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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. Maybe a few managed to escape in escape pods. OR ... an even better solution! The ship was destroyed and the Klingons left. LoAmi was thrust out of a window into space, narrowly avoiding being burned in the explosion of the ship, and her body immediately froze. Then some Borg came by and found her body floating in space, thawed her out an assimilated her. Then the Borg tried to attack a Trill ship. They beamed a party aboard the trill ship, including the assimilated LoAmi. But the Trill managed to escape and when they were out of range, the Borg on the Trill ship became independent and then they had their implants removed and then they were happy and then they went back home to trill and then he died and then they put the LoAmi in a new host and thats what happened and how he survived, the end.
  2. Wouldn't it be cool if AOL sent out CD-RW CDs instead of regular ones...so if you dont want an AOL CD you can use it to burn music on!
  3. The chat rooms ARE a problem. But they're getting better. Anyway. The academy system is 100% good. Because even if you are experienced, it lets you slowly move yourself into the group and get to know a lot more people than just the folks you'll be simming with on your adv sim, because if you end up simming 3 different acad sims, the chances are good that you'll se a lot of different people each time. Rather if you just rushed to an adv sim...you'd end up only getting to know those specific people. AND....in my humble opinion, you can tell how good a groups community is by how well they communicate and interact on their boards. And you can see just from the responses here that we're a pretty friendly group!
  4. You can be the first!
  5. A nerd with lots of coasters when his friends come over for LAN parties?
  6. I was just curious what the technical purpose of the "Your Post has been Made, Please Wait while we transfer you" or whatnot. What's that for? Wouldn't it be easier just to skip the transfer page and go directly to the reloaded post page? Just a random thought :angry:
  7. No Images the higher alcohol content in my bloodstream will help me cook faster!
  8. Oh the humanity! ::pours himself some vodka::
  9. That makes sense. But I always click the "click here if you do not wish to wait" link, which if I click before it has time to update itself, it shouldnt be updated when I get back to the forums but it is...right? ::confused now:: :angry:
  10. I'll give you an honest opinion...don't ask a GM for an honest opinion they're on the STSF payroll. :) They'll always tell you they love STSF. STSF is a pretty darn good forum. It's pretty new. It doesn't have as many "sims" as other forums you might see, but it has as many as the player base can handle...which means you won't find a sim with 2-3 people on it. And everyone around here is really friendly...er, most of the time ::angry:: I've been simming for 7 or 8 years and I'll tell you I really do enjoy the community in STSF, not just the simming. And it's slowly growing. Slow and steady. I can't wait to see where it is in 5 years or so. Could use a newsletter though ::runs:: :dead:
  11. Ever since the fishermen stopped falling off the boats into the nets, the tuna hasn't tasted the same either. It's not ALL the dolphin's fault! Take some of the blame yourself you silly human! :laugh:
  12. You're all sick puppies!
  13. Xiang floats into Lo'Amis quarters to participate in the event. After a few moments of preparation, Xiang is possessed by Lo'Ami's ex-host named Esrelda, who had the symbiont from 2005-2011. "Who are you?" asked Lo'Ami. Xiang, Esrelda, responded in a shrill and exuberant voice. "It is I! Esrelda Lo'Ami!" Lo'Ami thought this personality was a little strange. But it was of course, his history, so he went on. "Can you tell me a little about yourself?" "Of course!" Esrelda declared, "I will tell you all about myself. I was a young trill when my parents shipped me off to medical school. I was going to practice medicine. I spent a year in medschool. But then my dream was realized and I was accepted to receive a symbiont. Lo'Ami was chosen and we were joined. "And that is when I discovered my true destiny," Esrelda smiled brightly, "Lo'Ami helped me discover the art of the dance!" Lo'Ami was fascinated. "Ballet, or some other professional dancing?" "No!" Esrelda wrinkled her face, "No, I was drawn to street corner dancing like a moth to a flame. I danced for spare change on many a street corner, from Main to Third, from Jefferson St to Hudson Ave. I was the greatest homeless trill dancer on the entire block. Everyone wanted to be like me!" Lo'Ami raised a brow, "Uh...is that all you did?" "Oh no, of course not," she smiled, "I also used my first years medical knowledge to help homeless trills when they were sick. I once removed a man's mole using just a rusty fork." "So...you were homeless your entire life?" "Yes sir! Happily so. But my dancing made me enough money to live on, so I needed no more. I lived only for the dance." "So," Lo'Ami stammered, "how long were you with the symbiont?" "Since I was 18. I was with Lo'Ami for 6 years." "Only 6?" Lo'Ami asked, "what happened?" "Well," Esrelda explained, "I was dancing on the corner of Gorn and 67th. I didn't see a spot of oil that one of the passing trillmobiles had spilled. I slipped, fell into the street, and was run over by a truck. "And now I must go! Forever in the symbiont I remember the dance. Good luck with your memory Lo'Ami, I hope that you find what you are looking for!" And with that, Esrelda was gone. Lo'Ami thanked Xiang and he left without another word.
  14. I think you write a log about your character coming in to meet Lo'Ami, and then your character gets possessed by one of Lo'ami's ex hosts and you play that host.
  15. sorry i couldnt resist ;)
  16. Whats your opinion on having multiple registered names and posting with them? Seems to me that it would be easier to just put all your character names in your signature so everyone knows who you are. What do you think?
  17. Anyone still do lobotomies?
  18. You know what would be nifty? Take all those concepts and a few more and set up a "viewing page". Then the members can vote on the one they like best and the members can choose the look of the STSF site. That would be a lot of fun I think.
  19. I think its a good idea to remove old, unused names.
  20. I think I'm just going to wait for the video for this one. The Matrix had a good idea with a neat twist and it was an interesting plot. Now that I know what the world is about though, I don't see what Matrix 2 will offer me except the same old visual effects as the last movie, but in different situations. From the previews it looks like Superman X or something :laugh:
  22. Im hijacking this thread just for the heck of it. People who create a topic have the ability to delete the whole thing if they want even if people are responding? Just saw that at the bottom of the screen.
  23. I saw a stupid movie to see the preview for harry potter 2.
  24. Huh? Hey I was just asking for people's opinions on their own behavior, not asking for a rule against it. I think people should be allowed to have multiple names for their different characters, but I don't think its very efficient (and people get confused who is who).