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Vex Xiang

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Everything posted by Vex Xiang

  1. Yeah but it would take you 20 minutes to formulate your question for every answers :-D Longest Jeopardy episode ever!
  2. Thief thief!! Ban him!! :P ;) :P :)
  3. Lame movies. hehe
  4. doctor
  5. Blood Sucker
  6. On the topic of McDonalds...why dont robots replace fast food workers? You type in your order...give your money (usually through auto-debit), the machine heats up premade packages of food and slides the food out through the appropriate slots, into a bag, and a conveyer brings it to the customer. And you wouldn't have to worry about what those kids are doing to your food.
  7. Hmm...average cost of state Universities is $4k a year. A McDonalds employee makes 5.50 an hour. Even working full time, I'm going to have to venture a guess and say NO fast food employees pay for college. They have to have either help from their parents or they're plunging into debt with financial loans. Unless these kids are living on 5K a year in income (thats before taxes!)...so I assume they eat canned beans and live in a box on the street. You can't pay for college with fast food pay...you cant even LIVE off fast food pay. Unless you live in absolute poverty.
  8. Since a HD crash deleted all my stuff I no longer have this flash file on my HD...and come to think of it I dont know whats going to happen to the ship schematic after the 'launch date'...should be interesting :P
  9. ::scratches head:: Is this in Europe where they have the drive on the right side or something? The Pay window goes first...then the Get Food window. Look how you'd have to drive through the drive thru. The Moose is in the Get Food window. Unless McD's wants to give you their food first, then hope you bother stopping at the next window to pay :P
  10. Well Bch if you want NPCs...why not just make them up? By definition NPCs are non-player-characters so you don't need guests to play them :P :P :blink:
  11. Why do we have to wait? Arnold is in that movie "Around the World in 80 Days"....wasnt he governor when that movie was filmed?
  12. Well Dumbass Star Trek movies are OF COURSE an exception!!! And T2 also rocked. But T3 was lame, it was T2 with a woman :P Lame political correctness...T4 will have the bad guy a chinese lesbian terminator. Who's fighting for custody of her little terminator baby. It'll be a Lifetime movie of the week.
  13. And 1-3 have 'content'? I enjoyed the movies for what they were...but they weren't as mind-boggling as 4-6. Honestly, I dont think you can get better than Star Wars (in the Star Wars saga). No sequel (a prequel is still a sequel) can ever match the original. It just doesnt have the same impact. But Lucas is like any capitalist...he's out to make money. Make movies 7-9 I say, if he has ideas for it. He'll make money. I'll see it in the theater. It'll add to the genre. Do I expect it to surpass SW 4-6 or even go down in great movie history? Nope...but the movies will be worth 6 bucks to watch.
  14. No, whats laughable is that the entire Empire went down overnight when the Emperor and Darth were killed and the death star was destroyed. The empire must have had thousands of ships around the galaxy...the next ranking admiral wouldnt have done something? He just shrugged and told the entire imperial fleet to stand down? Please...destroying 1 super star destroyer and 1 death star doesnt mean the entire empire falls. If the white house was blown up with Bush and Cheney in it America wouldnt end. But...it was just a movie.
  15. Since when was the force beautiful and magical? I always thought it was just some form of telekinetics. Though movies nowadays almost ALWAYS have some kind if scientific explanation behind whatever happens. The moviemakers slip it in there somehow, whether its Vampires or ghosts or space aliens or Fried Green Tomatoes (a true horror flick). Thats just how movies are these days.
  16. Hey now...its the metachlorians! They're a bunch of horndogs they are :P
  17. I vote for Star Wars III: The Last Nail in the Coffin
  18. Joy was an avid simmer in SFOL as I recall...she had quite a few android characters. It was a long time ago, I don't claim to remember it well. This article was also featured in an issue of CommLink, the old (now gone) newsletter of SFOL. Hmm...I used to have it on my HD until the Computer Gods deleted all my personal stuff. Shame.
  19. Type Burger King and he gives you a thumbs up. Or type in "Mcdonalds". How does this help sell sandwiches? Burger King has too much money to waste :P I hope the person who came up with this dumb idea was fired immediately.
  20. If anyone wants to continue following this series of games I have posted a new message board here: http://flashtrek.proboards29.com/index.cgi There's some beta testing open if you're interested in that. I thought it would be nice to put up my own board so I'm not cramming STSF's boards full of comments about the games, hehe.
  21. Fred...Superman vs Batman? Are you serious? Aside from the fact that they're both good guys, what exactly is Batman going to do against Superman? Superman could pick up his batcave and throw it into space...that's a stupid movie concept, IMO.
  22. I think STSF needs an obituaries section all to its own with all these death notices. You're just depressing me! All the Trek legends are dying off :P
  23. Because Russia = Communism. The only thing the US wanted Russia doing first, or at all, was burning to the ground and putting up US flags.
  24. Thanks for the laugh, Dumbass