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About Darrik

  • Rank
    Offical STSF Potato
  • Birthday 07/01/2004

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  1. Hey, just wanted to stop by and wish you all a happy festivus; may your aluminum pole have a very high strength-to-weight ratio, you have a great tv dinner, win at wrestling, finally get all your grievences off of your chest, and maybe even have a festivus miracle or two.
  2. bound to fail
  3. Muppet Treasure Island (Best. Movie. Ever.)
  4. For those of you who need more firefly, there's a comic book mini series (3 issues) that bridges the gap between the tv show and the movie.
  5. mystery meat
  6. where's the "bum lying in the gutters" choice?
  7. roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you AHH! NERD POETRY!!!1
  8. Some areas by the east coast are almost at $8 a gallon!
  9. Enterprise (someone had to, might as well be me)
  10. MOOmilk.com
  11. Cows watch TV to!
  12. your enthusiasm
  13. cottage cheese