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Everything posted by Kansas_Jones

  1. The Trek on line game would offer a simming opportunity yes - but it would be a different simming structure. I have explained my experiences here at STSF to my family/friends as - "It is like reading a novel, but you are a character taking part in the action." And of course, we all employ our imaginations to do this and any character logs. The On Line game will provide a role play experience - with video graphics replacing 70% of imagination. Imagination would still come out in character logs on forums and such. Now as an on line gamer in the past (EF2), I am of course going to check out the MMORPG when it is available. But, I also enjoy reading my "novels" here every week. :P
  2. **pops out of time warp** Old site design was easy on the eyes, but I like the new site design better. :P
  3. And also like NDak who started out pointy eared and then Fleet, u have players such as myself who go from Human Cadet, to playing a Cat on a non-traditional sim (original series USS Hood). I am also currently interested in the possibility of another non traditional sim. Thats what attracted me to simming here in the first place - Thinking out side the box (whether u are on traditional or non traditional sim) - is just plain FUN!!!!! and it helps when the fellow simmers u meet also have fun. :P
  4. I had suggested a Maquis Sim a while back also. And I wonder if a MACO sim would be doable? But then again, as everyone here has mentioned in this thread - it all boils down to public interest, availability, and would there be enough information to continue/ think up storylines?
  5. Helo was making toast and using a toaster that looked a lot like the helmets of the original cylons - and it had a red light indicating it was "on". Even though the light was steady and didn't keep going back and forth like the cys, it was pretty hard to miss the nod at the old school toaster heads.
  6. I did! And Im not even a fan of the original. I said to myself "now that is cool." I thought that was a really nice kudo to the original BSG. This new show recognizes and acknowledges their roots. :P
  7. Yes! I forgot about that, in Fridays ep correct? See, thats what I'm getting at: with all that potential, I beleive ENT would have worked ALL the Treks into the show in some way, with cool little nods to previous shows.
  8. Starbuck is a total tomboy, and outspoken. Apollo is so stuffed shirt its not even funny. The boy is going to have an ulcer by 40. She's way more outspoken then him. As for Boxy and Muffit mentioned by Tauxik? Boxy is there, although he's a bit older and showed some attitude the episode I saw him in (for like 2 seconds). I'm thinking if this kid ever gets into trouble? Oh ya - its going to be big, such as taking a Viper for a joy ride. As for the fuzzy robot dog? Nope. Not yet. We can only hope. (sarcasm) :P
  9. That is one pudgy groundhog. :P
  10. Anyone else here seeing the similarities btw ENT and TOS? TOS was "only" on for three seasons, and then cancelled, because the (from what I understand) net work wanted to be done with the show. Prior to that, I believe after the first season, the Trek fan base launched a massive letter writing campaign to keep TOS on the air. Basically what I am getting at is TOS had a pretty rough road staying on the air for three years, and I am sure it didnt help that it aired on a major network, unlike all of these post original Treks :P that have been in syndication. The ENT, in my mind, has been "picked on" a lot like the original was. Here is my prediction - TOS made a HUGE comback in syndication and started this legacy. I really feel that ENT will be picked up by another network, Manny Coto will continue with the show, Berman will remain tied to the series, but due to managment changes will not have total control over the series' production any longer. ENT has a vast potential, always did. And there are those of us that have enjoyed it from day one. It will continue for a bit longer because another network will recognize that potential, the loyal fan base, oh yes - and the money potential. :P
  11. Does anybody out there know of any Trek / Sci Fi sites that offer quality Star Trek bumper stickers, decals, fake license plates and license frames for cars? I have seen this sort of thing at the cons, but need some site links. EDIT: thought I was in Community Section. Wrong place. Thanks - Kansas
  12. Thanks :P
  13. Went with my first posting - USS Hood :P
  14. Hi. Welcome and Have Fun.
  15. I agree. I think we can all agree ENT concept WAS a solid one. I would like to see it on Sci Fi.
  16. I have always enjoyed ENT, even the first three seasons, but I TOTALLY agree with Fred M here. Season 4 has a LOT of potential with the man - Manny Coto. He is obviously a fan, and wants to share the fun of Trek with other fans. ENT has been "put back on track" with him much like the original movies were with ST2: TWOK, and now that new potential has been cancelled. I always thought ENT was a cool concept, but with just a little more time? ENT would really shine.
  17. Wow. I enjoy the show, so I am a bit bummed out :lol:
  18. **looks out from potted plant hiding place** - see Fred, Dacotah - Precip thinks so too. The God thing was funny! (Thinking she is now a walking target for the academies, Oh Dear) :lol: Another point - I'm liking the fighter pilot angle. Does anyone else think that this BG uses more pilot lingo / pilot activity / related pilot tasks? For instance, I don't recall a Flight Deck Chief from original series. I think some of the call signs are nifty - Apollo, Helo, Crashdown, Flat Top, Boomer, Husher (Adama), Raygun (call sign on StarBucks ship). I'm loving that little recon fighter that Boomer flies (called a Hornet?) - its been used to gather info and such. But, putting aside all the action, I heard the show is going for solid character developement too, and from whats been I've seen so far, its great. Nice, solid characters all around. But as mentioned before, I hope the Baltar / Number 6 thing isn't driven into the ground.
  19. I could really be wrong, but "sexual tension" hasnt come to mind when I watch StarBuck and Apollo. The both of them remind me of a brother and sister that alternate between cracking each other up and getting on each others cases. And they seem to keep each other in line. I'm liking all the characters, but especially Starbuck - shes a strong woman, kicks butt in a Viper, and takes nothing off nobody. And I started cracking up during her flight instructer spiel in "Act of Contrition" when she told the cadets "You may call me God". :lol: :lol: Now - Doctor Baltar? I seriously want to take that little worm and knock the ever loving tribble out of him. (Kudos to the actor). And judging by some of the looks that Cmdr. Adama shoots his way> Adama does too. As for certain characters changing gender? Hmmmm......well, it does seem to be working out okay. I can't get into old school BG was (Nice seeing Richard Hatch's appearance), but it seems as if the new one has me hook, line and sinker.
  20. Could I please have: Oh....Joy Thanks
  21. <----------------------I've had this for a while now, and as far as I can tell nobody else has this warning feature. Is this a precaution? I swear I'll be good!! lol :D
  22. I'll take up that GM cheer also. They give their time to give us quality sims.
  23. Silly question - CO and XO stand for the GM's - Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of a sim. What is the "M" for? The Mission Commander or Mission Executive? brad brings up some good points, but like everyone has said - all that is pretty much done generally in the sims now. If I'm having difficulties, a GM or senior player helps me out. The sims are a lot of fun. I just love never knowing what is going to happen or how peeps are going to react.
  24. Dang. I missed the alien donuts? :) I'll keep feedback in mind Capt Huff - just unsure as "the rookie". :o Here goes: I'm liking the mystery of the current Hood plot - where are we? whats going on with that other ship? whats up with the vortex's? I would love to see a Hood away team explore a planet. When was the last time the Hood crew had a good bar fight a la Mr Scott's "Trouble with Tribbles"? Throwing aliens across the bar! Woo! :D :) Ship firefights? Time travel? Beating the crud out of aliens? All sounds good. - Kansas
  25. Alert! An admiral armed with a ruler! Alert! ::does not shudder at bad school memories - attended school after ancient times:: :D Thanks everyone for the input. I was just curious about the warn feature.