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About LadyGrelka

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  • Interests
    Star Trek and anything out of the ordenary. I also have a husband and a 7 month old son.
  1. Hmmm what is this Borg documentaries? and no it was not Trek uncut.
  2. I am not sure it looked like it had something to do with Picard and Sisco. SOmthing about when Picard was a borg. I am not realy sure
  3. Love all the movies so far and thay just keep getting better then the last. But no have not read the books at all yet don't realy know if I will but I might.
  4. That could be it. Hell I was haveing contractions when I saw it. lol Well damn I was hopeing that it would be new series. Ohhh well. Thay realy need to finiosh DS9 tho. thay left tooooo many unanserd questions.
  5. Hi

    ;) thanks for the welcom. Hmmm the Academy. I will think apon it. hehe thanks agan
  6. It is suposto be on cable. (Witch I don't have yet.) Anyway from what I can tell it is a Picard Sisco thing. I guess it has to do whith when Picard was a borg. My husband and myself saw the preview but like I said I don't remeber when the name of it was or when if aired. I think it was one of those short series. Kinda how thay split up the Stephen KIng movies when thay are played on TV so thay can get the whole thing.
  7. Ok a little while back I saw an add for a new Star Trek but for the life of me I can't remeber the name of it or when it was suposto air. I don't watch much TV so I just happend to see it when I was watching Enterprise. So if any of you know would you let me know thanks
  8. Hi

    Just thought I would say hi.