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Sir Squidsalot

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About Sir Squidsalot

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  1. My favorite moment was being fed t'Rexan.
  2. Translated from Squid for everyone's reading pleasure... Sir Squidsalot took a moment to assess the situation. Decisions were much harder without the guidance of the Grand Squid. (The Grand Squid had left with the mothershuttle, planning to return with the larger mothership they had left at Skoru). Some of the Rihan with whom they had formed an alliance were causing trouble; some had not yet seen the boxes, they had not yet learned the ways of the Grand Squid. Soon, they would. But, until then, they had to be controlled. Then, there was the Khre'Riov. Her hand tasted bitter, but crunchy. It was only slightly sweetened by the equipment so generously provided by Lenny. But, she had seen the box.... and, she had not been converted. She was real trouble, but under control. Sir Squidsalot recalled the days of their first alliance, before the universal adaptor boxes were developed. At the time, he was a young squidling who had only recently joined the ranks of the Faithful in their quest for the d'vml'l'b. The search had not been going well lately, with many failures and false starts. In those days, bounty hunters from all over the galaxy were competing in the search for the d'vml'l'b. The previous Grand Squid had a hunch that an artifact was located on a planet populated by a pre-industrial civilization. The only clue they had was that an artifact-fragment was somewhere on the planet, but they did not know where. Sir Cephalopidus, the second director at the time, realized that the natives of the planet may hold the key to what they were looking for, and may not even know it themselves! The Squid proposed to form an alliance, in which they could learn about the natives and their culture. The natives, impressed with the Squids' much higher level of technology, agreed. After one standard year on the planet, the Squid gathered together all the information they had learned. All the natives on the planet shared a common creation myth involving a seed planted under the soil and sprouting the earth above it. One native group even claimed that the origin of creation was in their territory. Cephalopidus knew what to do. He gathered all the Squid off the planet and ordered a high intensity energy barrage at the location of the planet's "origin of creation." With Squidsalot as his helmsman, he brought a Squid mothershuttle deep into the planet's crust. Behind a wave of tectonic instability, the mothershuttle returned to space with a 2 cm diameter amber colored rock. Shortly thereafter, the planet succumbed to its geological instability, turning the surface into a volcanic wasteland. It was all worth it - the rock fit perfectly - the last missing piece completing the amulet that now hung around the Second Director's neck (for as much as a Squid has one). A Council of ElderSquid convened and ascended Sir Cephalopidus to become the next, and current, Grand Squid. Squidsalot checked the course once again with the Rihan helmsman. They were still headed for the gas giant Mylan Two, where they would rendezvous with the mothership and continue the search. Maybe then the Grand Squid would reveal what role this alliance would have in the search for the artifact. -- Sir Squidsalot Second Director to the Grand Squid Effectively in control of RES Talon
  3. Translated from Squid for everyone's reading pleasure... Sir Squidsalot took a moment to assess the situation. Decisions were much harder without the guidance of the Grand Squid. (The Grand Squid had left with the mothershuttle, planning to return with the larger mothership they had left at Skoru). Some of the Rihan with whom they had formed an alliance were causing trouble; some had not yet seen the boxes, they had not yet learned the ways of the Grand Squid. Soon, they would. But, until then, they had to be controlled. Then, there was the Khre'Riov. Her hand tasted bitter, but crunchy. It was only slightly sweetened by the equipment so generously provided by Lenny. But, she had seen the box.... and, she had not been converted. She was real trouble, but under control. Sir Squidsalot recalled the days of their first alliance, before the universal adaptor boxes were developed. At the time, he was a young squidling who had only recently joined the ranks of the Faithful in their quest for the d'vml'l'b. The search had not been going well lately, with many failures and false starts. In those days, bounty hunters from all over the galaxy were competing in the search for the d'vml'l'b. The previous Grand Squid had a hunch that an artifact was located on a planet populated by a pre-industrial civilization. The only clue they had was that an artifact-fragment was somewhere on the planet, but they did not know where. Sir Cephalopidus, the second director at the time, realized that the natives of the planet may hold the key to what they were looking for, and may not even know it themselves! The Squid proposed to form an alliance, in which they could learn about the natives and their culture. The natives, impressed with the Squids' much higher level of technology, agreed. After one standard year on the planet, the Squid gathered together all the information they had learned. All the natives on the planet shared a common creation myth involving a seed planted under the soil and sprouting the earth above it. One native group even claimed that the origin of creation was in their territory. Cephalopidus knew what to do. He gathered all the Squid off the planet and ordered a high intensity energy barrage at the location of the planet's "origin of creation." With Squidsalot as his helmsman, he brought a Squid mothershuttle deep into the planet's crust. Behind a wave of tectonic instability, the mothershuttle returned to space with a 2 cm diameter amber colored rock. Shortly thereafter, the planet succumbed to its geological instability, turning the surface into a volcanic wasteland. It was all worth it - the rock fit perfectly - the last missing piece completing the amulet that now hung around the Second Director's neck (for as much as a Squid has one). A Council of ElderSquid convened and ascended Sir Cephalopidus to become the next, and current, Grand Squid. Squidsalot checked the course once again with the Rihan helmsman. They were still headed for the gas giant Mylan Two, where they would rendezvous with the mothership and continue the search. Maybe then the Grand Squid would reveal what role this alliance would have in the search for the artifact. -- Sir Squidsalot Second Director to the Grand Squid Effectively in control of RES Talon