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Posts posted by mtporter

  1. “My Own Worst Enemy”



    Mona sat in her office tapping a padd against the table. She felt as if she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was true that Lt JoN’s had taken the medication without authorization, which is a severe offence, but Mona just couldn’t bring herself to berate the Catain. Mona sensed that Kansas had felt bad about having to take the hyposprays and not to mentions the cold shoulder she was getting from the AT that had just been fired on. Mona made up her mind, she would be firm and follow procedure, but in the end try and let Kansas’s conscience take over.



    To: Captain Simeon Davies, LtCmd Benjamin Robair

    From: Dr Desdemona Levy, CMO


    It has recently come to my attention that one of the Security officers removed some medical supplies from sickbay without authorization. A Lt JoN’s removed a few hyposprays before setting off for her away mission. As a doctor and the head of the medical department this is a serious offence considering that she is not trained in medicine. I have talked to her about it and severely reprimanded her. I believe that this is the best course of action. In the end as part of the security department LtCmd Robair will have the final say, but she was very upset about having taken them. Not only that but I think there will be a time of readjustment for her and the crew that she fired on. I feel that as the saying “sometimes we are our own worst enemy” applies to this situation and we should leave it at that.


    Mona sighed as she sent off the letter. It seemed as if every time they went on an away mission they came back with physical and emotional wounds she and her staff had to fix. As she closed her eyes she thought to herself “Oh the goddess I need a vacation.”


    Dr Desdemona Levy, CMO

  2. “Toy Soldiers”


    Mona was becoming use to the fact that things went from 0 to 60 in Starfleet. Was she being shot at? Yes she was. What was going on? Jamie had been shot and she had quickly run to pull him towards some sort of shelter. She looked at Kairi and yelled for her to find cover. Then she looked around to see if she could find who was shooting at them. She spotted some movement from behind a large object, what was it? She made out the head of a Catain, the markings on the fur looked oddly familiar. As she pulled Jamie things started to slow, Mona felt her head spin as she started to remember something.


    She was a little girl and her grandmother Min had read her a book of ancient earth fairy tales. Mona had become obsessed with it and wanted to build a castle for herself. With the help of her grandmother she had constructed a makeshift castle in the park. It was beautiful in Mona’s eyes. Min had given her some blue material to use as a moat and Mona had set up all her toys as the guards. But in the end her defenses had not been enough. As she played she started to hear noises from the nearby trees. She looked around and before she had any time to react one of her guards fell having been hit by a rock. As she went to pick up her stuffed pink pig another guard fell. Someone was ambushing her castle. Another rock flew by almost hitting her. “Who was throwing rocks at her?” she wondered. She looked towards a cluster of trees and heard laughing. Another round of rocks came flying at her and her useless guards. She started to cry and tried to find cover. Crouching behind a box she looked around and saw a group of boys running away. She watched them through her tears and thought they looked so familiar. So much like her brothers, but why would they be throwing things at her?


    Mona shook her head and tried to focus on the present. After her accident there were so many things she couldn’t remember. Over the years she had come to terms with random thoughts of her childhood filling her head like a dream, as if they weren’t her memories. She would have to talk to Min about it later, but now was not the time to think about it. She had to focus, Jamie was down and they were in the middle of cross fire. She was the ranking officer and she was not going to let any of her crew fall. She needed a plan, get Jamie someplace safe and then get back to the ship. Yes, it would have to do for now. Keep everyone safe, that’s what she would do. Keep them safe.



    Dr Desdemona Levy

    Chief Medical Officer

  3. Jamie on a Stick


    Things had not gone well in the science lab. Jamie seemed to have no problem voicing his dislike of Mona. She on the other hand had tried to keep her irritation under control. Either way she knew there was a disharmonious feel in the air and they were not hiding it very well. As she now stood in the cargo bay she began to watch Jamie from the corner of her eye. He interested and yet frustrated her at the same time. She was sure they could have been friends if they weren’t at each other throats every time they talked. Maybe it was all the time in Betazoid hospitals; but she always felt that even though she didn’t agree with someone’s point of view it was not her place to interfere. Although at times she wanted to tell him a few things that were on her mind, while holding a blunt object. Her grandmother had never liked those kinds of thoughts but Mona would always smile and answer, “If I become a doctor I will make sure I fix them up nicely, after I break their nose.” She let out a sigh and thought “Well, you can’t please everyone every time. Maybe it was best to agree to disagree. If only he would agree to that.” Just then she was startled out of her own thoughts by one of the marines. LtCol Day had informed her that they had found what she assumed was a body part. In her line of work Mona saw that type of thing regularly. The part that made her flinch though was a reference to it being half eaten and on a stick. “Not the most pleasurable way to go” she thought. She would not wish it on her worst enemy, not even Jamie.


    Dr Desdemona Levy

    Chief Medical Officer

    USS Agincourt

  4. I'm a Taurus/Gemini so here is me...


    The astrological symbol of Taurus is the Bull; Gemini is the Twins. The term 'bull-headed' applies to Taureans in both its positive and negative connotations, and Taurus exemplifies the Fixed quality assigned to it. Like twins, Geminis often have a dual nature and are skilled at seeing both sides of a problem, but they may also be fickle and restless. They are changeable and sometimes noncommittal. In this way, Gemini exemplifies the Mutable quality assigned to it. The Taurus/Gemini is a pair of bull-headed twins. They are adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously, and they know how to reason with people. When it comes to meeting goals they are also among the strongest Signs because of their reliable persistence.


    Taurus/Geminis tend to be richly sensual, enjoy the good things in life and are fascinated with gathering as much information as possible. Their facility as communicators is unmatched. Taurus/Geminis display great imagination and tend to be very expressive, both physically and verbally.




    Hey, hey hey. I am hardheaded and yet I can change pretty quickly. It seems rather odd. But hey I am a great communicator so I guess playing sims is a good thing. Me like playing games.

  5. "The Cost of a Mission"


    Mona walked into her office and sat down. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It had been a long day not only for her but the rest of the away team. She hoped they had managed to make enough of a distraction to fulfill their mission, but at what cost. The engineer Kairi seemed to be upset over what she had seen. Not to mention Tethra talked to Mona about his actions on the surface. She made a mental note to monitor those two closely. Then there was Jamie; she had managed to calm him enough so that he did not attack tethra. Mona smiled slightly to herself as she thought “Well if they were gonna beat the snot out of each other sickbay might be the best place to do it.” She paused and then decided to put Jamie on her list of house calls to make as well. Then there was Robair, he didn’t immediately report to sickbay, but Mona would track him down sooner or later. No doubt finding his usual stoic security exterior still intact. And Prell although she couldn’t gauge him well he seemed fine, in fact pleased to have a crewman back. As for herself, other than being tired she felt fine. Realizing her shif was done she stood up to leave. Adjusting the blue scrub outfit she was still wearing she thought “There’s nothing like a quiet away mission that leave nothing but emotional scars. Those are gonna be rather hard for me to fix.”



    Dr Mona Levy

    Chief Medical Officer

  6. Most of the stuff I dont care to cover, but let me say this. I dont think Kestra is looking for a deffinitive guide to each ship. I dont think its too much to ask for a simple "Hey this is this ship, and we do this and that." Maybe give players an option for them to put some of their logs up, if they so please. I believe this is one of the reasons we have recent graduates just leave STSF. Cadets join a ship, knowing little about it, and when they find their not enjoying the experience, the just...disapear. Go compeltely MIA, and we never hear from them again, they take up a spot on a roster until finally droped. I'm not going to name names, but I know of some people who have mentioned problems with this.

    I totally agree with you on that on Travis. There is more to it than just era and time. In a rather odd sort of way when I first joined one of my advanced sims I did not really know what I was getting into. And because of that I had a hard time. I have almost thought of going MIA on a handful of occasions. ::shrugs:: who knows maybe I might still do it sometimes.

  7. post-17-1137223561.jpg


    Ashtray Stolen from a Motel 6  -  $ 0.00 Dollars

    Favorite Red Squeaky Toy  -  $ 3.00 Dollars

    Soft Pack of Marlboro Lights  -  $ 8.00 Dollars

    Bottle of Red Label Whiskey - $ 20.00 Dollars


    Passing out on a Foreign Newspaper after a Wild Night of Partying  - Priceless

    And the winner is...(drum roll)......Laehval tTemarrr. Alright so its your turn now.

  8. “Take One for the Team”


    As Mona reappeared on the planet her mind was moving a little faster than normal. First things first, she strengthened her mental walls as her grandmother had showed her many years ago. Looking around she thought, this is not the kind of place I want to be picking up peoples thoughts. Then her mind wandered from her missing hyposprays back to what she had just heard. Fail. Not the usual Captain type send off. And it was obvious Robair didn’t expect much from them either. “Well so much for being on the winning team.” They were to infiltrate some organization without knowing any details and without really doing anything. Rather an odd task for trained Starfleet officers. She thought for a moment longer, they were a decoy. They would be the player at bat trying to keep the pitchers attention as their teammate took second base. She shrugged to herself and thought “doesn’t mean the player enjoys the game any less. So if I am as they say to take one for the team, I might as well enjoy it.” She quickly caught up to Robair and with a pleasant smile she said “Hello stranger, what brings a cute guy like you to a work detail like this?” He looked at her coldly and with a sigh she continued, “I know it’s the blue jumpsuit, it does nothing for my figure. Oh well. I’m gonna find a lovely little to corner and keep myself occupied for a while. Nice knowing ya.” With a wave she left him to do…well whatever it was he was assigned to be doing


    Dr Desdemona Levy

    Chief Medical Officer

  9. Dr Miranda Porter

    Assistant Medical Officer

    A Log – All Work and No Play


    After Miranda finished helping Kes and Ty with the gel packs she decided to call it a night after all her shift had ended some time ago. After saying good night and reminding the two not to drink and drive she headed off to her quarters. As soon as the cargo bay doors closed behind her she broke out into fits of giggles. Miranda had always been somewhat of an eccentric and in comparison with her family she was considered normal. She enjoyed the young engineering officer for the simple fact that Kes seemed to find Miranda a bit odd. Every time Miranda was around the engineer she seemed to make Kes nervous. “Must be my abrasive personality,” she thought. Under normal circumstances Miranda usually muted the side of her that grew up with sing song Mondays and Shakespeare Saturdays. It made her laugh just to think about her mother making up songs in old english and then it made her laugh even harder thinking about Kes meeting her family. She told herself it was not very nice to tease Kes and make her feel uncomfortable. Miranda made a mental note to try and not overplay it around Kes anymore. She new how hard it was to join a crew that had already formed tight bonds. “I will be nice and I will be good from now on… after Shakespeare Sunday, that is” Miranda thought as a playful grin spread across her face.

  10. Every time this fun little topic pops up I say the same thing. Although it wasn't my favorite series my vote goes to Janeway.


    1. She is a women in a mans world and as I female I like to see women in power who have more influence then using their femanine charms.

    2. One word - heels. I challange any man to kick a little butt wearing 2 inch heels. Dancing is hard enough but fiighting, I have done that and it is no easy task.

    3. She had to deal with circumstance that no other captain had to. Mainly being in a place where she had to rely on herself and her crew as oppose to calling for back up from starfleet.



    ::drops her two cents in the bucket and walks off humming the song "I am women"::

  11. As played out as it is I must say that TNG is my fav. I watched it growing up and have never been able to get away from it. I love the characters, although oddly enough I am not much of a Jean-Luc or Data fan. As a kid I was left to my own devices most of the time and as oppose to getting in trouble I took to watching scifi and that was the show that did it for me. In later years I even got a tattoo to hornor the inner nerd in me. Anyway as cheezy as soome of the story lines were and even tho they never developed some of the charcters like I hoped, I still love it. I think I might have been the only 9 year old with a crush on Riker. But well thats just me.

  12. So I do love this time of the year and I do love christmas carols, but sometimes I am 2 seconds away from going crazy. All of us have our favorite christmas song and one that we can't stand. I don't like the song the 12 days of christmas. By 5 gold rings, I am ready to shove a pen in my eye. But I do the anything by the carpenters. So I wanted to know what are the christmas songs that you hate and the ones you love?

  13. Well its not really star trek, but I do love this quote


    I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm just "Crewman Number Six." I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is. I've gotta get outta here.




    [the crew is on a shuttle descending to an alien planet]

    Guy Fleegman: I changed my mind. I wanna go back.

    Sir Alexander Dane: After the fuss you made about getting left behind?

    Guy Fleegman: Yeah, but that's when I thought I was the crewman that stays on the ship, and something is up there, and it kills me. But now I'm thinking I'm the guy who gets killed by some monster five minutes after we land on the planet.

    Jason Nesmith: You're not gonna die on the planet, Guy.

    Guy Fleegman: I'm not? Then what's my last name?

    Jason Nesmith: It's, uh, uh - -I don't know.

    Guy Fleegman: Nobody knows. Do you know why? Because my character isn't important enough for a last name, because I'm gonna die five minutes in.

    Gwen DeMarco: Guy, you have a last name.

    Guy Fleegman: DO I? DO I? For all you know, I'm "Crewman Number Six".




    heck in the end I love everything about Galexy Quest

  14. Dr Miranda Porter

    Assistant Medical Officer

    A Log – The Art of Deduction


    Miranda had hooked up her tricorder to the computer system. “Just like rewiring a lighting board,” she had said to Aaron. The truth was she was no engineer and had never done anything like this. After a few initial sparks she managed to make a connection. Quickly she started to upload any medical information on the Revins and any similar species. There wasn’t much but it was a start. Whatever this Revin had it was slowly spreading and one by one shutting down him major organs. Aaron had traced the virus and found that it had been present for over six weeks. It was obviously not something that Revin had caught while he was on their ship. A sudden thought hit Miranda, contamination. She and Aaron had been exposed to the alien and if it was an airborne virus everyone in sickbay let alone the ship could be infected including Merri and her newborn son. First things first, set up a quarantine and check out Aaron and herself. Her tricorder started to blink; looking over it she quickly read the data. It was not looking good for their guest. She read on, data popped up on three species with similar physiology. Two of those species were present on board the Arc. Maybe by looking at them as well might shed some light on this mystery.