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Dray McKenna

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About Dray McKenna

  • Rank
    Out of my Vulcan mind
  • Birthday 03/21/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    U.S.S. Comanche Creek

About Me

Drayvend was only 5 years of age when Jonas McKenna then Captain of the U.S.S. Newcastle found him knee deep in a trash bin of electronic components used by Demitron a Vulcan Research and Development lab. Although very young Drayvend seemed to show advanced knowledge in science and mathematics. This was apparent due to the contraptions Jonas found nearby that to his amazement actually functioned when activated. Captain McKenna ordered his X/O Commander John Tilley to clean the child and prep him for transport aboard the Apollyon.


Once aboard the Apollyon Drayvend was treated as a Star Fleet recruit and was subject to training and research on Star Fleets SOP's ( Standard Operating Procedures ). Drayvend made fine progress however, Captain McKenna was well aware of the dangers of pressuring a child without time to unwind and just be a child. He decided to have an exclusive Holo-Projection Activity Room built just for Drayvend for his 7th birthday. This holodeck was unique in that it conjured up any situation your mind could imagine. The irony of Drayvends resulting behavior was humorous but admirable to Captain McKenna. Although the projection room was built with the intention of providing an atmosphere of relaxation and entertainment for young Drayvend, it seemed as though it to was called upon to quench Drayvends never ending thirst for knowledge as it was very common to peer inside and find Drayvend sitting indian style in the middle of the holodeck with a science almanac of some sort.


When Drayvend finally reached the age of 21 he decided to enlist in Star Fleet and use the Federation to continue his conquests on scientific discovery. However, when his father Captain Jonas McKenna was killed during an ambush of Klingon Cruisers in the Sirius Sector, he put off his enlistment for 2 years while he mourned and reconsidered his future. He finally decided at the age of 23 that the death of his father only served to harden his resolve for the discovery of new planets. His father would have wanted him to continue his conquests. He told himself. At the age of 27 Drayvend graduated from the Star Fleet Academy and was assigned to Star Fleets newest flagship the USS Enterprise formerly under the command of Captain Christopher Pike who has since been promoted to Admiral. However, shortly thereafter Dray came down with a moderate case of "lung worm" and was forced to take a leave of absence for 3 months. After his return Dray re attended a refresher academy course and was re graduated to active duty. He currently awaits his orders.