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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. Boost, you remind me of Jesus. Thank you savior! LOL
  2. I agree with embryo genetic study and voluntary abortion should they detect incurable genetic diseases. Obviously the fetus is defective and must be destroyed for replacement with a more viable one. Yes...now you think I am being cruel. But if you consider how many time the human female body aborts embryos naturally, "natural abortion", because of genetic anomalies, I don't see the problem with looking for things nature can't see.
  3. that's a great character idea, Lightning. I think my next character is going to be a tricorder. I'll spend the entire sim thinking and people can use me to scan things, etc. Plus I get to go on all the AT missions.
  4. Renderings of the ships for a Ship Info section on STSF's website would be great! Oops! I don't sim here ::runs away::
  5. Sorry, folks. I wish I could join you guys. I've really been trying. I've done just about all I could, and I've been trying to access the rooms for almost a month. 2 weeks now as a cadet. They just don't work for me. I tried tonight and when it finally said "connecting" it told me the room was closed and there was already someone in there by my name. In the past month I've gotten in once. That was in the morning, and no one was there of course. I just really don't feel like struggling to get into the rooms every single week. If I can't even attend one academy, how can I expect to attend a regular advanced sim? Let me know when you get new rooms, or STSF has sims in AIM. Till then, I'm afraid I've got to quit before I even got to join! Good luck, folks. Xiang, out.
  6. (BTW... I've added a feature where you can see where other people are on the boards. You will now know if they are in a forum or viewing the same exact topic you are!) YAY!
  7. Internet in the car. Now there's a good idea. We've got folks driving around not paying attention to their driving, yacking on their cell phones, watching LCD TVs, and now you want to give them the internet so they can check email and download porn. This is a disasterous technology waiting to happen, LOL. Just make sure none of these guys are on the road when I am!
  8. Hey folks. I just tried getting into the holodeck today and it worked! So I'll see if it works for me tonight so I can play an academy game. Not sure. Hopefully I'll be there. Did PeopleLink fix their problems or am I just getting "lucky" today?
  9. Sure, Randy. Let me check it using my Pentium 4 PC, maybe the one with the flatscreen...or the screen projection computer I have in my bathroom. Or I can try it using the mini-computer I have installed in my Ferrari with the wireless connection. I only have 1 computer. ::thwap::
  10. Maybe we should have a dispute hearing practice run. Randy, I'll pretend I don't like you and you complain that I'm a disruption and a pest. -Still Waiting for the ability to play
  11. These are great cartoons! LOL...you make them yourself? :o
  12. Yeah! Looks great. Too wide though. User password input is way over to the right. I have to expand my window to see it. FYI, no biggie.
  13. Great episode. I'm going great. Glad to see you are too.
  14. Thanks! These spellchecker helps me reel good because know the computer nows when I im spelling something wrong. Thanks, too everyone else two. Buy by.
  15. I would like to play in the academy. I am a new cadet and am looking to graduate. But the rooms are difficult for me to get into. Sometimes I can get in, as Fred gave me the tip on trying over and over. But the it tells me the rooms are "closed". Are there hours for the rooms to be open or are they down for maintenance? If the latter, are there alternative places where STSF academies are being held? Thanks
  16. What am I supposed to be downloading? There's a ton of files here. Should I look for something specific? My browsers are all the most recent possible, though.
  17. It is hard. Too hard. I've been trying to attend the academy every night for a week with no luck. These chatrooms don't work. PeopleLink says it knows about the problem, but I've been trying to "sample" STSF for 2 weeks now and still I can't get in. Now that I actually want to attend an academy, it's even worse. Because I want to get in at a specific time. As I write this, as I have been for the past 3 academy days, I've been trying to get into the room by the "repeat" process tip someone gave me. Since it's been 20 minutes, I guess I'm out of luck. I'll just have to try next week I guess. There's some alternative chatrooms, but since I dont have the link memorized theres no way for me to get there. They might not be working for the academies anyway. Even if they were, I tried them last night, and I can't use them apparently becaue I have a Mac. I really want to join and play in STSF, but I guess its just not going to work for me now. I'll keep trying. Eventually maybe I'll get to play.
  18. Greetings! This is Cadet Vex Xiang here. I just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone. Are there any other cadets I can talk to in STSF? I haven't been able to attend an academy yet but I hope to soon. I can't wait to graduate. See my new icon? It's colorized now! Btw, I'm a delpin, a dolphin-like alien. I don't really wear a uniform or bend my head and stand straight like that...but the picture is so cute I had to use it!
  19. Can we get an STSF shot glass?
  20. ::cries:: I want to play so badly!
  21. Btw, why does my member profile say I am a member? Shouldn't I be a Cadet? I'm not a member yet! Stop inflating my ego!
  22. What do we do in the meantime?
  23. Is there any way to make the boards fully automated? I don't know what sort of work is involved with them now. Does the webmaster have to maintain the boards to keep them going or do they just maintain themselves? I ask because I think it would be a good idea to maybe assign a few GM folks as board moderators who can remove nasty posts if they see them, but require no other maintenance. That way of the webmaster doesn't have time to keep up the boards for some reason, they won't fall apart. Is this realistic or is it already how things are set up? I'm new here so I don't know.
  24. I also like this idea! PS: How do you like my new avatar?
  25. I've been to the hotel. It's very expensive for the "Experience". I think it was 50 dollars per person? Shoreleave sounds like fun. Glad to see STSF continuing the tradition. The "space casino" is not really Star Trek related. Just "spacey". The museum before you get to the ride is worth it. Lots of interesting things to see from the shows. Large models of the starships hang from the ceilings, all lit up. It's impressive. If you don't mind the hour or so wait for the "ride". But the Klingons and Borg walking around chatting with the people in line help pass the time. Shoreleave itself really isn't worth the trip at all unless you have friends who you know are going to be there.