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Everything posted by koolaidman

  1. my firend says this one, i believe it is form a movie... "an old saying goes, white water in the morning"
  2. yes this is on my mind considering im a bout 8 days away from getting my liscence, im most likely going to be driving my brother to school im goijg to convert my prizm into a soy powered car...
  3. ok when i was little i would say "yipee-eye-yay the cows in the hay" when somehting good happened im band we quote movies and shows alot on of the most popluar quotes is from zoolander, mugato-uncovers a model of a building "i present the darrik zoolander center for kids who cant read good" zoolander- looks puzzled "what is this," knockes model over "a center for ants!... its going to have to be, at least... 3 times this size" mugato- loos at his assistant "hes absolutely right!"
  4. just another reason to get a pc "down with mac!". :) i will hopefully have my neww lappy by then and maybe even sign up for the beta program. im looking forward to this, wouldnt it be great if somhow we could organize a ship with in our sims so the cast of aegis would have a station so on and so forth
  5. a tv, vcr, and every available season of startrek on dvd (that count as one?)
  6. id buy a bunch f land and let it sit and then donate it to the national parks service when i die
  7. id so it if i had some $ to spare im really interested in sapce and space travel, i've wanted to be an astronomer for some time now
  8. riker once had to wait for one i dont remembe rth episode but when it opened he saw geordi and someone making out... hope that helps
  9. and anyway about our favorite sites, i presonally enjoy http://nintendo.com, to see wahts coming out... im a die hard nintendo fan. my favorite games are starfox, zelda, and mario. nintendo owns all... need i say more?
  10. oh, what happened with hugh and the borg people on the planet from the 2 parter with lore (was it descent?) i bet they all died...
  11. definitely http://homestarrunner.com/ which is basically the cartoon site of a few peole who make very funny cartoons i recomend the strong bad emails or the bis cas fri puppet stuff.http://spam.com/ is great and then theres http://runescape.com/ which i spend way too much time on, its an online rpg... my site http://btcartoons.uni.cc/ is somthing i visit daily but i've put off getting it back up and running so its got a bunch of php errors. But you can still watch our cartoons that we make using paint and windows movie maker. windows pwn all!
  12. not to be an party pooper but... 14 The Enterprise is involved in a bizarre time-warp experience which is in some way unconnected with the late 20th Century. "the 2 part episode "times arrow" form tng was set in the late 1800s gosh get you facts right before posting!!! i like them all they're quite funny. yay.
  13. this is juat another reason why i love lucy
  14. I think I died in all of my acads
  15. yeah i hatged how the last few episodes of dbz were like 30 seconds that were stretched in to 30 minutes
  16. they did that a lot actually, i can't remember whih episodes but i know it happened more than once
  17. i forgot! "quanto omni flunkus moritavi"- when all else fails play dead (i figured that out all by meyslef) and "im a man but i can change, if i have to, i guess..."
  18. hmm, i thought it was " i dont know what world war III will be fought with but i know that world war IV will be fough with sticks and stones."
  19. i was a big dragonball Z fan back about 5 or 6 years ago, but then goku "died" and thats basically when i stopped wathing
  20. AHHHHH! today i watched a press conference witha few people (who i think are from nasa) and guess what, a sunday launch is basically out of the picture. gosh darnet, just launch the darn thing!
  21. i dont know if we're ready for phasors. there is too much power, a person can take a hit form an assault weapon and live but it they are shot with a phasor on a high setting thy're wiped off the face of theplanet ( ok so they prolly wont be that powerful just yet)
  22. miles obrien was just saying today (and i headr him repeat this prolly 5,572 times) that the shuttle are going to be pahsed out by 2010
  23. that was a bummer i was watchig tv for about 50 minutes, flipping through the various news channels and miles obrien was saying, that the chances of liftoff were greater now and WHAM they hit me with the stupid cancellation.
  24. "confusios say, ' he who smelt it, dealt it'" ::insert gong sound here::
  25. omg, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no! ok im done. i wasted at lesat 2 years of my life on that site. I play a game called runescape now, its a much more worthwhile way for me to avoid excercising.