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Everything posted by koolaidman

  1. james doohan / scottie tributehere
  2. omg you dont know mr. Houl?
  3. i am one of the people who has an isp who has a pretty reliable email service.. ive never gotten spam an (hopefully) never mmssed anything important
  4. lunch, im never home for brunch... waflles or pancakes
  5. heard htis one at school, dont mean to offend anyone. "Lifes not a garden, dont be a ho"
  6. ok i want a picture of a can of spam that is turned o you can see the nutrition table on the side
  7. my god why would u ask such a question: godzilla vs kingkong which creates a new question mothra or godzilla?
  8. red wire. red pill or blue pill ( matrix)
  9. werewolves because they are... wolves. :P spam or eggs?
  10. great now you can clearly see where say "warp core breach warp core breach"... then try to explain it later on... :)