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Everything posted by Cougar

  2. Is it going to be the full trailer or just the teaser trailer that everyone who's a SW fan has seen?
  3. which I doubt we'll get.... Oh and I meant that 3 million can cover about 2 episodes in a sarcastic way, well I meant it can't cover a lot.. plus I was just pointing out the fact.
  4. 3 million can cover about 2 episodes.
  5. well I want them to see how much fan support there is for Enterprise, even before we got the donation, we've managed to raise 60 000 some, which is still good. Now the 3 million throws in a huge factor, now I really want to see what UPN's reaction. The "set" of Paramount already know about the donatiom, I assume that the execs will find out soon or already know. I really want to know what Les Moonves thinks of all this, after all he cancelled Enterprise.
  6. I have heard that other companies and oraganizations are interested in donating.
  7. mmmmmmmm....free Health Care <_<
  8. that was for the Grammy's. But they do that all the time, when a great legend dies then the grammy awards comes, they hand the awards to him. Really I never heard once those new songs that Ray charles made before he died and that won the grammy award, but I hear all those other songs lots of times. :angry: I think they did this too before with someone else. Oh well, I wanted jamie fox to win for Ray, he did a great job.
  9. I saw the preview for it on Conan Obrien, missed watching the show though <_< when does it air, what night?
  10. :: presses begin log button :: Computer Begin log. --------------------------------- Well I start this log in Engineering, and not in my quarters. Sadly to say, we have intruders on board. It was suggested that Engineering should be locked down, for no one can get in our out. Excalibur is low on security, so the lockdown was the perfect suggestion. I ordered the ENG crew to seal all doors, hatches, and turbo lifts that lead to Engineering. While lockdown was in effect, the crew and I were repairing damaged systems. We were focusing on the plasma converter, conduits and other various systems. Ensign Hanson was basically my assistant all day, he helped me the most with the on going repairs. I never really worked with the man, he used to pull off night shifts so I was sleeping at those times. But he had to pull double shifts due to half the crew away on the asteroid. I look forward to working with him more. Just as everything was going well, we were attacked. That made me frustrated, well I already was but it increased my frustration. Half the systems that I was repairing were damaged again. I was about to give up. Eventually the intruders, who were Jem’hadar, stormed the bridge. I immediately learned this info out by observing a console that connects with Bridge activity. I felt guilty that I couldn’t do anything, after all Engineering was locked down and decks down. I helplessly prayed that my commanding officer and friends would mount up courage and defeat the jem’hadar. The console picked up wounded but still a live crewmembers, and dead jem’hadar. I felt relieved. I am now resuming with the repairs. Still in engineering, locked up indefinitely. I will keep Engineering in lockdown until I am assured we are safe. Well, the 6 crewman in Engineering, are probably listening to me logging this. Oh well, sometimes you just have to let it out. Computer End log ----------------------------------
  11. YAY! jamie Fox won best actor!
  12. well I am happy with this year's Oscar's so far... But man I was mad at the grammy's :angry: Green day won a Grammy( I was happy about that) but the other 2 good awards should have went to who I wanted ( I forget now..... but I know Green day was nominated for one of them).... but instead they went to Ray Charles <_<
  13. I heard about this....
  14. sticky notes Working Hard or Hardly working?
  15. actually Canada was part of the intelligience force that made the allies win world war 2..... But I didn't know our "agency" still existed :P well I did, but thye don't get publicity
  16. I would say contacts, I couldn't imagine myself with glasses, plus I can see perfectly so don't need them:P Btw, TSN is ESPN. Ok... hmm.... Dumping a person in the trash or being dumped in the trash? :P:P:P
  17. I would never smoke... I'd rather die than smoke... Good thing they teach us in school not to smoke!
  18. lol went to a tim hortons in Quebec, tried to order something. They had no idea what I was saying. Luckily someone from the staff came out and barely speaked and understood english, we got our order :P
  19. Eminem!!!!! No TV or no computer?
  20. I never said we couldn't watch the old series.... Well I would still like to have some sort of new series after ENT ends. Only time will tell.
  21. hmmmmmm...... we revived the dead topic! YAY! Ok I forget the last question since Taker and Neversummer were having some sort of hissy fit. Hmmmm.... The or The( said as thee)?
  22. I am still shocked and appalled that Sam SemaJ is male :) :)
  23. I kid in my class has a mullet :)