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Everything posted by mtporter

  1. Hey that's pretty darn cool. Gotta love Wiki.
  2. ::stares blankly at Lebowski:: uumm...right.
  3. Has anyone heard about this. I think they lost Scotty! Scotty’s space ashes still lost on Earth
  4. ::chants:: IBook! IBook!
  5. This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed home, This little piggy got roast beef, And this little piggy got 8 to 10 for armed robbery
  6. I live in a town called Vista!!
  7. I know that they pump the smell of vanillia on Main Street in Disneyland. From what I understand it makes you hungry and want to buy food. During the holidays they put out peppermint. They could propbably do something similar on a starship. Gee, I wonder where you got that from?
  8. It's late, I can't sleep and I need some chocolate!
  9. After almost 3 years on the Arc I decided the other day to read out Plot summaries. Wow have I been missing out. It was like waiting for the scenes at the end of a soap opera (and that’s my favorite part). So I just wanted to say way to go LoAmi, awesome job.
  10. Does anyone ever think those Starfleet beds look really uncomfortable? It kinda looks like a large coffee table with foam covering it. How do they expect people to perform their duty well when they are sleeping on foam coffee tables?
  11. "Was It Me?" Miranda gave a reassuring smile to Swan and Ty. “It will be alright. We will get through this.” She paused as she watched the two for any reaction. “I need a moment before I go the bridge.” She nodded and walked toward the back lab trying to focus her thoughts. Quietly she closed the door and leaned up against the wall for support. With a few quick taps on the control panel she locked herself in. Miranda let out a sigh as she closed her eyes. Her mind would not stop asking questions. “What had happened? Why wouldn’t she come? That wasn’t Andrea, was it?” Her eyes began to well up with tears once more. Miranda had pleaded with Andrea, begged her, tried to reason, find any hint of the officer she had known, but to no avail. She began to wonder if she had done everything in her power to save the CMO? Miranda thought she might have tired harder; she shouldn’t have shown so much emotion or seemed so weak. Maybe she should have shown more force. But it was pointless to think of all of the “what if’s”, it served no point other than to make her more distraught. She dried her eyes with the sleeve of her uniform and quickly tried to arrange her appearance so she didn’t look so worn. Miranda had been sent on a rescue mission, a rescue mission to save a beloved crewmate, a rescue mission she had failed to complete. And now what was left? A sickbay staff worn thin and in serious need of a pick me up. A command staff that would drill and question her about the Borg and the incident on the cube. And a gaping hole knowing she was the reason the CMO hadn’t returned. It was almost too much to bear. But Miranda would have to gather every ounce of strength she had to get through this because she knew she didn’t have the luxury of a mourning period, sickbay must remain operational. Miranda thought painfully, “Even if she is not coming back it is what Andrea would have wanted.”
  12. Recently I got a couple of seasons of Voyager. Needless to say I have been watching it a lot and now I have my roommate addicted. :: Evil laugh:: I have never watched with anyone who actually like star trek but has never really seen it. Its kinda fun to see how reacts to it. Some fun stuff he said... “Look at them; the captain and the flyer guy know they have gecko babies out there somewhere.” (In threshold when the mutated Janeway and Paris mate) “Who are they…oh wait it’s the Dragon Ball Z guys. I like them.” (any time I refer to the Kazon) “Why does the captain like the pointy ear guy so much when she has got chipotle?” (I corrected him that it was chakotey, but not after I had a good laugh)
  13. Oh yes that is it Will. ::gives will a big hug and a lollypop:: You would think after how long I have been around I could figure out the message boards by now.
  14. A friend sent me a link I can't figure out how to post it but I will tell you all anyway. Go to Wikihow and there is a link on how to make the enterprise out of a floppy disk. It was pretty funny.
  15. One moment she was in sickbay discussing all of the interesting finding that Andrea would bring back from the Borg cube and the next she was contemplating the idea of her not coming back. “What the hell had happened on the away mission?” her mind screamed. “How did they leave without her?” Her thoughts were racing. Andrea had been her CMO, her mentor and more than that her friend. Sickbay had always felt like a safe place because of her presence. Miranda was not willing to leave her in the hands of the Borg. That was not an option merely because she was not willing to let Andrea go. Everyone had seemed as if they did not want to tell the sickbay staff that their CMO had not come back. Aaron had finally been the one to blurt it out to Miranda. It had been a shock but she had quickly recovered her composer. She felt they had underestimated her. Miranda was resolved. No matter what the cost she was going on the mission to find Andrea and bring her back. And not only for herself but for the rest of sickbay. She suddenly went cold. What if when they got over to the cube the Andrea she knew and cared about was not the same person. Or worse yet what if they couldn’t find her among the millions of drones. How would she ever break the news to Ty? He was not feeling well anyway and the shock might send him over the edge. She tried to take deep breaths to calm herself but it didn’t seem to be helping. “Don’t cry,” she told herself. There is always hope…right? But is there hope when it comes to the Borg? She shook herself out of her thoughts. Yes! There is always hope. “I will get through this. I will do everything in my power to save her” Miranda thought. Her only concern was would her best be enough to save their beloved chief medical officer?
  16. I think I might be loosing it, but I can't see the picture. Am I the only one?
  17. Can we say "I Love New York". It's amazing its like watching Jerry Springer meets Reality show. It's a train wreck that you can't seem to look away. If anyone really wonders what are society is turning into watch this show and you will be afraid.
  18. I love it dumbass. I jsut about died laughing when I read that.
  19. Welcome Welcome!! And don't worry Doc's tend to stay in sickbay and mess around (believe me I am the queen of it). If you have any questions everyone here is ready to answer. Good to have you. ::evil laugh:: another one hooked...oops was that out loud?
  20. oh Kansas I don't think I can ever keep up with the JoNs's (thats not my title but I couldn't help myself A9)
  21. Happy turkey day to all the americans. For anyone else happy thursday.
  22. So I am lame, cuz I didn't see this before. But happy late birthday andrea. We shall have cupcakes waiting for you in sickbay. ::hands her a chia pet and a copy of a wookie opera::
  23. When they went to exhume the body all of the detectives realized someone had made a terrible mistake some 20 years prior.
  24. My best friend growing up had a teddy ruxpen. To this day we are convinced that it was possessed. It use to talk on its own so we shoved it in the back of her closet. When we could still hear it talking we decided to take out the batteries and yet it still talked on occasion. Needless to say I don't really care for teddy ruxpen because all I can think about is it talking on its own.
  25. I was a mad crazy fan of Barbies as well. I also loved my carebears, she-ra and popples. Does anyone remember popples? I asked someone that recently and no one knew who the heck they were, I decided not to bring up the Wuzzles.