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Zack Yuuko-Chen

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Everything posted by Zack Yuuko-Chen

  1. flying saucer
  2. section 31
  3. don't be a great man just be a man
  4. Bond lotion
  5. Ens. Chen Assistant Science Log Entry Zack grumbled and fliped through his large collection of padds noting they weren't in alphabetical order. He tapped one and looked at it, it was his first EMP cannon design, although it didn't look like a weapon of mass disruption, but he didn't care, as long as it worked. He flipped through another set of padds labelled descriptions and the least required supplies and components. Geeze, everyone at that table knew what do to, I only grasped a few. He thought. Well, maybe not that doctor. He felt confused, he knew the properties, advantages and disadvantages of am EMP, but the fact that it WILL disable everything was a problem. He chuckled to himself remembering what he suggested. Can we tell them to turn off their lifesupport then fire it? "Boy, was that a stupid question." He said to himself. He was right for that matter, every one sitting there did know their stuff, the ups and downs, new methods, solutions and more. EMP, Electromagnetic pulse, mysterious still but useful, it was also easy to generate but the components were not easily built. The problem was materials and time, they didn't have that much time for a professionally built EMP cannon or such as fancy. The lower the frequency the more destructive it is. He looked at his second design, a high energy accelerator built into the main deflector. "hm...." He said. This design was seriously dangerous, the chance that the main deflector may overload and the EMP directed at a target may trigger a feedback pulse. He groaned. He looked at the padd with his third design, a medium frequency disruptor, EM energy based. This design was more regulated, mounted on the best roation arcs of a sensor emitter on command it'd fire off a focused burst of EM energy at the disired target. "well looks like this is the best design i have, i hope the others have better ones." He muttered, noting these were the best figments of his nonexistent imagination. "Why didn't dad let me bring Sara here? She had better imagination than i did." He groaned again and feel asleep.
  6. awww ... no pandarian come back ... which is good right? :P
  7. Keep your inner fire burning, keep your essence pure, ensure your survival, keep this place bright with your fire. You're one year older your fire will be one year brighter. Sincerely - Tovan the insanist
  8. "Long name eh." :P thanks