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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. Card, $5. Flowers and balloons, $44. Dinner, $350. Getting sick from overpriced tiny-portioned food, Priceless.
  2. He's a marine he can just stand there at attention :P
  3. I have a question. Will there still be a security department on board and how will you be handling splitting up duties between the two?
  4. Thanks! Adding to the marine discussion, I think they can be a decent addition to a sim but in practicality, what would they do? Both the marines and the security department have the same duties, but (as Ive seen arranged in other marine sims) the SECs usually handle shipboard security while the marines are mostly external. Really SEC is responsible for all of that, IMO, and splitting it into two departments only gives either department less to do. Also I notice that sometimes marine departments start making their own weapons and we get mega-super-mini-torpedoes that launch from a wristwatch or something. But just briefing over Davis' comments on the link he posted here, it doesn't look like Agincourt will be deviating much from canon technologies...which is nice. But I think I'll post any further questions to that board itself :P
  5. Depends on what the sim is about...they haven't given any information except a picture that its a Prometheus class. I'm a little disappointed about that, since STSF is already 'top heavy' with big and powerful ship sims. I'm sure the sim will be great, though. I personally have never cared for "Starfleet Marines", which don't exist in canon, so if its a marine-based sim I would not consider it. I would have definately been curious if it had been a sim in an era STSF doesnt have already...of course this is all conjecture since they really havent announced the sim yet :P
  6. No they get dressed in Star Trek uniforms :lol: What're your rates? I'm running out of monthly bandwidth on mine, hehe. Show them, it would be fun to see :lol:
  7. I heard the 'official' reason they didnt use it was that it was damaged during the trip to the Delta. I mean if it wasnt installed wouldnt there be a hole there?
  8. I'd rather see a more familiar, basic sim rather than one thats 'way out there' or something we've never seen before. Like an Excelsior class in the Movie era.
  9. Nope, not my pics. I thought Aegis was the same design as the Jupiter Station.
  10. Its quite clear that both presidents were extraterrestrials plotting to overtake America's government and then, the world. There's really no other explanation for this.
  11. I hope its a new sim of some kind. I wouldnt mind seeing another lounge open up.
  12. Not one of mine...that the biggest pic of it available? Its tiny... PS: Starships arent painted. The color is based on the types of materials used in its outer hull.
  13. Yeah but they wouldnt need their lazers because they have a billion tons of metal slamming against the widdle bitty starships. Yeah but what would you compare it to? Even next to the death star the dyson sphere would take up the whole monitor and the death star would be a dot if not smaller! Remember the dyson sphere was the size of the Earth's orbit around the sun, meaning the dyson sphere is 300 million kilometers across!!
  14. Looks great! I guess the question of TrekvsWars is answered...all they gotta do is plow them down with the big star destroyer. Hehe...
  15. Its vex kseeang, where the k and s are kinda slurred together.
  16. ::steals his identity but gets denied for credit everywhere:: Hey! :lol: :lol:
  17. Do an image search on google for "Flying Toaster"
  18. :lol:
  19. :P
  20. I have no idea how I came up with Vex Xiang. It was originally a name of a character I wrote in a Trek show script, but the name was Ervin Xiang. I eventually changed it to Vex Xiang. Usually when I want to come up with character names I just start typing and recombine the jumble to make sense. Example: uiheraukfhjklghujrht Herak Flurt.
  21. In 8th grade we called them "comic books" :P :P :D :lol:
  22. Its not a Nova Class its the Death Star.
  23. Why not feature an academy sim or the lounge?
  24. Ebay is your friend http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW This one I see alot http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5953541612&rd=1
  25. Or just create a new account.