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Everything posted by VileRomulan

  1. ::covers her eyes with her own hands:: You can't see me. XP ~ STSF Lightning ~ Star Trek™ Simulation Forum Game Master (GM)Saturday STSF Lounge Bartender In the StarTrek.com Holodeck Chatroom 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Eastern) 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Pacific) ::covers his eyes too:: I CAN'T SEE YOU, YOU CAN'T SEE ME!
  2. WOW, AN UPDATE! Most users ever online was 11 on Feb. 06, 2003 8:48 pm 1 guests, 8 Public Members and 1 Anonymous Members [ View Complete List ] >VileRomulan >HyperDrive >Yvon Hawke >Atragon9 >Dumbass >LtCdrGromVik >STSF Dacotah >Tyr Sheridan as we keep growing, hopefully so will this number
  3. time to call the ghostbusters, atragon, go yell at paramount again!
  4. none for picard, riker worf or even wesley?! (wait, nm understandable...) but u'd think maybe riker picard or worf would have atleast 1... but laforge, he's one of my favorites, he should have more character time sumtimes, it's always the bridge that gets more attention... I voted for geordi (an engineer thing, we all gotta stick together) he's cool, he's like scotty, fixes things in a quarter of the time he sez it will take, and worf, u'd think or of the klingons around here would vote for him... and riker, he's kinda cool, but picard should have like, 5 votes or more...
  5. o- oh yeah?! i'm gonna be seven's AND T'Pol's bodysuits, so there, ha!
  6. fake, it means they weren't real, something we call *magic erase* what mutations? i didn't hear anything about mutations, did you?
  7. so will this be held in the ready room now?
  8. a comment on that huff, more ensigns is great, more people to scrub down the mess hall, plasma manifolds, ect...
  9. Genesis- Life from death, would be a suitable name for any shuttle
  10. today was a sad day, for NASA and the US, the people at NASA pour lifetimes into reaching out into space, people trying to reach out and grasp the outer aspects of space, trying to educate people about space, planets, ect, everything around us in other words, I just hope we can bounce back from this like everything else, we now have another disaster, a lil more then a week after the aniverseries of 2 other disasters, I juss hope we come back and 'boldy go where no man has gone before'
  11. Hey, juss wondering what was yall's favorite Superbowl commercial, heres the best ones i could remember
  12. yeah, i was rooting for raiders too, i think both teams' defenses were catching more passes then their offenses...
  13. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL, GOOD ONE DAC! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. do you live by moscow or anywhere in the smae timezone, because i found the exact time, it's 7am in moscow when it's 11 pm in EST
  15. oh come on people, VOTE
  16. Wow! Except for the starship and simming stuff you just described my pathetic excuse for a love life! there dumbass, I have edited it more to your liking, better?
  17. please, be careful what you say, I am Romulan, and I may not be willing to give up any more help to you... and watch what you say, we have a few Romulans in this area...
  18. what do you mean? you can't figure out what time it is in your zone? (11 pm est is 8am or so in your area) or the fact that some sims are during school time in your area? well, I'm sorry to tell you, but sacademy times are fixed as due to the GMs' free time, alotta them are 20, 30+ and have jobs, ect, and it is pretty convenient for alotta people here because it's after dinner and school and other stuff, please try to catch any sims you can!
  19. Yuri, WELCOME, please feel free to ask any questions you have left over from reading the help section, you can ask a GM (FredM, Old man Atragon, STST Dacotah, STSF, just about anyone with STSF in the front of their name) or one of us lowly Lt's or ensigns!
  20. no trek fan, you haven't even been fertilized, lol I've started simming aboot a year ago, so i'm aboot in the second trimester
  21. STSF is an offshoot of an AOL based Startrek Simming group called SFOL, which is itself in dissarray at the moment and struggling to reorganize. Even though there are many people involved in STSF who were or are still a part of SFOL, we are not an offshoot of that group (in fact, many here are also in yet other simming groups as well). STSF is a stand-alone entity and has no affiliation or connection with any other simming group or with America Online. Thanks. ::raises left arm to shoulder height with loyalty:: FOREVER LOYAL TO STSF! (and besides, I can't find any other sim groups, and the ones I can, lead you to so many other stuff, and the pop-up adds don't help, would you like to be reading logs and a coke ad pops up? and I think by far there is no simming group as simple and flexible as this one, the others are so complicated, send an email to this person, then this person, now take a test, good job, oh, it looks like you missed a sim, BUH-BYE! and plus, in those you have to be of an elite few to ever get a promotion, and it's so hard to coordinate everyone into a single room when aol has like 5,000 chats goin on at once, and this one is more like a community, please, i'm not a hippie/softy, and no applause needed for my absolute loyalty) I mean, where else can you make fun of your 67 year old balding, paling and wrinkling in places you didn't even know existed commodore/admin without having to scrub down the hull of the ship with a single toothbrush bristle or without being banned for life? *MEMBER BANNED FOR LIFE*
  22. STSF is an offshoot of an AOL based Startrek Simming group called SFOL, which is itself in dissarray at the moment and struggling to reorganize. (as the president of the pathelogical liars association would say(john lovitz, SNL)) no, ur wrong, SFOL is an offshoot of us, yeah! We are the best! no, In fact we are the second best! I am the best, yeah! That's the ticket!
  23. Grrr, nothing is like STSF, nothing comes close, STSF is the best, hell, Paramount encourages us to use their rooms, so HAHAHAHAHAHA, lol, jp
  24. ::starts snapping pictures:: ohhh, the Romulan Senate is gonna love this!
  25. I've got to agree with Fred here. The only time I recall laughing more at ST than that Q/Worf line was Scotty talking to the 20th century earth computer mouse on ST IV The Voyage Home. And those two were close. "Ah, hello computer" lol, that was awesome, the guy stood there staring at him, "Here, use the keyboard..."