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Everything posted by Atragon9

  1. Well, if we're going back to the original question, I believe it's been answered but here you go again. There are three rooms that are open to anyone to enter at anytime. The Starfleet Lounge, Holodeck and Ready Room - and that's it. The system is run by PeopleSoft on behalf of Paramount and we all KNOW that there are other rooms set up for other purposes, either private meetings by the corporation or special event rooms. In any event, they are not open to the public, most of the time, so there are passwords on them. We don't know the passwords, because it's got nothing to do with STSF - it's as simple as that.
  2. Hey folks, can we stop with the hitting/bombing/attacking-each-other concepts on these Boards? They have NOTHING to do with the topics and they just make folks roll their eyes and sigh as they have to slog through these postings to get to something on topic. There is really no place for this type of writing on the STSF Boards, okay? To use one word - Chill
  3. Crap. I saw one episode of it and I hated it. Get a grip Admiral & company! Boy, this guy really knows how to make a good impression, doesn't he?
  4. The first two seasons are out on DVD!!!!
  5. Well, this may seem like treason coming from the Admiral of the group, but I truly love Babylon-5. This was a series that did not assume that the audience are all idiots. The long arc stories and sly internal references would reward people who were regular viewers. Hey, what can you say about a series where the Security Chief had a painting of Daffy Duck in his quarters, and they found acting jobs for Will Robinson, Chekov and Flounder! The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father!
  6. You mean the one with you on the Bridge with the...
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Oh Goddess!
  8. HD, let me be the first to voice what we're all feeling... EWWWW!!!!!! Staples!!!???!! Oh, sorry I meant, Yaaaay, great to have you back with us!
  9. I heard from HD's family that the surgery took about 6 hours and they were able to remove all of the tumor without affecting him at all. He should be home in a few days and we can get the full scoop from the man himself. God Speed, HyperDrive!
  10. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #267, STARDATE 50307.21 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology. These bits of Starfleet tech are being sold by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. Meanwhile, Atragon-9 has left Manticore, in the Pegasus, to hunt down Melville himself. After avoiding a Romulan torpedo attack, the ship slipped by two Romulan warbirds and is now in orbit around an ice-bound moon, observing a mountain seem to disappear and shapeshift. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #267, STARDATE 50307.21 =/\=
  11. Greets Simmers and other Beings, You've heard some of us talking about Shore Leave - West in Las Vegas. Well, that time is upon us. This means that there may be a delay in any questions or requests posted to some GMs and players if they are among the ones offline and enjoying the triple-digit heat and wallet-sucking fun of Sin City (I know *I* am looking forward to it). Some of us will have laptops and some of those might check in on you guys - but don't count on it. All scheduled sims will be held with the possible exception of the RES Talon, this Thursday evening. If you're interested to know who will be there, you can check out http://members.aol.com/captainfredm/ See You In Space!
  12. Yeah, but you notice one escape pod missing. Hey, you think I got to be Admiral by hard work and strong command skills?? Naaaah, it's by always knowing the shortest distance to the nearest shuttle, escape pod or EVA suit. These outer space tin cans are notorious for springing leaks (especially when deliberately punctured from the inside, ifyouknowwhatImean!
  13. Oooooh, sounds like an Academy idea to me!! After all, I remember doing evil Santa aliens in December once and there were those gigantic rabbits that threw brightly colored concussion grenades at Easter time, too. Monty Python sim, hmmmmm, yeaahhhhh (hee-heeee)
  14. Not Drankum, NOOOOOOO Uhh, I mean - always a pleasure!
  15. I am the GM who says... NEEE!
  16. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #266, STARDATE 50307.14 =/\= The Manticore is in Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology. These bits of Starfleet tech are being sold by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. Meanwhile, Atragon-9 has left Manticore, in the Pegasus, to hunt down Melville himself. At one Romulan station evidence has been found of phasing cloaks, but further investigation was curtailed by an attack by a Romulan warbird. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #266, STARDATE 50307.14 =/\=
  17. Oh, did you see me as Harry Mudd from a few years back when I took off the beard and only had a moustache? The websites that have pictures of many of us are not behind firewalls or passwords, but I also don't think anyone should post any links since that *would* be treading on some privacy issues (i.e. we selectively get people the URL, but don't post it out here for any to see). Thanks
  18. Let me take this further. The three sims is a MINIMUM and always has been. There was never a time when people were regularly graduating on their third. Thanks.
  19. Please join me in (belatedly) welcoming a Gamemaster to the forum, STSF StarDust!!! Some of you may have seen StarDust, since he has been GMing with us for a few months now!! StarDust, I'm so sorry if I forgot to officially welcome you before! Welcome STARDUST !!!
  20. Please join me in welcoming our newest Gamemaster to the forum, STSF Lebowski!!! Some of you may have seen him completing his training on Tuesdays with Jami and Jorlis and now he's out on his own! Keep your eyes on the schedule for his appearance in an academy near you! Welcome LEBOWSKI !!!
  21. Sometimes you have to look around for the hidden camera and microphone, eh? Could you getting "a little ticked at GM's" hurt your chances for graduation? Is that the question?? ::ahem:: Well, let me put it this way. The GMs are looking for someone who understands how to sim and gets along with others on the crew. This assumes a certain maturity and getting ticked off at ANYONE in the room can definitely hurt your chances, yes.
  22. ::Seated in the Pegasus, A9 is just finishing his initial flight configurations that he didn't have time for before the drop launch:: (m) Destination coming from the data crystal I downloaded, cloak engaged, presets to give any possible interim targets a wide berth, systems at minimum power utilization... Okay, now I just wait until I get there. ::looking at the puzzle piece still clutched in his hand, his breath catches:: Computer, open personal log, Admiral Atragon-9, USS Manticore, NCC-5852, password *********, encryption key ### ## #### [whirr, click] A puzzle, just like a puzzle, damnit! Now that it's all in place, why is it so obvious in 20/20 hindsight!? Margaux is Megan, or maybe it's that Margaux WAS Megan?? GAAAAAA!!! ::Slams his fist into the armrest of his chair, then takes a few ragged breaths:: Why the hell didn't she...? All the comments about Melville, the way she would know about my past, the way she knew how to get under my skin with just the slightest comment only like a lover could... How could I have missed that!? I guess her death would throw me off the trail, eh? Not that it seems to have stopped Melville, after all. Still, she has been on this crew for years now. How cold had she become that she didn't tell me before now? All these questions and I'm headed off to get myself killed by our one remaining common bond. The touch of her hand back there - was it the same? Is it really her?? ::sigh:: Yes, I know, in my heart, that it IS. Now I'm married to Jami. That part of my life is past, it's over, it's done, it's... it's an old wound that has just been ripped open. ::tears stream down his cheeks:: (q) damn. I have to focus on why I'm here, I have to get a GRIP! I need to get a message to the ship without endangering either vessel. Something just buried in the carrier signals, something low power. ::chuckle:: I wonder if anyone but me knows old Morse code. I know that I used to goof around with it with Jami and... (q) Megan, too. UNNNNNNHHHHHH!!! ::he throws the puzzle piece across the Pegasus, not watching where it falls:: No, NO!!! Morse, let me focus on Morse. Computer, EOM, EOT [whirr, click] ::flipping on the low-band comm system, he starts to interrupt the outgoing flow toward Manticore:: ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / ... --- / --. --- --- -.. / .- ----. ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / ... --- / --. --- --- -.. / .- ----. ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / ... --- / --. --- --- -.. / .- ----. ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / ... --- / --. --- --- -.. / .- ----. ... --- / ..-. .- .-. / ... --- / --. --- --- -.. / .- ----.
  23. I agree 100% with Moose. If you are able to come and hang out with Manticore or the Wednesday Academy at any point inthe future, you KNOW that you are welcome. If there is one thing STSF is founded on, it's the desire for all of us to escape our Real Life for an hour at a time. If simming can take you someplace calm and safe (hmm, well then forget Dac's Academy, eh?) and Fun, then use it to it's fullest extent and let us know how you're doing. Our thoughts are with you and your family. -The Old Guy
  24. =/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #265, STARDATE 50307.07 =/\= The Manticore has been ordered into Romulan space to hunt down illegally obtained Federation technology. These bits of Starfleet tech are being sold by former Consul General Melville, who has survived, somehow, his own death. While Manticore hunts down and destroys the "stolen" goods, Atragon-9 has left the ship, in the Pegasus, to hunt down Melville himself. =/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #265, STARDATE 50307.07 =/\=
  25. I was in the woods with the Cub Scouts and we were involved in pellet riflery, archery, swimming, boating, handicrafts and the ever popular slogging through the mud (on the 3rd, we got 3½ inches of rain) while scratching your leg skin off to get to the BUG BITES!!! Yes, I'm baaaaaaack!