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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. ROFL! ::buys many of their products, surfs ebay for a cheap gun::
  2. Here's a funny cartoon I drew...for those of you who haven't seen it already :o
  3. Hey, as long as the rude thoughts are directed towards me, no harm no foul! It would take a lot to offend me :o Besides...it's possible it would take someone a whole day just to pack one piece of equippment. No all Vulcans are smart!
  4. ::lights one candle on a cupcake:: ::sings:: Happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me... ::sees the webmaster trying to steal his cupcake:: NO! Get back! It's mine! ::growl::
  5. Thank you!!! Hey the glow feature works!
  6. STSF is old enough to have "former" simmers now? Sheesh.
  7. That's no fair, Images...why do only Fred and A9 get discounts?? ::flees::
  8. Yay! People have the same birthday as me in STSF. Let's throw a huge party! Happy B-Day Smith and Trekfan!!!
  9. What an interesting academy sim. ::just read the chat log:: I like to look at the positive side. It could have been worse!
  10. Oh no! A9's retiring! They're getting rid of the poor guy just because he has new, innovative ideas. Advertising for STSF on "inappropriate" sites. :o Good idea! Isn't that...industry...the biggest source of income and hits on the entire internet business region combined? We'd get lots of traffic! Charging STSF members a monthly fee. :cool: Good idea! Why not make ourselves rich while we sim? Of course current members, those who graduated prior to 4/1/03, would be exempt from the fee..of course! Bring A9 back!
  11. Hey you! ::stabs Hyperdrive with an assimilation tube:: Resistance is futile!
  12. I guess nobody likes cardassians! Borg would be fun. We could assimilate some of the other sims.
  13. rofl...is that an april fools thing or did someone hack the site?
  14. Yay me! ::throws up confetti::
  15. Doesn't the or > or something interfere with the PeoplLink chatrooms because it tries to identify it as a font type or color or something? I thought I remembered that. I do know that :: :: sometimes messes up because it attaches a smiley to it. Or was that fixed?
  16. Could be, Fred! But since I mentioned it...and since I have nothing better to talk about (I was talking about this with the folks in the academy room tonight)...what about runabout sims when the rooms are slow like that? I mentioned it, and someone said that STSF GMs dont like doing them? Is this true? I always found runabout sims and department sims very fun when you're limited on how many players you have available. Any GMs in STSF ever done a run/dep acad sim?
  17. ...sorry...I showed up at 10PM on the dot. We probably could have done a department sim, or a runabout sim. There were 4 of us, 5 if you would include the host. Thats okay though. Hopefully I'll get a chance to stop by next week.
  18. Wow you can post pictures on these boards! With Bush's statement the night before last and the prospect of war looming...I thought a funny cartoon might lighten the mood. Here you go! (source from Xiang Monthly...http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/LtCdrVex/index.html)
  19. Hmm...since I'm doing low budget films playing Jorlis (uh, what kind of low budget films, Jorlis? :o )...I suppose my first choice, playing myself, would be out. So who would play me? Hmm. Is that dolphin who played Flipper still alive? If not, maybe the dolphin who played Darwin in SeaQuest. Answer to the second set of questions...Geez Hyper, I didnt even get a chance to answer the first set yet! You're so...Hyper! j/k. Okay.. I think all STSF sims should be involved somehow, if nothing else than a fly-by cameo. Academy ships need to be involved, because obviously I wouldn't be in the movie if there weren't going to be cadets in the movie! Full time cadet here, remember! Hey there's an idea. A movie about cadets. Staring XIANG, wonder-delpin.
  20. Since we're using the boards as a file library...how much space do we have? With the size of the STSF website, the growing board posts, how fast will this will up the available space? If each chat log is a 200K MS Word document...and everyone uploads from their sims, with an average of 3 sims a day. 7 days a week. 4 weeks a month. 12 months a year. In 1 year we will have approximately 200 MB of space just reserved for chat logs. Do we have enough to last for 5 or 10+ years?
  21. Making day-time sims seems like too much work. Let's just all pitch in and send Boost the money to move to America.
  22. Hey! Don't be so hard on our president. I just moved to Texas recently. And our President is from Texas, so I know what these folks are like. And frankly, I'm just glad Mr Bush manages to say as much as he does without an "uhhh" or "yaall Iraqi's gunna get yers" or "I luv this country like I luv my texas tbone and taters." Be thankful. I think he's pretty smart, considering. ::runs for his life::
  23. .....if you do, you have too much time on your hands! And I don't think you do, Mr Webmaster!
  24. Hmm...maybe we should pay for upgrading for more space. Well we can't expect the admin to do all the money work! So let's help out. Hey...let's have a forum-wide contest and force everyone to participate. The winner has to pay up, instead of winning something (what a twist huh?). Or a draft! Based on your ISP number. A computer randomly picks someone, and that person has to pay for a server upgrade. I like this idea. PS: I'm just a cadet and I haven't graduated yet so I don't qualify for the draft. I'm a full time student darnit! If STSF were a college, I'd be a 10 year undergraduate senior!
  25. That's fantastic! I can't think of anything I don't like about the STSF rooms anymore. Well...it doesn't work on a Mac, but I can't exactly complain about that anymore :D