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About Avani

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  1. Err... Avani is apparently the first name. It comes from a Slovenian book Alamut(read it! read it! read it! NOW! :lol: ). It's an arab name, actually, but I like it. A lot. And, uh, Jorel... That just sounds like a regular trek last name with an r in it. :lol:
  2. Didn't the mine director blow the whole complex up with a cigarette? :P Errr, anyway, I'd like to see a Dominion sim. That would be fun. Oh yes. :P
  3. -20 C at night. Beat that! :P
  4. ::We see McFly and Jorel in sickbay wait for the doctors exam after a horrifying stint in the new Phase Cloaking shuttle tentative named by McFly “The Death Trap”:: Avani: So, Mr. McFly, how was it being phased? McFly: ::McFly sitting on the bio-bed, still a little on edge yet quite relieved Eason interfered when she did:: Let's just say I'm not looking forward to experiencing that again Avani : ::scratches himself on the head:: I liked it. It was fun. Dangerous, but fun. McFly: I just prefer to shoot things, myself McFly: You know I really can't believe the Admiral was actually going to send us through the Hawk, I swear he's gone mad Avani : I like phasing, you like shooting, Captain Sovak likes the neck pinch. Avani: ::grins:: Avani: Nah, I don't think so. Though it was a bit strange sending us to certain doom. McFly: Maybe it's just me but he tends to favor the senior staff over lower ranking officers. I mean he'd never send one of his precious Chiefs out there, which he didn't... but even if he did, I doubt he'd go so far as to risk sending them through another ship Avani: Didn't he send Garn out? McFly: Yeah but just to test the cloak, the risk factor was way past small compared to what we did. On top of that, we had the chance of being exposed Avani: Exposed, yes. That would've been great. McFly: This is definitely one of those times I'm glad the Captain is a Vulcan, I'm so in love with logic right now Avani: Oh, yes, Vulcans... Got to ask the Captain to show me how to do the nerve pinch thingy... Could be useful in incapacitating admirals someday... ::laughs:: McFly: ::laughs:: I never thought the Admiral would put us in a danger like that, I really wish I was on the bridge when all that went down Avani: Because you wanted to see how they relieved the admiral or because you didn't want to be on the shuttle with us? McFly: No... well yeah, but, something bad went down up there. From what I heard practically everyone on the bridge was second-guessing him, with good reason I might add, and even the doc relieved him of command Avani: And not a moment too soon. Or late, for that matter. ::smiles:: McFly: Obviously it wasn't enough if Sovak had to Vulcan pinch him Avani: Yes, I wonder how the admiral could let it come that far... It would've made more sense if he just stepped down... But I don't really know the admiral yet. There probably was a reason. McFly: Yes, I assume insanity Avani: Makes sense. McFly: I gotta admit, I love working for black ops, but it's days like this I really wish I took that position my brother offered Avani: What position was that? McFly: Another security position, for an ensign, but it was on my brother Maxs ship, but black ops promised more action and adventure... can't deny they were right Avani: Action, adventure, life-threatening shuttle runs through other ships... Black ops certainly provide all of that, yes. Avani: Perfect for a man like me. McFly: After this, I could use a long vacation Avani: You had one not that long ago. McFly: ::thinking back to his vacation hiding from the repair crews on the Manticore:: Right... nuts I think Mele's coming, lest he hear us talking about the Admiral behind his back. Avani: (quietly) Right, right... (loud) So, how did you like that holo-program I sent you the other day? McFly: Great I can't wait to... --
  5. Not that much, eh? :P
  6. Assistant science officer's personal log, stardate 50410.21. I sat on a rock for what seemed like hours. We talked just a couple of times, I didn't know him, but I still considered him a friend. And now? He's dead. So I sat on my favourite rock to think it over. And after sitting there for a while it occured to me. S'aar can't be as nice as he wants us to believe. Sure, he's holding us here, but until now he didn't try to hurt anyone. And to the naked eye he didn't. But one has to ask himself... Why did S'aar always come when we asked for him and now didn't? Why did S'aar grant this particular admiral's wish? Why did he let Precip die if admiral stated that we need pain an danger? He apparently knows what we are thinking. So why did he do it? The answer is quite simple. He saw it can benefit him. No one wants to serve us. This is probably just an elaborate experiment to see how we can survive trapped... and what will happen with the crew. What happens if there is an incident? Would the crew judge the man responsible? Will they, in a lot of time, even return to the brutal natural laws? The S'aar doesn't know that. So he granted the admiral's request and made the soil ready for the first seeds of discord. Wanting us to become enemies. He seemingly has nothing to do with it, but why didn't he answer our calls to help commander Precip? Not nice, mr. S'aar, not nice. It also seems a rather interesting coincidence that it's Precip who died. He talked to mr. Tovan about his theories. Maybe they were a bit to close to the truth and he wanted to make an example... This is, of course, pure speculation... I don't KNOW anything about this matter. But one thing is certain. Precip's death was no coincidence.
  7. Begin recording. Assistant science officer's personal log, stardate 50409.12. It's been more than one week since I came aboard. I don't know many people yet and even back on the ship I felt lost and confused. It's much worse now. We're stranded on a planet from which we can't get off. Which isn't exactly fun. But... it's not that I am disturbed with. What disturbs me is the fact no one will miss me if I die. After my father died I became a very solitary person. But only now have I realized everyone needs someone. Well, it's too late for that now... Anyway... I came up with an idea. I have to propose it to the Chief. My plan is, that if we ask the S'aar for a transportation device of some kind (a horse, car, a simple hover-craft, perhaps even a planetary shuttle) we can discover if the entire planet is adapted to our lifestyle. If the S'aar gives us this transportation device he will probably assume we will explore the area with it. So if he doesn't give it... we can assume he doesn't want us to explore. Mwahahaha.
  8. First name: Avani Last name: Jorel Species: Trill/human - joined Date of birth (host): 15th of April 2352 Date of birth (symbiont): 19th of May 2345 Place of birth: Earth, Maribor Height: 1.78 m Weight: 70 kg Eye colour: grey-blue Hair colour: brown Marital status: single Family: Father – Lieutenant Jusuf Sulej (trill), born in 2323, deceased in 2367 Mother – Doctor Athena Suley (human), born in 2325, deceased in 2374 Biography: Born in 2352 on Earth, Avani had a relatively peaceful childhood. He finished the schools he went to with the highest grades and attended many contests, where he won several awards. It was at the age of 15, when first tragedy struck him. The Borg assimilated his father, Jusuf Sulej, currently stationed on the Melbourne as Chief Science Officer, in the battle of Wolf 359. For the next year he suffered from insomnia, hallucinations and several minor psychological conditions. However, his personal counsellor helped him get through his problems and for the next couple of years there would be no more problems. His mother got a posting on a Starbase near Cardassian border, moving to Trill, where Avani spent two years separated from his mother most of the time. During that time he familiarized himself with the Trill culture, and discovered an urge to be joined. He applied to the program at the age of 18 and spent the following 3 years as an initiate. One of the rare not purely trill candidates, Avani had to work hard to get a symbiont. But it was worth it. He got the Jorel symbiont and was joined with it as its first host on 16 of June 2373. He then applied for Starfleet academy, and was soon accepted. He started his first year with no trouble, but suddenly, in the beginning of 2374, his mother was killed in the first attack to retake Deep Space 9. Faced with a tragedy again, Avani had some serious psychological problems again, this time as severe as a mild form schizophrenia. This time he faced the problems alone and was back in full shape by the beginning of the second year of the academy. The next three years of his life were pretty peaceful. Avani was one of the best students in class, winning several academy science contests. After he graduated as the second best in his class he applied for the USS Manticore as a Science officer, following his father’s footsteps. He then got a posting on it as a Assistant Science Officer. Medical history: No serious diseases or injuries during his lifetime. He has had several psychological problems when each of his parents died, but all of them are now well under control. Service history: 2374 – joined Starfleet Academy 2377 – finished Starfleet Academy 2377 – promoted to Ensign, assigned post as Assistant science officer aboard the USS Manticore
  9. I'm not really good with timezones, but... the academy is on saturday at 12.00AM ET? You said that's GMT-5... So the academy starts at 5PM GMT? Is that correct? :mellow: