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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. It would be my suggestion to take this issue to the individuals personally. Publicly berrating them for their behavior really is inappropriate. I really think this thread should be removed and/or locked. If you have a problem with e-mails or posts that you feel are insensitive, the best course of action is to address the individual...not put them on display (whether you name them or not) for all the forum to see.
  2. Yes, I played them a long time ago when I had a Macintosh. Ah...Macintosh :P And yes I love those types of games, which is probably why my games use the same "Asteroids" style to them.
  3. Ah, true. Anyone playing it notice any jumpiness? Mine lags a little when I get 20 or so ships on the screen at once...but then again I'm running on a 400mhz machine. This a problem at 1ghz and such? Still havent figured out how to stop the ships from spontaneously disappearing after extended gameplay...know why its happening, dont know how to fix it yet :P
  4. I totally changed the menu...I think it looks pretty cool :P
  5. Teehee...these are really cute!
  6. Because it kept him alive maybe? :P
  7. This pretty much seems to agree with what Fred and Laura believe also about the "Trekkies" movie. And I gotta say... Well, duh! The movie was called "Trekkies", not "Normal People Who Also Like Trek"...of course they looked at the extreme. Why would they make a movie about Trekkies and show a guy sitting in a cubical working a regular job and talking about how he likes to watch the show and play on the computer sometimes? I'm a Trekkie...but I'm not so insecure about myself that the movie offended me just because it showed a bunch of obsessive fans! The POINT of the movie was to show Trekkies in the extreme, the obsessed fans who live for the show...not the average viewer, not the person who barely watches the show but roleplays the game on the computer. Like Marris said, just laugh at the obsessive fans' extreme behavior, as was intended, and don't 'obsess' that everyone will think you're a weirdo because of this movie if you mention you're a Trekkie. Simply, unless you ARE one of those super-obsessed fans who wears their uniform all day and wait in the back yard for the Enterprise to beam you up, this movie isn't about you. Don't worry, be happy :P PS: If it really bothers you, make a movie about regular Trekkies doing regular things...it'll probably be pretty boring, but there's a good chance Fox will buy it as a reality show.
  8. Thanks for the tip, Darrik...this Destiny's Wind look great! I hope they manage to get it off the ground. I just hope they don't charge for it :P Won't be able to play it until I manage to upgrade my comp though ^_^ I love seeing fan-based games...as you can imagine. It definately blows my Flash games out of the water though, hehe.
  9. Anyone going to watch the new series?
  10. Okay...I'm going to have a special version for you Vanroy that won't let you repair your ship if it becomes damaged :D
  11. Ew Seinfeld! hehe
  12. There's still some left-over text from Rom Wars...where does it mention phasers? I'll have to change it (but could there be a secret ship that has phasers? hmm). And yes they have repair teams! Remember r2d2 fixed the X-wing while it was in the middle of a battle :D
  13. Opinions? I thought it was pretty good...I actually felt there weren't enough characters, but I'm used to Friends with at least 6 main characters rather than 1 with a couple 'sidekicks'. I'm reserving judgement, but it seemed okay. They need to bring Mathew Perry in for a cameo. Maybe in the season finale :D
  14. Any Star Wars fans? I'm making a mod of Romulan Wars called FlashWars based on Star Wars. Its the basic RomWars engine with some enhancements. Here's a beta: http://www.fossan.us/other/beta/alpha544.html What do you think? I think it needs more 'game' to it...right now its just collecting resources, building new ships, and blasting the bad guy. Thoughts, opinions, criticism?
  15. I read a similar article. Apparently the solar particles contained pieces of an alien craft, and the aliens sabotaged the genesis' parachute.
  16. I think they serve a purpose...anything to encourage people to vote, and for people to have more confidence in voting ( and researching their vote for a candidate they now know for certain will be nominated ), is a good thing IMO. Do they tell us anything new about the candidates? No, not really...but it is amusing to watch them as they make grand speeches while skirting every issue and essentially saying nothing. :D
  17. Um, thats all of America :D
  18. Don't join any frat or sorority, Melina! After college you won't be able to spell big words...but you'll be able to chug a beer in 10 seconds!
  19. Oh this is so easy... Okay now someone find me a picture of Steven Speilberg eating a salad.
  20. Godzilla of course...well, the Japanese version of him...not the Americanized "he's a mutated gila monster!" version. Desert or Forest
  21. Okay...now a pic of A9 furiously hitting the delete button on this useless thread :P
  22. Jeep. Bush or Kerry :)
  23. Blue Whale Okay...how about a pic of the 2006 Mustang.
  24. Google makes this too easy!