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Everything posted by JerryGraham

  1. It had a fan base, but when they moved it to Friday they knew they would loose vewers, and thats why they did it. They wanted UPN to be more of a stupid Comedy network with shows that dont last much more than 6 months. Star Trek was keeping UPN alive, thats where a lot of veiwers tuned into. -Jerry
  2. Okay the film is superb. This was a way for DC comics to try and catch up with with Marvel, and I believe they did marvelously. I think Katie Holmes was great in the role of Racheal. I cant wait for the next Batman film, with the Joker, their making them more like the Comics more like Bob Cane(Creator of Batman comic) wanted them to be. The first four films were as I like to say very badly done previews for this film and the ones to come. I'm glad they got Nolan to come in and get Batman off the walker and teach how to walk again. All the stars save Liam Neeson due to his characters death have all signed on for three more Batman Films. I like this new Batman much more, he yells. Although Scarecrow had a limited role he was scary. I dont think he's dead though, she just shot at him then he rode away. The relationship between Gordan and Batman is how it was meant to be, them actually working together. This film brought out the Batman geek that sufferd a heart attack with Batman Forever, and then died with Batman and Robin. And now the Batman Geek lives again. Oh and Robin will not be brought back, it's just Batman. If you haven't seen the film I'm sorry. -Jerry
  3. Hey me too. My first Officer Graduated me he is good guy. I'm not to sure why I graduated though, I screwed up the entire away team and brought a really bad disease back abourd the ship. -Jerry
  4. Oh that is an understatement, They turned into a real life Cartoon. -Jerry
  5. And where did you get this INFO? -Jerry
  6. Nice a fellow red guy. Hello Brother, does this mean that we are destined to be on the Dark SIde? -Jerry
  7. It does it does. -Jerry
  8. I was going off the top of my head. -Jerry
  9. Nice I'm RED I would have liked to have been purple Like Mace but who cares. Here's what Red means: You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber. Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as passion and desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst for more of it. I like it. -Jerry
  10. Well back in the day befor I learned about the wonders of Technology I had to do thing by hand. Well I had to make B-Day invites for my baby brother. I made one wasn't enough color. Had to start over. Second one to small. Third one not enough little colorful pictures. I had to go back 8 or 9 times because my mother hadn't heard that the store can also make little pretty invites infact they just might be better at it then me. I felt like strangling something. -Jerry
  11. My three year anniverary is coming up in December. I used to Sim under the name jerry202. It a little goofy Simming with a name like that so I changed it to JerryGraham. and now I feel much better. I serve onboard the Challenger which I have missed a bit of but can't wait to get back in the game. -Jerry
  12. Hey that Poster looks pretty cool. -Jerry
  13. Really a book on The Maco's. Thats great. At first I didn't really like the Maco's and hoped that they would leave the ship when Xindi Weapon was destroyed. But I've come to like them. They do pretty good in a fight. I am definatly reading that book and can't wait for more Star Trek: Enterprise themed Books. -Jerry
  14. The Cast for BATMAN BEGINS: Christian Bale: Batman/Bruce Wayne Katie Holmes: Bruces Girl Friend Morgan Freeman: Bruces Long Time Friend Liam Neeson: Bruces Mysterious Mentor Villians are A Huge Gathom Crime Lord and The Scarecrow -Jerry
  15. I love being a TREK GEEK. -Jerry
  16. Okay, from what I hear there will no gambit in any of the films, Jubilee plays a major role in the third one, and Magneto gains control of the Pheonix and uses her against the X-MEN. People die cities get destroyed and Magneto looses control, and she turns into a wild dog with large amounts of Rabies. The only one who can stop is Scott because of the Love between them. I am the Ultimate X-Men Geek and that was the plan from the very beggining. -Jerry
  17. Just read the new book: Star Trek: Titan it's really good and should be of some help. -Jerry
  18. Which really sucks Enterprise was actually gettting some in the StarTrek universe. It's finally getting it's own books now. -Jerry
  19. UPN was not willing to give the show to anyone else. In two years there is supposed to be a new series, at least thats what the guy from UPN told startrek.com -Jerry
  20. I have no idea of what this is but it sounds like that Anime stuff. -Jerry
  21. I just love POLLS. -Jerry
  22. This week on Star Trek Enterprise: The crew welcomes aboard Emory Erickson, the inventor of the transporter device, set to conduct a series of experiments to test a radical upgrade to the technology. However, once Enterprise reaches the test site, Archer realizes that his old family friend has lied and is using the ship to search for his son, lost years before in a transporter mishap. -Jerry
  23. Who watches Extreme Dodge Ball? I like Dodge Ball, but man those could kill me with how fast they throw the ball. Some can get the ball up to 86MPH :o :D :) -Jerry
  24. It looks like the barney costume got faded like no ones business. And it looks like he went on Slim Fast real fast. I like the faces. :o :huh: ^_^ :o ;) :P :D :lol: B) :D -_- :) :) :wub: :angry: :( :) :blink: :)
  25. I completly agree, but that stuff makes high school seem like baby stuff. -Jerry