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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. Hmm...sounds like a question only hosts or those close to hosts would know :) I'll pass on this question but this seems like a fun game. How about some questions us blue-collared folks might know, Fred :lol: :P
  2. Maybe they realized in the 24th century that they can enjoy music without going deaf :-D
  3. Congrats but...I thought Loami was made a GM a long time ago? Sheesh about time ;)
  4. That doesn't sound too bad to me. Isnt regular voting turnout somewhere around 18%? Exactly. There were several people on the ballot that I voted for just based on their partisanship. Oddly there didnt seem to be an obstain option on my electronic voting machine, the first person was automatically hilited.
  5. I'd like to see automatic voting registration...instead of registering, checking in, etc, I just swipe my drivers license through the machine and vote away.
  6. I have a suggestion...just a small favor, from just about everyone who's posted here. Grow up or leave the thread. ASWE's posts are perfectly legible for anyone with half a brain, so why don't we help our new guest feel welcome to engage in active conversations with our other members instead of making fun of his english like a bunch of little brats. Thanks :) Back to the TOPIC. Looks like Bush won. Honestly I saw it coming, but since I'm in TX I knew this was a shoe-in state for him anyway, but I still voted for Kerry. Personally I think all the "hype" surrounding his reelection is exaggerated. All jokes aside, I dont think we're going to have another war, a draft, or a serious terrorist attack (at least I hope not). Even so, I did see a newscast with a video of Bin Laden saying there would be another terrorist attack on the nation if Bush was reelected. In a way, I'm glad we can shove it in their face, because the worst thing that could happen is for the American people to allow terrorism to affect their vote and destroy our democratic process. Although I was amused by Bush's acceptance speech, where he spoke about how the voice of the American people was heard and how he was proud to have the support of Americans. You barely won, bud ;)
  7. Those electronic voting machines should beep when you vote for Nader. A series of windows should appear ala Windows98 to make sure you have selected the right choice. Warning: You have selected Nader. Are you sure?: Y Warning: You are throwing your vote away. Are you sure?: Y Warning: You realize this is a bi-partisan government, right?: Y Vote Cast: Thank you for voting for Nader instead of Kerry and letting Bush win. Anyway...its all over. Another 4 years of Bush. Lets just hope he doesn't get too many of us killed :) Back to aswe's first post...if we really end up fighting a war with those triangular space-ships, I dont think we'll have a problem ;)
  8. Next time ask for a jumbo crayola.
  9. Do they have those hidden picture things online? That would be neat ;)
  10. I love these eye tricks :P
  11. I voted today fairly easily...no lines at all, and the place was right across the street as always :P In fact, funny story. I went in and when I entered my booth (its an electronic voting system) I noticed the person before me had failed to push the "CAST BALLOT" button...so their finished ballot was sitting there, unsent. I thought for a second about voting twice for my candidate...but then my conscience got the best of me and I told them and had them reset the machine for me ;)
  12. That other chicken is weak. I rule this game.
  13. A living virus? No kiddin! Wow thats something.
  14. I dress up as a hairless cat.
  15. Very serious! There could have been children hanging from that mirror. You're lucky you didnt kill anyone :P
  16. Protecting your cat from the deadly alien mind-control beams?
  17. Hmm...October ends...so do STSFs problems. Me thinks there's a halloween ghost lurking.
  18. I dont write logs so I dont have this problem :P
  19. Just the ones I've purposely gone to to see something or visit. I drive on trips mostly, so I've at least passed through all 50 states.
  20. Thanks! That sounds like a great recipe. I have a better one (and easier) that I'd like to share with you all. 1) Go to Store 2) Buy can of Gumbo :) Realize that if you start posting recipes that I will start making them :D
  21. I disagree. Certainly morality is necessary for 'cultural' survivability...but even then as we all know moral codes shift within cultures on a regular basis. But just for survival of a species, or indivudal survival, morality is a wholly useless concept. IMO.
  22. I dont think any kind of human morality was violated at all. We've shown in the past that humans will do just about whatever it takes to survive. Whether its atomic bombs or kamikaze pilots, when survival is at stake morality is thrown out the window. But I do think that the mistakes the crew made the first few years of their mission should be leading up to the formation of a set of guidelines to prevent such things from happening again. Still, as we see from our previous series, who bothers to follow the prime directive anyway?
  23. Darrik...was that car made completely in photoshop? That's absolutely amazing!