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Posts posted by mtporter

  1. Well this topic really hit home for me today. When I went into work the cleaning lady was picking up dead flys off my desk and I said hello. She then told me that I should check out the candy I had stashed in my desk because they had caught 2 huge rats this morning. My mouth dropped to the floor but then I considered where I worked and thought how dirty that floor was. Needless to say I will not be hiding food in my desk anymore.

  2. I made the other girls in my office take this quiz with me and we got mostly b's. But I think that is saying a lot since I work for the trash company. When I step outside our office it is a transfer station where all the trash comes before it goes to the landfills. Every work order I get has been sitting in a trash truck with the driver all day. So needless to say I would never eat off the floor, I was my hands 20 times a day and use sanitizer like it is going out of style. So Kansas I feel you pain with the dirty office.


    On a side note its rather funny that I work there since I have a huge fear of trash and being burried in it.

  3. During that time in my life I was living right next to LAX going to school. Also I was working at Disneyland at the time. I was scheduled to work a very early shift so I had arrived at about 5 in the morning west coast time. I remember comming in and everyone was watching tv in our main break room. Needless to say they shut down the park for the day. It is one of the few times since the opening that the park has been closed. I landed up staying for a while to help out but I remember walking down a deserted main street. It was the oddest feeling being in the happies place on earth and yet feeling somewhat afraid. I will never forget that. Then when I went home all the planes had stopped running. I had become so use to the sound that without them I was really creeped out.

  4. So yes I do love the new site but I am a bit out off sorts. I lost my avatar. I loved that one and it was just in the random database of star trek ones. I don't even know what it was called. ::sighs:: such is life I guess. I had to go and make myself a new on. If anyone remembers where I might find it let me know. I think it was from the opening sequence of TNG, but I really don't know.

    Please help, confused in California

    (My ode to dear Abby)

  5. I'm a medical type girl. But I think I tend to play my doctors a little more crazy. Fine line between genius and insanity they say. I am not a big eng fan because I have no idea what I am doing. I do like security tho cuz I tend to play those characters a bit more crazy as well. ::thinks a moment:: actually I tend to play all my charaters a little crazy than mmost. Oh well.

  6. Oh and by the way, this compulsive weenie would like to give you a little help with that line from Deanna:


    "Timeline? This is no time to talk about time. We don't have the time!"

    Hehehe, I love that line. Apparently (and I don't remember this) I once said that to someone after I had had a few too many drinks. They didn’t really get it although they said I thought it was funny. But anyway I digress from this thread…what was the question again?

  7. Wrap top Kansas? Its a mirror universe plot, isn't the point of it to show off a little more skin.


    Oh and on a side note Harper, no shout out for the medical dept. I mean the blue uniform is labled science. Do the docotrs not have uniforms or what? I think you might want to look into that so as not to make your doctor angry ::smiles sweetly::

  8. So I have been doing a bit of searching and I noticed that in every mirror universe all the girls are showing a bit of mid-drift. Why is that I wonder that mirror universes make the ladies..well..skanky. ::smirks slightly:: Oh Harper, do we get a change of costume? Please, pretty please.

  9. I Wanna Hold Your Hand


    Mona strolled down the hall with Davies, her arm linked with his. She hadn’t meant to be so forward with the action, but when she tried to take her hand away he had stopped her. In fact he even smirked as if he found it all rather funny. She sighed as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “I shouldn’t feel awkward about walking with the Captain” she though “but then again most people don’t walk holding the Captains hand.” As they continued Mona glanced once more at Davies and smiled. She enjoyed his company and that was all that mattered. Let people talk and say what they will. If he didn’t mind then neither did she. And after all it’s just a walk, there was no harm in that, right?


    Dr Desdemona Levy

    Chief Medical Officer

  10. Past, Present and Future


    Miranda stood in sickbay preparing for surgery. “What happened to this day?” she thought. She glanced at Andrea laying on a biobed and quickly turned away. “How did I let this happen?” She continued to gather equipment with a heavy heart. “I was so horrible to Jackson and Trichon. I let my temper get the better of me.” She thought as she picked up a laser scalpel. “I didn’t save enough people, I couldn’t there wasn’t enough time. Or was there? Andrea or Aaron wouldn’t have snapped, they would have save more people, they would have….” Miranda closed her eyes a moment and tried to calm down. “Oh god, how many did we leave over there. Stop it, get it together Miranda, you’re a doctor. You have done this before.” Andrea would be fine and there was nothing more she could have done on the away team. She needed to focus on the matter at hand, saving the man they found in the cargo container. As a child her mother had always yelled, “You are living in the past and looking to the future. Trust the here and now or you will never make it to the future and the past won’t be worth remembering.” That is what Miranda had to do right now trust the present and work.


    Dr Miranda Porter

    Assistant Medical Officer