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Sergio Giovanni

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Posts posted by Sergio Giovanni

  1. "Generic Log Type Thing"

    Log entry 30: 23 January, 2156


    Thanks to Commander Cole, Sergio's job was significantly much easier. With the frequencies she gave him to set off the weapons to fire on the alien visitors, Sergio an his teams culd worry less about the aliens' advancement closer to the facility where Lt. Grey was working -- even if he has to worry just a little bit less.


    The visitors were still advancing towards Grey, whilst he works on decrypting the override codes on his console. Sergio set his communicator to the low output frequency the Commander gave him, doing so in tandem to Lt. Vank, who was transmitting the alien lifesigns.


    It was his hope, as well as those of everyone else, that this could disrupt the aiming of the large superweapon, and firing the smaller ones on the visitors with the Challenger Team. While he did so, Sergio moved closer towards the location of Commander Cole and Dr. McClellan, in the efforts to regroup at that particular spot.


    Though no longer serving in the Science field, Sergio felt confident his former assistant could sucessfully decipher the codes with Ens. Craz. That is, if he can meet up with him without getting shot and killed by their visitors. Eh, hope you're a good runner he said mentally to Grey.


    Meanwhile, Sergio continued the search for the visitors keeping the frequency and channels open. He wondered how long it would take to trigger the desired effect on the weapon,and hoped that they would succeed in their new edeavour.

  2. "Sigh"

    Log entry 29: 03 September, 2155


    Why me? Sergio thought to himself as he sat and stewed in the shuttlepod. The traitorous Ensign Connor and his assistant Ens. Vank, were headed to the crippled Defiant for damage control. He kept a close on eye on Ens. Connor. Sergio didn't trust him one bit.


    The evidence and charged against Connor were both very serious; Entering a classified location without authorisation, fighting, possession of that hacking device, breaking into said classified location, insubordination, conduct uncoming... and that's just the beginning. Under Starfleet's new S8-A5 General Security Order, Ensign Connor could very much spend the rest of his life, or a fair chunk of it behind bars.


    Or, if he's lucky, simply get off with a court-martial. Sergio didn't know enough about Andorians to tell if he was guilty or not, but something about the way he looked and talked during his interrogation, gave him the feeling that he wasn't entirely truthful of what he said.


    The same went for that Bolian he'd interrogated earlier. Sergio mentally kicked himself that he managed to get away, even if there wasn't anything he could've done about it. To make matters worse, the shuttle pod was headed to fix the damage to the Defiant they caused, when someone hacked into their weapons and opened fire on them and blew off their nacelle.


    Sergio wasn't sure who did that, and again... the evidence points to Connor and Ens. Lazurus. Connor, who left his room without permission was spotted in Engineering, tapping on a console. Sergio made sure to note this when he took a PADD out from his pocket and began writing:


    To: Capt. Elias Moore, CO Challenger NX-05, Cdr Amanda Cole XO Challenger NX-05

    From: Lt. Sergio Giovanni, Chief Security Challenger NX-05

    SUBJ: Implimentation of General Order S8-A5.

    Date: 03 Sept, 2155 - 23:00


    1. Based on the circumstancial evidence and charges, outlaid below, against Ensign Stephen Zarious Connor, I am forced to implement General Order S8-A5 on this individual.




    Fighting a fellow crewmember

    Breaking and Entering into a Restricted Area

    Possession of an anti-Security hacking device


    Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

    Unauthorised Departure whist Detained

    Unauthorised use of Starfleet Property (Two counts)


    Possible Charges:


    Lying under Oath during interrogation

    Tampering with Starfleet Equipment

    Highjacking of Challenger's weapon systems

    Attacking a United Earth starship (Three Counts)




    One (1) hacking device used to open a restricted part of Engineering

    Surveliance and Witness to claims that said individual created this device

    Surveliance and witnesses of Ensign Connor in altercation with fellow crew

    Surveliance of Ens. Connor in Engineering without permission at time of attack on Defiant and other ships.





    CAM-MENG1 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

    CAM-MENG2.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

    CAM-MENG 3.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

    >REM: Altercation Ens. Connor/Ens. Lazarus Montague


    CAM-MENG6.REC 23:37:40 08/14/2155 ZULU

    CAM-MENG7.REC 23:37:40 08/14/2155 ZULU


    >REM: Ens. Connor breaking into Restricted Area of Engineering with Bolian Mr. Nagen


    CAM-MENG4.REC 23:20-23:45 08/28/2005 ZULU

    CAM-MENG5.REC 23:20-23:45 08/28/2005 ZULU


    >REM: Ens. Connor (with Ens. Montague) using Engineering Console without permission, in Engineering without permission.



    CAM-BRIG1.REC 08/21/2005

    >REM: Interrogation of Ens. Connor


    WEAPONS.LOG 23:30-23:45 08/28/2005 ZULU



    RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: (After Away Mission)


    - Detention of indidual

    - Placement in solitary confinement (brig)

    - Search of individual's quarters

    - Immediate termination of Connor's personal and authorisation codes from Challenger Main Computer.

    - Notification to Starfleet Intellegence

    - Relief of Duty and Rank

    - Decryption of Connor's logs for period 08/01/2155- Present.




    - Download of Connor's logs to Main Security Computer and my personal PADD, backed up log on Challgner Main Computer (Location classified)

    - Under Protective watch by myself and Ensign Vank

    - Issued warrant to Search Connor's quarters (Status: Awaiting Authorisation)

    - IP Trace of Connor's future use of Challenger's computer, and Communications, detailing his actions, time and duration of use.


    2. Based on evidence and charges outlaid below, I am forced to implement General Order S8-A5 on Ensign Lazarus Montague, I am forced to imlement General Order S8-A5 on this individual.




    Fighting with a fellow officer

    Conduct Unbecoming

    Aiding and Abbetting Ens. Connor

    Tampering of Starfleet properity (i.e. deactivation of bridge Command Acess control to weapons)


    Possible Charges:


    Highjacking of Challenger's weapon systems

    Attacking a United Earth starship (Three Counts)





    Surveliance and witnesses of Ensign Connor in altercation with Ens. Lazarus Montague

    Weapons Log during time of attack on Defiant and other ships.



    CAM-MENG1 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

    CAM-MENG2.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

    CAM-MENG 3.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

    >REM: Altercation Ens. Connor/Ens. Lazarus





    Interrogation of individual

    Placement in Solitary Confinement

    Acess to his quarters and logs

    Relief of Duty




    None yet.




    Sergio could do nothing but sigh at his predicament. This sure was some first assignment as Chief of Security. Times like this, made him wish he'd stay in Science where his only worries were catalouging starcharts or new flora and fauna of a new planet.


    But as Sergio sent the message to Moore and Cole, he was determined to utilise any resource he could to land Connor and Lazaurus in the brig and eventually a seat on a transport back to Earth for trial. As much as Sergio hated S8-A5, Starfleet had a valid reason to implement it.


    Darned if he would let some newbie wet behind the ears ensigns screw around with the Challenger and endanger the ship and her crew. Orders were orders and Sergio was compelled to do his job. It's not like he has a choice, either. This wasn't really what Sergio was hoping for as his first assignment as CSEC. Nonetheless, he maintained his gruff exterior determined to do his job by the book.

  3. "Outta Sight"

    Log entry 28: 31 July, 2155


    The bright skies and warm sea air welcomed Sergio back to Monte Carlo, the posh city he called home. It's been a rough time since he left and was glad he had a chance to come back. Little had changed in the six months Sergio and the Challenger had been missing. Sergio pulled his hovercar into his driveway, and bright his bagagge into his large manison overloking the ocean.


    Smiling, Sergio climbed up the stairs to his Master Bedroom and proceeded to unpack.Sergio's cat, Mittens purred nearby. Almost a year old now, Mittens was almost fully grown, but still as precosious as any kitten, Sergio picked up his cat and began to pet Mittens' soft grey fur.


    No sooner had Sergio unpack the last of his underwear, had the door bell rang in Sergio's home. Interesting, thought Sergio. He wasn't expecting guests for his one week leave here. Sergio counted on relaxing in his home, and just getting re-acquainted with a lost friend called Sleep. Oh well.


    "Misters Pierre, Nigel, Juan and Eduardo at the door, Master Sergio" his butler commed. Sergio smiled and told the butlers to let them in. Sergio changed into some comfortable civvies and proceed down to meet them. Though Sergio planned to be alone, he certainly didn't mind present company, especially being gone so long and the events that seemed to transpire shortly after.


    "Hey! Sergio mate!" they exclaimed. After a few minutes of hearty greeting, the fivesome proceeded to Sergio's verandah by the pool for drinks. "We were pretty worried after hearing you were gone for 6 months, eh? Like, where'd you go?" asked Juan.


    Sergio shook his head. "I wish I can tell you man. But I don't remember anything in the last 6 months. Still can't believe we've gone that long" This drew a few raised eyebrows from his friends. Obviously, they couldn't beleive Sergio had no memory of the last 6 months, despite the efforts of t'Parek and her Vulcan mind-meld.


    Vulcan mind melds? I heard those things screw up your brain. Especially from your lackey? Gee.." inquired Nigel. "Nah, Archer did it once and it didn't effect me at all. Besides, I trust my assistant. I just wish I could remember what happened. Last thing I know, we were headed for Cait, and the next, we're headed to Earth. I don't even know if your mission was sucessful" said Sergio.


    Sergio sighed and reclined in his seat, opening up a new bottle of ice cold beer. The cool taste of hops was a welcome experience for his tastebuds. "That's harsh man. You know, alot of people assumed the worst these past few months" replied Juan. "Well, we're just glad you're back" Eduardo added.


    Sergio smiled and sipped his thanks. "Thanks. Even though a large chunk of memory seems to be missing.." or rather blocked as it seemed.. Sergio thought to himself, "It is nice to be back home. Even if it is for a short while" Sergio clinked bottles together with his friends in a cheers gesture for his wsafe arrival back to Earth.


    Still, Sergio would feel better if everyone was back. He was still very sad to have learned that Commodore Moose was listed as MIA. When everyone regained consciousness, it was if Moose dissapeared off the face of the universe. What were the Challenger crew do without their Commanding Officer?


    Hmm, he guess he'd find out on Sunday, when he was due to return to the Challenger. An Officer's meeting was scheduled for 0900 of that day for new orders. He assumed that Moore would take comand of the ship, whilst Moose was missing. Sergio slowly nursed his beer, and looked up at the sky, thinking that Moose was probably out there, somewhere.

  4. "Off We Go, Now"

    Log entry 28: 27 June, 2155


    Sergio placed his Science kit under his seat in the shuttle pod and sat back as Walker took the pod out of the Challenger's launch bay. With a team consisting of his Science lackeys, Krasner, Walker and some other people, they were headed towards Earth and the massive Imperial computer core.


    It would be awhile before Shuttlepod 2 reaches Earth, giving Sergio some time to rest before the impending mission, but rest did not come to Sergio who was naturally too apprehensive about this mission infiltrating a heavily guarded Imperial compound to sleep.


    To say this mission was extremely dangerous was an understatement. He looked over at Lt. T'Parek who had the computer virus with her. Hopefully, she'll make it to the Imperial computer core and download the virus into their databanks, rendering the massive computer inoperable and giving the Imperial Empire a major, major blow.


    He almost thought the team in Shuttle 1 had it easier. They were headed to the USS Defiant, the large starship from a future dimension with the intent on destroying it. Too bad, Sergio thought.. As a Scientist, Sergio would have looked to have looked around that ship and explore it's capabilities and especially it's Science banks. Oh well.


    Enroute, Sergio drank a thermos full of coffee and popped some pep pills in his mouth to keep himself awake, alert and active. Sergio hadn't slept since coming to this parallel dimension, but did manage to sneak in a quick half hour catnap in his quarters.


    Wanting to prepare himself, Sergio brought up a schematic of the Imperial compound on his display screen. "Looks like we'll be arriving here" Sergio said pointing to an area of the compound. "And the computer core is all the way down there. It's quite heavilly guarded, as is most of the compound. Sigh.. we'll have to keep on our toes and stick with our covers for as long as we can" Sergio said to the team.


    It was a long journey from their arrival point to the computer core most likely to be filled with strife and difficulties. Sergio could only hope and pray that they would be successful in their endeavours...

  5. "Notariaties"

    Log entry 27: 10 May 2155


    To: Commodore Moose, Cdr Moore.

    From: Lt. Sergio Giovanni, Chief Science Officer ISS Challenger

    RE: Bio weapon experiment.

    DT: 10 May 2155 TM: 1900


    Enclosed. is the information and results on the bio-weapon experiment conducted by Dr. Mc Clellan, and Lt. (jg) Grey, on test subject Bell-Krasner.


    Full name: Tovangelitis


    Chemical Make up:


    Message Truncated. Classified Information




    "Enhanced" version of "Tovangelitis" disease strain as found on Mars Colony a few years ago. Strain has been enchanced and modified and will now only effect non-Terran DNA. From infection to death, takes approximately two to three weeks, whereas victims undergo exptreme states of pain, and slowly die an agonising death.




    Nerve failure, stroke, spinal deterioration; leading to paralysation, brain tumours, and muscle spasms (Sourse of the most intense pain). Initial tests found that victms usually die of heart attacks, due to intensity of sufferage.


    Effect on Humans:


    On Sunday, 09 May, 2155 at 23:30 hours, experimentation and analysis on the effects of the biological strain "Tovangelitis" began on test subject Lt. (Jg) Bell-Krasner. Almost immediately, Mr. Krasner began to feel disoriented and dizzy, and somewhat incoherent. However, we do not believe this was a reaction to the tovangelitis strain, but rather the hypo injector. Further analysis also proved that Mr. Krasner had a high blood-alcohol level prior to testing, which probably was a factor into his reaction. Further analysis on Mr. Krasner however, has seen no other problems or symptoms detected in Mr. Krasner's blood stream. He will be kept in quarantine for a few days for observation.


    Closing Notes:


    If proven sucessful that the strain has no biological effects on humans, I feel that the strain will be ready for use on future Empire applications. The First being, the major population centres on the planet Cait.



    End Report

  6. "Scavenger Hunt?"

    Log entry 26: 06 April, 2155


    Sergio sat in his office in the Challenger's Science Lab researching as much information as he could about the fifth planet in the Caitian Solar System. Thanks to the files on Cait and its solar system provided by the Tellarite Ambassador, his own research and his own crack team of assistants, Sergio was able to find alot of pertinent information on the fifth planet.


    It was an F-Class Geo-Crystalline planet, just after the Caitian asteroid belt, two planets down from Cait. According to Lt. Grey, the planet had abundant volanic activivity, with most of them very active. Sergio wasn't a geologist, but the aspect of visiting such a planet did fascinate him, even if it was dangerous due to the volcanoes.


    They had no way of knowing yet, if any are at the verge of erruption. Which of course, worried Sergio and probably many other of the Challenger's crew. In their second "trial" implented by the Caitians, the Challenger crew, are to retreive some kind of ball from the fifth planet, or so Sergio believes.


    A kind of scavenger hunt game, Sergio used to play when he was a kid particularly at around Easter. Sergio did reasonably well in them, scoring many chocolate easter eggs in his basket. Hoping that his good streak would still be with him, as they set out in search for the ball the Caitians hid there.


    It wasn't like any scavenger hunt game Sergio ever played, but he still looked forward to it. From what he learned from his research the fifth planet was extremely rocky, being created by fused asteroid that collided with each other over the years. He wondered how they would get around on such a planet.

  7. "White Men Can't Jump"

    Log entry 25: 21 March, 2155


    Sergio laid down on the cool dirt under the shade of a palm tree under the harsh Caitian sun as he rested with some of his assiatants after the basketball game the Challenger crew had versus the Caitians. It was the first of three "trials" they were to have with the Caitians to test the Challenger crew.


    He was pretty much exhausted, but was happy that first contact with the Caitians were going so well. Sergio found the cat like alien race to be very hospitable and considerate given that they actually took the time to learn the English language and learn some of the human customs on Earth.


    Now, being Italian born and bred, Sergio was slightly dissapointed to learn that their first trial was going to be a game of basketball. Basketball never being very popular in Italy, Sergio hadn't ever learned to play the sport. Although he was quite familiar with it since he was relatively familiar with the ancient National Basketball Association of the 20th and 21st centuries and had many old games on archived files back home in Monaco.


    However at 6'6" and 201 lbs, Sergio used his height to his advantage and helped the Challenger crew win the basketball trials 2-0. Midway into the game, Sergio could see that the beer the Challenger crew gave to the Caitians proved too much for them. And by the end, most Caitians were passed out on the court intoxicated. Sergio knew that feeling for sure. And it was kinda funny to see the Caitians plastered like that.


    They would however, get one more day of rest before their second trial would take place. Sergio felt a little nervous about it, wondering what it could be. Possibly hoping it's a rousing game of soccer. Although that past basketball game really ressembled a combination of soccer and rugby than traditional basketball. The game included kicking the ball and tackling opponents out of the way or to get possession of the ball, and many of the Challenger crew as well as some Caitians suffered some minor injuries due to the game.


    The Caitians were a competitve bunch, he gave them that. Which made him all the more apprehensive towards the second and third trials that would take place in the days to come. The combination of stuffing his gut full of meat and beer, as well as the strenous activity of the basketball game had it's toll on Sergio as well. He felt like someone punched him the stomach.


    He couldn't get up and laid down on the dirt under the shade. A nurse came over and gave him some Pepto Bismol to deal with his stomach ache. Though he still felt as if he was going to throw up any minute now. Sergio breathed labouriously and curled into a fetal position under the palm tree. The shade and the cool dirt proved to be the catalyst in preventing Sergio from throwing up, but still felt pretty bad. He was quite glad they had about a day to the next trials, and hoped that either he'd feel better by then, or he wouldn't have to take part in it.

  8. OOC: This information is more for your own general information, and shouldn't be considered accessable to your characters in the 22nd century.




    COMPILED BY: Lieutenant Junior Grade Tar'Mok. Stardate: 10401.01



    Homeworld: Cait

    Co-Ordinates: 1.80 N 2.16 E

    Race: Caitians

    Affiliation: United Federation of Planets

    Landmass: 50%

    Population: 5.2 billion

    Land Area: 160 250 000 km

    Climate: Tropical

    Technology: Warp capable; At par with UFP.

    Orbiting Star: Verrra;, type G-3 V Star





    Verrral (Class K- Adaptable)

    N'rrrap (Class F- Geo-Crystalline)

    Cait (Class M - Terrestrial, 2 Moons)

    Sotarr(Class H- Geo-Thermal)

    Asteroid Belt

    Missat (Class F- Geo-Crystalline)

    Torrel (Class B - Gas Giant)

    Kezarr (Class B - Gas Giant)

    Arrrot (Class G- Desert)


    Planet Description:


    The planet Cait isn't anything too unusual. It has five continents, three are very similar, one is far south and quite frozen, the other is right on the equator and has thick vegetation. The rest of the planet is ocean. It has a population of 5.2 billion people. The largest continent is Larrrtov. It is almost completely tall grass savanna. It is the perfect environment for hunting. Our fur tends to blend in quite well with the grass. There are several rivers that flow through the flat, open spaces. The annual rainfall is enough to encourage the growth of several types of trees and keep the grass tall in most places. There is a small forested strip that spans the southern coast. The continent of Pirrrem is the second largest. It is, for the most part, a smaller version of Larrrtov. The only difference is size and shape. There is evidence that, at one point, there was a land bridge from Pirrrem to Larrrtov. It is suspected that the original Caitians migrated from one continent to the other, similar to the Terran migration from Asia to North America. The last of the savanna continents is Canrral. It has a dry season that lasts for about 3/4 of the year. It doesn't receive enough precipitation to allow grass to grow as tall as on Larrrtov or Pirrrem. It wasn't heavily populated until domestication of animals made hunting unnecessary. The only heavily forested continent is L'narrr. It is located directly on the equator and is covered in tropical forest. It was never, and still isn't, heavily populated. It has never come as much use, except a few resorts which attract off-world visitors. The last continent is Virrrtam. It is located near Cait's southern pole. The only vegetation is a small area of tundra at its northernmost point. It is uninhabited, but at one point it was the destination of exiled citizens from Canrral. It does not cover the south pole, but the icecap does extend and join with it. The boundary of actual land wasn't known until orbital scans were conducted in the early phase of Caitian space exploration.



    Continents: 5 (Larrrtov, Pirrrem, Canrral, L'narrr, Virrrtam)


    Larrrtov: Largest continent on Cait. Almost completly a tall grass savannah , which makes the continent excellent for the hunting of prey. Many rivers flow through the continent and the annual rainfall on the continent is sufficient enough to sustain several types of large trees and grass. Small forestrial areas spans southern coast.


    Pirrrem: Second largest continent on Cait. Similiar in comparison to Larrrtov, however considerably smaller. Historical evidence finds that the continent once had a land bridge which from one continent to the other, similiar to the migration from Asia to North America in ancient Terra.


    Canrrral: Savannah type continent, very dry with dry season lasting 3/4 of the Caitian year. Grasses aren't as tall on this continent as the other two previouslly mentioned. Not very heavily populated until the domestication of animals.


    L'narrr: Heavily forrestrial continent located directly on the equator. Climate is very hot This continent remains sparsely populated, and is mainly noted for it's fre resorts which cater to off-world species.


    Virrrtam: Located in the Southern pole of the planet. The majority of the continent is a frozen tundra with vegetation appraring only on the northern tip of the continent. The continent is mostly uninhabited though one time was the destination for exiled citizens from Can'rrral.







    Phsyiology: Bi-pedal and felinian in appearance, and ranging from 5'11" and 6'4" in height, and 160 to 180 lbs in weight. Caitians are known to have very little body fat. Like most Terran domesticated felines, Caitians have an usual dislke for large bodies of water, and often find difficulty in swimming. Their sleek, lean bodies are covered with a smooth fur, which colour varies from region to region.


    Thick manes hang about from their faces, with a long tail protruding from their backs. Caitian eyes are gold. Their visions are very acute. They have highly developed night/low-light vision, and their vision is very motion sensitive.. However, they have less color acuity then the human norm. Their hearing is above Vulcan levels. Their senses of taste and smell are more developed than humans, though it is far less developed than that say, of an Antican or Terran canine. They can’t track by scent, though they can gain strong scent impressions when in close contact with another being.


    Caitians also possess opposable thumbs with three fingers on each hand. Their hands and padded feet, which allow the Caitians to move swiftly and with impressive silence come with retractable sharp claws. Caitians customarily grow their claws long and sharp, but consider using them in battle unthinkable.


    They have extremely acute sense. They have highly developed night/low-light vision, and their vision is very motion sensitive.. However, they have less color acuity then the human norm. Their hearing is above Vulcan levels. Their senses of taste and smell are more developed than humans, though it is far less developed than that say, of an Antican or Terran canine. They can’t track by scent, though they can gain strong scent impressions when in close contact with another being.


    An extremely fast and agile people, Caitian reflexes, fine and gross motor movement are about 2.5 to 3 times faster than the human norm. Their range of flexibility is also greater than human, all this combining to in fluid, graceful movement. They can run at speeds of up 25 mph, but for only for short periods at a time. As their musculature is more developed for speed, mobility, and quick snapping motions ( like the claw slashes of their predatory ancestors.), Caitians tend to be about as strong in lifting terms as a fit human female of equal height, with a toned rather than built musculature. Caitians are able to exceed this strength but only through an intense regimen and specialized diet.


    Caitians are less hearty than humans, tiring after shorter periods of intense effort than the human norm. Their physiology was designed for a predator’s wait and pounce, rather than long migrations. Almost all Caitians suffer from Heart Disease. This usually results in strokes and heart failure at around 70. Almost all Caitians above that age use artificial hearts. Many Caitians in Star Fleet are engaged in regular cardiovascular training to compensate for this, and can exceed this, but only through regular consistent effort. Due to evolving on a warm planet, Caitians have lower tolerance for cold climates. They also have a biennial, uncomfortable shedding. Females have ‘the season’, and both genders take drugs when off planet to control the urges when a female is in season.


    As a result of their highly developed senses, as well as their fairly open culture, Caitians never developed any psi abilities, and the few cases where they had were minimal at best. Caitians also tend be ‘open books’ mentally, with low psi defenses. Caitians are Carnivores. They find the idea of eating plants to be distasteful. Herbivores are related to prey and so they see vegetarians as weak willed.


    Lifespan: 75 to 105 years


    Language: Language: While Caitians speak a single planetary tongue known as Caition, which is made up of many soft consonants. To an outsider it sounds like just purring at first. After more listening, words can be made out of this soothing language. Caitians speak Federation standard English when dealing with off worlders.






    The Caits have had only one world war, with tragic, but ultimately beneficial consequences. By (in Terran calendars) the mid-1800’s, the Caitians had successfully circumnavigated their globe, engaged in peaceful trade, and managed to achieve a late industrial era technology.


    However, for whatever reasons, they never made a concerted effort to explore their northern seas. The various regions and phenotypes were united in a confederation states, and had made their first attempts at exploring their solar system, when a great terror struck. Myths had held that pure white or silvery demons had come down across the northern sea, bringing terror and destruction in their wake in what would be the Terran 8th century CE. In 1853, they came again across an unsuspecting world, steaming down on the united, but practically unarmed southern neighbors, taking material, captives, and destroying whatever cities they could find.


    A rapid militarization began at a great environmental and social cost. So used to peace, the Caitian states retreated to a state of xenophobia. The only thing holding them together was M’grram, a charismatic General, whose broadcasts from the frontlines rallied the invaded peoples into what would become the original Caitian Alliance. He came to be known as the One Cait. After a year of failing to beat back the enemy, CA forces succeed driving them away. Then, after a prolonged period of ballistic missile bombardment, they engaged in massive invasion of the unexplored northern continent.


    It was only two months into the invasion that CA intelligence realized that the Northern enemy was weakening, dying of diseases which were either easily treated or minor nuisances to the rest of Cait. On the final approach to the Northern Capital, they found a dead city. The Polar Caits, isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years, were killed by infections caught from their captured slaves, and unknowingly carried over on the CA’s missiles. What had started out as an invasion became a rescue operation. What survivors could be found were immediately given medical help, a crash effort to save what was left of the Polar culture was undertaken, and massive graves dug to keep the disease from spreading.


    1500 Polar Caits out of 2 million survived. Caitian cultural advancement stagnated, environmental distress plagued the planet, and the CA states began to break up, blaming each other for the genocide. In 1857, M’grram threw himself from the highest building in the remains of the Polar capital. The backslide accelerated, but was stopped two years later. In what became the first year of the new Catian calendar, the surviving daughter of the Polar leader, S’rreen, managed to restore the global communication network, and begged the peoples of the world to stop. Her people had paid for their crimes of ignorance, the rest of the world for theirs.


    "We have punished ourselves enough. It is time to forgive." The next 10 years saw the CA renew itself, abandoning its military and creating a nominal police force. Technological development was focused on less impacting technologies, the remaining Polars integrated into the world proper, and a culture based on joy grew. They spread out into the system, and 170 years later, broke out of their home system, and into the larger Universe.


    While the Polar Caits are all but extinct (some Caits of Polar descent have their distinctive coloring), their capital city has been maintained as a shrine to peace. Almost all Caitians spend some time of their life living in the city, trying to understand what it was to be such a lonely, paranoid people, and in some way keep their memory alive. Most Caitian criminals are sentenced to maintaining the City, shamed by the honor of their task. It is a surprisingly effective system of punishment.





    Caitians live in close family groups, with attachments to larger clans. While Caitians speak a single planetary tongue, different regions have different dialects, and naming customs. The most common system is one name, usually all soft consonants. (et, M’rinn) though some Caits use a three name system (Lrr’thann’rr)..


    Caitians tend to take great pride in their appearance. Cleanliness, well styled mane, groomed tail, fashionable dress, and perfectly maintained claws are all very important. Failure to do so is seen as an act of self mutilation. Caitians traditionally greet each other by clasping their hands and extending their claws to just touch each other’s wrist… it is a sign of the great trust they have for each other. As mentioned above well maintained claws are important in Caitian society, and to even think of using them to harm another being is beyond most Caitians.


    Cities on Cait are be spread out and moderately developed, or built downward so as to have less affect on the environment. Xenophobia is almost nonexistent, the main cause for intolerance being violence. Caitians are almost clinically pacifists. While often quite proud, and more than capable of holding onto grudges and perceived insults, Caitians are trained from birth to avoid committing violent acts. Their societal right of passage is an oath to forswearing violence, taken at age 12. Caitians capable of violence are rare, most being sociopathic or criminally insane.


    There are few Caitians who are both sane and capable of willful violence, though most Caitians would debate their sanity, and are either all-but or fully outcast from Caitian society. While they don’t hold their standards to other species, many Caitians are uncomfortable with all things military. They have had difficulties in relations with particularly warlike species, such as Klingons and Cardassians. In the Federation Senate, Caitian Senators are among the first to call for negotiations and peaceful resolution.



    The planetary government is not as powerful as its counterparts on other worlds. For the most part, individual provinces and districts govern themselves quick effectively. A planetary government exists mostly because it is required to join the United Federation of Planets.


    The government consists of two branches. First, is the k'tarrela. This is the senatorial council. The k'tarrela is composed of 500 members from around Cait. They do not represent any particular region and are allowed to run for election only if they are shown to work solely for the good of Caitian society. They create laws, agencies, and control the planetary militia in times of crisis.


    The other branch is the novirrass, our court. It is made up of 13 justices that are nominated by the k'tarrela and elected to office by the a vote of the continental courts. The novirrass is the highest court on the planet. Appeals can be made to the UFP if parties are not satisfied with the court, though the court cannot accept off-world cases. Any dispute with another world must be made to a UFP court. The continental courts are the governing courts for the individual continents of Cait. They are the last step before the novirrass. Under them are several smaller courts to handle particular regions. Centuries ago most of the courts were abolished due to globalization and acceptance into the UFP.



    The religion of Cait is the worship of our deity Rrikalla. Rrikalla controls all life in the universe. Unlike the deities of some worlds, ours has no specified gender. For every birth, there is a death. Rrikalla maintains existing life, as well, by providing the material things to sustain it; plants for the prey, prey for the predators, and finally predators feed the plants


    The Communicator Myth:


    A myth common to different communities on Cait is that of the Communicator. Thousands of years ago, while Caitian society was composed of family based prides, fighting would break out when prides unfamiliar to each other met. When a pride won, it might still come under attack from other prides, either out of vengeance or opportunity. One Cait realized this would continue ceaselessly. He made stone disks, tokens of his pride, and sent them out to each pride he knew, saying "Make these. Give them to strangers, let them know who you know, and who knows them.


    "Strangers know you have friends, and are strong. They will look beyond just the pride in front of them. Encourage them to make their tokens, and send it back through the prides they came out of, so that all may come to know each other.." "If they need to hunt, let them know what is yours, and what you can share. If they hunt on land not yours, but on a pride you know, stop them before they hurt the other tribe. Introduce them to the pride you know, so they may share, and you may share in their joy. This way, we will soon all know each other. Who is where, Who can help, Who will need help. Send tokens back to me, so there will be at least one pride who can answer all questions, one place where strangers can come to be friends."


    "This way we can all hunt and move in safety, knowing that out there are only friends, out there are those who like us, just want to be left alone till it is time to find a new mate, till it is time to get help, till it is time to unite if there is a pride that does not want to be a friend." This practice continued, and grew, as did the story. Gradually, cooperation grew, and when Caitian’s began to travel their world, and find other Caitians on other continents they avoided the immediate blood shed found on other worlds. Also, variations of the Communicator myth existed in different forms through world.


    The differences between regional cultures were muted, and became less important. Celebrations of the Communicator became the basis for inter-regional meetings, and the forums for settling differences. Academics came to think of the myth as something similar to the prevalence of flood myths among humans… a result of their shared common psychology. They also pointed out that no mention of the Communicator could be found among the Polar Caits. Within the past 50 years, though, archaeological evidence has been mounting that the trade of tokens went back for longer then expected, till a tomb was found near what is considered the evolutionary birthplace of the Cait race, containing hundreds of tokens, built into a rough sarcophagus of a pride leader. It is believed this is the actual Communicator, and the myths have been reevaluated in light of this information.





    The Caitian worlds joined the Federation shortly after its founding, and have been steadfast members ever since. Their desire to serve the commonwealth has lead them to enlist in Star Fleet in great numbers. For the most part, Caitians in Star Fleet are involved in Communications, Diplomatic Services, Medical, Counseling and the Sciences, places where they can serve the common good without compromising their deeply ingrained pacifism.


    A smaller number have found a home in Engineering, and less then 20 are currently found in TAC/SC or the SFMC.


    Before joining the Federation, Caitians had established territorial claims to four systems outside their own, and all four, while maintaining close to the homeworld, have long been independent of direct rule from Cait. All Caitian worlds are open to other species, and as of last census, there were about 17 billion Caitians living throughout the Federation.




    (Source cited: http://www.freewebs.com/usspegasus/Races/Caitians.htm )


    Log entry 24: 28 February, 2155


    Travelling at a comfortable Warp 4.8, Ensign Walker relieves Sergio of the Helm console, so the Scientist can get to work composing his report on the Caitian homeworld the Challenger is set to visit. She is currently two days away from the planet.


    Thanks to the data given to him by the Tellarite ambassador at the Columbia's launching ceremony, Sergio's task of performing the report proved that much easier.


    FROM: Lieutenant Sergio Giovanni IV, Chief Science Officer

    TO: Comodore Fitzgerald Moose, Commodore Elias Moore

    DATE: 28 FEBRUARY 2155 - 23:03:10 ZULU




    Planetoid Classification:

    Homeworld: 15 Lycnis (Cait)

    Location: Lynx Constellation

    Class: M class planet

    Position: 3rd in system

    Number of planets in system: 8

    Planet Classes: F, K, M, H, F, J, J, G

    Main star: Type G3 V star, main sequence

    Continents: 5

    Climate: Extremely cold in the far southern continent, to tropical for continents near equator.



    Master Race: Caitians

    Classification: Feline, Bipedal

    Technological Capabilities: 10 - Warp Capable species

    Description: Sleek fur covered bodies, with soft fur covering their faces which hands about their heads like a lion's mane. They have golden eyes, a long tail and a purring quality in their voices. Body fur and hair colour varies by region. Appearance strongly resembles that of a Terran feline.


    Addt'l Information: Ambundant flora and fauna found in all regions except for frozen southern continent.




    ((OOC: Sources cited: Caitian Tourist http://www.geocities.com/caitian_tourist/index.html


    http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/3...ces/caitian.htm ))

  10. "Ghosts From the Past"

    Log entry 23A: 17 February, 2155


    Sergio was in the zone. He lined up his shot on the green bent down and made his swing, with the finesse of Tiger Woods. On the 18th hole of the Monte Carlo Country Club, Sergio watched his small white golfball land in the green, about 120 yards from the hole. "Wow what a shot" excalaimed Sergio's friend Eduardo. "Heh, heh" Sergio chuckled. "My lessons at golf school I took two years ago are paying off" he replies.


    Good friends since childhood, Eduardo along with Juan, Pierre and Nigel took Sergio out to the prestigious Monte Carlo Country Club overlooking the French Riviera for a round of golf and a nice dinner at the five-star restaurant afterwards. It was just like old times again. Sergio thought. Though he'd been gone since September, it was almost as if he'd never left.


    After about ten minutes, after Sergio's friends made their shots, all pretty much on the green, Sergio stepped up and made his shot. Aiming with deadly accuracy, Sergio somehow managed to shoot the ball into the hole, scoring Eagle. "Ohhh!" all excalimed in surprise, even Sergio, who didn't think he'd get it in. "What a lucky shot, eh?" Sergio said chuckling.


    "Geez you've must have been while you were away" Juan said. "Yeah, like I had the chance. They didn't exactly have five star golf clubs where the Challenger went, these past few months" scoffs Sergio. But with that, Sergio won the mtach, scoring at about 5 under par overall. After the game, the foursome piled into their golfcart and drove out towards the five-star restaurant, adjacent to the course.


    Over a dinner of smoked salon with lemon sauce and a glass of expensive white wine, Sergio and his pals reminisced about old times. Minutes turned into hoursand pretty soon, everyone left to go home for the night. Sergio though, drove out to Nice for a drink at a pub. Ordering a pitcher of Guiness beer, Sergio saw yet another familiar figure enter the ball from the corner of his eyes.


    "Sergio?" the man asked. "Yes, that's me. Good to see you again, Gunter" Sergio replied. Gunter Seiben smiled and took a seat across from Sergio. They had met three years ago while water rafting in Colorado., and became friends ever since. "Came back to see Columbia off to, eh?" asked Gunter. "Yep. That seems to be what everyone is doing. Even the Enterprise" said Sergio.


    "But I must say" Sergio added. "You did a great job on Challenger's engines" Gunter smiled. For several months during the Challenger's construction phase, Gunter Seiben worked as the Warpdriver Propulsion Manager for the Challenger project working for General Electric. "Four months of my blood, weat and tears went into that drive" Seiben said sipping on his mug of Guinness.


    "Yeah, but I was just at the dry dock yesterday and helped in repairs. Man, who is your Chief Engineer? I'd like to have a few words with him on how to treat my engine with a bit of respect. What exactly did you did guys do to it anyways?" Seiben said coldly. Sergio held up his hands in mock surrender. "Don't look at me, I'm a Scientist, not an Engineer. But we did meet with a few cases of... hostility" Sergio said evasively.


    "Hmph!" Seiben snorted. "And you guys actually took Challenger above Warp 5, didn't you?" When Sergio nodded, Seiben sighed and rolled his eyes. "I thought so. The Warp Drive wasn't designed to go above Warp 5. I'm surprised it didn't blow out with all the abuse your Engineers gave it" Sergio smiled. It was only natural Seiben would be so protective of his baby.


    Sergio told Seiben about the stories of the hostilities the Challenger encountered. From the Suliban, right up to the Klingons, Andorians and Orions. "And yet the Challenger held up very good" added Sergio. Seiben nodded and munched on some roasted peanuts.


    "But, what brings you here Gunter? Not just to see me, I'll bet" he asked. "Heh, you'd like that wouldn't you?" Seiben chuckled. "But no, I like you am here to see the launching of Columbia" "Ahh. So are you still working for GE?" Sergio asked. "Sigh, no. GE finally went out of business in November. We originally thought that the new NX Warpdrive contract would save GE from Chapter 11 bankrupcy, but it was too little too late.


    "Now I work for Cochrane Warp Technologies, who took over the Warpdrive project when GE went belly up. I oversaw the Warpdrive Project for the Columbia's construction for them. But hey, at least GE went out with glory after the Challenger" Sergio nodded. "It's a good job. I'm earning more than I ever would've at GE. My future can only go up from here" Seiben said with a smile, referring to his new job with CWT.


    "I hear that. I get the same thing from my friends when they hear I'm a Starfleet Officer" Seiben smiled and raised his glass. "So, a drink to our futures then, eh?"

    Sergio raised his glass and clinked it with Seiben's. "I'll drink to that, my good friend" he said and downed his Guinness.

  11. "There's No Place Like Home"

    Log entry 23: 15 February, 2155


    "Thanks alot, eh?" Sergio shouted to the shuttle pilot as he stepped off the craft with his belongings. He waved his thanks and watched as the shuttlepod got smaller and smaller as it gained in altitute in the skies above. Sergio shouldered his bags to his 22nd Century equivilent of a car and proceeded to put his luggage in the trunk.


    As he got into the driver's seat, Sergio turned on the ignition and pressed a button to retract the roof. He slipped into gear and drove away from the airport in Nice bound for his home in Monte Carlo in the Principality of Monaco. With the wind in his hair smelling faintly like the Mediterranean Sea nearby, Sergio donned his Ray-Bans and smiled.


    "So nice to be home again" Sergio said to himself. The Challenger just returned to Earth after their harrowing mission of rescuing Commodore Moose, a number of other Challenger crew captured by an Orion slave ship; including several from his department and several the Drayloni colonists -- the actual reason the Challenger was out there in the first place.


    Admiral Gardener ordered the Challenger out there to see what they can do in preventing a collision of a large asteroid with Draylon, an M-Class planet currently housing 400 Colonists. Happily though the efforts of Sergio and his brilliant assistants prevented the collision.


    According to Sergio's scans, the psionic wave hit it's mark and pushed the asteroid off course enough to pass by Draylon harmlessly, missing by only a few thousand kilometres. After the Challenger's rescue mission was sucessful, the Challenger dropped off the colonists back on Draylon and made it double time back to Earth.


    Upon arrival, the Challenger was dry docked in a nearby station to undergo repairs of the extensive damage inflicted to the Challenger in her recent missions. A moment not too soon, thought Sergio. These past few months encountering the Suliban, Klingons, the Andorians and the Orion left the Challenger hurting and in desperate need for repairs.


    But that wasn't the reason why they came back though, no. Starfleet's newest NX-Class ship, the Columbia, NX-02 was due to launch later this week. Heck, even the crew of the Enterprise, the Pride of Starfleet, are back here to see them off. Heh, maybe they can meet up with the famed Captain Archer himself. Sergio thought.

    But from what Sergio read about the Columbia's construction progress , he was a bit surprised that Starfleet even got the ship complete.


    Numerous construction delays, and setbacks really hindered the Columbia's progress, there were times when nobody thought Columbia would even launch at all. Espacially given the fact that the Challenger, which began construction at about the same time as Columbia launched five months before her, despite the numerous setbacks Challenger had during her own construction phase.


    Sergio slowed to a stop as be presented his Identification to the Border Guards at the Monaco/France border. They let him pass through moments later with a nod after giving him back his ID. Though crime was virtually eliminated on Earth by now, Security in the Principality was still high.


    State-of-the-art Closed Circuit cameras and plain clothed security officers and policemen watched your every move like a hawk as soon as you would enter Monte Carlo city limits. Twenty minutes later, Sergio pulled up to his driveway of his mansion.


    He was greeted by a butler who took his bags to the house. The Columbia's launch was scheduled for later this week, which means a period of R&R for the Challenger crew until then. For the first time since September, Sergio stepped into his Earthly home. The cleaning staff sure did look after the place, he thought appreciatively. Sergio looked around and sighed. "Yeah, man.. there really is no place like home"

  12. "It's Now or Never"

    Log entry 22: 01 February, 2155


    The Challenger slowly continued to creep up to it's designated co-ordinates. At the Tactical Console, Sergio's fingers danced just above the Torpedo Launch button ready to do his thing. According to his crack team of billiant assistants, a firing of five torpedoes in full spread duirectly into the asteroid at a frequency of about 5.944 MHz should be enough to divert it away from the colony.


    An idea from the new Vulcan Scientist, Ens. T'Parek, the blast should generate a kind of "Seismic wave" and push the asteroid away from the planet. Hopefully sparing it and saving the colony. In the meanwhile, the Challenger's fleet of shuttlepods disembarked from the Challenger to retreive the colonists incase of failure.


    Sergio knows he has to act fast. He monitored his assistant's progress of theorising and fine-tuning the seismic wave adnd simulators scrutinising the results. Finaly ascertaining that this seismic wave theory is the best and safest way to save the colony. 400 lives were at stake as well the livlihood of the people there. Error wasn't an option.


    According to last check, it would be about s day before the asteroid was scheduled to impact with the planet. A beep from his console, told Sergio that the Challenger has reached her designated co-ordinates. Sergio pressed the Torpedo Launch button and watched as the five set of torpedoes streaked towards the asteroid on the view screen. Crossing his fingers, and saying a silent prayer in his mind Sergio hoped against hope that this would work and turn out fine.

  13. "Tauxik Waste!"

    Log entry 21: 25 January, 2155


    With Commodore Moose and the Suliban Tauxik in the Ready Room, Sergio sat at his Science station on the bridge. He was more than glad to be back on the Challenger after their brief stay on Epsilon Indi, where they learned about the Andorian "Cold Stone" project to overthrow the Vulcan High Command. Tauxik the Suliban, in a stark contrast to the first time they'd met, seemed to be very friendly to Moose and the crew.


    But of course, Sergio still trusted him as far as he can throw him. Enroute to their next mission, Sergio did what he could to learn as much information of the region as he can, so he and his team would know what they're up against. But as he was finishing, the Challenger received a comm from Starfleet Command. It was Admiral Gartener, the man replacing Admiral Forrest after he died in that tragic explosion in Vulcan a few months back.


    Admiral Gartner contacted the Challenger informing them that an asteroid was heading towards a colony nearby, and they were ordered to either get them out or stop the asteroid. The colony itself had a population of 400 persons, and few old transport ships. But noone knew yet if they could fly. The Challenger changed its course and headed to the colony at Warp 4.


    Sergio got to work and instructed his assistants to find ways to stop the asteroid. Geex, this sounds like one of those 20th Century Sc-Fi flicks. He thought to himself. Actually, there was two movies released in the late 1990s on this very subject. Deep Impact, starring Morgan Freeman and Armageddon starring Bruce Willis.


    In both movies, a giant asteroid was headed for Earth. In Armageddon, Bruce Willis attempted to place explosives on an asteroid the size of Texas in the attempt to destroy it and stop it from hitting Earth. But.. sadly, it failed and hit Paris. In Deep Impact, no action was made to stop the asteroid and the impact caused a giant tsumani wiping out the United States East Coast.


    Not wanting a repeat on those unfortunate endings, Sergio and his team worked together to find a suitable explosives to destroy the asteroid and prevent it from hitting the planet. His teams planning on conducting simulations on varoious explosives. Meanwhile, the Challenger was placed on evacuation orders in the even that an asteroid crash cannot be prevented.


    But with a crew compliment of 82 persons, and a maximum capacity of 100 people at most, the 225 metre Challenger wasn't designed as a transport vessel, and simply lacked the room for all 400 colonists. Sure, maybe they could squeeze some on the colonists shsips. If they have any and their still running, but it will be a tigt squeeze for both Challenger crew and colonists alike.


    Sergio sighed as he knew he had only a few days top to work on a plan to either stop the asteroid, or cram 400 people in the Challenger safely. Time was against them. Didn't have a moment to lose. Sergio tapped at the keyboard researching asteroids, scanning this one and finding a way to help these people as best he can.

  14. "Look Out Below"

    Log entry 20: 10 January, 2155


    Slowly but surely, Sergio scaled down the 15 metre deep shaft and reached the bottom. Using a rope from the first aid kit, Lt. Grey had tied the rope to a support on the shaft ledge for them to go down safely. Waiting for Lt. Grey to arrive, he made his way over to Commander Moore and Ensign Walker who had already come down on their own.


    Because of the rather harsh "Whiteout" conditions of the blizzard above, Sergio could hardly make out his hand inf ront of him, much less see that shaft there or anyone climb down. Sadly, the same could be said for Commander Moore, who literally came down the shaft the hard way falling the length of the shaft when he accidentally stepped through the fragile wooden boards sealing off the shaft and falling in.


    The Commander looked bloodied and bruised, but otherwise looked fine. After he was treated for his injuries, he followed his group, now consisting of himself, Lt(jg). Grey, Lt. Gamble and Ensign Walker through the underground aze they now findthemselves in. It doesn't take them long to ascertain that it's an Andorian dilithium mine.


    According to his scanner, the dilithium in this part of the mne was harvested just a few days ago. But he can still detect lots of dilithium nearby. At least now, Sergio knows why twenty-six Andorian vessels intercepted the Challenger's shuttlepod from entering the planet. But, somewhere nearby has to be the place where all the dilithium is mined, and that's probably where they're all headed now.


    But logically that place would be rather well guarded by highly trained, highly armed Andorians. Despite being away from the blizzard above, Sergio continues to shiver under his thermal jacket that provides little protection against this cold a climate. Unfortunately, the type of jacket Sergio is wearing is only designed to keep the user warm for tempuratures up to -10 degrees Centigrate.


    Outside tempuratures were hovering at about -40, and in here, it was about -25. They stayed close together not only to prevent anyone from getting lost, but to keep warm via body heat circulation. Sergio tried to drink a bit of water from his canteen, but the water inside had frozen solid. Sighing, a thirsty and shivering Sergio struggled to keep warm and keep up with the others.

  15. "Walking in a Winter Wonderland"

    Log entry 19: 03 January, 2155


    "Sleigh bells ring

    are you listening

    in the lane

    snow is glistening

    A beautiful sight

    we're happy tonight

    walking in a winter wonderland"...


    Making no sound other than the scanner, and crunching of snow under their feet, the intrepid trio of Sergio, Lt. Grey and a cerwman he doesn't know trudge their way through the snow towards the mysterious alien signature. According to scans, and the Challenger.


    It was some kind of small alien vessel -- most presumably an escape pod or small shuttlepod. It didn't appear to be of Andorian origin, nor did it appear to launch from any of the twenty-six Andorian vessels surrounding the Challenger. In either a stroke of goodluck or good tracking on Sergio's part, the escape pod containing Sergio and the scientists landed approximately 20-30 kilometres from the alien escape pod.


    So, splitting up into teams of two, the Scientists set out on their way to find the downed alien vessel, while in the meantime keep their eyes out for any Andorian security forces from either the Andorian fleet above or from whatever security units of any are based here on the planet.


    With his trusty phase pistol holstered at his right hip, Sergio was ready to make a quick attack towards any Andorian, or whatever that just happened to pop up unexpectedly. For reasons unknown to Sergio, the bridge decided it was necessary somehow to have the Challenger evacuated.


    Not telling them why they were being evacuated, he simply had no choice but to proceed to the nearest escape pods located conveniently near the Science Lab he was occupying at the time. Shivering, becase his jacket isn't quite warm enough to protect him against the wintry coldness of the planet, he wanted to keep moving to stay warm.


    Despite living in Toronto, Ontario for about three years, the Italian born Giovanni, who spent most of his life in sub-tropical climates just never got used to the wrath of Old Man Winter. They were getting close to the landing site of the alien vessel, the scanners started to beep much more frequently.


    Now whatever this alien signature was, it definately didn't apear to be Andorian and already, he can make out fresh footprints in the snow. Which means that addition to the Andorians, the Challenger crew had a new, more mysterious threat to worry about.


    Perhaps Sergio can get a break and the Andorians can take care of the alien for them, but that probably won't be the case. After Lt. Grey announced that "We're here", Sergio ordered that they both fan out and start to search for the alien vessel and it's driver. A risky move considering that they're alone, and seperated from the rest of their crew.


    Sergio kept his communicator close in case they either find the vessel or encounter trouble in the form of the mystery alien or probably even worse an Andorian Security Squadron.


    Staying low to the ground with the tres and bushes to hide their movements, Sergio and Grey stealthfully survey the area for the alien vessel, and/or signs of driver. All the while, hoping the driver is either unconscious or dead, thus making him easier to deal with. But just in case the driver doesn't want to come peacefully, they stand ready for a fight; such are the risks of being a Starfleet officer.

  16. "Return to Sender"

    Log entry 18: 27 December, 2154


    "Return to Sender,

    Address unknown,

    No such number,

    No such phone.."

    -- Elvis Prestley


    Searching through his memories, there probably wasn't a moment where Sergio Giovanni didn't worry for his life, as well as the lives of others as much as he did now. Sitting in the small shuttlepod, he looked out of the small windshield at an entire armada of Andorian vessels -- twenty six in total, according to sensors.


    The fleet comprised of destroyers, scout ships and one huge battlecruiser. It was the biggest ship Sergio had seen in his whole life. And it had the shuttlepod locked in some sort of weird laser beam. Everything Ens. Walker does to break from its hold fails. "Gee, what could the Andorians want with us?" he said to noone in particular.


    "Is there something down there that they don't want us to see, like in Khittomer?" he asked, again to noone in particular. How actually the Andorians found out they were here was also a big mystery in itself. And with 26 big Andorian ships looking them straight in the eye, even the Challenger -- which hardly isn't 100% herself, wouldn't stand ghost of a chance.


    Sergio rubbed his chin and looked to the big planet below. It was an M-Class planet, uninhabited according to sensors (though the same was said for Khittomer, and look what happened there). But there was alot of minerals dectected in the northern part, such as iron, dilithium, tritanium, and latinum. The Andorians could have interests in those.


    Or, they could just be toying with their pinkskin friends. Everybody knows Andorians and humans still don't play well with each other, because of their affiliation with the Vulcans; they're sworn enemies. There was rumours that the Challenger construction project itself faced threats from the Andorians after an Andorian exlosive was blamed for the destruction of the construction facility near the moon.


    Though it was later found that the Andorians weren't to blame, at least that's what Sergio heard, there still is a bit of a resentment lingering between the two races, though happily the relationship is showing signs of growth. So, then why are they currently caught in some sort of Andorian "Tractor beam"?


    Perhaps they are interested in what's on the planet and wants it to themselves? That's the only logical reason Sergio can think of. Or maybe there's something else down there like in Khittomer? He makes a mental note to make a more detailed scan of the planet when he gets back to Challenger; or rather if he gets back to the Challenger.


    Sergio hears a loud sound and feels a small shake. "We're free" says one of the crewmembers. "And we also have orders to go back to the Challenger" he continues on. "Alright, I guess we have no choice but to go back" replies Sergio. There are times to take risks and go for it, and times to just fall back and retreat, and well this was one of them. Thought Sergio not wanting to mess with 26 Andorian ships.


    Sergio feels the shuttlepod make a 180 and head back to the Challenger. With the Andorian Fleet watching them like a hawk. He couldn't wait to get out of this shuttlepod and back into the relative safety of the Challenger. "Oh man, first the Suliban, then the Klingons and now the Andorians. This mission keeps getting better and better, eh?" says Sergio scarcastically. THe crew around him simply shrug as they head back home to the Challenger.

  17. "Trapped Like Rats"

    Log entry 17: 07 December, 2154


    With all his strength, Sergio strained to pull the door open. He was well aware of the fact of the hissing, green coloured gas coming from the air ducts above the messhall. It wouldn't take long for the gas to render him and those in the messhall unconscious. Sergio probably should've taken that faulty door that wouldn't open for Ensign Bell as a bad omen.


    None of the doors would open for the guy, but he simply dismissed it at the time as a minor glitch that should've been addressed by Engineering. Sadly, with no Engineers currently in the messhall, which now Sergio kind of realised as ironic since all the Senior Officers representing each department except for Engineering is currently present in the messhall, there was no Engineer to help fix the door, and get it open.


    Isn't that just typical of Engineers? Never there when you really need them. Not that it matters, this door is sealed up tighter than Fort Knox and he or anyone else can't contact them or anyone else on the ship, since the communications systems are also down at the moment.


    Regardless, Sergio kept pulling at the doors mentally praying to the door for it to open and let them out. However, it did open about a milimetre perhaps. Sergio breathed in some fresh air through the small crack in the door. It felt better than sucking in gas.


    Looking around, the crew inside was starting to succome to the gas. Sergio, beading with perspiration pried at the door with all his might. Several other people joined in to help him. Slowly, the door began to open, milimetre by agonising millimetre. Time is ticking away before they too succome, so Sergio hopes he can get it open in time.


    Also in his mind is who exactly turned on the gas in here? Was it someone on the bridge? The man currently sitting at OPS? Or is it an alien attack, syphoning in some deadly gas throughout the Challenger waiting for them all to die and then take over the ship.


    This mind and pulse were racing away at a million miles per minute. Thoughts and theories of who done it spiral past his mind like a hurricane. And when.. and if they do indeed get out of here, Sergio is hell bent to find out.

  18. "Cat-tastic!"

    Log entry 16: 01 December, 2154


    Assisting Dr. Mc Daniels and the medics with placing Moose on the medical stretcher, Sergio stepped off the shuttlepod and watched as the doctors carted the stretcher off to sickbay. Though looking a bit worse for wear, Sergio was certain the Commodore would emerge out his atatck unscathed.


    Though Sergio was no doctor, he had a little bit of medical experience in Academy, when he took the mandatory medical training course. After the medical team was gone, Sergio walked out the shuttlebay and down the corridor to his quarters.


    He let himself in and took a shower to get any additional blood stains off of his body, tossing his uniform in the laundry basket. After his nice, warm shower, Sergio changed into a fresh new uniform and fed his kitten Mittens, a now five-month-old white Persian cat.


    After the cat finished its meal, Sergio picked it up and began to stroke its soft luxourious white hair. Bored, and because he never beenthere yet, Sergio decided to take little Mittens out to the Arbouredum. He figured Mittens being couped up in his quarters for the past two months, would appreciate aving the chance to roam around a larger space than his quarters.


    Plus, it would be nice to meet up with other cat owners here on the Challenger, and maybe swap advice. Because of Sergio's duties as Chief Science Officer, most of his time was spent on the bridge or in the Science Labs. He felt kinda bad for neglecting Mittens these past few months. although, the cat probably didn't mind.


    Cats, like Mittens liked be alone anyways. As a pampered little Persian, Mittens would strut around haughtilly in his quarters as if she owned the place. Mittens, Sergio chuckled. He barely even recalls naming the cat, and was probably most likely drunk when he named her soon after he purchased her from that ritzy pet shop in Monte Carlo.


    It was the only name he can think of, even though the cat has a solid snow white coat. Sergio enters the arboretum and shrugs. The arboretum was full of trees, plants and flowers as well as grass for the cat to walk in. Sergo put Mittens down and watch the kitten walk warily around its new surroundings. There were some other people in here, with some other small pets.


    An older looking Engineering officer, with some black cat, and various other crew with a different assortment of animals. Mittens walked around tentitively, before settling down under the shade of a palm tree and lying on its stomach. Sergio took a seat under the shade next to Mittens, and savoured the chance to relax for awhile.

  19. "Klingon Konnection"

    Log entry 15: 25 November, 2154



    Sergio piltoed the shuttlepod away from the Challenger as Doctor Willow worked on the Commodore's injuries. Sergio of course, was no doctor, but that gaping wound to his chest from some sort of Klingon weapon, looked very grave indeed. But at least they managed to stop the bloodflow from Moose's wound. At least, with the Doctor's and Sergio's help, he won't bleed to death.



    He frowned as he moved the shuttlepod closer and closer to that immense Klingon Bird of Prey. Probably a K'tinga or D-5 Class, Sergio surmised, with more than enough weaponry to turn the Challenger into swiss cheese without the slightest bit of effort. Still thinking about the ailing Moose back there, Sergio cursed to himself silently in Italian and wondered what they were doing out here?


    Out in the midst of the battle and staring a massive, enemy ship straight in the eye. Sergio realised that with one small Klingon torpedo and they'd be vapourised to dust, rendering their treatment on Moose -- well, pretty much useless. Sergio thought about Neptune who ordered them out here. Something to do with a "goodwill gesture" of sorts.


    "Sure hope Rexxie knows what he's doing" Sergio says to himself, as he stops and holds the shuttlepod at the pre-arranged co-ordinates. He looks back to check on Moose and Mc Daniels. "Is he OK over there?" he asks. He looked to be alright, anyways. The Doctor worked her magic on Moose n the relatively confined space of the shuttlepod knowing full well this should be done in the Sickbay instead.


    After holding the shuttle, and putting it on auto-pilot Sergio looked to see if there was anything he can do to help the Doctor and Moose. It was all he can do for now,until Rex and the Klingons can decide on something.

  20. "Dangling The Bait"

    Log entry 14: 15 November, 2154



    The Challenger shook again as the K'tinga class Battlecruiser fired on the Challenger again. Brushing his hair away from his face, Sergio scans the area for asteroids big enough to hide the ship whilst they perform repairs. Sergio lucks out finding one that's about 300 metres tall. More than enough to conceal the 225 metre tall Challenger.


    However, Cdr Moore decided against that as the Away Team themselves are underfire as well. Sergio frowned. "Oh well, I guess we have to deal with the Klingots another way, eh?' said Sergio. Sergio looked over to the young ensign at OPS, Archie, who was trying to hail the Klingon ship, feeling sorry for the young, inexperienced guy, probably his first ever intense battle.


    Things thusly got from bad to worse when Archie announced an Intruder Alert in Engineering. A small party of Klingons have beamed over there. Sealing off the bridge, the Command crew ordered Engneering to be gassed knocking everyone unconscious -- including the hapless Engineers still stuck in there.


    "Everyone seems to be knocked unconsious sirs" Archie told Neptune and Sergio. Sergio nodded as Security was given the nod to enter Engineering and deal wwith their new visitors. Sergio along with Neptune and the rest of the bridge crew wait at their location.


    With everything frrom Engines to most of the power offline, as well as hull breaches on Decks C and D, as well as a Bird of Prey filled with angry Klingons, it's not like the Challenger can offer much assistance to the teams planetside. Sergio sits at fumes, definately having a major bone to pick with Starfleet's pointy eared pals.

  21. "Klingon Konfrontation"

    Log entry 13: 10 November, 2154



    The ship shuddered violently as a volley torpedoes hit the Challenger like a sledgehamer. Sergio nearly fell off his seat as sparks showered down on him and the bridge. Much to his dismay, the Challenger was now face to face with a huge Klingon Bird of Prey as it just happened to decloak off the Challenger's bow. Sergio frowned. "What could the Klingons want here?" he thought to himself.


    As far as Sergio was concerned, this Khittomer was just a desolate, isolated little planet on the outskirts of Alpha Centauri. Sergio had no idea why the Klingons would all out attack them like this for one small insignifigant planet. Unless of course, this planet isn't all it's cracked up to be. It was known fact that Starfleet's allies, the Vulcans, weren't all that forthcoming with them.


    They were always allusive, and avoided shady questions all together. There was no doubt that the Vulcans know what's so special about this planet, but they just never bothered to tell Starfleet about it. Some allies. Sergio thought to himself. Stubbornly guarding their secrets, like is if Khittomer is the Klingon Area 51, or something.


    But now, it's too late to start wagging fingers and complaining about it. The Bird of Prey continues to relentlessly assault the Challenger as consoles explode and sparks shower down. Everyone knows that the Challenger can not take this kind of damage much longer. The fall in Tactical Officer does his his best to put up a good fight, but it's clear that they're starting to lose.


    Sergio also hopes the best for the away team down there. Judging by research done on the Klingons, they probably have sent down an away team to deal with the Challenger's on Khittomer's surface. Sergio sighs and wishes he could be down there with them.. but for now, all he can do is wait and wonder just what exactly is down there.

  22. "No Room at the Inn"

    Log entry 12: 25 October, 2154


    "Don't ask for a light load, but rather ask for a strong back" -- unknown


    After acessing the Vulcan Starchart on file, Sergio and the crew find a planet close to Acamar. It was an isolated M-Class planet called.. Khitommer. Sergio was sad to say, unfamiliar with the planet, and never even heard of it, until now. But anyways, the lush environment of Khitommer should be able to sustain the animals and plants the away Team proured for studying.


    Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room in the Challenger's cargobays to hold all of them. Though he felt bad he had to beam thse animals to some unknown planet, what needs to be done, needs to be done. The Challenger simply can't support that many animals in the Cargobay. Sergio worried that the introction of the animals, will interfere with the ecosystem at Khottomer, but Sergio thought, that couldn't be helped.


    He shouldn't have picked up so many animals. Oh well, Sergio thought to himself., this is a starship, not Noah's Ark, and well, hopefully they'll be happy down there. It's not like Khitommer's a very important planet anyways. Just some isolated like planet in the depths of space. Noone would care, or even know.

    Sergio ordered his assistants to gather the unwanted animals for transport, so it could just be done lickety split.


    With the Challenger now on it's way to Khitommer, Sergio looks over the list of the plants and animals to be sent down, forwarded to him, by Ensign Grey.




    Amacran Daisy: 24


    Amacran Fly Trap: 1


    Amacran Rose: 9


    Amacran Tulip: 5


    Blue Belle: 6


    Crimson Death: 1


    Fire eye: 2.


    Green Lantern: 1


    Morning Star: 12


    Pink Sparkle: 1








    Fireball: 5


    Amacran Pincherbug: 3


    Water beetle: 4


    Amacran tree spider: 1


    Brook Trap door spider: 1


    Cane scorpion: 1.


    Frog Spider: 1


    Hooded Scorpion: 1


    Log scorpion: 1


    Pop Spider:1


    Black Beauty (Spider): 1


    Dark Scorpion: 1


    Fire Scorpion: 1


    Hissing Scorpion: 1


    Land Spider: 1


    Marsh Spider: 1


    Rock Scorpion: 1


    Amacran Mantis: 2


    Amacran Stinkbug: 1


    Amacran Ant: 1 colony, about 5 000


    Amacran Cricket: 10


    Centipede: 2


    Diamond Butterfly: 3


    Terror Ant: About 1000


    Amacran Lizard: 2.


    Amacran Monitor: 1


    Amacran Toad: 5


    Amacran Gecko: 4


    Amacran Iguana: 1


    Branch Snake: 1


    Bushwhacker: 1


    Fire frog: 2


    Hooped turlte: 4


    Jade Lizard: 2


    Quick Silver: 1


    Red Turtle: 1.


    Tiger Lizard: 1


    Vine Snake: 1


    Dusk fish: 1


    Feeder fish: 2


    Indigo Fish: 2


    Jungle pirahna: 2


    Toucan Fish: 1


    Vampirre Fish:1


    The list seemed to be in order and studies of the items are either complete or will be by the time they arrive to Khitommer. Mabe next time, Sergio won't bring up so many subjects to study.