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Everything posted by Atragon9

  1. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #803, STARDATE 51403.31 =/\= Earth's weather is dangerously unstable and SFHQ requested all ships in the Sector to assist in rescue operations except Manticore and given Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. The tactical team has just blown their way into the underground TWCC and the Admiral is still missing, last seen on Titan, as well. There are references to a group called K.E.N. involved with both the Titan terrorism and Earth weather events. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #803, STARDATE 51403.31 =/\= 140331.txt
  2. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #803, STARDATE 51403.31 =/\= Earth's weather is dangerously unstable and SFHQ requested all ships in the Sector to assist in rescue operations except Manticore and given Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. The tactical team has just blown their way into the underground TWCC and the Admiral is still missing, last seen on Titan, as well. There are references to a group called K.E.N. involved with both the Titan terrorism and Earth weather events. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #803, STARDATE 51403.31 =/\=
  3. ::A9 wakes up, not remembering even falling asleep. He is on his back, on the floor and as he tries to sit up, he gets a shooting pain in his lower chest:: "What the frak!! Are they beating me while I sleep? How do I sleep through something like that?" ::He sits up slower, and the pain cuts through him like a knife, not like a bruise from a physical blow. He reaches for the area that hurts and feels something under his tunic. Lifting it up, he finds a large bandage. He carefully peels it back and finds a long wound, looking like the result of very recent surgery, running across the left side of his ribs. He puts the bandage back in place and lays back down, realizing he has been holding his breath the whole time, because of the pain. He exhales slowly and forces himself to take slow, shallow breaths to minimize the chance of both hyperventilating and making his ribs move too much:: "Okaaaay... This has now gone from nasty to just plain bizarre... They are running medical tests on me now?... Did they take something out or put something in and why does it hurt so much? Gads, are they performing 22nd Century medicine and using lasers and thread and anesthesia that wears off before the wound has healed?" ::He raises his voice to a shout:: "What do you want from me? Why am I being held here??" ::He grips at his wound, realizing that he needed deep breaths to yell out. He mutters quietly, "Yeah, that was a mistake. Owwww"
  4. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #802, STARDATE 51403.24 =/\= Earth's weather has become dangerously unstable and SFHQ has requested all ships in Sector 001 to assist in rescue operations for the terrible storms and terrestrial disasters taking place. The Federation Council has made an exception for the Manticore and given Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. The Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues as a tactical team is moving to the weather control center. There are references to a group called K.E.N. involved with both the Titan terrorism and Earth weather events. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #802, STARDATE 51403.24 =/\= 140324.txt
  5. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #802, STARDATE 51403.24 =/\= Earth's weather has become dangerously unstable and SFHQ has requested all ships in Sector 001 to assist in rescue operations for the terrible storms and terrestrial disasters taking place. The Federation Council has made an exception for the Manticore and given Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. The Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues as a tactical team is moving to the weather control center. There are references to a group called K.E.N. involved with both the Titan terrorism and Earth weather events. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #802, STARDATE 51403.24 =/\=
  6. {Weak... I hate feeling so weak, I want to have the reserve, the personal resources to keep up the fight... I'm just so - tired. I have lost track of time passing me by. The dark is confusing me. I don't recall how often or regularly I have been provided food pellets. I think I have been force-fed while unconscious, as there have been huge stretches of time when I have seen no one. Or my time sense is so out of whack, I ... I just cannot be sure.} {They stopped feeding me regular food after the lights went out the last time. I was provided with a pellet that is must be engineered to provide exactly enough nutrition to sustain me at a very low level of energy and there is no waste byproduct. It has completely shut down my excremental and urinary systems. I cannot remember the last time I voided myself. It is the most bizarre sensation I've experienced and it also adds to my lack of being able to discern the passing of time.} {They have not asked me any questions, so I assume I am not being held prisoner for any information I hold. What is the reason for my being here and still alive? I must be a benefit to them for some reason, but what could that be?} ::A doorway opens into the room and A9 is blinded by the light coming from outside the room. He hears the sounds of machinery whirring up into action and then there is a huge thump of a sound and his exoskeletal suit goes completely dead - he is unable to move at all. He is approached by two people, but his eyes still cannot adjust to the light enough to get a view of their features. They seem tall and strong, but since he is weakened and lying on the floor, it is hard to know if that's true, They pull a blindfold over his eyes to keep him from seeing any more, but it is also a relief from the intense light. They begin to remove his uniform and then unbolt the exoskel suit manually, as the power is still down. They leave him in just his undertunic and leggings and the light goes away, along with the sound of their presence. He reaches up and removes the blindfold and finds himself in the room, in the dark, once again:: {EMP, you've got to be kidding me!? That must have been a localized EMP since it's about the only thing that can shorted out my suit. So, now they have my uniform and my suit, what is going on?! Less and less of me is being left behind, I have to wonder if they are ever going to let me go or even use me for a bargaining chip ... It is so dark and I am just tired from the light, tired from the activity, tired from still being here}
  7. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #801, STARDATE 51403.17 =/\= Earth's weather has become dangerously unstable and SFHQ has requested all ships in Sector 001 to assist in rescue operations for the terrible storms and terrestrial disasters taking place. The Federation Council has made an exception for the Manticore and given Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. The Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues as T'Prise located the empty Admiral's Yacht cloaked in Titan orbit and a tactical team has just landed in the moonbase in a shuttle. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #801, STARDATE 51403.17 =/\= 140317.txt
  8. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #801, STARDATE 51403.17 =/\= Earth's weather has become dangerously unstable and SFHQ has requested all ships in Sector 001 to assist in rescue operations for the terrible storms and terrestrial disasters taking place. The Federation Council has made an exception for the Manticore and given Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. The Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues as T'Prise located the empty Admiral's Yacht cloaked in Titan orbit and a tactical team has just landed in the moonbase in a shuttle. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #801, STARDATE 51403.17 =/\=
  9. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #800, STARDATE 51403.10 =/\= Earth's weather has became dangerously unstable and SFHQ has requested all ships in Sector 001 to assist in rescue operations for the terrible storms and terrestrial disasters taking place. The Federation Council contacted Manticore and gave Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. Meanwhile, the Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues and T'Prise has located the Admiral's Yacht cloaked in Titan orbit, but still no sign of him. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #800, STARDATE 51403.10 =/\= 140310.txt
  10. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #800, STARDATE 51403.10 =/\= Earth's weather has became dangerously unstable and SFHQ has requested all ships in Sector 001 to assist in rescue operations for the terrible storms and terrestrial disasters taking place. The Federation Council contacted Manticore and gave Sovak orders to insure the safety of the Terran Weather Control Center, secretly located on Titan. Meanwhile, the Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues and T'Prise has located the Admiral's Yacht cloaked in Titan orbit, but still no sign of him. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #800, STARDATE 51403.10 =/\=
  11. ::A9 sits in the dark, still bound to the chair in his cell, sliding in and out of consciousness:: {I don't get it, it's not making sense. They had me in a bright room, full of sounds, to keep me from sleeping, now this. It is so dark, my eyes cannot adjust enough to make out the details of the room any more. They have stopped feeding me food, yet I am not feeling the effects of deprivation, so they must be giving me some sort of nourishment. This would explain the soreness in my arm, as if I am getting supplements injected, but I cannot remember it happening. I keep finding myself waking up, so they must feed me while I am asleep. I would think I would wake up for that, since it's not a speedy process. I can only assume they are sedating me as well as sustaining me. That could also explain why I haven't felt any other bodily needs, besides sleep. I don't understand why they are dealing with my various needs absent from my conscious mind. Maybe they are afraid of my TK, maybe they don't want to answer my questions, maybe... maybe... maybe I am *SO* disoriented by this latest tactic and that is the reason in and of itself.} {I do know that their early removal of my transponder is why I have not been rescued and why I cannot depend on anyone to come to my aid. I am on my own, half awake, half asleep, half crazy. I am having difficulty doing more than over-analyzing my situation and cannot string two ideas together to try and help myself, even as I know that no one else will be helping me} {Is this all there is?}
  12. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #799, STARDATE 51403.03 =/\= Manticore was in Earth's spacedock for repairs. The planet's weather became dangerously unstable and SFHQ sent an assault team to the planetary weather control center in Tierra del Fuego. It turns out that this center was a fake and the Federation Council contacted Manticore and gave Sovak orders to insure the safety of the real Terran Weather Control Center, located on Titan! In the meantime, the Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues and T'Prise has found the Admiral's Yacht cloaked in Titan orbit, but still no sign of him. The crew is concerned about this coincidence of locale, since very few members of this crew believe in coincidence. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #799, STARDATE 51403.03 =/\= 140303.txt
  13. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #799, STARDATE 51403.03 =/\= Manticore was in Earth's spacedock for repairs. The planet's weather became dangerously unstable and SFHQ sent an assault team to the planetary weather control center in Tierra del Fuego. It turns out that this center was a fake and the Federation Council contacted Manticore and gave Sovak orders to insure the safety of the real Terran Weather Control Center, located on Titan! In the meantime, the Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues and T'Prise has found the Admiral's Yacht cloaked in Titan orbit, but still no sign of him. The crew is concerned about this coincidence of locale, since very few members of this crew believe in coincidence. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #799, STARDATE 51403.03 =/\=
  14. ::A9 sits on the floor of the room, his eyes closed, his hands over his ears, awake - for a very long time. His mind is racing:: {How long have I been in this room, it seems like a very long time. This room started off as pitch dark with floodlights on me, then I TK'ed them and they lit up the frakking walls... so bright! I close my eyes, but it is still so bright, I try to cover my closed eyes with my hands, but the noise they pipe in here is so loud, so discordant, so random. I know what they are doing it, but it is still completely effective. Just as I start to sleep, the sound begins, the lights on full blast. They only dim them both when they give me food and expect me to then use the bowls for bodily purposes. The times I refuse, they take away the food and turn on the light and sound show again. The same when I try and make meal time and personal time go on longer than they want, and the times I tried to use my TK, it led to longer times between meals and quiet.}} {I... I don't know how long I have been here, but there have been about 6 meal times - has to be more than two days with all the delays I bring on myself - and I know I haven't gotten more than a few minutes rest or sleep. They don't ask me any questions, but I know that will change, once I'm "ready." If they wanted to kill me, they would have done so already. If they wanted simply a hostage, I would be left in te dark, but given regular food and personal breaks. No, they want me... pliant. What's worse is that I can try to be as logical and reasoned about this as I can, but I can feel my rational mind slipping, my resolve and my courage fading. I want to sleep, SO BADLY. I just want some quiet, some darkness, some comfort. I know if I fight them I will never see any of it. Frak, I don't even have anything to use my TK on, if I thought I could even control it any more. They are patient, persistent, good at their job. I have to hold on, I have to try and climb... I have to escape and ride... what am I thinking about? I don't get it... I just want to go home, I just want to go away, please make it all go away, me too } ::The lights dim to almost total darkness and the sound is turned off. The door is open, but no food bowls are brought in, just a person enters, wearing an EVA suit with all the external-facing lights on, to blind A9:: VoiceInTheDark> ::through the suit speakers:: Admiral, I see you are progressing well. A9> ::squinting at the man in the suit, finally giving up and covering his eyes with his hands:: I don't understand? VITD> Yes, exactly. So tell me, why are you on Titan, and don't go on and on about it being your home. We both know there's something else. A9> ::getting emotional:: No, really, it's shore leave. I don't get to see home that often. I just wanted to go home, let me go home! VITD> You are home, don't you recognize it? Look around. A9>::Takes his hand away from his eyes and squints them open into the light:: No, I want to go home, Go Home!! VITD> Admiral, I promise you can go home, as soon as you tell me why you're here. A9> I am here because I want to go home. VITD> ::angry tone to his voice:: I see you have more to do before you are ready to help, ready to leave. No rest for the wicked! ::He turns and walks away from A9 just as the light and sounds start up again:: A9> No, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  15. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #798, STARDATE 51402.24 =/\= Manticore is Earth's spacedock for repairs. The planet's weather has become extremely unstable and the senior commanders of all ships in the sector were witness to a Starfleet assault team's visit to the planetary weather control center in Tierra del Fuego. The center is not only empty, it was never actually the command center for planetary weather, as all were led to believe. In the meantime, the Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues and no one knows where he is or how to find him. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #798, STARDATE 51402.24 =/\= 140224.txt
  16. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #798, STARDATE 51402.24 =/\= Manticore is Earth's spacedock for repairs. The planet's weather has become extremely unstable and the senior commanders of all ships in the sector were witness to a Starfleet assault team's visit to the planetary weather control center in Tierra del Fuego. The center is not only empty, it was never actually the command center for planetary weather, as all were led to believe. In the meantime, the Admiral's kidnapping on Titan continues and no one knows where he is or how to find him. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #798, STARDATE 51402.24 =/\=
  17. ::A9 jerks awake, realizing that he must have fallen asleep, even though the very bright lights have been on him the whole time. He doesn't know how long he has been tied to the chair in this room, but it must have been more than a day, since he is quite hungry, as well as tired.:: A9> (m) I wish I hadn't left my exoskel in the Pegasus. Then again, I was looking forward to a relaxing time back at home and I don't need it here. It's not like I expected to be... Frak, who Expects to be kidnapped, sheesh. Okay, enough of playing the victim, I still have my TK, but maybe it's best to keep it as a surprise. Then again, if no one is watching me too closely, maybe I can get some mood lighting. ::He focuses his telekenesis on the lights and gives them a "push." He hears a metallic creak but nothing happens. He tries a harder push and the lights shift direction slightly, along with the metallic grating sound. He grits his teeth, closes his eyes and forces a big push of TK and the bulbs all shatter, raining down lighting materials at the far end of the room. He opens his eyes and he finds himself totally blind as the room is suddenly plunged into darkness and his pupils are constricted from the brightness. He closes his eyes again and waits for his vision to adjust:: A9> Ohhkay, long narrow room, one door and it looks like surveillance equipment over the door, where the lights were. I'm betting I won't have much time before they come in and then how do I... ? ::The door opens and three people enter with hand lamps, two flashing them right into his eyes, he squints and closes his eyes:: VoiceInTheDark> Admiral, you must tell me how you did that, it's such a fun parlor trick. You two, get the wall panels changed to lighting, so our guest won't have any objects he can break. ::A9 opens his eyes slightly, to see two of the hand lamps turning and exiting through the door, just one remained and it is focused on his face:: VITD> Please don't think I am someone who you can overpower. I have both a light and a disrupter aimed at you. If you try to rise out of your chair, I will be forced to shoot you. Please know that I will have no problem doing so. You are a pleasant addition to my plans, but it was a happy accident and I don't need you to achieve my goals. VITD> After I have the walls lit up, I will have someone bring in a thin bowl of water, another empty one and some food you can eat with your hands. Then I will release you from your chair and remove the chair from the room. None of the items you will be left with are particularly substantial and there are going to be no utensils. There will be no option for you to fashion a weapon or projectile and if you try anything antagonistic, I will simply tie you back to your chair and let you starve, while soiling yourself. Again, do not delude yourself into thinking that I hold you in any special regard, even with your high rank in Starfleet. It is true that you are not completely without value, but that will be much later in my progress. I will assess your worth again, at that time, if you are still alive, Good morning. ::The light turns and the silhouette leaves the room before A9's eyes can adjust enough to get any details about the person:: A9> Boy, when I decided to take some time to get away, this was *NOT* what I had in mind.
  18. /\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #797, STARDATE 51402.17 =/\= Manticore is back in Earth orbit, in spacedock for some repairs. While on shoreleave, the crew starts to notice extremely unseasonable weather. Meanwhile, the Admiral has been kidnapped on Titan and his assailants have removed and killed his subcutaneous transponder keyed to Starfleet frequencies. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #797, STARDATE 51402.17 =/\= 140217.txt
  19. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #797, STARDATE 51402.17 =/\= Manticore is back in Earth orbit, in spacedock for some repairs. While on shoreleave, the crew starts to notice extremely unseasonable weather. Meanwhile, the Admiral has been kidnapped on Titan and his assailants have removed and killed his subcutaneous transponder keyed to Starfleet frequencies. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #797, STARDATE 51402.17 =/\=
  20. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #796, STARDATE 51402.10 =/\= Manticore is back in Earth orbit, in spacedock for some repairs. Shoreleave for all and the crew enjoys Sector 001. Uhh, anyone see where the Admiral has gone to? =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #796, STARDATE 51402.10 =/\= 140210.txt
  21. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #796, STARDATE 51402.10 =/\= Manticore is back in Earth orbit, in spacedock for some repairs. Shoreleave for all and the crew enjoys Sector 001. Uhh, anyone see where the Admiral has gone to? =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #796, STARDATE 51402.10 =/\=
  22. ::Sitting in the pilot seat of the Pegasus, Atragon looks, stunned, at the control panel where the speaker grill just finished vibrating with the refusal of his landing request to his home:: +COM+ Ohh-kay, let me try this again, this is Admiral Atragon-9, Commander of Starfleet's Special Operations Division. I am requesting landing clearance to the main Titan spaceport. TITAN+ Yes, Admiral, we verified the source of Pegasus, but we still must deny your clearance. ::A9 does his best fish-flopping-on-the-deck impression in disbelief. He follows up with a double take for no one's benefit and focuses on the control panel in earnest:: +COM+ Please connect me with the Port's commanding officer... Immediately. TITAN+ I ... Yes, uhh, Admiral, right away. ::the comm is silent for 45 seconds and then a new voice is heard on the speaker:: TITAN+ This is Commodore Persus, commander of port operations. Is this Admiral Atragon-9 of the USS Manticore? +COM+ Yes, Commodore, it is. Why am I being refused landing permissions to your public bays? I grew up here and wish to visit friends and family. TITAN+ Admiral, the port is closed to all ships, due to security concerns. We are hopeful the issue will be resolved within a day. +COM+ Security? Do you realize what my purview... ::slams his mouth shut, realizing he won't win this with a frontal assault:: Ahem, thank you, Commodore. Pegasus out. ::He cuts the com channel and brings up sensors to try and see what's happening in the moon base below. Looking over the readouts, he doesn't see any recent radiation or energy signatures, no new heat sources and no increase in security services in public sections:: (w) What the devil is going on down there, and how do I get there to find out the real story? Aww Frak, it's time to just bully my way through, I suppose. Okay, gotta make it look good. ::He pilots the Pegasus away from Titan base until it is out of sensor range. Then he engages the ship's cloak and adjusts the grav system to Titan Standard, 0.3 Earth gravity. He slips out of his uniform and exoskeleton suit. Finally, he puts on some of his old Titanian clothing, finishing the outfit with a type 1 phaser on his belt and a personal cloaking device clipped to his collar. He pilots the Pegasus back to Titan and parks it out of range of base sensors. Stepping to the transporter pad, he punches in the coordinates for a location in the warehouse district, to a self-storage facility that he owns and beams himself down. Looking around, everything seems in order, so he engages the personal cloak and steps outside the storage unit.:: ::He moves to the nearest tram station and slips into a car just as the doors are closing, watching the passengers for anyone who might notice the personal cloak's immediate shimmer effect, but it seems like he is remaining undetected. He relaxes and enjoys the sights of home as the tram moves toward Titan City center, thinking that the place to start looking for unusual behavior is City Square. He exits the tram downtown and walks carefully among the locals, noting a very regular day:: (w) What the frak... ::He wanders closer to the public assembly stage when he hears the startup sound of an energy weapon, right behind him. He turns and reaches for his phaser just as he faces one main with a disruptor and two others moving in from either side. They all have monocular rigs on and are staring directly at him, even though his cloak is fully engaged.:: "Take it easy, Citizen, Keep your hand off the phaser and we can all walk out of here alive... Last Warning"
  23. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #795, STARDATE 51402.03 =/\= Manticore is back in Earth orbit, in spacedock for some repairs. All ashore for any going ashore. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #795, STARDATE 51402.03 =/\= 140203.txt
  24. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #795, STARDATE 51402.03 =/\= Manticore is back in Earth orbit, in spacedock for some repairs. All ashore for any going ashore. =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #795, STARDATE 51402.03 =/\=
  25. =/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #794, STARDATE 51401.27 =/\= Manticore was boarded by a small, cloaked Special Ops shuttle. The shuttle had a special cargo, an out-of-phase creature that looks like a 10 foot lizard with a scorpion tail. Following attacks on many of our crew, we targeted and blew up the shuttle with the creature onboard. We have confirmation of the beast being destroyed.... or, at least, the beast's tail (which it may have shed.) =/\= END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #794, STARDATE 51401.27 =/\= 140127.txt