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STSF Laura

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Everything posted by STSF Laura

  1. Bah, I hate Myers-Briggs, I've never pulled the same result two times in a row. Let's see... Today I'm an INTP. Last time I took one of these -- April, I think it was -- I was an ESTJ. ::sigh:: I flip-flop between E and I at the drop of a hat, I'm usually more N than S, and I'm T when I'm calm and F when I'm stressed. I tend to turn up P in online or other 'for fun' tests, and J in formal ones for school or whatnot. What's that you say? Multiple personalities? Me?? Just because my H.S. Drama teacher used to joke that our group of 6 could cast Shakespearean tragedies with all the personalities running around...
  2. Lord, we have oldtimers around here. As for me... Well, let's just say that Tuesday was the 10th anniversary of the first time I played in an Academy and leave it at that. I'm still getting over the whole "TEN YEARS???!!! How did that happen?" thing...
  3. There is laughing at your foibles, and then there is having the worst elements of your culture exposed and exploited. "Trekkies" comes much closer to the latter catergory, as opposed to something like "Galaxy Quest", which while not a documentary manages to be far more positive and, dare I say, accurate in presenting the fan community. (Not to mention the weirdnesses of the show itself.)
  4. Fidelio, by far. Followed by Pagliacci. And I like the music from The Magic Flute, though I've never seen a performance of it. On the flip side, I love the story of Der Ring des Nibelungen, but I'm not a fan of Wagner's music.