KhreRiovtRex -> (Nope..at the Retor where we left tKsa to set up Medical. Ie, where we started) Koga S'Bien -> (oh) KhreRiovtRex -> (koga's been in the beer!) tAehjae -> :: lifts t’Vatrix placing her on a table:: tAehjae -> * Bed Koga S'Bien -> (Actually I have been!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::She took a deep breath of the outside air and took a glance around at the carnage.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (not sure there are beds, might only be mats, ask t’Ksa) Koga S'Bien -> (A cot if you're lucky) M_K_tKsa -> ((at most you're talking cots)) tAehjae -> ((LOL ok **Cot) M_K_tKsa -> ((any tables would be reserved for surgery)) Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, locate the Daise'Maenak... M_K_tKsa -> ::weaves her way over to her crewmembers once she recognizes who the new arrivals are:: Jolan tru. Koga S'Bien -> Okay, sure. ::heads out to look for him:: M_K_tKsa -> ((Um...I'm a girl Koga)) KhreRiovtRex -> (maybe it's the haircut) tAehjae -> Jolan tru rekkhai .... t’Vatrix was knocked out by t’Temarr. She needs aus attention M_K_tKsa -> Is she dying? Koga S'Bien -> (lol man...) KhreRiovtRex -> (somebody may when I wake) tAehjae -> She is breathing, Laehval tTemarr -> Na, she is na dying, but she does have a death wish. Au will need to restrain her when she wakes. Laehval tTemarr -> She's intent on avenging her family without even truly knowing their fate. Blinded by rage, as others are blinded by loyalty. ::Pointed look at t'Aehjae.:: Lerak trPexil -> She looks so peaceful... KhreRiovtRex -> (scratch the 'may') M_K_tKsa -> Since when over the past few weeks has she *na* had a death wish? ::does a subtle head nod towards io of her medtechs to start the triage function on the Khre'Riov:: Koga S'Bien -> ::looks for t'Ksa:: Laehval tTemarr -> Things were said that pushed her over the edge. It has worsened. ::Grimly.:: Koga S'Bien -> Ahh there au are. ::to t'Ksa:: Jolan tru. Laehval asked me to look for au. Laehval tTemarr -> (( Koga, you should just drink your beer and keep quiet. )) KhreRiovtRex -> (more important...does he have poutine too?) Koga S'Bien -> (I wish) Koga S'Bien -> ( I had an oatmeal granola bar instead) M_K_tKsa -> Ah, well, better her unconscious than au all y'ya. t'Maya, fhaen make sure au get the restrains for this patient. KhreRiovtRex -> (seriously...she's going to be pissed.......) tAehjae -> :: gritting her teeth:: Au should na treat her as a prisoner, She has a right to avenge her family M_K_tKsa -> ((wasn't she already pissed before being knocked out?)) Laehval tTemarr -> ::She rounded on t'Aehjae, pushing her shoulder hard.:: Ie, she has a right! SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT! But she has a *responsibility* to her ship and crew, first! KhreRiovtRex -> (she wasn't pissed at you guys... she's pissed at others.......and now will be pissed at some of you) lol KhreRiovtRex -> (Hey, everyone had a chance to exit the ride before leaving the station!, you're on my coaster ride now! lol) Lerak trPexil -> :: Dusting himself off :: Lerak trPexil -> Koga, remind me some time to get a drink of whatever you're having. tAehjae -> :: pushed off balance and staggers a bit:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes up to Laehval :: M_K_tKsa -> ::calmly:: There's a difference between avenging and seeking justice. Au are both right, but it's how io goes about it that makes all the difference. Blindly allowing rage to color au's judgement will affect the outcome of io's mission. M_K_tKsa -> And restraining her will be for her own good until we can determine if she's mentally stable enough to take command again. ::making an assumption as to why t'Temarr would have punched her in the first place because even that sounds out of character:: KhreRiovtRex -> (and here I was thinking t'Ksa would be the one that was concerned when she saw me face down...... :( _ nobody loves me...... lol) tAehjae -> :: steadies herself and glares at Laeh:: t’Ksa I would na bind her Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to get some water for him, and another cup for Laehval, returns to her :: Here... M_K_tKsa -> And au are na me. KhreRiovtRex -> (we will have to have a Shoreleave Toronto one year, just to have what Koga's drinking! lol) tAehjae -> (ya!!)) Lerak trPexil -> (He'll look for the wrong people) KhreRiovtRex -> (man, I went from knocked out, to knocked out and tied up this week........) Laehval tTemarr -> Hann'yyo. ::Takes the water from Pexil, though was a bit too angry to drink.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (wasn’t' I in this position before with Laeh? -- Someone help me! Don’t let her kill me!) PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> ::paused:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused:: Lerak trPexil -> :: paused :: Lerak trPexil -> So next week t’Rex goes on Winston on us? M_K_tKsa -> Koga, what is it that you're drinking? Sheesh :) Koga S'Bien -> A Rickard's Red :D KhreRiovtRex -> :) KhreRiovtRex -> Ok..so we'll pick up here about 30 minutes later. Evidently.....after calmly taking over the facility, I'm now a prisoner again..... Lerak trPexil -> I can get au some water. KhreRiovtRex -> we'll start there and Talon will be on its way back to our location to pick us up KhreRiovtRex -> Any questions or comments before we stop? KhreRiovtRex -> You have some time to do logs if you wish M_K_tKsa -> Yep. When you drink the crazy juice............. Laehval tTemarr -> Everyone have a good weekend. :) KhreRiovtRex -> (mine will be 10 lines of laying facedown drooling) Lerak trPexil -> Yeah Laehval, we can finally have that shore leave 30 minute vacation we spoke of KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed
  23. RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING 51606.02 - Season 21 The team, using the ruse of presenting the captured Khre'Riov to the Command Ops center, in hopes to catch tr’Vren there, has been able to gain entry, and after a rather quick hand over of their 'unruly prisoner' have handily dispatched the 8 men in the room, and have rendered one unconscious who claimed had been coerced into assisting the Othan Tal Shiar. Up above, the sounds of the air battle still are felt with each shot that hits the ground or impacts a large ship above. One of these ships, have sent reinforcements both medical and dheno to t'Ksa at the Retor facility to assist and lend her security so she may work. Having missed tr’Vren..... we will have to devise another step to our plan to capture him, and a few of the others we have suspicions about, such as tr'Merk and perhaps even the Fvillah and tr’Tronius from Othan. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Laehval tTemarr -> ::In the control room, Laehval accessed the main console and began rapidly typing in queries, searching for specific information.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to help Laehval :: tAehjae -> :: stands over the io they knocked out before guarding him in case he comes around:: Lerak trPexil -> Is the system blocking au Laehval? KhreRiovtRex -> :: Standing amongst the bodies, her uniform and hands, covered with the El'Riov's blood, a good bit of it splattered on her face as well. She took the cleaner of her sleeves, and drags it across her face trying to get some of it off Laehval tTemarr -> Na, they'd disabled the security controls in here. This is where they were undoing our work. KhreRiovtRex -> :: kicks the yy'a body of the io that was sneering about having burned her son to death in the bombing:: Koga S'Bien -> ::checking room and such:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at the display :: It seems they were not progressing far. KhreRiovtRex -> :: kicks it again:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: stomps it:: tAehjae -> :: to t’Vatrx :: He could have been lying to get to au, couldn’t he? M_K_tKsa -> ::working very hard and very long hours at this point:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She linked her ISD to the computer and began downloading information.:: Enarrain, we have tr’Vren's route and the encoding of his RAC. KhreRiovtRex -> #Talon Dheno> :: finds t'Ksa:: Rekkhai, we've brought in all the wounded from the initial fight and have cleaned all the way to the main medical facility of the Retor. Do you wish to move this operation there were we can provide you a safer, and more suitable equipment and space? tAehjae -> :: looking hopeful for her child and spouse possibly still being alive KhreRiovtRex -> :: still clutching her kaleh, looks up at t'Aehjae with a half crazed look in her eyes:: Koga S'Bien -> ::helps Pexil and Laehval gather info on the terminals:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She stepped away from the terminal, motioning for Laehval and Koga to continue. They needed intel -- whatever they could find. Moving for t'Rex, she paused nearby -- but not within reach of her blade.:: Rekkhai... KhreRiovtRex -> #Talon Dheno sees the look he was given and decides na to press her any further, and goes back to have his men patrol the perimeter Lerak trPexil -> They should have been careful not to place information like this for us to find. :: to Koga :: tAehjae -> :: looks over to Leah:: Koga S'Bien -> I'm sure that was their intent. Koga S'Bien -> But we'll find it. I hope. KhreRiovtRex -> :: hear's first t'Aejhaae and then Leah's voice and it brings her back to the situation at hand, and sheaths her blade:: nods to t'A and turns to Laehval:: KhreRiovtRex -> Ie Leahval.......what is it that au have found out about the etrehh? Laehval tTemarr -> We have tr’Vren's destination. :: Repeating herself on the off chance that t'Rex didn't hear her through her hazy rage.:: It could be the location of the Praetor, or possibly another stronghold. Lerak trPexil -> :: Places a worm program from his ISD into the system to search the indexes :: Koga S'Bien -> ::using a bit of encryption software to hack into the system as well as some leet skills::: KhreRiovtRex -> Ie, sorry.....show me:: walks over to where she has been working tAehjae -> :: watches the io they knocked out for signs of coming around:: KhreRiovtRex -> Koga, can au drag those bodies out of the way so we're na tripping on them please? Lerak trPexil -> I'll watch aur display Koga. Koga S'Bien -> Oh yes. Of course. Koga S'Bien -> ::heads over to the bodies and drags them into a conveniently placed supply closet, starting with the closest to him:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She pulled up the data on her ISD and went through the data.:: We need to get back to the Talon. Regroup and plot our next course. KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to them all:: If au can determine with the etrehh, just how many other lifesigns are within this facility KhreRiovtRex -> Ie, once the air battle has been settled, I think it will be vital to get our people back up there.... Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods :: KhreRiovtRex -> and perhaps a smaller covert team can continue with help from our ground incursion with direction from above. The main thing is to keep the communications hub under our control Laehval tTemarr -> We can bring in other troops for that. We need a bigger force than ours to hold this place. Our efforts should be directed elsewhere. ::She waved the ISD:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Making an attempt at sensor access :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks at the location Laeh's given:: KhreRiovtRex -> I know where that is.... Lerak trPexil -> :: Able to access some simple infrared :: KhreRiovtRex -> Leah...I want au back on Talon as soon as possible, Contact it now, sorry I could not inform au of that part of the plan yet, but back in that cave, only 4 others even knew of the air assault, we wanted to keep it a secret so no leaks... KhreRiovtRex -> I was na worried about au leaking, but any of the others if caught Laehval tTemarr -> We *all* should return to the ship. ::A bit worried about what she's going to do if left on her own.:: KhreRiovtRex -> I'm going to take t'A with me. I have something personal I need to take care of. I'd go alone, but know its na use to convince either of the of two of you. KhreRiovtRex -> Laehval, I've said it before.. au have my full confidence in commanding the Talon....and I know with our people back on it, it has a better chance to win this air phase Lerak trPexil -> :: Gathers the data he can :": Laehval tTemarr -> I am na worried about a lack of confidence. I am concerned that au are going on a personal vendetta. ::Flatly.:: We need au in the fight -- na just your personal one. KhreRiovtRex -> Pexil...Koga....a siuren of au time.... tAehjae -> ::nods:: Koga S'Bien -> ::finishes moving the last of the bodies that he'd placed in a pile in the supply room, then closes the door, before heading over to t'Rexan:: Ie? Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes to t'Rexan :: Ie? KhreRiovtRex -> (lol..rehab!! maybe after last week....that was wild!) KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks Laehval in the eye:: Ie, au have the right of it........that's exactly what my thoughts were..... Laehval tTemarr -> ::She took a breath.:: Then I must beg your forgiveness... KhreRiovtRex -> I'm going to yy'a that SOB.......all of them....for what they've done. Na just to me, na just to my family……but to our world. KhreRiovtRex -> I'll take t'A with me to see me safely there, then she can either assist me or go.... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval shook her head.:: Na, na this time, Rekkhai. KhreRiovtRex -> Kogaa, Pexil they can go to Talon and use the information they have found here and .... Laehval tTemarr -> ::Hand balled into a fist, she punched t'Rexan square in the jaw. Hard.:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to Laehval, semi hearing what she is saying....just in time to catch the punch:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: staggers:: A bit loopy but na down..........::: KhreRiovtRex -> (though a feather might do the job now) Lerak trPexil -> :: Stands back, na sure who to help :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She didn't hesitate, but struck again, trying to knock her out.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (dont' let her stab me!) Laehval tTemarr -> ( My knife isn't even out! ) KhreRiovtRex -> (Yet!!) tAehjae -> t’Vatrix are au alright? :: steps closer to her:: ACTION:: This time, still in her half crazed mind and na expecting this from the woman, first the sucker punch, then the finishing blow, t’Vatrix’s knees buckle and she drops to the floor… knocked out cold:: KhreRiovtRex -> (that's twice now Laeh!) lol Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at Koga :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She grabbed t'Aehjae by the uniform and hauled her backward.:: Stand down. This was necessary, and au know it. I am na letting that woman go off on a personal vendetta to get herself killed. Koga S'Bien -> (bah) tAehjae -> :: quickly moves over to tVatix:: Why Rekkhai?? ::looking up to Laeh:: Koga S'Bien -> Whoa, what happened there? tAehjae -> She was going to take me with her. PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM tAehjae -> ;:paused:: KhreRiovtRex -> (and most likely get you killed along with herself) Koga S'Bien -> ::paused:: Laehval tTemarr -> #andthenyou'dbothbedead KhreRiovtRex -> Pexil..You’re still being rather nonplused by any of this... KhreRiovtRex -> Koga's enjoying a few rounds of someone else getting hit Laehval tTemarr -> Hmmm... Lerak trPexil -> He was in working mode, then in shock at the KO Laehval tTemarr -> That gives me an idea. We should test Lerak's loyalty at some point. Laehval tTemarr -> His Enarrain or the woman he's lusting after. KhreRiovtRex -> Ok...so we'll pick up here next week, I've been knocked out, our engineers are setting up the command center to link to the ships above KhreRiovtRex -> Wait...I didn't fare so well with the last loyalty test...can we find another way...like rock paper scissors? tAehjae -> lol Lerak trPexil -> He was at odd of who to help.. KhreRiovtRex -> Objective here is to be able to broadcast to the planet that the home forces are back and we are driving out those that betrayed our world and the invading coup from Othan KhreRiovtRex -> Good..your assignment...a short log about that! KhreRiovtRex -> Yea...logs Lerak trPexil -> t'twitter KhreRiovtRex -> Well, glad to see you all refreshed from the holiday week Lerak trPexil -> Wait, Pexil has.... two followers, and one is his mother. KhreRiovtRex -> so lets get this thing revved back up .... KhreRiovtRex -> Ok..thanks for coming all...and we'll see you next week.....I have some surprises for you in the next few weeks that we hope you'll enjoy KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed
  24. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51605.26 - Season 21 Having used a secreted passage, created for covert escape from Galae Headquarters if it ever came under attack, our team has used this same passage to sneak our way into the building, while having made our initial assault upon the Retor, as a ploy to draw our enemy’s attentions. Several of our other combined Galae and Tal Shiar continue the assault there to draw attention, while other forces have deployed around the Capital to try to take back as much as possible, and spread the Othan and traitorous members of the Tal Shiar thin in their attempts to hold it. Above the city, a fleet comprised of ships that escaped the initial take over, ships that the Daise'Khre'Riov had stationed elsewhere in case just this should happen, as well as our own Talon have joined forces to fight against the Othan ships above. Our team, had made our way almost to the command center, and are disguised as Tal Shiar and Othan guards, bringing t'Vatrix to be turned over. We pick up where we left off.... ACTION: As Laeh passes the card over the security reader, the panel turns green, shutting the lift door and setting it in motion downward...... As the lift comes to a stop, the door opens before them... .. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM Lerak trPexil -> :: Watching and waiting at the door opens.. :: Koga S'Bien -> ::watches as well, standing behind Pexil:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: in the lift headed down towards the command area, standing in front of the others, head bowed downward, bound wrists (loosely) held in front of her, so anyone that sees them come out, do not percieve threat, and that she is a th'ann tAehjae -> :: watching for the doors to open standing ready:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands still, until ordered to move forward:: KhreRiovtRex -> (Mission Briefing....door is open now) tAehjae -> Lets go ::steps out: Laehval tTemarr -> ::In the back, Laehval prodded t'Rexan to move forward.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::holds still, not being a compliant th'ann:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::is shoved and grunts, reluctantly moving forward:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Holding up the rear :: [Random Roll]: 3 tAehjae -> :: looks around as they move out:: Koga S'Bien -> ::walks with Laeh to move t'Rexan along as well:: ACTION: Up ahead, 3 guards stand before the entrance of the Ops area KhreRiovtRex -> and notice the group moving down towards them KhreRiovtRex -> OTS Guard 1> Hold......What are au doing down fahd. This area is restricted and au should be topside repelling the attack KhreRiovtRex -> (OTS = Othan Tal Shiar) tAehjae -> :: walks towards the guards:: Allow us passage! We have t’Vatrix to turn over! KhreRiovtRex -> OTS 2> :: walks over and reaches for her chin, tipping it upwards to get a look at her face Koga S'Bien -> ::watches the guard:: Ie, no doubt about it. KhreRiovtRex -> OTS 2> Elements....it is her. How did au capture her? Is she the one that lead the raid on the Retor? tAehjae -> We believe so. Now allow us passage. tAehjae -> :: starts walking towards the entrance:: KhreRiovtRex -> OTS 3> Ops is under lockdown, but we may be able to pass au through... tAehjae -> :: inside praying this works but na letting it show:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval's hand dropped to her side where she was palming her dagger, blade hidden against her arm, just in case.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: We would greatly appreciate that. KhreRiovtRex -> OTS1> I will have to make the request, I can na open the door from this side...... Koga S'Bien -> ::watches le guard:: tAehjae -> Then do so quickly we wish to hand her over and be done with it. KhreRiovtRex -> OTS 3> :: walks over and holds up his ISD, to match a picture of her to those inside Ops, to see if they will release the door locks KhreRiovtRex -> OTS1> ::turns back to the group from the communications panel:: Au may enter once the door disengages the locks and opens Lerak trPexil -> :: Swallows as he watches each of them :: tAehjae -> Hannyyo :: steps closer to the door:: Koga S'Bien -> ::maintains a cool expression and watches the guards:: ACTION: CLICK...CLICK.. Door begins to slide open. Meanwhile, the 3 OTS begin to edge closer, as they want to be with the group when the Clone-thrai is turned over, and try to get some of the credit... tAehjae -> :: steps up to the door:: Koga close the door behind us so she does na try to escape. Koga S'Bien -> Ie, au got it. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval muscled her way between tRex and one of the guards, giving him a glare.:: She is *our* prisoner. Do aur duty and we shall do ours. tAehjae -> :: motions for the others in her group to follow:: tAehjae -> :: moves through the door while Laeh takes care of the guards:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: pulls back, resisting being lead into the command center:: tAehjae -> ::looks back :: Move! Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval gave t'Rex another prod, pushing her forward. At the same time, she positioned herself to bar the guards access, standing just inside the doorway once they were inside.:: Koga S'Bien -> ::little smirk and helps usher t'Rexan along:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: grumbles at t'A:: Au coup will fail...already au forces are being forced to flee... tAehjae -> :: moves into the Ops area looking around and checking things out as she does so.:: KhreRiovtRex -> Othan Officer across room> What is that commotion? Can au na bring a single th'ann in to be questioned? Lerak trPexil -> :: Watches the OST officers :: Koga S'Bien -> ::looking around the room, taking stock:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::glares over to Laehval:: I will na be answering any questions today [Random Roll]: 8 Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval secured the door behind them, giving the guards outside a stare as the panels closed and secured.:: ACTION: Koga notes that there are 8 others in the room in addition to the one stopping to question them about the prisoner tAehjae -> We can the guards outside caused issues:: Koga S'Bien -> ::Does a mental count of the room, pondering:: Laehval tTemarr -> Au will do what au are told. ::To t'Rexan. She looked to the officer in question.:: t'Vatrix... she is being uncooperative. She may need convincing. Do au have her family in custody as leverage? KhreRiovtRex -> Othan Officer> We will need to notify tr'Vren immediately....he had just na an hour ago, left on an urgent matter to see to the Fvillah...he'll either return for his prize, or have us deliver her to him tAehjae -> WE will be the Ios to deliver her IF anyoi does. She is OUR Prize. KhreRiovtRex -> Othan Officer> Au will stand down dheno......!! Who is this io's commander? tAehjae -> :: not wanting to allow her out of her sight:: tAehjae -> :: steps back allowing Leah to move forward:: KhreRiovtRex -> Othan Officer> Au must be io of the chRihan Tal Shiar....au still do na understand chain of command and how to show proper respect to au betters. Au come close to being th'ann along with her.. KhreRiovtRex -> Othan Commander> :: turns his chair to see the commotion behind him, stands and begins to walk over:: tAehjae -> Apologies, We fought hard to capture her, We wish our credit. Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Vren will na wish to return if he is busy with the Fvillah, nor until we have regained full control of the Retor. We can arrange an escort for this io. ::Prods t'Rexan in the side again.:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Glances at Koga :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns and shoves against t'Temarr:: Show respect fvai......I still hold rank... KhreRiovtRex -> Othan Commander> :: walks over and laughs:: Actually.....clones....are na afforded any rights. Na birthright, na rank, nothing.... Othan Commander> We need little leverage against this io....she's captured, and broken. Her bondmate, most likely dead, at the least, we know gravely injured. I doubt he survived...but we still want to find his whereabouts...and her spawn....an abomination of itself, has been destroyed with the bombing of their residence..... :: laughs at her:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: about loses it, forgetting the plan upon hearing his words and rushes at him, trying to get her bound wrists around his neck to choke him::: tAehjae -> :: gets that aggravated feeling in the pit of her stomach and resists pulling her weapon on him:: tAehjae -> :: grabs at tVatrix:: AU WILL CEASE!! Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval does not resist. In one smooth motion, she flung her dagger across the room. It stuck in one of the officer's throat. She jerked her disruptor free in the next heartbeat and fired, killing another of the others instantly. Kill them all! tAehjae -> :: pulls her weapon and fires as ordered:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Pulls his out and goes to cover Laehval :: KhreRiovtRex -> :: spins and ducks under his arms, dropping to the floor to drag him down to the ground with her, and comes up behind him, choking him with the rope that had been around her wrists::: Lerak trPexil -> :: Fires... :: Koga S'Bien -> ::takes out his disruptor and fires at the guards:: Koga S'Bien -> ::ducks behind a console for cover before taking another shot:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Surprise was their ally. Laehval fired at another officer as she ran for the first, missed, but slid across the floor to grab her knife on the way past. From cover, she fired at another of the Othans, rolled to her feet and flipped her dagger in her hand. The blade flew across the room and embedded itself in the chest of her third kill.:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: knew from earlier reports that Var'lon had most likely been yy'a or captured, but until this veruul so casually laughed about it, the full impact had not set in to her......more so, after mentioning how the cowards had blown up her son... Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes cover :: tAehjae -> :: remains with tVatrix covering her:: tAehjae -> :: firing at guards:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: continued to choke the man, not caring if she were to rip his head off. She kept choking his shortness of air causes him to begin to blackout, until she could grab her kaleh, and reaches around, stabbing it down into his chest repeatedly tAehjae -> :: na interrupting her revenge covers by firing at others:: ACTION: One of the Othan seeing t'A standing there doing nothing, takes aim at her... ready to fire.... tAehjae -> :: turns and fires at the io aimin at her:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: as she's expended her energy, finally tosses the dead man to the side, panting heavily and barely has time to see the officer taking aim at t'A. : kicking out with her boot, she tangles t'A's legs, causing her to trip and fall, just as the shot goes over her head Koga S'Bien -> ::fires back at the guards:: KhreRiovtRex -> had she not fell, she would have been vaporized.. KhreRiovtRex -> :: growls at t'A:: Don't just stand there........we need to take over, you can't just stand here watching me.... tAehjae -> :: hits the ground:: Ie :: moves to take cover:: tAehjae -> ::along with tVatrix:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::From cover, Laehval fired at another.:: tr'Pexil, do au have your blade? ::Palm open toward him without looking, too focused on the remaining three enemies that had also taken cover.:: KhreRiovtRex -> : shoves t'A away:: Stop hovering...do au job! Are au my Daise Dheno or na? KhreRiovtRex -> :: takes her kaleh from the dead man's chest, and starts looking towards the remaining enemies:: tAehjae -> :: stands up, fires at io guard behind the console:: ((yes)) Koga S'Bien -> (Sure) KhreRiovtRex -> :: pulls her down again:: I didn’t' say be a veruul...... tAehjae -> ::: moves behind a half wall to take cover:: Koga S'Bien -> ::advances forward, taking out another guard with his dagger:: ACTION:: The last officer tosses his ie'yakk out from behind the console he was cowering behind, using for cover:: Hold au fire......hold. I surrender...I'm only here because they made me. I can help au.... do na shoot. I am na Othan…. Koga S'Bien -> ::looks the guard over and holsters his weapons:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to Laeh:: The guards outside will na know what's happening, but most likely the weapons fire. Do we lure them in and dispatch, or just lock them out and start shutting stuff down from here and coordinating with our teams? tAehjae -> Careful Koga do na trust him' Laehval tTemarr -> I say we let them in and rid ourselves of them. They can cause na trouble if they are dead. KhreRiovtRex -> Knock that one out and restrain him........ Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Very well. ::walks up to the guard and decks him hard in the head, knocking him out:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: grabs the rope and wraps around her wrists again:: t'A....call them in for assistance...tell them I went mad, we'll have Leah and Koga struggling to hold me, and when they reach in to take me, you all turn and dispatch them... KhreRiovtRex -> :: watches Koga:: Well, you're still in good form KhreRiovtRex -> t'A..the door...quickly. Before they go report the weapons fire Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: I like to keep in good shape. KhreRiovtRex -> they may have simply thought I was being shot, but why chance it tAehjae -> Ie ::moves to the door and does as told:: GAURDS AU Assistance! KhreRiovtRex -> (I think Pex fell asleep) Koga S'Bien -> (Most likely) KhreRiovtRex -> ::pulling away from tTemarr, trying to elbow her to the head:: KhreRiovtRex -> (t'A..you give my spellcheck a workout each week! lol) tAehjae -> :::points:: Quickly she has gone mad!! tAehjae -> (( I have to make sure it’s still working correctly)) Laehval tTemarr -> ::She held t'Rex as if struggling to hold her, gripping her a bit tighter for show.:: KhreRiovtRex -> (lol) ACTION: The guards enter and see t'Vatrix struggling with the others, and one of the guards that came in with them also out on the floor (sorry Pex) KhreRiovtRex -> I'LL YY'A AU ALL...!!! :: SCREAMS IN RAGE:: Koga S'Bien -> Watch it! She's gone mad. Mad I tells ya! tAehjae -> :: waits for the guards to pass her then fires at them:: ACTION: Two of them rush in to assist Leah and Koga, the third goes to check on the Othan commander KhreRiovtRex -> (au better na be using a ieyakk in my face!) Lerak trPexil -> :: Out cold, seemingly :: KhreRiovtRex -> (you could be faking) KhreRiovtRex -> (we thought you were sleeping!) Lerak trPexil -> (no, watching) KhreRiovtRex -> (omg, it takes you guys 25 minutes to stab 3 dudes!) Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval let her dagger fly at one of the incoming guards, catching him in the throat.:: tAehjae -> :: tosses her dagger at the io checking on the commander and hits him square in the spine severing his spinal cord: ACTION> 2 DOWN, 1 STANDING ACROSSS THE ROOM, WHO THEN GOES DOWN WITH A KALEH IN HIS BACK... KhreRiovtRex -> Drops the rope and looks to Pexil. Lock it down...I want NOBODY getting in here. KhreRiovtRex -> Leahval, I need your magic to get us into the systems we need. Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets up slowly :: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She nodded and headed to the central console, hoping that it was undamaged.:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::points at the one we had only knocked out:: When he wakes up...we'll need him to help us gain access to all the etrreh codes Koga S'Bien -> ::rushes to the door and helps lock the room down:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: stands, blood all over the front of her tunic, not caring, as she intended to add quite a bit more to it before the end of this day...and knew exactly where she was going to start:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets up fully and walks towards Laehval. Pex held the back of his head :: PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM KhreRiovtRex -> Nice work you guys...we've managed to single-handedly, take back at least the command Operations center of Galae Command's main building. Well, and by single-handedly, I mean with the distraction and assault teams making our way a bit easier, but yea….yeah us! Laehval tTemarr -> If you actually killed some dudes, you'd be in bed by now. KhreRiovtRex -> Exactly. We had more spectators than freedom fighters! Lerak trPexil -> Pex is not very good at the close-quarters killing Lerak trPexil -> Nor is his human very awake at this hour anymore Laehval tTemarr -> Pex is going to get himself close-quarters killed. By Laeh. For not handing over his knife when she asked. KhreRiovtRex -> Ok..it's very late, I'll get the log out this weekend, feel free for follow up logs about the attack Laehval tTemarr -> Night, all. See you next week. KhreRiovtRex -> and we'll see where we go forward now that we've taken at least one of the prizes Lerak trPexil -> I did not see that, I think I was talking to my son then KhreRiovtRex -> Night all, have a great holiday weekend KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed
  25. RES Talon Mission Briefing 51605.19 - Season 19 Our main team has managed to use a hidden passage, created for covert escape from just what we were attempting from Galae Command, luckily, our prey are mostly outsiders that were unaware of this feature....and we mean to exploit it to our benefit. Our goal, to try to knock out the communications, and if possible the main control center of Galae Command, while they focus on the attack from our covert fleet and other assault teams. BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM BEGIN SIM KhreRiovtRex -> :: Looks at the others as they hide the bodies of those they had just disposed of:: KhreRiovtRex -> Menkha.....best na to leave anyone that could come up behind us Lerak trPexil -> :: Feeling uneasy :: Koga S'Bien -> ::nods and looks around:: tAehjae -> Ie KhreRiovtRex -> Alright...aur best chance, is that in those jackets, au blend right in. If we encounter anyone, we repeat what we just did. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval tugged on the uniform jacket to sit it properly. It was still a trifle big, but she made it work.:: KhreRiovtRex -> If they believe I'm au prisoner, they'll take less notice of au uniform and while distracted, au will neutralize the threat tAehjae -> ::nods:: KhreRiovtRex -> I'd still feel better if we had t'Ksa with us though.......I do na like na knowing what her situation is.... Lerak trPexil -> :: Gets the least disgusting jacket :: KhreRiovtRex -> t'Aehjae, check them...see if any had security pass-cards on them... Koga S'Bien -> ::still has his jacket from before:: KhreRiovtRex -> The less we have to have Laeh and Lerik intrude hrrau the etrehh, the less we'll be noticed. tAehjae -> ::nods and begins checking:: tAehjae -> :: searches and finds 2 pass-cards:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: goes over to a wall panel, and brings up a floor display:: tAehjae -> :: takes them over to t’Temarr:: Here au are. KhreRiovtRex -> Ok....so here we are....command officers temp quarters..... Lerak trPexil -> :: Goes over next to Temarr :: KhreRiovtRex -> We've cleared this section. I would avoid this corridor. It's where Var'.... The Daise Khre'Riov and his aides had their quarters and offices. I'd imagine for prestige sake, that they are in use...... KhreRiovtRex -> We can avoid for now, and make our way directly to communications and Ops....or, if au feel we may catch their brass resting ....I ..... Laehval tTemarr -> ::She took the pass-card t'Aehjae had found and tucked it into the pocket of her uniform. Looking to the map, she took stock of where they were and where they had to go.:: KhreRiovtRex -> I'd be guessing .....I have na idea of how they are deployed. Thoughts anyone? Laeh? Laehval tTemarr -> ::She shook her head.:: I would agree. Stay away from here... ::Pointing to the map.:: Focus on this area. We could take the command center and lock it down from within, if needed. KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ t'Ksa....Talon to Daise Maenak t'Ksa.....did the medical personnel reach au ok? Do au need additional dheno troops ? Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at the map:: Lerak trPexil -> Us the foothold protocol to lock it down. KhreRiovtRex -> :: looks over at Laeh:: I agree... KhreRiovtRex -> @ +Com+ t'Ksa...Talon to Daise Maenak t'Ksa.....confirm arrival of maenak dishern, fhaen.. tAehjae -> :: softly:: I hope tKsa is ok. KhreRiovtRex -> Alright then....to the Command center it is. If we get a chance to take that area later, if they've na all fled.... I want them.......I want them all... KhreRiovtRex -> Alright...let's go then.... KhreRiovtRex -> :: slips her wrists into the loose rope that had been around her wrist earlier:: Just in case, so they do na question that I'm th'ann.... Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Okay.. Lerak trPexil -> :: Checking his tools :: tAehjae -> :: ands and readies to move out:: Laehval tTemarr -> Let's go. I say stealth is best, but we have a plan in case we're questioned. M_K_tKsa -> ((Sorry about that folks was afk for a bit)) tAehjae -> :: lifts er weapon :: Ready KhreRiovtRex -> Yes, quietly, hopefully they are focused on what is going on outside, but may have locked down Ops...those security cards, hopefully will bypass and if not, Laeh and Pexil should be able to use them to access the security system and recode Koga S'Bien -> ::takes out his weapon as well:: M_K_tKsa -> +t'Rex+ The dishern maenakenn arrived. We're menkha at the moment. tAehjae -> :: mves towards the door:: Lerak trPexil -> :: Seems his jacket is a bit big :: KhreRiovtRex -> +Com+ t'Ksa, glad to hear, but we've na yet rendezvous with the Khre'Riov...this is tr'Shalor.....Do au wish to have au patients and team beamed back up to the ship? We are engaged hrrau battle, so it may be safer where au are, but we were na sure of your equipment status. KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +com+ t'Ksa, I was just brought back to the ship as well.....I need to speak with the Khre'Riov, is she with au also? KhreRiovtRex -> t'Vatrix> Ok....take a left at that next corner, and then we will take the lift down 2 levels Laehval tTemarr -> ::She kept her disruptor at the ready as they moved out, checking the sensors as they moved out, looking for possible threats.:: tAehjae -> :: does as instructed and turns at the corner:: ACTION:: As t’A turns the corner, the sound of running boots echo down the corridor ahead of them, then stops Lerak trPexil -> :: stops himself :: ACTION:: Silence..... M_K_tKsa -> +tr'Shalor+ We would only transport if it was safe to do so. If you are in engaged in battle, then I would think it would be unsafe to beam aboard a ship, especially as it endangers the life of both the crew and our patients. And na, the Khre'Riov is na with us. She is with the rest of her team. tAehjae -> :: raises her hand in the stop motion tAehjae -> whispers:: someios ahead KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +com+ Vriha menkha, we will contact au again when we are able. There is also someone fahd, anxious to speak with ua. tr'Shalor ta'khoi ACTION:: Still na sound...... KhreRiovtRex -> Perhaps they were headed the other way, or took the lift as well? tAehjae -> ::nods:: the boot steps stopped instantly, I would tink the lift to be correct. tAehjae -> ::listens once more before moving out again: KhreRiovtRex -> :: turns to look at the others.:: While we pause, others are fighting across the city.....I think we must move, the sooner we gain control, the sooner our people stop yy'a-ing Koga S'Bien -> ::cautiously moves out:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: starts forward down the corridor:: KhreRiovtRex -> :: warily watching side to side in case a door were to open, but so far, nothing:: tAehjae -> :: moves towards the lifts:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She eased forward to the next junction, trying to remain as quiet as possible, peering around the corner in the opposite direction of the lifts.:: KhreRiovtRex -> The lift down to the Ops level is to the right around the corner....:: whispers:: ACTION:: Leah see's nobody in sight tAehjae -> :: nods and continues on:: KhreRiovtRex -> ::: makes way to the set of lift doors:: tAehjae -> :: peaks around the last corner looking for trouble:: Koga S'Bien -> ::looks around cautiously before proceeding again:: KhreRiovtRex -> This io....down two levels :: reaches out and presses the activation control:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::Guarding their rear, she moved to join the others at the lifts.:: KhreRiovtRex -> *reaches* ACTION:: Lift door opens, revealing an empty compartment KhreRiovtRex -> Quickly....everyone in tAehjae -> :: steps in:: Koga S'Bien -> ::enters in:: KhreRiovtRex -> Try the keycards, au will need a correctly coded io to reach the Ops level Laehval tTemarr -> ::In the lift, she pulled the coded card from her pocket and passed it over the lift panel before calling for Ops.:: ACTION:: The first io does nothing tAehjae -> :: steps back from the controls to all tTemarr access to the panel:: KhreRiovtRex -> Fvaht.... KhreRiovtRex -> The other.... KhreRiovtRex -> (someone give me a 1-6) tAehjae -> 4 KhreRiovtRex -> Leah, do au still have the other? If na, can au access the security system from the lift? Laehval tTemarr -> (( I only took one. )) Laehval tTemarr -> (( I thought t'A had the other )) KhreRiovtRex -> (ooc, I know that, ic I don't..lol) tAehjae -> :: pulls out the other card:: Here rekkhai ::hands it to tTemarr:: KhreRiovtRex -> Elements...let it work... Lerak trPexil -> :: looks... ::Koga S'Bien -> ::watches:: Laehval tTemarr -> ::She swiped the card over the panel, pausing in hope.:: ACTION: As Laeh passes the card over the security reader, the panel turns green, shutting the lift door and setting it in motion downward...... KhreRiovtRex -> As the lift comes to a stop, the door opens before them..... PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM PAUSE SIM Lerak trPexil -> :: exhales ;; tAehjae -> ::paused:: Koga S'Bien -> oooh KhreRiovtRex -> Luckily, this isn’t' the mid-season finale! lol Laehval tTemarr -> At least one of us would be dead, if so. KhreRiovtRex -> We'll pick up here next week with the doors opening..........and what you will see. However, we have made it to the Command level! M_K_tKsa -> Just giving you guys a heads up I won't be here next week. We've got a work event next Thurs night KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, then...we'll let you get to sleep. Sorry again for missing last week, I was pretty ill and just got slammed KhreRiovtRex -> Hope you all have a nice week and we'll see you back next week. tKsa, we'll see you in 2, enjoy your thing Crew Dismissed